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Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 3

passage of the tree

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 4

Passage of the Tree / Mudanza del rbol was written under the auspices
of FONCAS Sistema Nacional de Creadores

Copyright 2006 by Malva Flores

English translation 2006 by T. G. Huntington

Cover and Text desing: Snark Editores, S. A. de C. V.

Cover Image: El origen de las formas, 1996, by Edgar Moreno.
Courtesy by the Author

First Edition, 2006

Literal Publishing
770 South Post Oak Lane, Suite 530
Houston, TX 77056

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other-
wise, without the prior permission of the publisher

ISBN: 0-9770287-2-0

Printed in the United States of America

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 5

Malva Flores

passage to the tree


Translated to English by T. G. Huntington

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 7

to Robert Orth,
and Mlani
Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 8

the restraint
the clarity of the tree
of the stone sleeping
among its roots

from my center

your voice rushes in

rose of charity:


What edge of air proceeds to gild
this sleepiness, this dawn
of salt foretelling its future
by the riverside.

It is the same edge

that caresses stones
and also stirs the leaves

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 9

el comedimiento
la claridad del rbol
de la piedra dormida
en las races

desde mi centro

tu voz se precipita
rosa de caridad:


Qu filo del aire va dorando
este adormecimiento, esta maana
de sal que anuncia su porvenir
a la orilla del ro.

Es el mismo filo
que acaricia las piedras,
y levanta tambin las hojas

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 10

of my tree

this aubade that will

never end
at least in my eyes.

The day has been born
for such a long time now.

Years and years

the solicitous hours of foam
like starfish
like adobe laughter
under the waters of March
have changed their form:
stony hours,
the seconds, walls
through which not even a chink
of light has taken

There is a margin,
dog days,

there is a margin
where I submerge my feet
and my dress floats

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 11

de mi rbol

esta alborada que nunca

se termina
al menos en mis ojos.

Viene naciendo el da
desde hace tanto ya.

Aos y aos
las horas solcitas de espuma
como estrellas marinas
como risa de adobe
bajo el agua de marzo
han cambiado su forma:
ptreas horas,
muros los segundos
por donde ni una brizna
de luz ha levantado
el vuelo.

Hay un margen,

hay un margen
donde hundo los pies
y mi vestido flota

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 12

orange like you,

orange like a flower

domesticated flower
dancing among the stones
as my mother sings.

Within that margin.

The tree is not made of mildness.
What we see when it moves in the breeze
is acquiescence.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 13

naranja como t,
naranja como flor

domesticada flor
bailando entre las piedras
mientras mi madre canta.

En ese margen.

No est hecho de mansedumbre el rbol.
Lo que vemos cuando se mueve al aire
es aquiescencia.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 14

Fountain that accommodates

this light, simmering now
the color of oranges.

root in this center
where everything comes back:

the voice,
the light on
the roof tiles
and the dance of syllables
that announce
the word return.

I have no other words but these
stones, deaf and obsolete
they are so smooth. The vocabulary
went away on the river
before anyone could say watch
out, stop short.

There was no lily,

that could embrace

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 15

Fuente que se acomoda

esta luz que ahora cuece
el color de las naranjas.

raz en este centro
a donde todo vuelve:

la voz,
la luz sobre
las tejas
y el baile de las slabas
que anuncian
la palabra regreso.

No tengo ms palabras que estas
piedras, obsoletas y sordas
de tan lisas. Se fue
el vocabulario por el ro
sin que nadie dijera agua
va, detente consonante.

No hubo lirio,
que abrazara

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 16

vowels or bends
where scattered
syllables might rest awhile.

the smooth stones
so deaf.

And what trembling
already denounces the return.
Under what orphanhood of clouds
the beds of flowers
fasting at its shadow

Will there be a clear shelter

for the stone from the river and the scent
of herbs whose name
I have forgotten?

So many were the hours

before coming back here
that everything I said has erased
its imprint.


Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 17

vocales ni recodo
donde dispersas
slabas se acodaran un rato.

las piedras lisas
tan sordas.

Y qu temblor
acusa ya la vuelta.
En qu orfandad de nubes
crecieron los macizos
de flores que ayunan
a su sombra.

Habr ese claro amparo

de la piedra de ro y el olor
de las hierbas cuyo nombre
he olvidado?

Tantas fueron las horas

para volver aqu
que todo cuanto dije ha borrado
su huella.


Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 18

Feathers of the dove

were left behind in branches
after the battle.
Jumbled here as well,
at the foot of the lime tree
a brownish lock or two.

I take both river banks

feather that no longer sings
and unravels only at the passage
of my fingers.

Beyond I find
the beak and the sun
that swings
on the patios back:
saucepan where the hygiene
of death simmers.

The child does not seek the magpies wing.
When he throws the stone
he wants the tree to dance.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 19

Plumas de la paloma
han quedado en las ramas
despus de la contienda.
Revuelto aqu tambin,
al pie del limonero,
algn mechn parduzco.

Tomo las dos orillas:

pluma que ya no canta
y slo se desteje al paso
de mis dedos.

Ms all encuentro
el pico y el sol
que se columpia
en el lomo del patio:
perol donde se cuece
la higiene de la muerte.

No busca el nio el ala de la urraca.
Cuando tira la piedra
quiere que baile el rbol.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 20

Nothing that returns you

to the world.

You walk through the house;

you tour it daily
looking on its walls at the page
you know was left unfinished;
the destiny unknown to you
albeit so similar to
No one brought you here.
Nothing that returns
the world to you.

Ariadne is out of thread

but there is a space
reached by
your childrens voices,
the brief flicker
of the doves,
and the jet of light
shining on the flagstones
so similar to consolation.

Here and there
planted and transplanted

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 21

Nada que te devuelva

al mundo.

Caminas por la casa;

la recorres a diario
mirando en sus paredes la pgina
que sabes inconclusa;
el destino que ignoras
aunque tanto se parece
al destierro.
Nadie te trajo aqu.
Nada que te devuelva
el mundo.

No hay ms hilo de Ariadna

pero existe un espacio
a donde llegan
las voces de tus hijos,
el breve centellear
de las palomas,
y el chorro de la luz
brillando en las baldosas
se parece al consuelo.

Aqu y all
plantado y trasplantado

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 22

the heart of the tree

is shivering:
it is a rolling home.

The branches
do not take note
of what it is.
They do not talk about their stay
beside the river, or speak
of that obligatory
coexistence with the sidewalk.

Only their movement

indicates the shape of a

Because the hand weaves
a deadline of hours
we have been delaying
this voyage.

It does not bring us

the scent
of the plum tree.
The serpent
of water
crossing the mist
does not invite us either.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 23

el corazn del rbol

se estremece:
es la casa rodante.

No apuntan
lo que es
las ramas.
No dicen de su estancia
junto al ro, ni hablan
de aquella convivencia
forzada con la acera.

Slo su movimiento
indica la forma del

Porque la mano teje
el plazo de las horas
venimos retrasando
este viaje.

No nos lleva
el olor
del ciruelo.
La serpiente
del agua
cruzando la neblina
tampoco nos convoca.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 24

We are not going towards

we are leaving from

A tone.
What I am seeking is a tone
as a seed.
Let it flower
Let it comprehend the color
of that black blood
of the slaughterhouses and the greenish
tonality of the skin
of frogs.

A tone:
a song
let it not be the same
tune as always.

But there is none.

There is no
watering hole.

seed of blue,
yet winged.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 25

No vamos hacia
salimos de

Un tono.
Lo que busco es un tono
de semilla.
Que florezca.
Que comprenda el color
de aquella sangre
negra de los rastros y la tonalidad
verdosa en la piel
de las ranas.

Un tono:
una cancin
que ya no sea la misma
tonadilla de siempre.

Pero no hay.
No existe

semilla del azul,
pero con alas.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 26

So much hard work, seed,

if from my lips you fall,
and there remain:
observing the rain, dodging
the crickets bite

only waiting.

Now you come

opening your bark
of key lime


better yet of orange:

fruit tree planted
in any land
its root will become trunk
In the highlands

its birds will sing.

One, two, three stones
against the crucible of the river
that does not crack

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 27

Qu trabajo, semilla,
si de mis labios caes,
y te quedas all:
atisbando la lluvia, sorteando
la mordedura de los grillos

slo esperando.

Ahora vienes
abriendo tu corteza
de lima


de naranjo mejor:
rbol frutal plantado
en cualquier tierra
su raz devendr tronco.
En las alturas

cantarn sus pjaros.

Una, dos, tres piedras
contra el cristal del ro
que no se rompe.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 28

Time and time again

the same ceremony
of the magpie as I
throw the stones:
the illusory circle that forms
while it hops again
near the tree.
So blue they are black
screaming among the branches,
the magpies.

Orange or jacaranda tree
never oak.

I choose the lesser

of all species.

Less foliage,
less racket of birds
dancing among the leaves.

that the bark softens
under the caress of ants

and they come and they tell you

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 29

Una y otra vez

la misma ceremonia
de la urraca mientras
tiro las piedras:
el crculo ilusorio que se forma
mientras salta otra vez
cerca del rbol.
Negras de tan azules,
gritando entre las ramas,
las urracas.

Naranjo o jacaranda
nunca roble.

De todas las especies

escojo las menores.

Menos fronda,
menos barullo de aves
bailando entre las hojas.

En fin
que la corteza ablanda
a caricias de hormiga

y vienen y te dicen,

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 30

about the murmur at your feet
of the breaking
that transforms into a heart
two children
who are kissing.

The tree cannot become more
than a stance
uncomfortable if it plants its branches
within that center
that no longer exists.

But it is always the center

no matter how much we would still like
to plant ourselves on the bank
better yet, at the bend
in a remote corner
of the landscape.

My grandmother looks out the window
the kingdom lost, the arums
from that blue flower vase,
lost as well

and the Spanish deck

leaps form her hand:

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 31

del rumor a tus pies
de la desgarradura
que en corazn transforman
dos nios
que se besan.

No pasa el rbol de ser
una postura
incmoda si planta su ramaje
en aquel centro
que ya no existe ms.

Pero es siempre centro

por ms que an queramos
plantarnos a la orilla
en la esquina mejor
en el rincn extremo
del paisaje.

Mi abuela se asoma a la ventana
perdido el reino, perdidos
tambin los alcatraces
de aquel florero azul

y salta de su mano
la baraja espaola:

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 32

5 of clubs
out of nowhere
and thus everything is transformed
into luck, into stentorian

The old woman returns

in her torn bathrobe
and sits at the table.
The glowing afternoon
lasts an eternity
while the hand dictates
the accommodation of the deck
in cross formation:

7 times in hands repeated

for me
and for what awaits me
the kingdom, lost
heaven, lost
and forever.

Nostalgia for God
is what moves the tree
when lightning calls.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 33

5 de bastos
de improviso
y todo as se transforma
en azar, en plpito

Vuelve la anciana
con su bata rasgada
y se sienta a la mesa.
Dura la tarde
eternidad de lumbre
mientras la mano dicta
el acomodo en cruz
de la baraja:

7 veces en manos repetida

por m
y por lo que me espera
perdido el reino,
perdido el cielo
y para siempre.

La nostalgia de Dios
es lo que mueve al rbol
cuando llama al relmpago.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 34

Today I do not have the strength

to kill the cat
let it be put to sleep
say those in the know
but I know that just one more
another move
will be its death.

He arches his back

already in submission
to any possibility. He
who never gave in
to a caress other than
the palm of the sun
across his body.

I want to forget the cat

but I can do nothing more than bring
the water to his mouth
awaiting a rapid descent
a fulminating farewell
that will free us both
from this forced mourning.

And from whom

if not God
from whom to demand an hour of rest

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 35

Hoy no tengo la fuerza

para matar al gato
que se ponga a dormir
dicen los entendidos
mas s que alguna ms
una mudanza ms
ser su muerte.

Arquea su lomo
que ya es sometimiento
a todo lo posible. l,
que nunca transigi
con ms caricia
que la palma del sol
sobre su cuerpo.

Quiero olvidar al gato

pero no hago ms que acercar
el agua hasta su hocico
esperando un rpido deceso
un fulminante adis
que nos libre a los dos
de este forzado duelo.

Y a quin
sino es a Dios
a quien reclama una hora de asueto

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 36

a fluffy point of no return

a pause in transit
towards the happy
feline heaven.

But I cannot.

At my last count its been 80

years his shadow has wandered
among books and cardboard
boxes. 20
if we count the time
he used to sleep
upon my bed.
Where I wake up
every day with the useless illusion
of his death. but hes still there
waiting for my hand
the sleepy beast
who asks of me
a single act of charity
just one.

But today
I cannot.

My eyes gaze as if the years
that theyve carried were 20

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 37

un hasta aqu mullido

una pausa en trnsito
hacia el cielo
feliz de los felinos.

Pero no puedo.

Contando bien ya son 80

los aos que su sombra ha vagado
entre libros y cajas
de mudanza. 20
si contamos el tiempo
que acostumbr dormir
sobre mi cama.
En ella me despierto
cada da con la ilusin intil
de su muerte. Pero all sigue
esperando mi mano
la fiera adormecida
que slo uno
un slo acto de caridad
me solicita.

Pero hoy
no puedo.

Miran mis ojos como si fueran
20 los aos que cargaran

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 38

and the sun and its creases

had not yet accentuated
other creases on my face.

20 in the space opened by

this double window every day
and that is why
I cant get comfortable
anywhere but here
beneath this treetop
that is transformed every day
but is always
the same
of immovable

Not just working.
Living also wears you down. Seeing
how the day passes,
one day then another
identical to the next
that will come tomorrow.
And not knowing
you never know
what will happen
or even
if what might happen matters.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 39

y el sol y sus ranuras

no hubieran acentuado
ya las otras, ranuras de mi cara.

20 en el espacio que abre

esta doble ventana diariamente
y por eso
no encuentro acomodo
ms que aqu
bajo esta copa
que a diario se transforma
pero es siempre
la misma
de inamovible

No slo trabajar.
Tambin vivir agota. Ver
cmo pasa el da,
uno y ms das
idnticos al otro
al que vendr maana.
Y no saber
nunca se sabe
qu va a pasar
o acaso
si importa lo que pase.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 40

From only watching

in this useless effort
to see what leaves no
the day disappears.

And one awaits the night

as if it were a gem
that could change everything
that could transform the fevered
weariness within our bones
that pain
so intense it never has a name
but there it stays
swelling our hands
the profile of those traits
that go unrecognized as ours.

and ligaments
by the passage of time
they grow at night
and they are a forest of veins
beating: the heart of a tree
that stirs its leaves

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 41

Slo de ver
en ese esfuerzo intil
por mirar lo que no tiene
se desvanece el da.

Y uno espera la noche

como si fuera un dije
que lo cambiara todo
transformara el cansancio
febril de nuestros huesos
ese dolor
intenso que nunca tiene nombre
pero ah permanece
hinchando nuestra manos
el perfil de unos rasgos
que no se reconocen como propios.

y ligamentos
por el paso del tiempo
se acrecientan de noche
y son bosque de venas
palpitando: el corazn del rbol
que remueve sus hojas

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 42

in search of some breeze.

Air is what there isnt

and again tomorrow comes.
You open your eyes again.

Sitting on the threshold
wrapped inside the lukewarm
fog of night
the female fox.

What propitious food

for the soul called
the female fox to my door?
From whence might those
red eyes have come,
kindled today
by the glow of lightbulbs?

How did she get this far

perhaps laying low
among the bundles of some
truck from out of state
the horns of cars
until ending up at the kitchen
where my mother threads
the beads of hours

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 43

en busca de algn aire.

Aire es lo que no hay

y vuelve la maana.
Vuelves a abrir los ojos.

Sentada en el umbral
envuelta en la neblina
tibia de la noche
la zorra.

Qu alimento propicio
para el alma llam
a la zorra hasta mi puerta?
De dnde provendrn
esos ojos rojizos
encandilados hoy
por la luz brillante de los focos?

Cmo lleg hasta aqu

agazapada tal vez
entre las bultos de algn
camin forneo
las bocinas de los autos
hasta venir a dar a la cocina
donde mi madre ensarta
las cuentas de las horas

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 44

on the even weaker string

of my years?

For seven nights

our female fox comes back
and she sits to wait
until my mother serves
a raw egg
on a dish of milk
that uselessly will wait
for her return.

Seven nights
that last as long as a miracle fasts
so as to suddenly leap out
and surprise us
to leave again
without a hand ever
caressing the back
of the prodigy.

It should be researched
whether other species,
those that sink their roots in water
and copy their emerald framework
upon the rivers surface also rushing
towards a dark night
in the middle of a strident

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 45

en el hilo an delgado
de mis aos?

Durante siete noches

regresa nuestra zorra
y se sienta a esperar
a que mi madre sirva
un huevo crudo
y leche en el plato
que esperar su vuelta

Siete noches
que duran lo que ayuna el milagro
para saltar de pronto
y sorprendernos
para volverse a ir
sin que nunca una mano
acariciara el lomo
del prodigio.

Habra que investigar
si otras especies,
las que hunden races en el agua
y copian su entramado esmeralda
a ras de ro tambin se precipitan
hacia una noche oscura
en medio del grito

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 46

cry of birds
who leave on everything the imprint
of their flight.

It should be investigated
if it is that same night
that deepens its sorrow
in repeated discordant notes
while the peace of the river unravels
by the shore.

We should have known

from what branch we hang
the nest, which leaf
to call on while night lasts.

shade of filament
golden where the darkness
its voyage:

Perhaps here there is an air

with a different color
that of onion paper
seems suitable to me.


Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 47

estridente de las aves

que en todo depositan la impronta
de su vuelo.

Habra que averiguar

si es esa misma noche
la que ahonda su duelo
en repetidas notas discordantes
mientras la paz del ro se desteje
en la orilla.

Tendramos que saber

de qu rama colgamos
el nido, a qu fronda
apelamos mientras dura la noche.

matiz del filamento
dorado donde acaba
lo oscuro
su periplo:

Tal vez aqu haya un aire

con un color distinto
el de papel cebolla
me parece adecuado.


Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 48

In order to write coffee one must

bring writing back again.
There isnt much to say.
It is enough to taste it and
the spinning wheel of memory appears:
my childhood
surrounded by coffee plants
on a neighboring plantation,
the sultry afternoons
after the downpour,
a leap over the railing and the secretive theft
the taste in the mouth
of that dark fruit
known today as melancholy.

There isnt much to write

but its aroma
is the secretive voice that still names
the color of the rain,
the sound of a kiss,
the charity of air when it cleanses
the sadness of the world,
the power of things
simple and forgotten
that reside within us.

One will always become
the tree that lives within.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 49

Para escribir caf se necesita

traer a la escritura de regreso.
No hay mucho qu decir.
Slo basta probarlo y aparece
la rueda giratoria del recuerdo:
mi infancia
rodeada de cafetos
en la hacienda vecina,
las tardes bochornosas
despus del aguacero,
el salto de la verja y el hurto sigiloso
el sabor en la boca
de aquel oscuro fruto
que hoy es melancola.

No hay mucho qu escribir

pero su aroma
es la voz sigilosa que an nombra
el color de la lluvia,
el sonido de un beso,
la caridad del aire cuando limpia
la tristeza del mundo,
el poder de las cosas
sencillas y olvidadas
que habitan en nosotros.

Uno se vuelve siempre
el rbol que lo habita.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 50

So much work
to come back here
flowering perhaps
seeking the precise spot
to begin again
climbing branches once more
towards who knows what heaven.

Under the same clouds

near the same river
and the smooth stone
you pick once again
at that rough scab
orange or jacaranda trees?
never oak.

And what turning leaves

will also be the sign of another
summer, of other nests
perhaps where the sun reclines
the light,
its watering place.

The day has sunbathed
since an early hour.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 51

Qu trabajo
para volver aqu
acaso florecida
buscando el sitio preciso
para empezar de nuevo
otro ascenso de ramas
a quin sabe qu cielo.

Bajo las mismas nubes

cerca del mismo ro
y de la piedra lisa
abres de nueva cuenta
esa costra rugosa
naranjo o jacaranda?
nunca roble.

Y qu vuelta de hojas
sern signo tambin de otro
verano, de otros nidos
quiz donde recueste el sol
la luz,
su abrevadero.

El da se asolea
desde temprano.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 52

Its sheets of silk

air out upon the garments
of the branches:

from my center

swinging from the leaves

the day at last
declares itself.

A single movement of the air
and the tree trembles
it reclines on every snowdrift.
If only it werent summer yet to feel
the sun at noon
its rapid poison.

How much of what I would have promised then

would return to tell me you see,
you havent accomplished it.

How much of what I cooked in crumbs,

at the peck of doves,
would return.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 53

Sus sbanas de seda

se orean en la vestidura
de las ramas:

desde mi centro

guindado de las hojas

el da por fin
se anuncia.

Un solo movimiento del aire
y el rbol se estremece
se tumba en cada ventisquera.
No fuera ya verano para sentir
el sol al medioda
su rpido veneno.

Cunto de lo que hubiera prometido entonces

regresara a decirme ya ves,
no lo has cumplido.

Cunto de lo que cocin en migajas,

a pico de paloma,

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 54

Nothing returns, never

the same as when we left
all that remains is the air
this trembling of leaves.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 55

Nada regresa, nunca,

igual a cuando fuimos.
Slo nos queda el aire
este temblor de hojas.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 56


You go,
you come,
you install your belongings
on the ground:
you reached paradise
or thats what you think as you watch the leaves
of your tree that grows once again
in the depths of the patio.
It used to be here
you say
you repeat to yourself
and you try to describe that which has no

I have forgotten the name of things.
In the midst of circuits, babbling
a few words without meaning
I seek the exact drawer in my brain
where one day I put away the voice
with which I used to call the water
of grapes wine;
as for bread,
I dont recall.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 57


instalas tus brtulos
en tierra:
llegaste al paraso
o eso crees cuando miras las hojas
de tu rbol que nuevamente crece
en el fondo del patio.
Era aqu
te dices
te repites
e intentas describir lo que no tiene

He olvidado el nombre de las cosas.
En medio de circuitos, balbuciendo
unas cuantas palabras sin sentido,
busco el cajn exacto del cerebro
donde guard algn da la voz
con que llamaba vino al agua
de las uvas,
al pan,
no lo recuerdo.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 58

The image appears but has no name

and now everythings a silent movie
with objects drifting into gestures:
pantomime in color, the tape
of Moebius where I run.

Lets just say the transparency
of the tree
of the landscape
including cows.
not ruminants or other
ways to say the same:

The cow has lineage and her prestige

does not depend upon the name: but rather
on its instantaneous mark on the meadow
like an advertisement that regains
its order.

Sitting in this mist of time
without memory. Sustained
by the arc of the air,
by it, patience divines
the edge where the world ends:

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 59

Aparece la imagen pero no tiene nombre

y todo es ya pelcula silente
donde las cosas han derivado en gestos:
pantomima a color, la cinta
de Moebius donde corro.

Digamos ya la transparencia
del rbol
del paisaje
incluyendo las vacas.
que no rumiantes u otras
formas para decir lo mismo:

La vaca tiene prosapia y su prestigio

no depende del nombre: s
de su estampa instantnea en la pradera
como un aviso que recupera
el orden.

Sentada en esta bruma de tiempo
sin memoria. Sostenida
por el arco del aire,
por l, atisba la paciencia
el filo donde termina el mundo:

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 60

It is an ordinary mount
outlining its image so very white
against the blue. Behind that stamp
perhaps the sea is found, perhaps
some country estate. I never
wanted to know. An end
of what my hand used to touch
there is where the sky began.

I sit down once again

upon the stone of then
and I see the blue stain, the cloud
reclining on the peak
so green. Perhaps
it will find some sea
from the other side.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 61

Es un monte cualquiera
que recorta su imagen contra el azul
blanqusimo. Detrs de aquella estampa
tal vez se encuentra el mar, quiz
algn casero. Nunca
quise saberlo. Fin
de lo que mi mano tocaba
all empezaba el cielo.

Me siento nuevamente
en la piedra de entonces
y veo la mancha azul, la nube
que se acoda en la cima
tan verde. Tal vez
se encontrar algn mar
del otro lado.

Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 62
Passage of the Tree 7/11/06 12:53 PM Pgina 63



1. Tall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2. Fountain that accommodates . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3. Nothing that returns you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4. So much hard work, seed, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5. Today I do not have the strength . . . . . . . . . 34
6. So much work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

7. You go, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56


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