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Lesson Plan Template

School: Penola Catholic School

Focus Area: Mars colonization

Year Group: 10

Date: 06/05/16

Learning Intentions


Today we are learning about the different factors

involved in the colonization of Mars


Location / Setting

Organisation / Student Groups


Whole class

Special Considerations

Key Vocabulary

Focus Questions

spacecraft propulsion, soil composition, surface

gravity, temperature, magnetic field, atmosphere,
atmospheric pressure, atmospherical composition,
radiation, interplanetary spaceflight, landing on
Mars, storage facilities, food production, radio
communication, solar power

Why we should find a way to live on Mars?

What are the specificities of Mars?
What are the similarities and differences
between Mars and Earth?
What would be the transportation to Mars?
What would be the communications between
Mars and Earth?
What were the robotic missions to Mars before
human colonization?
What equipment are needed for colonization?
What are the possible locations for settlements?

Lesson Plan Template

References / Sources / Materials / Resources

and Equipment

Nasa Be a martian application

Powerpoint presentation based on information collected
from the different official websites

Establishing prior knowledge. Tuning in activity. Focus

Guiding Inquiry and Practise

Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry
Share time. Student reflection. What do they now know?

Assessment criteria: Assessment FOR learning

Assessment Criteria: Assessment AS Learning

Assessment Criteria: Assessment OF Learning

The students will be asked a series of

questions to determine whether they have
the required knowledge to write their
This will be done by randomly asking the
students questions about Mars.

A powerpoint presentation will be given to

the students and it will involve facts by
can be used by the students in their
The information given to the students will
1. A contrast between Earth and Mars
in terms of environmental conditions,
2. Facts about Mars in terms of soil
composition, atmospherical pressure,
temperature, etc
A video will also be shown in class and it
is expected that the students will be more
aware of the different scenarios possible
to make Mars liveable
They will also be introduced to the
concept known as terraforming Mars
A demonstration of the Nasa be a
martian application will be given to the
I will also provide them with a list of
useful links

Lesson Plan Template

On the powerpoint presentation, a series of

questions will be asked to the students to
determine whether they have acquired a basic
knowledge of Mars and about the conditions
present on the planet.
A written assignment is expected to be by them
in pairs and this should allow them to
demonstrate the knowledge that they have

Pre-service Teacher Reflection

Mentor Teacher Feedback

Strengths / Areas for Improvement

How will we work to improve them?

Did students achieve the Learning Intentions?

Success Criteria
What were the successful strategies?
How did you the teacher get them to the end result?
Where to from here? Whats next?

Pre-service Teacher Name ________________________________________


Lesson Plan Template

Mentor Teacher


Date ___________________

Lesson Plan Template



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