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Vorbirea direct i indirect (Direct and Indirect Speech)

Exist dou posibiliti de redarea a spuselor cuiva: prin vorbire direct i indirect.
26.1. Vorbirea direct (Direct Speech)
26.1.1. n vorbirea direct se reproduc ntocmai cuvintele persoanei care le-a rostit. Acestea se introduc de obicei prin virgul i
sunt ncadrate ntre ghilimele, spre deosebire de limba romn: He asked me, Where is Dan ? M-a ntrebat: - Unde este Dan?
26.1.2. Enunul reprodus ndeplinete funcia de propoziie completiv direct a predicatului din propoziia principal. Propoziia
principal poate aprea nainte, intercalat sau dup completiva direct. Cu excepia poziiei iniiale, poate avea loc inversiune
ntre subiect i predicat cnd subiectul este exprimat printr-un substantiv, iar verbul este la Present saau Past Tense Simple: Tom
said, I can come with you,
I can come with you said Tom.
I can come with you Tom said.
I can come with you he said.
26.1.3. Folosirea timpurilor n vorbirea direct nu este afectat de timpul predicatului din propoziia principal:
He is saying -Ill see him tomorrow.
- I met her last night.
- Ive just arrived.
He has said -Ill see him tomorrow.
- I met her last night.
- Ive just arrived.
He said -Ill see him tomorrow.
- I met her last night.
- Ive just arrived.
26.2. Vorbirea indirect (Indirect / Reported Speech)
n vorbirea indirect, o a treia persoan red spusele cuiva, fr a reproduce totdeauna ntocmai cuvintele sale: John said to Peter,
Shall I meet you at the station tomorrow ?
John suggested that he should meet Peter at the station the next day.
John suggested meeting Peter at the station the next day.
Propoziia reprodus ndeplinete de asemenea funcia de completiv direct a predicatului din propoziia principal.
26.3. Transformarea vorbirii directe n vorbire indirect (Change form Direct to Indirect Speech)
Cndva spusele cuiva sunt trecute de la vorbirea direct la cea indirect, procedeul frecvent utilizat n coversaie, au loc anumite
schimbri att n propoziia principal ct i n completiva direct. Modificrile sunt de dou feluri: A) generale, care afecteaz
orice fel de enun reprodus; B) specifice, caracteristice fiecrui tip de propoziie: enuniativ, interogativ, exclamativ,
26.3.1. A. Modificrile generale se refer la: persoan, determinani i timpuri verbale.
Pronumele personal, reflexiv i posesiv se schimba dup neles: persoana I i II-a devin de obicei persoana a III-a: Tom said to
Mary, You should have asked me first. Tom told Mary that she should have asked him first.
Pot aprea ns i cazuri ca: You are right, Diana, said Paul. Diana: Paul said that I was right.
Pronumele rmne neschimbat cnd vorbitorul i reproduce propriile lui cuvinte: I think we should leave immediately, I said. I
said I thought we should leave immediately.
26.3.2. Pronumele / adjectivele demonstrative i adverbele de loc i timp ce indic apropierea sunt nlocuite cu altele care exprim
deprtarea. Astfel:
here devine
today devine
that day
the day before

next week


the next / following day

the previous week / the week before

Schimbarea adverbelor de loc i timp nu are loc n mod automat. Contextul i momentul vorbirii indirecte indic schimbrile
necesare: The teacher said, Tom, bring your paintings here the day after tomorrow. The teacher told Tom to bring his paintings to
school in two days time.
26.3.3. n ceea ce privete adverbele de timp, ele sunt nlocuite numai dac relaia dintre momentul vorbirii indirecte i momentul
vorbirii directe nu mai este aceeai: 7 : 00 a.m. Radio-news report: British steel workers are planning a rade-union meeting
tomorrow. Tom : They said on the radio yesterday that British steel workers are planning a trade-union meeting today.
Dac actul de vorbire are loc i este reprodus n acceai zi, schimbarea pronumelor i adverbelor determinative nu mai este
necesare, deoarece nelesul lor este acelai fa de momentul prezent: Dan: They said on the radio this morning that British steel
workers are planning a trade-union meeting tomorrow.
Folosirea timpurilor n vorbirea indirect
26.3.4. Dac predicatul din propoziia principal este la prezent, Present Perfect sau viitor, timpul din propoziia redat n vorbirea
indirect (completiva direct) rmn neschimbat.
Alice is saying to Tom, Ill help you if I can.
Alice has said to Tom, Ill help you if I can.
Vorbire indirect:
Alice is telling Tom she will help him if she can.
Alice has told Tom she will help him if she can.
Adjectivele / pronumele demonstrative sau adverbele din completiva direct rmn de asemenea neschimbate: Alice has said, Ill
come here tomorrow. Alice has promised she will come here tomorrow.
26.3.5. Dac predicatul propoziiei principale este la un timp trecut: Past Tense, Past Perfect, Future -in-the-Past, timpurile verbale
din enunul reprodus devin i ele trecute. Aceast schimbare a timpurilor este denumit back-shift n limba englez, deoarece ea
are loc dinspre prezent spre trecut sau dinspre trecut spre un timp i mai trecut:
Past Tense;
Past Tense, Present Perfect, Past Perfect devin Past Perfect;
Schimbarea timpurilor n completiva direct se aplic la propoziiile enuniative, exclamative i interogative.
Mr Brown said to his wife Ive been very busy today.
Mr Brown said to his wife How hungry I am.
Mr Brown said to his wife will you give me something to eat ?
Mr Brown told his wife that he had been very busy that day. He exclaimed that he was very hungry. He asked his wife is she would
give him something to eat.
Propoziiile imperative, care devin infinitive n vorbirea indirect, nu se supun acestei reguli, deoarece nu conin un verb la o
form personal: Mrs Brown said to her husband, Be careful! Dont drive so fast! Mrs Brown told her husband to be careful and
not to drive so fast.
26.3.6. Conform regulilor de coresponden a timpurilor, dup un verb la un timp trecut, Present simple devine de obicei Past
Simple n vorbirea indirect:
Doris said, I have many friends.
Doris said she had many friends.
a) cnd prezentul nedefinit exprim o aciune repetat, un obicei sau o caracteristic a subiectului, timpul poate rmn
neschimbat dac aciunea are acelai caracter i n momentul prezent (momentul vorbirii indirecte): George said I go to the
seaside every summer.
George said that he went to the seaside every summer.
George said that he goes to the seaside every summer.

b) cnd vorbirea direct exprim un fapt universal valabil, un adevr absolut, timpul nu se schimb: The teacher said, Water boils
at 100 Celsius. The teacher said that water boils at 100 Celsius.
c) cnd coninutul enunului este valabil i n momentul vorbirii: George said I cant buy a pair of skis now, I havent saved
enough money. george said, he cant buy a pair of skis as he hasnt saved enough money.
Prezentul continuu se transform de obicei n Past Tense continuu: Im reading. He said he was reading.
26.3.7. O aciune viitoare este exprimat n vorbirea indirect n modul urmtor:
will (+infinitiv) devin: would (+infinitiv)
would (+infinitiv) devin: would (+infinitiv)
I, we shall (+infinitiv) devine: he, they, would (+infintiv) am / is / are going to (+infinitiv) devin: was / were going to (+infinitiv)
Frank said, Im going to buy a new car next year.
Frank said I shall buy a Dacia car.
Frank said he was going to buy a new car the following year and added he would buy a Dacia car.
Excepie: Corespondena timpurilor nu se aplic n cazul n care aciunea e viitoare i momentul vorbirii indirecte, nu numai n
momentul vorbirii directe: George said, Ill take up engineering after graduation. George said hell take up engineering after
26.3.8. Past Simple devine Past Perfect Simple n vorbirea indirect: Mother said, Tom hurt himself. Mother said that Tom had
hurt himself.
Past Simple poate rmne neschimbat pentru:
a) aciuni repetate n trecut: Harry said, I invited all my friend to my birthday parties when I was young. Harry said he invited all
his friends to his birthday parties when he was young.
b) exprimarea unui fapt: The children asked, Were there any animals on the farm ? The children asked if there were any animals
on the farm.
c) enunuri redate n vorbirea indirect imediat dup rostirea lor (n aceeai zi): Paul said, I played football this morning. Paul
said he played football this morning.
d) cnd ntre predicatele din principal i completiva direct nu exist un raport de anterioritate: He said, Sadoveanu was the
greatest writer of his time. he said that Sadoveanu was the greatest writer of his time.
e) n vorbire, dac nu se produce confuzie cu privire la momentele celor dou aciuni: My friend said to me, i saw good film last
night. My friend told me he saw a good film last night.
f) n propoziiile circumstaniale de timp. Propoziia regent circumstanialei de timp poate fi de asemenea meninut la Past Tense
sau deveni Past Perfect:
Our neighbour told us he met our father when he was living in Braov.
Our neighbour told us he had met our father when he was living in Braov.
g) n propoziiile condiionale de tipul 2: Harry said, I would go to the museum if it was open. Harry said he would go to the
museum if it was open.
h) dup wish, would rather, it is time: Its time you finished your papers, the teacher said. The teacher told the pupils it was time
they finished their papers.
26.3.9. Past Tense Continuous devine n principiu Past Perfect Continuous, dar n practic rmne adesea neschimbat.
Schimbarea are loc doar cnd acest timp se refer la o aciune terminat: He said, We were thinking of moving house but have
changed our minds. He said that they had been thinking of moving house but had changed their minds.
26.3.10. Verbele modale se schimb n felul urmtor: may devine might, will devine would, can devine could:
The typist said, The mecanic can fix my typewriter but he wont. The typist complained that the mechanic could fix her typewriter
but he wouldnt.
Dac verbele modale exprimate n vorbire direct nu au forme pentru trecut, ca de exemplu must, need, should, ought to, had
better, sau sunt deja la trecut sau condiional, ca would, could, might i used to (numai Past Tense), ele rmn neschimbate n
vorbirea indirect: We must buy Mother a present for her birthday, the children said. The children said they must buy mother a
present for her birthday. You ought to help your parents, Tom, the teacher said. The teacher told Tom he ought to help his parents.
Atenie! n general must se menine n vorbirea indirect. Cnd ns must exprim o obligaie, el poate deveni would have to sau
had to, n funcie de sens: Harry said, I must go to school now. Harry said he had to go to school immediately. Father said, I must
go to a conference tomorrow. Father said he would have to go a conference the next day.

n mod similar, could este meninut n vorbirea indirect: George asked, Could I use your pen ? George asked me if he could use
my pen, sau meninut / schimbat n funcie de sens:
He said Could you lend me your dictionary, please ?
He said I could swim when it was fine.
He said I couldnt go into the water alone when I was a child.
He asked me to lend him my dictionary.
He asked me if I could lend him my dictionary.
He said he could swim when it was fine.
He said he had been able to swim when it was fine.
He added he couldnt go into the water alone when he was a child.
He added he had not been allowed to go into the water alone when he was a child.
26.3.11. Frazele condiionale de tipul 2 i 3 nu se schimb n vorbirea indirect. Cele de tipul 1 devin identice ca form cu
condiionalele de tipul 2: He said, Youll hurt yourself if you are not careful. he told me I would hurt myself if was not careful.
B. Modificrile specifice se refer la verbele care trebuie folosite n fiecare fel de propoziie reprodus (enuniativ, exclamativ,
interogativ, imperativ), la punctuaie, ordinea cuvintelor etc.
26.3.12. Propoziiile enuniative (Declarative Sentence)
Verbul say este caracteristic vorbirii directe, cu sau fr complement indirect.
Dac este urmat de un complement indirect, verbul say urmeaz de obicei cuvintele reproduse: I dont understand the question,
Cathy said to her teacher.
n vorbirea indirect, se pstreaz de regul say cnd complementul indirect nu este menionat, iar verbul ocup poziia iniial:
Cathy said she didnt understand the lesson.
n celelalte cazuri se ntrebuineaz tell + complement indirect: Cathy told the teacher she didnt understand the question.
Semnele citrii sunt omise n vorbirea indirect, iar enunul reprodus se introduce prin conjuncia that: Ive just arrived, Fred
said. Fred said (that) he had just arrived.
n unele situaii, spusele cuiva nu pot fi reproduse n vorbirea indirect, ci trebuie parafrazate, n funcie de sens:
Paula said, Im sorry Im late.
Youd better stay in bed for a few days, Peter, the doctor said.
Yes i no sunt exprimate n vorbirea indirect cu ajutorul unui subiect i verb auxiliar: Is this device safe ? Yes. The man asked if
the device was safe and the mechanic replied that it was.
sau prin nlocuirea cu verbe de afirmare sau negare:
He said, No. He refused.
He said, No. He denied it.
He said, No. He answered in the negative.
He said, Yes. He agreed.
He said, Yes. He accepted.
He said, Yes. He answered in the affirmative.
26.3.13. Propoziiile interogative
Dac Verbul din principal este say, acesta trebuie nlocuit cu verbe ca: ask, wonder, want to know, inquire etc. Why is Tom
angry ? Helen said to me.
Helen asked (me) why Tom was angry.
Helen wondered why Tom was angry.
Cnd propoziiile interogative sunt redate n vorbirea indirect, ele devin propoziii enuniative. n consecin forma interogativ a
verbului devine afirmativ sau negativ: subiectul precede predicatul, verbul auxiliar do este omis, iar semnul ntrebrii se
transform n punct:
Peter is saying Isnt Bob coming ?

Peter is saying Where does he live ?

Peter wants to know if Bob is not coming.
Peter wants to know where he lives.
Excepie: Cnd un cuvnd interogativ: who, what, how much este subiectul propoziiei interogative, se menine ordinea cuvintelor
din vorbirea direct: Laura says, How many arrived last night ? Laura wants to know how many (people) arrived last night.
De asemenea: I said, Whats the matter ? I asked (him) what was the matter.
Dac n vorbirea direct propoziia interogativ este o ntrebare special , adic dac ea ncepe cu un pronume, adjectiv
interogativ, acesta este pstrat n vorbirea indirect: How do you spell this word ? the teacher has asked. The teacher has asked
how we spell this word.
n cazul unor ntrebri generale, legtura ntre propoziia principal i completiva direct se face cu ajutorul conjunciei if sau
whether: He is saying Have you been to Suceava?
He is asking if we have been to Suceava.
He is asking whether we have been to Suceava.
Whether este folosit n mod obligatoriu pentru redarea n vorbirea indirect a ntrebrilor alternative: Are you going to the theatre
or to the cinema ? Tommy said to his sister. Tommy asked his sister wheter she was going to the theatre or to the cinema.
Tommy asked his sister wheter she was going to the theatre or not.
ntrebrile generale ncepnd cu will / would / could you se transform n vorbirea indirect n mod difereniat, n funcie de sensul
a) o ntrebare despre o aciune viitoare: Will you sing in the choir tomorrow ?
He said . He asked me if I would sing in the choir the next day.
b) o rugminte, cerere: Could you serve the coffee ? Bob said.
Bob asked me to serve the coffee.
Bob asked if I could serve the coffee.
c) o invitaie: Would you attend our meeting ? The children said to their teacher.
The children asked their teacher to their meeting.
The children invited their teacher to their meeting.
d) un ordin, o comand: Copy the lesson, Mary. The teacher told Mary to copy the lesson.
n mod similar, ntrebrile ncepnd cu shall I / we se transform difereniat n vorbire indirect, devenind:
a) o ntrebare despre o aciune viitoare: would + infinitiv: Shall I see you tomorrow ? Bob said. Bob wanted to know if he would
see me the next day.
b) cererea unui sfat: should + infinitiv: Shall I buy the long dress, mother? Alice said. Alice asked her mother if she should buy
the long dress.
c) o ofert: offer + infinitiv lung: Shall I bring you your glasses ? Patricia said. Patricia offered to bring me my glasses.
d) o sugestie: suggest + Gerund / should + infinitiv: Shall we have a snack? Denise said.
Denise suggested having a snack.
Denise suggested that they should have a snack.
Schimbrile de timp n propoziiile interogative au loc la fel ca i n cele enuniative:
He said, Where have you been?
He said, What is Tom doing ?
He said, When will they leave?
He wanted to know where we had been.
He wanted to know what Tom was doing.
He wanted to know when they would leave.
26.3.14. Propoziiile exclamative
Propoziiile exclamative devin propoziii enuniative n vorbirea indirect. n consecin, semnul exclamrii din vorbirea direct
nu mai este necesar: What a funny joke! he said. He exclaimed that it was a funny joke.
Sunt posibile mai multe transformri, n funcie de natura exclamaiei:
a) Exclamaii ncepnd cu what(a)..., how... se transform n completive directe Exclimed that it was very kind of him to help!
mother said. Mother exclaimed that it was very kind of him to help them.
b) Exclamaii ca Oh! Ah! Ugh! devin:
He exclaimed with surprise / disgust, etc.

He gave an exclamation of surprise / disgust, etc.

n funcie de sens se ntrebuineaz diverse verbe (+ adverbe de mod) ca: exclaim, complain, shout, remark, observe, say
admiringly, say scornfully, etc., pentru redarea propoziiilor exclamative n vorbirea indirect: What a delicious cake! the quest
said. The qest said asmiringly that the cake was delicious. How tired I am! the old woman said. The old woman complained that
she was very tired.
Observai de asemenea:
She said, Thank you.
He said, Damn it!
They said, Good morning!
She said, A happy new year!
He said, Well done!
She said, Liar!
She thanked me.
He swore.
They greeted me / wished me a good morning.
She wished me a happy new year.
He congratulated me.
She called me a liar.
Predicatul propoziiei exclamative se supune corespondenei timpurilor fa de un predicat trecut n propoziia principal.
He said, How beautifully she sang!
He said, How pretty she is!
He said, What a delightful trip well have!
He exclaimed that she had sung beautifully.
He said admiringly that she had sung beautifully.
He remarked that she had sung beautifully.
He exclaimed that she was pretty.
He said admiringly that she was pretty.
He remarked that she was pretty.
He exclaimed that they would have a delightful trip.
He said admiringly that they would have a delightful trip.
He remarked that they would have a delightful trip.
Dac exclamaia n vorbirea direct nu conine un verb la un timp personal, n vorbirea indirect se folosete verbul be: Helen
said, What a lovely present! Helen exclaimed that the present was lovely.
26.3.15. Propoziiile imperative
n vorbirea indirect, propoziiile imperative defin infinitive:
a) afirmative: He said, Sit down, Peter.
b) negative: He said , Dont interrupt the speaker please.
Verbul din propoziia principal (say, tell) se nlocuiete cu un verb care exprim un ordin (tell, order, command), o rugminte
(ask, request, urge), un sfat (warn, advise, recommand), etc., n funcie de sens: Officer to soldiers: Clean the barracks! The
officer ordered his soldiers to clean the barracks. Mother to Ann: Pass me the salt, will you ? Mother asked Ann to pass her the
salt. Teacher to Tom: (You shouls) go to the doctor . The teacher advised Tom to go to the doctor.
Aceste verbe sunt urmate n mod obligatoriu de complemente indirecte sau prepoziionale. Dac ele nu menionate n vorbirea
direct, vor fi adugate: Give me my ball! the little boy shouted. The little boy shouted at the bigger to give him his ball.
Dac verbul din principal este la diateza pasiv, complementul indirect nu mai este necesar: Go to bed! they said to Tommy.
Tommy was told to go to bed.
Imperativul pentru persoana I plural (lets + infinitiv) exprim de obicei o sugestie i se exprim n vorbirea indirect prin verbul
suggest + Gerund / completiv direct introdus de that:
Nick said, Lets watch TV.

Nick said, What about watching TV?

Nick suggested watching TV.
Nick suggested that they should watch TV.
Nick suggested that they watch TV. (n engleza american).
Imperativele exprimnd un ordin n general se pot transforma n vorbire indirect i:
- cu ajutorul verbului be to, n special cnd:
a) verbul din principal este la prezent: He says, Do the next exercise! He says that we are to do the next exercise.
b) ordinul este precedat de o propoziie temporal sau condiional: He said, If she comes, ring me up. He said that if she came we
were to ring him up.
- cu ajutorul lui should: The Captain ordered that the sailors should clean the deck./
26.4. Vorbirea indirect liber
Acesta reprezint un stadiu intermediar ntre vorbirea direct i indirect i este utilizat frecvent n stilul narativ. Se
caracterizeaz prin schimbarea timpurilor, a pronumelor i adverbelor ca i n vorbirea indirect, dar propoziia principal este de
obicei omis i se pstreaz unele forme din vorbirea direct: propoziii interogative, vocative, ntrebri disjunctive etc.
Aceast form este adeseori folosit n literatur pentru exprimarea gndurilor unui personaj. n consecin, verbul he thought este
de obicei mai potrivit dect he said n asemenea cazuri.
Diateza verbului (Voice)
1. Definiie. Diateza este categoria gramatical specific verbului care exprim raportul dintre verbului predicat, pe de o parte, i
subiectul i obiectul. (complementul direct sau de agent) al verbului predicat, pe de alt parte.
n limba englez exist dou diateze marcate formal: diateza activ, diateza pasiv.
2. Diateza activ (Active Voice). Verbul este la diateza activ cnd subiectul gramatical svrete aciunea care, la verbele
tranzitive, se rsfrnge asupra obiectului: Lucy (subiect) has written (predicat) a letter (obiect). Lucia a scris o scrisoare.
Not: Pentru clasificarea verbelor din punct de vedere al tranzitivitii, vezi &14.5. - 14.8.
3. Diateza pasiv (Passive Voice). Verbul este la diateza pasiv cnd subiectul gramatical sufer aciunea svrit de obiect: This
letter (subiect) has been written (predicat) by Lucy (obiect). Aceast scrisoare a fost scris de Lucia.
4. Be + participiul trecut. Indicii formali ai diatezei pasive sunt:
a) verbul be sau uneori get,
b) complementul de agent introdus de prepoziia by.
a) Verbul be marcheaz categoriile de mod, timp, persoan i numr la diateza pasiv. El este urmat de un verb noional la
participiul trecut: She was met at the station by my brother. Ea a fost ateptat la gar de fratele meu.
(Was - modul indicativ, Past Tense, persoana a III-a singular).
5. Conjugarea unui verb la diateza pasiv, modul indicativ este:
Aspectul simplu
Present: I am seen. He is seen. We are seen.
Past: I was seen. We were seen.
Present Perfect: I have been seen. He has been seen.
Past Perfect: I had been seen.
Future: I shall be seen. He will be seen.
Future Perfect: I shall have been seen. He will have been seen.
Aspectul continuu este folosit la diateza pasiv doar la Present i Past Tense.
Forma continu de la diateza pasiv are n structura sa verbul be la aspectul continuu (timpul Present sau Past) i
participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat: The classrooms are being cleaned now. Se face curenie n clase acum.
The school was being cleaned when we wented to visit it. Se fcea curenie n coal cnd am vrut s-o vizitm.
6. Get/become + participiul trecut. n afar de verbul be se mai poate folosi i verbul get pentru formarea diatezei pasive.

Verbul get + participiul trecut este utilizat mai ales n vorbirea curent, pentru a indica trecerea dintr-o stare n alta: Her
skirt got caught in the door. I s-a prin fusta n u. All our glasses got broken when we moved. S-au spart toate paharele cnd neam mutat.
Un sinonim al verbului get cu sensul de schimbare treptat este verbul become, nsiit deseori de more and more,
increasingly: The production of this factory is becoming increasingly specialized. Producia acestei fabrici devine din ce n ce mai
7. Complementul de agent. Complementul de agent introdus de prepoziia by indic cine a svrit aciunea suferit de subiectul
gramatical al propoziiei: The poem was recited by Mary. (not by Lucy or Ann). Poezia a fost recitat de Maria (nu de Lucia sau
Not: Complementul de agent este considerat subiectul logic sau real al propoziiei, deoarece el svrete aciunea.
Complementul de agent nu este menionat n majoritatea proproziiilor pasive. El se omite cnd:
a) nu se cunoate subiectul real, cel care a svrit aciunea: All villages in Romania are supplied weve electricity. Toate
satele din Romnia sunt alimentate cu curent electric. A doctor has been send for. Au / s-a trimis dup doctor.
b) Vorbitorul nu dorete s menioneze subiectul real al aciunii: This subject will be. Treated fully in the next charter.
Aceast problem va fi tratat pe larg n urmtorul capitol.
c) subiectul real al aciunii se poate deduce din context: He was elected President of the Teacher - Parent - Association. A
fost ales preedinte al comitetului de prini.
n aceste cazuri subiectul verbului la diateza activ este de obicei exprimat printr-un pronume personal cu valoare
generic: You, they, one, printr-un pronume nehotrt: everybody, somebody, all, sau printr-un substantiv ca people:
Activ: They speak English over the world.
People speak English all over the world.
Pasiv: English is spoken all over the world.
Atenie! Complementul de agent se omite i cnd forma pasiv este get + participiul trecut: The little boy got hurt on his
way to school. Bieelul s-a lovit n drum spre coal.
8. ntrebuinarea diatezei pasive. n limba englez ca i n limba romn se folosesc contrucii pasive i nu active cnd intenia
vorbitorului este de a se sublinia aciunea i nu pe cel care a svrit-o.
Activ: Millions of people have seen this film.
(Accentul cade pe subiect: Milioane de oameni au vzut acest film).
Pasiv: This film has been seen by millions of people.
(Accentul cade pe verb: Acest film a fost vzut de milioane de oameni).
Construciile pasive sunt ntrebuinate mai frecvent n limbajul tiinific i n cel jurnalistic, caracterizate printr-o
exprimare impersonal, obiectiv.
Diateza pasiv se folosete cu majoritatea verbelor tranzitive i cu unele verbe intranzitive cu prepoziie obligatorie n care
verbul formeaz o unitate semantic cu prepoziia, devenind practic echivalent cu un verb tranzitiv.
Verbele cel mai frecvent folosite din aceast categorie sunt: care for/look after = tend, come to = reach, deal with =
analyse, laugh at = ridicule, listen to = hear, look upon = regard, rely on = trust, send for = call, talk of = discuss, think of =
This metter will be dealt with at once. Ne von ocupa ndat de aceast problem. An alternative was not tought of. La o
alternativ nu s-au gndit.
Pe plan sintactic, trecerea unei propoziii de la diateza activ la cea pasiv aduce cu sine mai multe schimbri:
Diateza activ: Our form teacher has lent me this book.
Diateza pasiv:
a) subiectul activ al aciunii devine complement de agent pasiv (care poate fi omis n cazurile de la &1.11.7.): This book
has been lent to me by our form teacher.
b) obiectul activ (complementul direct sau indirect) devine subiectul verbului pasiv: This book has been lent to me by our
form teache, sau: I have been lent this book by our form teacher.
c) prepoziia by este introdus naintea agentului: I have been lent this book BY our form teacher.
Not: Pentru descrierea transformrilor pasive, vezi paragraful 14.8.
9. Traducerea construciilor pasive n limba romn. Un verb englezesc la diateza pasiv se traduce de obicei tot printr-o
construcie pasiv: The car was repaired yerterday. Maina a fost reparat ieri.

n cazul verbelor urmate de un complement direct i unul indirect, se pot folosi i construcii reflexive cu valoare pasiv
cnd complementul indirect al persoanei devine indirect: The teacher was offered flowers by her pupils. Profesoarei i s-au oferit
flori de ctre elevi.
Verbele intranzitive cu prepoziie obligatorie se traduc prin diatez pasiv, diateza activ sau prin forme reflexiv-pasive,
de la caz la caz: The children were well looked after. Copiii au fost bine ngrijii. A doctor has been sent for. Au trimis / S-a trimis
dup un doctor.
Not: n limba englez exist o categorie aparte de verbe intranzitive folosite la diateza activ cu valoare pasiv i care se
traduc n limba romn fie prin construcii reflexive pasive, fie prin verbe la diateza pasiv: The book has sold very well. Cartea sa vndul foarte bine. The cake cuts easly. Prjitura se taie uor. The clause reads both waiys. Clauza poate fi interpretat n dou
Pentru ca un substantiv sa capete nteles ntr-o propozitie oarecare, acesta trebuie sa fie nsotit de un determinant substantival. Cel
mai des folosit determinant substantival este articolul. Articolele se pot clasifica dupa cum urmeaza:
Articolul hotart - the
Articolul nehotart - a / an
Articolul zero (forma implicita sau neexprimata)
Articolele sunt forme invariabile, adica nu se schimba n functie de numarul sau genul substantivului si se asaza n fata
substantivului determinat.
2.1. Articolul hotart (the). Articolul hotart se foloseste:
naintea unui substantiv care a mai fost mentionat n contextul respectiv. Ex.: An elephant and a mouse fell in love. The
mouse loved the elephant's long trunk, and the elephant loved the mouse's tiny nose. A man knocked at the door and a girl
opened it. The man was her father.
Atunci cnd att vorbitorul ct si ascultatorul cunosc notiunea exprimata de substantiv, desi nu a mai fost mentionat n
context. Ex.: - Where's the bathroom? - It's on the first floor.
n propozitii sau fraze n care definim sau identificam anumite persoane sau obiecte: Ex.: The man we met yesterday at the
bus station. The girl in red is her neighbor.
Referitor la obiecte pe care le consideram unice: Ex.: the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars. Ann is in the garden (the
garden of this house).
naintea superlativului sau numeralelor ordinale first, second, thirds, the twenty-first, the seventeenth etc si only (unic /a,
singur /a, numai); the best day (cea mai buna zi), the first week (prima saptamana), the last chapter (ultimul capitol), the
only way (singura cale), the best year, the youngest girl, the most important, the fastest, the tallest
naintea unor adjective pentru a te referi n general la un grup de oameni care au n comun o anumita nsusire (sunt
frumosi, tineri, batrni, japonezi, etc): Ex.: the young (tanarul), the beautiful (frumosul), the old (batranul), the best (cel
mai bun), the Japanese (japonezul), the British (britanicul)
Nume de locuri geografice, oceane, ruri, mari, deserturi, munti, regiuni: Ex.: the Caribbean, the Sahara, the Atlantic
Se foloseste naintea unor nume proprii (muzee, institutii celebre, hoteluri, ziare, orchestre, grupuri muzicale, vapoare,
nume de famili la plural,etc): Ex.: the National Gallery, the Royal Shakespeare, the Savoy, the Beatles, the Spice Girls, the
Guardian, the Telegraph, the Daily, the Titanic, the Tower of London, the House of Parliament, the Smiths
Inaintea substantivelor care reprezinta nume de colectivitati si institutii: the army, the crowd, the government, the police,
the parliament
Decade, secole, grupe de ani: Ex.: My parents went to University in the seventies.
Nu folosim THE naintea momentelor n care servim masa, dect dac este vorba despre un moment aparte: The dinner we had
yesterday was delicious (Cina pe care am servit-o ieri a fost delicioas).
DAR: Dinner is served (Cina este servit). What time do you have lunch? (La ce or luai prnzul?)
Nu folosim THE naintea numelor de anotimpuri, dect atunci cnd vorbim despre un anotimp aparte: Ex: The winter of 1966 was
the coldest in history (Iarna lui 1966 a fost cea mai rece din istorie).
DAR: We have a long holiday in summer (Vara avem o vacan lung). Flowers bloom in spring (Florile nfloresc primvara).

2.2. Articolul nehotart (a / an)

Se foloseste a naintea substantivelor care ncep cu o consoana: a boy (un baiat), a car (o masina), a house (o casa)
Se foloseste an naintea substantivelor care ncep cu o vocala (a, e, i, o, u) : an apple (un mar), an orange (o portocala, un
portocaliu), an opera (o opera)
Exceptii: Folosim articolul nehotarat An naintea unui substantiv care incepe cu un h mut - an hour, an honor.
Folosim articolul nehotarat A nainte de u sau eu doar atunci atunci cnd se pronunta ca you: a European, a university, a
unit (o unitate)
Articolul nehotart se foloseste:
Pentru a te referi la ceva pentru prima data: Ex.: Would you like a drink? I've finally got a good job.

Pentru a te referi la un anume membru al unui grup sau clase. Exemple:


cu nume de profesii: John is an engineer. Mary is training to be a nurse.

cu nationalitati si religii: John is an Englishman. Kate is a Catholic.

cu instrumente muzicale: Marius was playing a violin when the visitor arrived. (Marius canta la vioara cand a
sosit vizitatorul.)

cu numele zilelor: I was born on a Thursday.

pentru a desemna un fel de, sau un exemplu de: The mouse had a tiny nose. It is a very strange car

cu substantice la singular, dupa cuvinte cum ar fi what si such: What a bluff! He is such a prodigious young man.

atunci cnd te referi la un singur obiect sau persoana, echivaleaza cu one: I'd like an orange and two lemons
please. The burglar took a diamond necklace and a valuable painting.

Retineti ca se spune a hundred, a thousand, a million.

Inaintea unui substantiv concret nedeterminat si numarabil: Exemple: A boy entered into the classroom. The reporter took
an interview.

Inaintea unui substantiv concret cu functia de nume predicativ: Exemplu: She is a teacher. Ronnie is an elephant.

2.3. a / an si one

Atunci cnd numeri sau masori timpul, distanta, greutatea, etc. se poate folosi fie a/an fie one pentru singular:
Ex.: a / one pound, (o lira [sau lira]), a / one million pounds (un milion de lire)
You can take an/ one hour for lunch. (Putei s luai o ora pentru masa de prnz.)

Dar a/an si one nu nseamna ntotdeauna acelasi lucru: Ex.: A box is no good. (We need a crate not a box). - O cutie nu e
buna. (Ne trebuie altceva, nu o cutie).
One box is no good, we need two boxes. - O (singura) nu e suficient, ne trebuie doua cutii.

Articolul hotarat (the) sau nehotarat (a, an) este acelasi pentru toate genurile (in limba engleza): a man, a woman, an actor, an
actress, a table, the boy, the girl, the day

2.4. Articolul zero Se spune ca e vorba de Articolul zero (sau fara articol) atunci cand nu se foloseste niciun articol.
Nu se foloseste articol n urmatoarele cazuri:
Cu nume de tari si orase (la singular) Ex.: Germany is an important economic power. He's just returned from Argentina.
(nsa: I'm visiting the United States next week.). Bucharest is the capital of Romania.
Cu numele limbilor: Ex.: French is spoken in Tahiti. English uses many words of Latin origin.
Cu numele meselor: Ex.: Lunch is at midday. Dinner is in the evening. Breakfast is the first meal of the day.
Cu numele persoanelor (la singular): Ex.: John's coming to the party. George King is my uncle. (nsa: We're having lunch
with the Morgans tomorrow.)
Cu titluri si nume: Ex.: Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth's son. President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Dr.
Watson was Sherlock Holmes' friend. (nsa: the Queen of England, the Pope.)
Dupa cazul posesiv format cu 's: Ex.: His sister's car. (Masina surorii lui.) Laura's basket.(Cosul Laurei.)
Cu numele profesiilor: Ex.: Engineering is a useful career. He'll probably go into medicine.
Cu nume de magazine: Ex.: I'll get the card at Smith's. Can you go to Boots for me?
Cu ani: Ex.: 1948 was a wonderful year. Do you remember 1995?
Cu substantive unice (uncountable nouns): Ex.: Milk is often added to tea in England. War is destructive.
cu substantive la plural folosite in sens general:Books are silent friends.
Cu numele unor munti, lacuri si insule: Ex.: Mount McKinley is the highest mountain in Alaska. She lives near Lake
Windermere. Have you visited Long Island?
Cu majoritatea numelor de strazi , orase, statii pentru mijloacele de transport si aeroporturi: Ex.: Victoria Station is in the
centre of London. Can you direct me to Bond Street? She lives in Florence. They're flying from Heathrow.
n unele expresii invariabile sau cu mijloace de transport: Ex.: by car (cu masina),by air, by bicycle, by bus, at school (la
scoala), at work (la munca), at University (la universitate), in church (la biserica), in bed (in pat), by train (cu trenul), on
foot (pe jos), on holiday (in vacanta), on air (in broadcasting) (in direct).
Inaintea substantivelor abstracte, care indica nume de culori, stiinte, arte, materii etc: Ex.: beauty, health, dinner, lunch,
breakfast, truth, green, gold, silver, mathematics, physics
cu cuvintele:Church, school, university, prison, hospital, cand sunt folosite in scopul pentru care sunt predestinate
cu denumiri de materiale la general(milk, bread, gold, snow, wool,)Coffee is bitter
cu denumirile:Days, months, seasons, holidays
2.5. Omisiunea articolului (The Elypsis of the Article)
Exist unele situaii n care articolul hotrt sau nehotrt este omis. Aceste cazuri se deosebesc de cele n care se folosete
articolul zero, deoarece omiterea articolului nu produce modificri de sens ci are doar o valoare stilistic.
Comparai: a) I like honey. mi place mierea. (articolul zero = funcia generic) I like the honey they sell here. mi place mierea
care se vinde aici. (articolul hotrt the = referin definit).
b) Take the honey to the children at the corner table ! Du mierea copiilor de la masa din col! Takes honey to children at corner
table. Duce mierea copiilor de la masa din col. (indicaii scenice).
Articolul se omite n urmtoarele situaii: a) n vorbirea familiar: (Its a) Pity they wont be there. Pcat c nu vor fi i ei acolo.
(Is the) Car still not working? Tot nu merge maina? (A) Friend of mine told me about it. Un prieten de-al meu mi-a spus despre
b) n limbajul jurnalistice: Employees have to obey safety regulations. Angajaii trebuie s respecte regulile de protecie a muncii.
c) n indicaii scenice: (The) Old woman goes to (the) settee (on the) right. Btrna se ndreapt spre canapeaua din dreapta

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