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Leadership Styles

Madhurie Dhanrajh

1. Autocratic

Tells others what to do

Limits discussion
Group does not
experience the feeling
of teamwork

When Effective

Time is limited
Individuals lack skill
and knowledge
Group doesnt know
each other

When Ineffective

Goal is to develop a
sense of team
Members have some
Group wants an element
of spontaneity

2. Democrative

Participative style
Leader encourages
group to be part of
decision making
Leader keeps members

When Effective

In changing
environments where
there are no givens
When improvement and
adaptation is necessary
to keep with the times
When everyone has
ideas they want to share

When Ineffective

When roles are not

clearly stated,
miscommunication can
When there is limited
When the people
involved do not have
ideas to share

3. Bureaucratic

Manager is by the
Everything is done
according to procedure
or policy

When Effective

Workers are completing

the same tasks over and
over again
Employers are working
with equipment that is
tentative and needs
specific instructions to

When Ineffective

Bad work habits form

that are hard to break
and remain ingrained in
the minds of the
Workers do only what is
expected of them and

The workers like to
follow instructions

nothing else
When workers prefer to
be more independent or
creative rather than
follow everything by the

4. Laissez-Faire

Hands-off style
Little direction is
provided and group is
given freedom
All authority and power
is given to the group

When Effective

When group members

are capable of working
on their own and are
highly skilled
Helpful when group
members are more
knowledgeable than
group leader
When group members
prefer to be independent

When Ineffective

When group members

lack creativity and skill
When leaders arent
providing enough
guidance and ensuring
group is on track or
taking enough
When group members
require instruction and
help to complete
projects, especially if
the members are new to
the job

5. Monarchy

Power is inherited and

passed down in the
Royal family

When Effective

A monarch is good as it
is one person that a
country can look
towards for guidance
Monarchs do not have
to go through many
people in order to make
decisions and
implement changes
People will always
respect the monarchs
family as it will be
present from generation

When Ineffective

Sometimes the monarch

is not trained properly
and fails to train his/her
next of kin, hurting the
leadership of the
People have different
ideas and opinions and
cannot agree with the
decisions of one person,
i.e. the monarch, but do
not have a say
If the bloodline ends for

to generation

some reason then chaos

can ensue when
choosing the next leader

6. Communism


Government owns all

land and property and
all production and
distribution is controlled
by the state
In theory everyone is
equal and works toward
sharing wealth

When Effective

Everyone is treated
equally and there is no
classism since classes
are basically nonexistent
Unemployment rates are
lowered since everyone
has an equal chance at a
Education rates are high
since even the poorest
people have an equal
chance to go school

When Ineffective

It is difficult to speak
out against the
government for changes
you might want since
there is not much
The government
completely controls the
decisions and outcomes
of your life
There is hardly any
financial freedom in
communist societies so
it is hard to become rich

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