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Last October 28 2016 we had our mission in action BOOY. We visited the house of
ate joy once again. Ate joy in his husband and their child lived in their mother house
because they have no house. Ate joy husband work in the peanut kisses factory. And
ate joy have no job because his husband doesnt want her to get a job because she
is pregnant. They have problem for financial problem because ate joy husband has
only have small salary and it enough for them. Their problem that they are facing
right now is economic impoverishment because they have problem in financial need.
By helping them in their problem and by interacting with them

I learned that we should be thankful God that he gives us food, shelter, water.
Because some people are having a problem for basic needs. I learned that we
should not brag to the poor that your rich because it is not nice and we should not
tease the poor because we are all created by God in the same way.

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