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Liliana Valdez
October 31st, 2016
English 101
Professor Chapin
Two Peas In a Pod

When the two most influential candidates of the 2016 Presidential Election are head to
head, viewers inevitably ask who of the two is most fit to become President?
Unfortunately, the majority cannot attend presidential debates or press conferences
where candidates express their views to the voters. However, campaign TV ads reach
into everybody's home and deliver each candidate's messages. The two major
candidates in this election are the Republican candidate, Donald Trump and the
Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. Both have had their differences with each other
and their campaign ads are created to show what ideas they have and what they will do
if elected. While some differences between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are
evident, the similarities are pivotal. Both candidates have different and similar styles,
audiences, and backgrounds shown in their TV ads.

Every campaign ad has a style that reveals why it was created. The style of a
campaign ad is what draws the audience to a candidate and makes them prefer one
over the other. Candidate's campaign ads can reward them with more votes because of
their effectiveness. In Donald Trumps campaign ads, his style is brash and
straightforward. This style has been very effective in introducing his viewpoints and
position in the election. Trump is not one to avoid a certain issue that makes others very

uncomfortable to speak about. He goes straight to the issue and states exactly what
hes going to do about it. In the campaign ad, Donald Trump: Great Again, Trump
speaks about the recent terrorism that occurred in Orlando and calls the culprits of the
horrific attack, radical Islamic terrorists, a phrase that Clinton will not use. Trump does
not lighty address the issue. He bluntly states he will cut the head off of ISIS and take
their oil. He also states that he will build a wall paid by Mexico that will keep illegal
immigrants from entering the United States. Clearly, Trump doesnt have any difficulty
stating his opinion and how he plans to deal with it once elected as President. His style
has gained him thousands of supporters because the people want someone who is
strong, level-headed, and tells it like it is, which some people think is not typical of
politicians. They want someone who can run the country with no fear of the enemy and
capable of preventing more terrorist attacks all over the world. In contrast, Clinton
displays a different style in her campaign, and her style is also very effective in gaining
supporters and stating her viewpoints and her position in this chaotic race. Clintons
campaign style is formal and she tends, to an extent, relate to the audience. In the
campaign ad, Hillary Clinton: Children, she states that her primary focus is making it
possible for all children to live up to their potential. Her point is to show that she has
been fighting for childrens rights her whole life. She is connecting to mothers, more
specifically women. This has gained her female supporters who play a significant role in
her election numbers. The style in which her campaign ad was created portrays her in a
way that makes voters feel satisfied and it helps even more that she is a mother and
therefore is thought to understand and relate to female voters in a way that Trump

cannot. Although both candidates use different styles in their campaign ads to gain
them voters, they both have similar methods to make their audiences feel a connection
with them. They both speak about issues that are the most common all over the world,
meaning the voters will understand and accept what the candidates plan on doing
because it will not only benefit a specific social class, but it will benefit everyone.

The point of an ad is to connect with the audience on a level that makes them
want to vote for the candidate. In this presidential election, the candidates target
different audiences because they cant get all of the votes but they can get enough from
a specific audience to win the election. Looking at their ads, its clear that the
candidates have different viewpoints and plans for the country. Donald Trump does not
welcome illegal immigrants to the United States, We have people pouring in and
making tremendous damage. We need borders. He states that he plans to kick them
out of the country. In the campaign ad, Donald Trump: Deals, Trump states that
factories have closed because of bad deals made by Clintons husband when he was
President. According to Trump, this has sent Americans jobs to other countries. His
solution to this issue is to cut taxes and reopen factories and make more jobs for
American workers. He is directing this campaign ad to American workers that may be
unemployed or not moving ahead in their career. Clinton has taken a different approach
and has made the effort to connect with a broader audience. In the campaign ad,
Hillary Clinton: Una Bandera, Clinton is talking to Latino immigrants, especially those
who may have relatives who are here illegally. In this ad, she speaks about Latino

immigrant children who attend school and are called crude names by Trump although
they did nothing to him. She embraces and welcomes the diversity of Latinos to this
country as well as has accomplished registering latinos to vote. Candidates campaign
ads, directed at a specific audience, demonstrate whose votes theyre trying to get with
their ads. Despite having different audiences, both Trump and Clinton are using similar
tactics to get the votes. They are both in offering something to their audiences in
exchange for their vote. Trump is going to give American workers jobs if they vote for
him. Clinton is going to give Latino children healthcare and make sure they are able to
attend school if they vote for her.

Going more into depth, it is not only what the candidates have to offer that
makes the voters side with them. Their background has a strong influence on the
audience decisions. The background of candidates in politics plays a crucial role in this
election. In past elections, the candidate who had more experience in politics was
considered more fit to run the country, but this year, that is being debated. Donald
Trump is a businessman. Hillary Clinton is an American politician and was the First
Lady. She has a stronger background in politics which would favor her because she is
more experienced. However, in the campaign ad, Donald Trump: Bad Experience,
Trump uses Clintons experience in his favor. In this ad he speaks against Clinton's
experience and says that she hasnt done anything that has benefited the country. He
has even stated that the rise of ISIS is due to President Obamas and Clintons bad
decisions. In Clintons campaign ad, Hillary Clinton: My Temperament, Clinton has

made a collage of Trumps worse moments during his rallies. This ad consists of Trump
using crude words in regards to the war and speaking about shooting someone and not
losing any voters over it. This ad, itself, shows he has no experience in politics. Clinton
is pointing out that he does not address issues in a civilized way but instead acts based
on his instinct and temperament. She wants voters to believe he is too hot tempered to
be President and would get the country in trouble as a result. In the end, experience or
no experience, what is gaining each of the candidates votes is their choice of words
when speaking of an issue.

The Republican candidate, Donald Trump, and the Democratic candidate, Hillary
Clinton, have different styles, audiences and backgrounds in their campaign ads. Their
TV ads are a perfect representation of how they sell themselves to the people. They are
two very influential people who have created a powerful impact on the year of 2016 with
their interesting methods of campaigning, their campaign ads, debates, and responses
to conversational issues.

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