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The Role of Ethics Institutionalization in Influencing Organizational

Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Esprit de Corps
a) increased the formalization of ethics in the form of corporate codes of ethics and ethics








newsletters (Badaracco and Webb, 1995; Briggs and Bernal, 1992; Cressey and Moore,
1983; Murphy, 1989; Stevens, 1994; Weiss, 1994). In addition to pro viding a positive
impact on the ethical image of the firm and the ethical behaviors among employees, these
different forms of ethics institutionalization directly benefit the organization ( Vitell, S. &
Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.343)
Brenner (1992) has argued that organizations whether they even know it or not, have an
ethics program - either explicitly created or implicitly inherited. ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A.,
2007, p.344)argumento
we would expect the institutionalization of ethics by organizations to have a positive
impact on marketing professionals ? not only in terms of higher moral standards but also
in terms of higher job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and esprit de corps. ( Vitell,
S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.344) argumento
"committed individuals tend to identify with the objectives and goals of their organizations
and want to remain with their organizations" (p. 81). Organizational commitment is
important since committed employees tend to be more willing to make personal sacrifices
for their organizations. ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.345)
Work factors that have the greatest influence on an employee's organizational
commitment include ethical or ethically related elements such as fairness at work, care
and concern for employees, trust in employees, and reputation of the organization.
Argumento( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.345)
there is a positive relationship between corporate ethical values and organizational
commitment. ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.345) Argumento
perceptions of a positive ethical climate were positively associated with organizational
commitment. ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.345) Argumento
based on the literature, one would expect marketers in organizations where ethics is more
institutionalized to feel more committed to their organizations than their counterparts.
( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.345) Argumento
people who work for organizations that institutionalize ethics would tend to be more
satisfied with their jobs. One reason is that organizations that institutionalize ethics, either
explicitly or implicitly, value integrity. By definition, this type of organization not only has
codes of ethics and clear policy manuals, but also reflects them in the management of
employees. As a result, one would expect these organizations to treat their employees
more fairly. meter el otro artculo que habla de justicia laboral ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi,
A., 2007, p.345) Argumento
relativism, the extent to which the individual decision-maker is an ethical relativist, is also
included as an independent construct. More specifically, relativism is the extent to which
an individual tends to reject the notion that absolute moral principles exist (Forsyth, 1980).
In other words, relativists tend to adhere to a moral philosophy based somewhat upon
"skepticism." As Forsyth (1992, p. 462) explained, relativists "generally feel that moral
actions depend upon the nature of the situation and the individuals involved, and when
judging others they weigh the circumstances more than the ethical principle that was
involved. ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.346) Contrargumento
negative relationship between relativism and various dimensions of marketing specific
norms. Consistently, in another study of AMA members, Singhapakdi et al. (1995) found a
negative relationship between relativism and a marketer's perceived importance of ethics.
Similarly, a study by Sparks and Hunt (1998) revealed a negative relationship between
relativism and ethical sensitivity. Since "relativists" tend to not always adhere to marketing
norms, tend to place less importance on ethics, and tend to be less ethically sensitive, one
would intuitively expect them to be lower in terms of their job satisfaction, organiza tional

commitment, and esprit de corps as well. ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.346)
l) both implicit institutionalization and explicit institutionalization are significantly correlated
with organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and esprit de corps. ( Vitell, S. &
Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.348) Argumento
m) implicit ethics institutionalization is a significant predictor of organizational commitment in
a positive direction ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.349) Argumento
n) One can conclude that both implicit and explicit forms of institutionalization directly
influence an employee's organizational commitment. ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007,
p.349) Argumento
o) implicit institutionalization is a significant determinant of esprit de corps Argumento,
but that explicit institutionalization is not. ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, pp.349-350)
p) to helping control ethical problems, different forms of ethics institutionalization may have
a disparate impact upon different aspects of the organizational climate. ( Vitell, S. &
Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.350) Argumento
q) While clearly organizations should have explicit rules and guidelines including ethical
codes established and strictly enforced to make it clear to employees what are the proper
courses of action to follow, implicit institutionalization is at least as important, and perhaps
more so. ( Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.350) Argumento
r) The authors believe implicit institutionalization may in fact require certain explicit acts of
institutionalization. ej de q implcitamente los alumnos saben que no hay que copiar,
pero igualmente fue necesario explicitarlo en el reglamento de la U, xq aunq parezca
obvio no se cumple siempre, no es tan evidente para todos. (Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A.,
2007, p.350) Argumento
s) an employee's understanding of the values and norms of the organization is essential.
(Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.351) Argumento
t) the institutionalization of ethics by the organization can result in greater job satisfaction
and esprit de corps. Clearly, the benefits of institutionalizing ethics for organizations go
well beyond controlling unethical problems - as our results indicate, ethics
institutionalization should also lead to a more positive organizational climate. Relativism
did have a negative impact on organizational commitment indicating that relativists were
less committed to the organization. This also indicates the importance of ethics
institutionalization for organizations as a means for overcoming this tendency among
relativists. (Vitell, S. & Singhapkdi, A., 2007, p.351) Argumento

2. The Economics and Psychology of Personality Traits

a) We examine the claim that behavior is purely situation-specific and show evidence against
it. (p. 975) puede servir para la parte de que habra una tica para cada empresa, ya que al decir que el

comportamiento es solo especifico a la situacin podra relacionarse con que no importara tener como un
manual de tica por empresa, ya que aunq este escrito lo q se debe hacer y lo q es ticamente correcto, igual
la gente actuara de acuerdo a la situacin y no de acuerdo a lo q le diga el manual. CONTRARGUMENTO

b) The evidence suggests that performance on tests can be affected by incentives but only
for certain personality types. Economists have long emphasized that organizations
can succeed by aligning the interests of the work- ers with those of managers.
This can be achieved by selecting persons with compat- ible personality traits (for
example, on the basis of trustworthiness, cooperativeness, and the like) or by giving
incentives to workers of each personality type or by a mixture of the two strategies.
However, implementing both types of strategies in the same workplace may be
counterproductive because of envy and other social effect. (p.1036) reclutar segn
rasgos de pd/creencias compatibles con el manual de tica que se haga en la empresa.

3. The Positive Ethical Organization: Enacting a Living Code of Ethics and

Ethical Organizational Identity

a) A vision of a living code of ethics is proposed to counter the emphasis on negative

phenomena in the study of organizational ethics. The living code results from the
harmonious interaction of authentic leadership, five key organizational processes
(attraction selection-attrition, socialization, reward systems, decision-making and
organizational learning), and an ethical organizational culture (characterized by
heightened levels of ethical awareness and a positive climate regarding ethics). The living
code is the cognitive, affective, and behavioral manifestation of an ethical organizational
identity. (p. 17) Argumento
b) In a positive ethical organization, the right thing to do is the only thing to do. (p. 17)
c) Members of positive ethical organizations consistently exceed industry norms, practice
norms, or societal expectations of general business principles (cf. Spreitzer and
Sonenshein, 2004) in ethics through their cognitions, feelings and behavior, enacting what
we call a living code of ethics. (p.18) Argumento
d) Within a positive ethical organization, ethical practices are (1) modeled and promoted by
authentic leaders; (2) infused through a positive organizational context in which formal
and informal organizational structures, processes and systems are aligned with ethical
practices; and (3) sustained and reinforced in an ethical organizational culture in which
height ened ethical awareness and salient ethical identities among members contribute to
a strong positive climate regarding ethics. (p.19) Argumento
e) to explain the emergence of an ethical organizational identity, we first consider members'
individual and social identities. (p. 20) Argumento si el medio social de la compaa es
tico, el empleado tendera ser tico tambien
f) when a living code of ethics is a central, distinctive, and enduring characteristic of the
organization, an ethical organizational identity emerges. (p.20) Argumento

4. Human Resources from an Organizational Behavior Perspective: Some

Paradoxes Explained
a) three facts can coexist and even persist. These explanations are built on the fundamental


insights that both employees and organizations are embedded in a social context that
provides taken-for-granted ways of thinking and doing things; social influence matters so
that companies imitate others even if such imitation is maladaptive; and social relations in
the workplace are important. (pp.115-116) Argumento
Lack commitment. "Active disengagement," defined by Gallup as working to sabotage
some aspect of the employer's business.(p.116) Argumento
this pervasive distrust and dissatisfaction manifests itself in decreasingjob tenure,
increasing turnover and intentions to quit, and higher levels of voluntary absence.(p.116)
The ideas of fairness and equity imply that individuals expect to benefit when their efforts
improve the economic performance of their employers. (p.120) Argumento
the lower the level of job satisfaction, the less likely faculty were to work collaboratively,
and the lower the level of research productivity (p.121) Argumento

5. The Perceived Fairness of Layoffs in Germany: Participation,

Compensation, or Avoidance?
a) Psychological contracts describe the trust relationship between employer and employees,
which is built on explicit and implicit obligations since the start of the employment
relationship. Argumento This trust relationship can be seriously harmed due to layoffs
perceived as unfair. (p.25)

6. Less-Confident People Are More Successful

a) Al poner un manual de tica no se est considerando caractersticas individuales
de las personas: como la auto-confianza Argumento de porque no hay que
hacer un solo manual para todas las empresas

b) Y al seleccionar se podra estar dejando afuera personas, ya que se estara

seleccionando personas segn el manual de etica estandar y no segun lo que

quiere la empresa. Quizas sea que la persona tenga carcateristicas compatibles

con los valores eticos de la empresa. Argumento

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