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Truth and Control

To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens


Adolf Hitler

557 Jahre An diesem Tag vor Dezember das 20. 1943 die bsen Mchte, die die
freie Welt kontrolliert ausgelscht wurden und die neuen Fhrer der freien Welt,
regiert die NSDAP hchste und aktiviert waren Freiheit, alles zu geben ...
(On this day 557 years ago, December the 20th 1943 the evil powers that
controlled the free world were obliterated and the new leaders of the free world,
the Nazi Party ruled supreme and were enabled to give freedom to all after our
expert scientists were enabled to win the race to develop the atomic bomb)
I sit in my classroom listening to the same story I had heard hundreds of times.
The voice of my history teacher slowly drowns out by my own thoughts, I put my
face into my arms as I lean onto my desk and look out of the windows that adorn
the room. All I see is shimmering glass towers on a summers afternoon with big
red Nazi flags draped from the occasional tower. And if you look closely you can

see the crystal clear lakes and rivers that are dotted amongst the clean roads
and empty paths. At this time of day everyone is either working or having lunch
so the streets are clear.
Alarick, schauen dort (Alarick, look over there) My best friend Lothar whispers
to me across our desks. I look to where he is signalling and I see the shadow and
hear the sound of a body hitting the ground. Quickly we rush outside to see what
the fuss is all about. Wo auf der Erde gehen Sie! (Where on earth are you
going) shouts the teacher at us as we leave the classroom in a rush. As we leave
the classroom we step out and see something that I cant quite believe had
happened. We see a Nazi Officer strike one of the servant girls that could be no
less than 8 years old. She hits the floor unconscious. The officer then
immediately picks her up and turns the corner leading to the elevators.
Immediately we decide to follow, I dont know why but there is something that
sickens me to death about what I just saw but at the same time Im intrigued. I
had never seen violence quite like this. Violence had only been something
preached to us to hate by our leaders. Even in the lower levels of the towers that
people and myself lived in I had never seen something on a scale quite like this.
Quickly I scurry off with Lothar down the corridors of the towers. When we reach
the elevators we see the officer get in. The door shuts closed. Guessing that he
would be going to the Capital building as his rank seemed to be extremely high
within the Nazi party. Without hesitation myself and Lothar press the button that
will take us to the ground floor. Once we reach ground level we see the officer
with the girl leave and enter the abandon streets of Berlin, or otherwise known
as the city that is always working. With people preoccupied with work no one is
on the streets at these hours. The streets are immaculate and are adorned with
cleanly cut trees and crystal clear lakes clean enough to drink from. The officer
then gets into one of the government autonomous cars.
Not knowing what to do I immediately start to panic. Was auf der Erde
geschieht, Lothar mssen wir das Mdchen, dessen Entfhrung und
Krperverletzung und einfach falsch finden. With a nod of his head, obviously
too shocked to find the words he needs he gives a nod of agreement. Quickly we
run to the nearest tram stop and jump on the one that will take us to the
government building. After a short ride in quiet and in fear of what we were
doing we arrive at the Capital building. It towers in front of us, it is the original
building from when we won the war in 1943, 557 years ago. It casts over us a
dark shadow in the blazing sun and the Nazi flags shine bright.
As all this is going on I suddenly realise what I am doing and what I need to do.
They told us the servants were people that had no use to society so in order for
the government to allow them to contribute they had placed them as servants,
servants to the rich, the public system, courts, shops and many other roles. All I
had ever thought along with others is that they were being helped and being
kept of the street. Thats why the homeless rate was zero right? But then now I
keep thinking what if there is something they arent telling us. What is the truth?
As these thoughts are coming to mind I see an opportunity to get inside the
building. Someone enters the building. Quickly I rush up the steps and hold the
door as its about to close. In a hurry myself and Lothar enter the building. Once
were inside we take a look around. The interior is decorated with high ceilings.

White walls adorned with classical Nazi pictures and of the famous Adolf Hitler,
theres a chandelier and then in the middle of the room is the reception.
Currently no one is occupying the desk. I know what I can do to find out the
truth. In today society when we are born a chip is planted in our brains to access
information like never before and to simplify it so that we are able to understand
large amounts of data. Basically like downloading information to your brain.
Unfortunately, when I was born my family was rich, the richest of the rich and
these chips cost a lot of money. But now we are poor, after my fathers company
went bankrupt and he left there was only one source of income being my mother.
As I access the data base to the government system numbers and letters flash to
my head, then decoded I see things that horrify me. Pictures and videos of awful,
awful things. The... the servants they havent been giving voluntary jobs to get
them off the street but they are slaves. Normal people that have somehow been
used because of religion? Jews is what they are. They have been used for
centuries for sex, drug trafficking, labour and so many other terrible things that
are own government had solicited.
I hear bangs on the door and suddenly soldiers fill the room. As I make sense of
what is going on I hear a loud bang and I see the bullet in slow motion coming
towards me. Then as it hits me I see Lothar leave the room and with my last
breaths I send him the data of what has truly been happening, hoping he will
spread the truth of what has happened.

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