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Al Bahr Al Ahmar International School

Maths Worksheet 5
Name : __________________________

Grade : ___________

Date :

Common facilities used by banking customers are: opening accounts,

paying in money or making withdrawals, transferring money between
accounts or to other account holders, paying bills, organising loans and
mortgages, planning investments and booking appointments with an
account manager.
1. From the banking facilities mentioned above, decide which would
need face to face contact with someone in the bank itself and which
could be done online.

2. Imagine that you are a bank customer who is living in an area where
your bank is planning to close the only nearby branch. Draft a letter
of complaint, stating three complaints why you are unhappy and
think that the branch should reconsider its decision to close.

3. Imagine that you are the manager of the bank that has decided to

close the branch. The customers letter of complaint has been

passed on to you. Draft your reply, explaining three reasons why the
bank feelsit has good reason to close the branch.

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