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Devin Hill

For thousands of years people have moved animals and plants around the world in order
to bring beauty and diversity to their ecosystem. At first glance this might not seem to be much
of an issue, but when you look at certain ecosystems years after sometimes you may notice a
lessened biodiversity within that ecosystem. How would you like it if you were just sitting at
home and someone randomly places someone new in your home that uses up all your resources
until you whither, starve, or just get eaten. Lets take a look at some of the instances of invasive
species in communities.
Ever since I was a child my father has told me about the pepper tree. As a Floridian for 19
years this plant hits home because theyre literally everywhere. The pepper tree is seemingly
harmless but it drives out plants and animals frequently throughout Floridas ecosystem. The
pepper tree was brought to Florida in the 1840s for a decorative purpose, but years later many of
us would regret that decision. The biggest issue lies in the trees root system. The pepper trees
roots are highly aggressive and invasive. The roots stretch far and wide making it almost
impossible for other plants to grow near it. Some roots can even break pavement and invade
sewers. Not only that but the berries on the tree are fairly poisonous causing gastric and other
issues. This might not all seem bad, but once you take a few plants away a chain reactions
occurs. Without edible plants all herbivores are driven out of the ecosystem or die, then animals
that eat these herbivores are driven out or die leaving only the pepper tree to dominate the
resources of that land.
As much as I would like to tell you how to stop invasive species there isnt one the best
thing you can do is simply stop them from spreading. When it comes to plants the best thing you
do is just make sure youre not planting them yourself or bringing them around on your clothes

as seeds and such. When it comes to animals it important to remember not to release exotic
animals into the wild, and to be wary of what kind of animals you are keeping as pets and
making sure you can commit to taking care of it. You can also try to do your part to safely
removes invasive species from the wild safely and educate others of the threat.
Invasive species can be quite a large issues. They can completely reshape an ecosystem
for the worst by taking all of the plants and animals that plants that once called it home and
slowly absorb all of their resources. Protect your native plants, or you might find this issue too.\

The Nature Conservancy. Retrieved September 16, 2016, from

Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants. (n.d.). Retrieved September 16, 2016, from

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