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IUIIPlII J i l l i i t IP

ELSEVIER European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 4 1996) 133-138 SCIENCES

The impact of stereoisomerism in a bioequivalence study on two

formulations of doxepin
K.K. Midha ~'b'*, J.W. H u b b a r d a. M. R a w s o n ~, R. S c h w e d e ~
'College ~t Pharmacy and Nutrition. Unit'ersitv ~!f"Saskatchewan. I I0 Science Place. Sa.vkatoon. SK. S Z~I 5C0. Canada
hCollcee of Medicine University of Saskatchewan. I lO Science Place. Saskat~on. SK. ST,V fiCg. Canada
~Geneva Pharmaceuticals 2555 W Midway Blvd. P.O. Box 446. Broomfield, Co 800.;8-0.146. USA
Received If) April 1995; accepted 22 August 1995


There are few archival data on the impact of stercoisomerism on bioequivalence studies. A hioequivalcncc study wax carried out on
two fortnulations of doxepin containitlg 15% of the active (-i.v isomer and 85% of the less active trans isomer. Plasma concentrations of
cis N-dcsmcthyldoxepin remained at approxim:ttcly 15% of total in only 2 of 30 healthy voltmtcers who completed the study. In the
retnaining 28 sulRjects, however, the proportion of cis N-desmcthyldoxepitl steadily increased with time such that by 72 h post dose. cis
N-desmethykh~xcpin comprised approximately 90% of the metabolite present in plasma. Nevertheless. the 90% conlidence intervals (In
AUCh, ,. In C ..... ;.llld In C ...... /AUC~.,,,) for N-desntcthyldoxcpin fell entirely within bit~equivalenee limits of 8()-125%, irrespective of
whether stereoselective or tlon-stereosclective data were analyzed. Thus the results of this study did not support arguments in favor of the
use of stercoselcctive methods in bioequivalence studies.

Keywords." Bioeqtfivalcnce; Stcreoisomerism; Geometric isomerism; Metabolites: Doxepin; N-Desmethyldoxepin

1. Introduction systemic clearance. It was felt that if the two enantio-

mers are documented to show no difference in these
Many important and widely used drugs are mar- two pharmacokinetic characteristics, a non-
keted as mixtures of optical isomers and/or geomet- stereoselective method may be used..," This state-
ric isomers that often differ in their pharmacological, ment was made in the absence of substantive data
toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties (Wainer since most bioequivalence studies are conducted
and Draycr, 1988). It is clear that stereoisomerism without recourse to intravenous dosing so that sys-
has an important impact on pharmacokinetics (Ariens, temic availability (F) and clearance (CL) usually
1984) and therapeutic monitoring (Hubbard et al., remain unknown, and the closest approximation that
1986) but there are few archival data on the relevance can be made is the quotient CL/F.
of stcreochcmistry in bioequivalence studies. A con- One published study on this topic (Jamali et al.,
fcrence report from "'Bio-lnternational "92"' (Blurne 1991) compared a stereoselective approach with a
and Midha, 1993) commented subjectively on the more conventional non-stereoselective method in a
bioequivalence issue in the following terms: "'...The bioequivalence study on two formulations of flurbip-
use of specific analytical methods was briefly dis- rofen. The authors' conclusion that stereospecilic
cussed. Two aspects must be taken into account (!) approaches provide a more accurate assessment of
systemic availability of the two enantiomers and (2) products in bioequivalency studies, however, was
based on a significant difference in a paired t-test.
Corresponding author. The latter simply tests for differences between formu-

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134 K.K. Midha et al. I European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (1996) 133-138

lations based on between subject variability, whereas may be an indication that the trans to cis conversion
the standard confidence interval approach to bio- process could involve successive hydration and dehy-
equivalence decision making (Schuirmann, 1987) dration of the exocyclic double bond. The potential
relies on the within subject variability estimated from involvement of cis N-desmethyldoxepin in the effica-
the residual error term in ANOVA (Midha et al., cy of doxepin therapy was taken as an indication that
1993a). Upon calculation of confidence intervals from stereoisomerism should be taken into account in a
the published data (Jamali et al., 1991) it was found study on the bioequivalence of two formulations of
that the ratios of geometric means were close to unity the drug. Therefore a bioequivalence study on two
and the confidence intervals fell within the regulatory capsule formulations of doxepin was carried out with
interval of 80-125% for both isomers. Interpreted in a view to studying the impact of stereoisomerism on
this way, these data did not support arguments in bioequivalence decision making.
favor of stereoselective methods for bioequivalence
Doxepin is marketed as an irrational mixture of 2. Experimental procedures
15% the cis-isomer and 85% of the trans-isomer.
Tests in animals suggest that doxepin exhibits antide- 2.1. Subjects
pressant activities with pronounced sedation and
tranquillizing properties, together with anticholiner- The subjects (n=30) were recruited from a cohort
gic, antispasmodic and mild peripheral vasodilating of healthy male Caucasian volunteers aged 18-45
effects (Pinder et al., 1977). cis-Doxepin was more years and deviating by no more than 15% from the
active than the trans-isomer in virtually all these ideal weight for height according to the Metropolitan
animal tests. Doxepin is metabolized in humans to Life Insurance Company Bulletin, 1983. Each subject
form a variety of phase I and phase I! metabolites was required to be free from cardiovascular, hepatic,
(Luo et al., 1991 Shu et al., 1990a Shu et al., 1990b). renal, or gastrointestinal diseases, drug abuse or
The major mctabolite, N-desmethyldoxepin was also alcohol dependence, as assessed by physical exami-
active in animal tests with more sedative properties nation and review of medical history. In addition, the
than the parent drug (Pinder et al., 1977). Animal blood pressure, electrocardiogram and results of
data are difficult to interpret in the context of clinical clinical laboratory tests were required to be within
depression in humans, and while it has been reported normal ranges. The subjects were required to refrain
that the total plasma concentrations of doxepin plus from use of all other drugs (including non-prescrip-
N-desmethyldoxepin correlate better with antidepres- tion drugs), for at least one week before the study
sant activity than do concentrations of the parent drug until one week after its completion. The consumption
alone (Faulkner et al., 1983 Green, 1978), there are of alcohol or caffeinated beverages was prohibited
no data on the relative extents to which the cis-and from 48 h prior to dosing until after collection of the
trans isomers of doxepin and its N-desmethyl metab- last blood sample.
olite contribute to therapeutic activity in patients. It
is, however, known that plasma concentrations of cis 2.2. Study design
N-desmethyldoxepin were comparable to those of
trans N-desmethyldoxepin in depressed patients The study protocol and consent form were ap-
(Hrdina et ai., 1990 Rosseei et al., 1978) and healthy proved by the local ethics review board. The subjects
volunteers (Midha et al., 1992), although the mecha- were given test and reference capsules containing
nism(s) responsible for the change in proportion of doxepin ( 3 x 2 5 mg) in a two-period, two-sequence,
plasma concentration of the N-desmethyl isomers randomized cross-over design (Grizzle, 1965) with a
remain(s) unknown. Evidence for the involvement of wash-out period of three weeks between the last
trans to cis conversion has been reported in humans blood sample collection after the first phase and
(Ghabrial et ai., 1991), and an unstable metabolite of dosing of the second phase. Blood samples (15 mi)
N-desmethyldoxepin hydroxylated at the exocyclic were harvested in heparinized evacuated tubes imme-
double bond was detected in the urine of patients diately before dosing and at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3,
medicated with doxepin (Shu et al., 1990a). The latter 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 168 h after
K.K. Midha et al. I European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (1996) 133-138 135

dosing. Care was taken to ensure that the blood did quotient of the predicted Ct~.,, and the appropriate
not contact the rubber stopper at any time during value of k. A half life was calculated as the quotient
sample collection. The blood samples were cen- of In 2 and k. Bioequivalence calculations (PC-SAS)
trifuged within 30 min of collection. The plasma were calculated from log transformed data as de-
samples were divided into two aliquots and stored at scribed previously (Midha et al., 1993b).
-20C until analysis by methods described previous-
ly (Midha et al.. 1992).
3. Results and discussion
2.3. Calculations and statistics
In the present study, geometric mean ratios and
Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated (PC- 90% confidence intervals were calculated for both
SAS) by standard methods. The maximum plasma doxepin and N-desmethyldoxepin. In view of the
concentration (Cm,~) and the time (tm~,,) to maximum likelihood that concentration-dependent parameters
concentration were obtained directly from the plasma are not normally distributed, Table I shows geomet-
concentration versus time curves. The area under the ric means, minima and maxima of AUC~,~t and Cm,,
plasma concentration versus time curve (AUCI,~,) up for total doxepin, total N-desmethyldoxepin. and cis
to the time (/last) of the last measurable concentration and trans N-desmethyldoxepin after administration of
(C~,~,) was estimated by the linear trapezoidal rule for the test and reference formulations. Table 2 shows
ascending portions and the log trapezoidal rule lor corresponding arithmetic means (__+standard error) for
descending portions of the curve. A rate constant (k) the time dependent parameters tr.,,' and t t/'.
was calculated by least squares regression of the Unfortunately plasma concentrations of cis dox-
natural logs of the last 2-5 data points. AUCI,,~t was epin were so low that stereoselective monitoring was
extrapolated to inlinite time (AUC) by adding the possible in only three subjects in whom plasma

Table 1
GeolllCttic nle;.ins and ranges for concentration-dependent parameters

AUC,.., (nglh'ml ' ) C... (nglml)

Test Reference Test Reference
Total doxepin
Mean (n = 30) 143.9 134.8 14.0 11.8
Minimum 32.3 33.4 4.0 3.2
Maximum 619.8 670.3 43.0 41.5
Total N-desmethyldoxepin
Mean (n = 30) 155.7 158.5 4.8 4.6
Minimum 64.9 78.7 2.9 2.5
Maximum 956.9 970. I 10.6 9. I
cis N-Desmethyldoxepin
Mean 01 = 30) 95.6 99.9 2.2 2.2
Minimum 49.2 59.9 1.5 1.5
Maximum 201.9 218.8 3.7 3.6
trans N-Desmethyldoxepin
Mean (n = 30) 43.6 41.7 2.7 2.5
Minimum 1 I. I 4. I 1.3 0.7
Maximum 848.8 855.5 8.4 7.8
cis N-Desmethyldoxepin
Mean (n = 28. all except 6 and 18) 94.6 98.5 2.3 2.3
Mean (n=2. subjects 6 and 18) 106.2 116.7 1.8 1.8
trans N-Desmethyldoxepin
Mean (n =28, all except 6 and 18) 35,9 34.1 2.6 2.3
Mean (n =2. subjects 6 and 18) 700.7 667.8 7.2 6.9
136 K.K. Midha et al. I European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (1996) 133-138

Table 2
Anthmetic means_+SE for time dependent parameters
illustrates that a bioequivalence study based on a
cross-over design is not compromised by the inclu-
Test Reference
sion of subjects from different populations.
Total Doxepin
Table 2 reveals that the mean t .... and t ~/2 values
t,,, (h) 2.2-+0.2 2.50.2
t " : (h) 13.5__. 1.0 14.0___ 1.0 of cis N-desmethyldoxepin were considerably greater
Total N-desmethyldoxepin
that those of the trans isomer after administration of
t (h) 6.6__.I.0 7.2'-I.I the test and reference formulations of doxepin, sug-
fl': (h) 31.9"4.2 31.8"3.8 gesting that the pharmacokinetics of cis N-desmeth-
cis N-Desmethyldoxepin yldoxepin may have been rate limited by formation.
t~,, (h) 11.5__.2.4 11.3_+1.7 Studies are presently under way in our laboratories to
t ~': (h) 23.8_+2.5 28.1 _+3.3
investigate the absolute bioavailabilities of doxepin
trans N-Desmethyldoxepin and N-desmethyldoxepin in healthy volunteers which
t (hi 4.6_+0.8 4.6 1.0
t " : (h) 16.0_+ 2.5 14.2-+2.1
should yield valuable data on clearance and elimina-
tion half lives in addition to information on possible
trans to cis conversion during the formation of cis
Non-stereoselective data tbr doxepin (Table 3)
concentrations of the cis isomer were highest. In show 90% confidence intervals for In AUC~,,~ (rela-
these individuals, the cis isomer comprised approxi- tive extent of absorption) that fell entirely within the
mately 15% of the total doxepin in plasma, similar to bioequivalence limits of 80-125%. The 90% confi-
the proportion in the dosage forms administered. The dence intervals tbr In C ..... , however, violated the
mean AUCt.~, values for cis N-desmethyldoxepin, upper boundary, suggesting a possible difference in
however, were more than double those of the trans relative rates of absorption from the two formula-
isomer (Table I ). Two individuals (subjects 6 and i 8) tions. Table 3 also shows that C ...... was highly
had very high values for AUCj.~, of trans N-dcsmeth- variable in that the ANOVA CV>30% (Blume and
yldoxcpin (Table l), and their proportion of cis to Midha, 1993) indicating there was a high probability
total N-dcsmethyldoxepin renmincd close to 15% of failure in terms of in C,,,,~ even in simulations
(Fig. I), suggesting these two individuals were from
a different population than the rest of the subjects.
Nevertheless, Fig. I shows that test and reference
Table 3
formulation means of 28 subjects were simihtr to
90% Confidence intervals and within-subject variabilities (n =30) for
each other, as were those of subjects 6 and 18, which total doxepin, total N-desmethyldoxepin. and cis and tran.~ N-desmeth-

90% CIs CV%"

100 Total Doxepin

~. 9O In AUC,,., 96.4- I 18.2 23.2
a0 In C ..... 102.2-13Z9 .t4.1
o 70 1~
N In C,,,,./AUC,,, 101.4-122.0 21.0
5 6O Total N-Desmethyldosepin
In AUC,,., 93.3- I03.3 I 1.6
40 L
3o /M.en, of 6 10 In C .... 99.4-112.3 13.9
In C,,,,,/AUC~,,, 100.9-114.8 14.8
~ ~ ...... , . . . . 15%
cis N-Desmethyldoxcpin
0 / - I - I I . I . I I . I
In AUC~,,, 91 .1-100.6 I 1.4
0 10 2O 30 40 50 60 70 80 In C .... 96.0-105.5 10.7
Time (hours) In Cm,,/AUC,,,, I(X).2-110.4 I 1.0
trans N-Desmethyldoxepin
Fig. I. Plots of the mean % cis N-desmethyldoxepin for 28 subjects
(diamonds) and for subjects 6 and 18 (circles) after administration of test In AUC,,,, 93. I - I 17.8 26.9
(solid lines) or reference (broken lines} formulations. The plot is cut off at In Cm," 99.8-120.4 21.4
72 h since there were fewer than 28 subjects contributing to each mean In Cm, IAUC,,,, 92.8-118.0 27.3
(diamonds) after this time. 'Calculated from the residual mean square in ANOVA.
K.K. Midha et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (1996) 133-138 137

where the true ratio of geometric means was set at the 90% confidence intervals for each phar-
unity (Midha et al., 1993a). The ratio Cm~/AUC is macokinetic parameter of cis, transo and total N-
theoretically less variable than Cm~X (Endrenyi and desmethyldoxepin all fell within the bioequivalence
Yan, 1993) and has the additional advantage over interval of 80-125%.
Cm~~ that it is sensitive to the rate of absorption, but This study has demonstrated the necessity of
is unaffected by the extent of absorption (Endrenyi et stereoselective data to define the bioavailability of
al., 1991 Schall et al., 1994). The 90% confidence doxepin and N-desmethyldoxepin because it appears
interval for In C,,,~/AUCt~st of total doxepin fell likely that cis N-desmethyldoxepin plays an impor-
within the bioequivalence limits of 80-125% (Table tant role in doxepin therapy. The terms "bioavail-
3) although Cm~x/AUC has not been accepted as a ability" and "bioequivalence", however, are often
bioequivalence parameter by drug regulatory agen- used as if they are interchangeable. This confusion
cies. would lead one to reason that bioequivalence of two
Some stereoselective data on doxepin were made formulations of doxepin must also be based on
available by Novapharm Ltd., Canada, who kindly stereoselective data on the parent drug and the N-
consented to its inclusion in this manuscript. The desmethyl metabolite. In fact, a bioequivalence study
Novapharm study was carded out in 36 healthy based on the confidence interval method applied to a
young men each of whom received two 150-mg randomized cross-over design examines the relative
formulations of doxepin (twice the dose in the bioavailability of the test and reference formulations,
present study) in a two-treatment, two-period, cross- a completely different phenomenon. For example, it
over design. This study was completed at a time is necessary to estimate AUC in order to estimate
when Canadian drug regulatory authorities required extent of absorption in a bioavailability study, but
calculation of symmetrical 95% contidence intervals experimental data (Midha et al., 1994) has shown
which are reported here as such. The results, how- that the use of partial areas of AUC (e.g. AUC,,,,, )
ever, were similar to those in the present study. The in conjunction with tile conlidence interval method is
stereoselective 95% conlidence intervals for cis and a very effective means of investigating relative
trans doxepin fell entirely within the bioequivalence bioavailability in a bioequivalence study.
limits for In AUCt~,,, (cis 86.9-107.6; trans 82.0- In conclusion, the present study was carried out on
101.9) whereas those for In C,,,,~ violated the lower a drug marketed as an irrational mixture of geometric
bound (cis 7 8 . 6 - 1 0 8 . 2 ; trans 7 4 . 6 - 1 0 9 . 1 ) . C ..... / isomers in which the active cis isomer comprises
AUC data were not available from the Novapharm only 15% of the administered dose, but which
study, although it would appear that the failure of In undergoes a substantial change of proportion to the
C~,~ was also likely due to high within-subject extent that, for most subjects, A U C ~ , of cis N-
variability of this parameter. The key point to be desmethyl metabolite was greater than that of the
made in the present context is that stereoselective trans isomer. The use of metabolite data in bio-
data gave the same overall result as a non- equivalence decision making, however, remains an
stereoselective procedure in similar studies. open question. Theoretical arguments suggest that
The inlluence of data from subjects 6 and 18 can bioequivalence can be based on data from parent drug
be seen in Table 1 as wide ranges in AUCt,s, for both or metabolite, active or inactive, provided the choice
trans and total N-desmethyldoxepin after administra- of analyte is not made'retrospectively (Tucker et al.,
tion of either test or reference formulations. The 1993). In the absence of acceptance criteria for
lower two panels of Table ! illustrate that inclusion metabolite data, it could be argued that the bio-
of data from these two subjects had a marked effect equivalence could not be declared in the present
on the geometric means for AUCta~t of trans N- context because the confidence intervals for In C ....
desmethyidoxepin, but little effect on those for of the parent drug failed to fall within bioequivalence
AUC~,~, of cis N-desmethyldoxepin, or on C,,,~ for limits of 80-125%, based either on stereoselective
either isomer. Removal of data from these subjects, data in the Novapharm study, or on non-stereoselec-
however, cannot be justified in a bioequivalence tive data in the present study. In other words, there
study since each acts as his own control in the was insufficient evidence to support arguments in
cross-over design. Nevertheless, Table 3 shows that favor of the use of stereoselective methods in these
138 K.K. Midha et al. I European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 4 (1996) 133-138

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