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Weigh pt daily and watch for sudden decreases in output,

observe for tachy cardia, tachypnea an decreased pulse

pressure, provide oral hygiene for mucous membranes moist

Client will
maintain moist
mucous membrane
and will be
oriented to time
place and person.

Deficient fluid volume

r/t inadequate fluid
volume intake aeb dry
mucous membrane

Obstruction of small bowel leads to

proximal dilatation of the intestines due to
accumulation of cell secretions. This
stimulates cell secretory activity resulting
in more fluid accumulation. It becomes
strangulated when a loop is distended

Asses pts lvl of anxiety before every pr

help identify anxiety level, encourage pa
things that would cause anxiety, help th
use therapeutic touch and provide safe e

Chronic Smoker
Intake of High Fat
History of
Malignancy ( Colon

Anxiety r/t change

in health status aeb
agitation and

Female in her late 70s admitted for small bowel obstructions,

recent fracture of the right hip- with recent surgery.
She is a chronic smoker back in her 20s and verbalized that she
can finish 20 sticks in a day, drinks atleast 1.5L of alcohol
everyday. Client is fund of foods high in fat and salty foods.
History of : multiple mini CVAs, hypertension, MI, irritable
bowel syndrome, colon carcinoma, dementia and depression.
Married and lives with husbund and two dogs. Has two kids.
Was a housewife for 30+ years.

Client will
pain every

Acute Pain r/t pressure

from distended
abdomen aeb sharp
pain in stomach area

Pain, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea,

Abnormal bowel sounds

Asses pain using scale, ask patient if they want pain management, reassess
pain, provide comfort measures to distract from pain, orient patient

Small Bowel Obs

Right hip fracture

CVAs, hypertens
bowel syndrome,
dementia and dep

Imbalanced nutrition: less

than body requirements r/t
inability to digest food aeb
nausea and vomitting

Weigh pt daily and compare changes, conti

NG suction, monitor oral cavity and provid

Hematologic Emergencies :
1. Neutropenic Fever (ChemoTherapy)
2. Neutropenic Enterocolitis

Mechanical Emergencies
1. Intestinal Obstruction
2. Acute GI Bleeding

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