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Teacher Candidate: Alexander and Andrew

Time: 30 minutes
Group Size:
Subject or Topic: Cross Pollination

Date: 11/15/16
Grade Level: 3rd Grade

STANDARD: (Common Core):

Standard - 3.1.3.D

Identify organisms that are dependent on one another in a given ecosystem.

Define habitat and explain how a change in habitat affects an organism.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

Students will be able to know that bees use pollen and nectar from flowers for food. Also
when they land on flowers to collect pollen they spread pollen from one to another. Students
will also know that plants cannot grow unless there is cross pollination and losing bees will
throw off our entire eco system.
II. Instructional Materials:

Colored markers
Construction paper
Pen and pencil
Cross pollination notes
What If There Were No Bees? A Book about the Grassland Ecosystem By: Suzanne Slade.
III. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of additional content):

Prior knowledge in teamwork and collaboration for group work. Also knowledge in short
sentences. Story comprehension and able to follow directions.
A. Prerequisite skills - Students will need to have prior knowledge of the cross pollination
cycle and the vocab words that go along with it. Prior knowledge in teamwork and
collaboration for group work. Also knowledge in short sentences.

B. Key Vocabulary
Cross Pollination
C. Big Idea- Students will demonstrate knowledge of the bees role in the cross pollination cycle by performing a skit.

D. Content- Students will work in groups to create a skit that demonstrates the cross pollination cycle. They will also
learn how bees have a strong role in our eco system.
IV. Implementation:
A. Introduction Okay

class, as you know we have been learning about the cross

pollination cycle and how important it is to life here on earth. Remember we talked about how
a bee uses pollen for food but in doing so transfers pollen to another flower. Today, you and a
few group members will put on a skit demonstrating the cross pollination cycle and how
important it all is. Before all that we are going to go to the reading circle to read about if there
were no bees on earth.
B. Development Teacher will read story about if there were no bees. While reading
the story teacher will ask context questions about the story. Teacher will then divide class into
groups to act out cross pollination. Teacher will give students ideas on how they can go about
doing their skit. Show them how to make a script for their skit. Also explain how they need to
implement their vocab words they have been learning into their skit. Show them all the
materials that are available to them as props or costumes

C. Closure After the last skit students will be given an exit slip and there will be a
discussion. After the exit slip the teacher will play a quick fun fact bee game with the students.

D. Accommodations / Differentiation - This

lesson is very easy to accommodate for

someone with a disability. Student can play any of the roles in the skit. Student can be put into
a larger group if the student is fatigued and needs less roles in the skit.

E. Assessment/Evaluation plan - Students

will have to demonstrate knowledge in front

of the class about cross pollination when they do their skit. Students will show a clear
demonstration of knowledge of their vocab words during skit. Students will also have to fill out
an exit slip after the lesson.
1. Formative- Cross

VI. Resources (in APA format):

Pollination Skit
Summative- Exit Slip

Cross Pollination
Directions: In your groups create a skit that demonstrates
the cross pollination cycle. During your skit you must use
at least 3 of the vocab words listed below in your skit.

Vocab List

Honey Bees

BrainPop guided notes

1. An average bee nest in the wild houses ________ to

_______ bees.
2. __________ and ________ are the bees food.
3. Worker bees have to feed the __________and

Exit Slip
1. What do bees do that is so important for our environment?
2. List two things that would happen if bees went extinct.

Bee fun facts game

There are three types of bees in the hive Queen, Worker and Drone.
The queen may lay 300-500 or even 700 eggs each day during her 3 or 4
year lifetime. False lay 600-800 or 1,500 each day.
Honey bees fly at 10 miles per hour. False 15 MPH
Honey bees' wings stroke 700 times per minute, thus making their
distinctive buzz. False 11,400 times per minute.
Honeybees are the only insect that produce food for humans. True
Honeybees will usually travel approximately 500 feet from their hive. False
3 miles
Honeybees are the only bees that die after they sting. True
Honeybees are responsible for pollinating approx 80% of all fruit, vegetable
and seed crops in the U.S. True
Honey Bees have 4 eyes, 2 small ones on top of the head and 2 big ones
in front. They also have hair on their eyes! False five eyes 3 small ones
on top and two big ones in front.
Bees communicate with each other by buzzing and by singing. False they
communicate by dancing and pheromones.
Honeybees never sleep! True

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