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UNB ID NUMBER: 3548501
COURSE TUTOR: Ms. Annoushka Ishmael, M. Sc.
DATE SUBMITTED: 4th November 2016

I confirm that I have met all presentational requirements, including referencing, as specified in
the Course Outline.

I certify that this work is my own original work and that material has not been copied from any
other work (published or otherwise) without acknowledgement in the text (see Plagiarism section
in the Course Outline).


Teaching Philosophy Statement and Reflection on Technology and Integration

A teaching philosophy should be a self-reflection on the teachers practice and
observations. It deals with how best you can reach the interest of the learner and the impact it has
made on them throughout their life. This is my own philosophy as a teacher. Herman Hess
(2013) stated:
Wisdom cannot be imparted. Wisdom that a wise man attempts to impart always sounds
like foolishness to someone else Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom.
One can find it, live it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it.
This has always been one of my motivational quotes.
My expectation for my students is to develop a sound educational surrounding; where the
love for knowledge should be a freedom of ideas and speech, where innovation, creativity,
imagination, experimentation, and exploration should be welcomed to make an effective change
in this world in which we live. Students must be able to feel comfortable within any learning
environment without abuse and victimization. Constructive criticism should not damage their
learning capabilities as individuals. Instead it should improve how an individual behaves and
encourage positive changes towards education, keeping their self-esteem motivation intact,
whereas destructive criticism breaks their self-esteem, discouraging and hurting their feelings.
Educators must be able to analyze what is being taught, interpret and understand,
evaluate and think logically how to solve problems using different resources and strategies. Team
work must consist of communication that effectively teaches a large variety of audiences.
Students must be able to create new ideas, develop skills and knowledge to reach personal and
future career goals. However, what is professed in education is not what educators always
practice. Most schools and teachers maintain strategic and high expectations for all students,
whereas some may have "great expectations" for students who can grasp basic concept of
academic areas but minimal expectations for those who may not be able to adapt within the
learning environment. As stated by Asa Hilliard III (1991), "our current ceiling for students is
really much closer to where the floor ought to be. Many believe there is great disparity between
"what youngsters are capable of learning and what they are learning" (John Bishop 1989).
Unconsciously or consciously, some teachers may have different attitudes toward
students based on their beliefs they may have about them, teachers often display negative or


positive behaviours that indicate their feelings towards students. Teachers who may have high
expectations for students tend to be self-fulfilling. Therefore, Jere Brophy (1986) advises
teachers to "routinely project attitudes, beliefs, expectations, and attributions...that imply that
your students share your own enthusiasm for learning. Teachers who treat their students with
respect, love and motivation helps to improve their performances, these students are likely to be
enthusiastic learners. To accommodate differences among students and help all students achieve
mastery without resorting to watering down standards and expectations, teachers can manipulate
three variables-time, grouping, and methodology (Omatoni and Omatoni 1996).
Knowledge and Intelligence comes with determination and understanding, dynamic
strategies depends on innovation, rather than static and unchanging methods that we have
preconceived not about what students will or will not be able to achieve. As teachers, we must
encourage students to have a desire to reach for the stars rather than to just let time and life pass
To expect our students to succeed without playing a major role is to do them a disservice,
not a favour. The future of our children depends on our techniques towards teaching and its
effectiveness and impact on their minds.
Motivating students to learn can have a positive impact on students learning, it is the
most important factor in any learning environment. Students can be highly motivated to learn.
However, the instructor must also be highly motivated to teach (CNC Concepts, 2007). It is the
driving force that helps students with it learning when they are having problems understanding
what the subject entails. Problem with learning can be eradicated when student's motivation and
self-esteem is high enough. It is important, the educators must be highly motivated to teach as
well. Teachers must have a burning desire to transmit information during training and teaching in
various ways that students can understand. Student that may have learning challenges must be
evaluated at different levels. The educators or instructor must be motivated enough to listen and
spend the extra time to ensure the students understand what is being taught. Some challenges
students face depend on the different levels and strategies.


Stated in the Educational Reform, The Curriculum, (2015). An individual teachers

curriculum would be the specific learning standards, lessons, assignments, and materials used to
organize and teach a particular course. Curriculums must inspire teachers giving them
motivation to teach as well as inspire the learner. Aptitude deals with how effective learning and
how quickly student can grasp basic concepts. The aptitude of the teachers should make the
learners interested in keeping them focused during presentation. Visual aids, exercises,
techniques, manipulatives, flash cards, charts and exploration will determine how fast and easily
students can learn. Classroom management enhancing the learning environment is a major factor
and can have a positive or negative impact on how concentration and learning takes place for
both students and teachers. Good teaching deals with generosity, the art that grows with practice,
and the smooth transition of techniques. Educators who speak with wisdom can unfold the
mysteries of learning and the gift of absorbing knowledge. Teachers can plague the universe with
ideas and incite others to learn.
The importance of good teachers determines the feedback of students and their
achievements. The common issue students face however, is that some teachers may be more
effective than others. This contributes to drastic consequences for student achievement and
learning outcomes. Making an impact on the lives of children in the educational sector over the
years, this has sometimes bought tears to my eyes, when hugs and kisses of saying thanks you,
have moved and motivated me to pursue further educational self-development and achievement.
Understanding the process of teaching and learning is much more than academics. It is building a
relationship with others and understanding emotion and differentiated learning. Children who are
differently abled face many obstacles and teaching does not only entail the knowledge of
academics, but the understanding of application and methods to assist those in need with learning
My impact on students has made me aware of the importance and need for teachers who
understand what happens when childrens emotions are crushed by teachers abuse and
victimization has devoured their sense of fitting in, where the passion of learning is no more than
unrecognized text and failure of keeping up life, means nothing but harsh words of disrespect
and victimization. I have understood this plight and therefore created new ways of making their
self-esteem soar beyond the stars of learning. I have never seen it, but students have related to


their experiences and the differences I have made in their lives. I believe that one day I will be
able to achieve my greatest potential in the educational arena. Common perceptions and effective
teaching cannot be identified based on types of schools, or how long they've taught. The best
way to assess teachers strategies and performances is to evaluate their on-the-job performance,
from what they do in the classroom and the progress their students make on achievement not
only in exams, but across lifes hurdles. Assessing my students over the years as a teacher, I used
effective strategies and skills enhance learning.
Technology has given us a new challenge to improve learning, making it fun filling,
adventurous, engaging and entertaining. It gives students a greater capacity of academic
achievement and competency development, it provides information that helps to promote
students so that we can evaluate their progress, students with academic problems can visit sites
on their own to help, to identify and support these challenges, to help with remediation that is
needed, to find solutions, to keep everyone on a common goal and provide appropriate
recognition that enhances every childs capability. When technology is used as a tool or a way to
communicating with others, activities become fun, the attitudes of students can change
drastically grasping the concept of information that is transmitted by a teacher, textbook and
broadcast are now engaging. The student can make choices about how to generate, manipulate,
obtain and display information. Technology use allows students to be actively involved with
information, making decisions, and acquiring skills than is typical in teacher-instructed.
Technology is a tool to help and support students in performing academic tasks, students are in
the position of understanding what their goals are, making crucial decisions, and evaluating their
achievements and progress at different levels.
The teacher's strategies changes as well. Educators are longer the centre of attention or
dispenser of information, but rather a facilitator, giving instructions, project requirements and
providing guidelines, keeping student in check of what should be done, teachers provide
suggestions and support for student activities. Technology-supported products that students
engage in must be of high expectations and progress, the teacher rotates in the class, asking
question for various choices, making suggesting and finding resources that may be useful.
Stated in Teaching with Technology Teaching with technology can deepen student
learning by supporting instructional objectives. However, it can be challenging to select the


best tech tools while not losing sight of your goals for student learning. Technology means
new advancements in the strategies, methods and tools we use to find solutions or how best we
can achieve our goals.
Technology in the classroom can encompass all kinds of materials, tools and equipment
that has upgraded versions, that changes the ways in which we engage in activities. Pencil, paper,
chalkboard, whiteboards and markers will soon become objects of the past. The introduction and
presentation of software, high-tech systems, online interactions and conferencing tools has
opened a new world of entertainment, engagement and amusement. Technology allows us to do
things in a physical and virtual aspect, that makes the classroom a vehicle of exploration,
transformation and keeps all students on one path towards obtaining academic achievements that
were not possible before. Technology use depends fundamentally on how you use your methods
and what you are trying to accomplish. The values of technology in the classroom can have a
great impact on learning, it allows online collaboration with apps and tools that make the search
for information accessible and relevant. Information, projects, brainstorming, games, interaction,
team work and planning can all be transmitted at the same time, at different places making the
education platform an arena of diversity. Power point presentation brings life to the classroom
where pictures, images, diagrams, drawings, art, ideas, voices and reality through projections of
instructions. Resources can be easily accessed such as assignments, readings, quizzes and
evaluation which provides information and theories of great philosophers and compare our
knowledge and understanding about education strategies of the past and present.
This era in which we live is called the computer age where desktop, laptops, smart
phones, smart television, Tablets, I Pads, x boxes are all powered by internet. Tool used for easy
accessible transformation and interaction that explores beyond imagination.
Barriers often break down successful technological communication, when technology
resources are limited or inaccessible. Some schools may be at a disadvantage, especially in some
rural areas. Not being able to improve learning through information technologies may have a
devastating impact on some students. Schools where technology is easily accessible, may have
greater learning strategies, therefore making learning easier for their students. Vandalism,
carelessness, improper usage, management restrictions, financial problems, space, developmental
issues of school buildings and obstacles accessing rooms with equipments are also barriers of


effective communication. Technology is playing a major role in the educational environment. It

has enable many schools to implement it into the curriculum. However, not every school,
classroom or learning environment have the opportunity of acquiring technology in their
classrooms and education system. The Barriers of Effective Use of Technology in Education
states, What is stopping teachers in public schools from using technology in classrooms and
education in general, is the lack of technological tools in schools, lack of technological training
and support and inadequate professional development In general schools are not much different
from the way they were before in terms of teaching methods. There are ways the schools are
different though.
Schools and teaching of today are not much different from school of long ago, teaching
methods are basically the same and the systems has kept us on a common path of learning.
There are ways the schools may be different though. The standards of No Child Left Behind is
Common Core therefore increasing the requirements for schools and teaching strategies.
Technology on the other hand has found ways in which all children have equal opportunities, the
right of all children to have an education all around the world has been broadcasted through this
technological era. Technology, have indeed made the world a glass window teaching us how to
improve ways and methods for effective communication. School curriculum are effective and
team work, webbing, online interactions, the exchange of ideas, sharing and hands on training
helps to keep the school populations diverse in understanding what should be our next step,
educating our students to focus on their future endeavour.
Technology integration and implementation helps to make sure both teachers and students
are properly trained and can obtain resources that allows leaning to be effective. Teachers should
be able to understand how technology must be used and how their students entertainment and
engagement must be separated as to achieve success, they should monitor student and classroom
activities to the best of their abilities. This world not perfect, and we certainly shouldnt diminish
the roles of the traditional learning processes, but appreciate that we have access to new ways of
learning across the board of the educational forum.


American Public University System. (2016). Learning outcomes assessment. Retrieved from
Archived Information (n.d.) Effects of technology on classrooms and students. Retrieved from
CNC Concepts. (2007). Five factors that contribute to a good learning environment. Retrieved
eNotes (2012). Education -- compare today's system with that of years past compare and contrast
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Huneycutt, T. (2013, October 8). Technology in the classroom: The benefits of blended learning.
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Lumsden, L. (1997). Expectations for students. ERIC Digest, 116. Retrieved from
Ramey, K. (2013, December 19). Barriers to the effective use of technology in education. Use of
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Rand Education. (n.d.) Teachers matter: Understanding teachers' impact on student achievement.
Retrieved from
Teaching Strategies for Early Childhood. (n.d.) Creative curriculum solutions. Retrieved from
Wikki How. ( n.d.) How to criticize constructively. Retrieved from

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