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social responsibility and ethics in Strategic Management

_____________________ proposes that a private corporation has responsibilities to society that extend
beyond making a profit.

____________________ There is one and only one social responsibility of business

_____________________ Four Responsibilities of Business
_____________________ responsibilities of a business organizations management are to produce goods
and services of value to society so that the firm may repay its creditors and shareholders.

_____________________ responsibilities are defined by governments in laws that management is expected

to obey

_____________________ responsibilities of an organizations management are to follow the generally held

beliefs about behavior in a society
_____________________ responsibilities are the purely voluntary obligations a corporation assumes.

_____________________ is the identification and evaluation of corporate stakeholders. This can

be done in a three-step process.

_____________________ claims that morality is relative to some personal, social, or cultural standard and
that there is no method for deciding whether one decision is better than another.

_____________________ Based on the belief that all moral decisions are deeply personal and that
individuals have the right to run their own lives, adherents of moral relativism argue that each person
should be allowed to interpret situations and act on his or her own moral values

_____________________ Based on the belief that social roles carry with them certain obligations to
that role, adherents of role relativism argue that a manager in charge of a work unit must put aside his or
her personal beliefs and do instead what the role requires, that is, act in the best interests of the unit.

_____________________ Based on a belief that morality is simply a matter of following the

norms of an individuals peer group, social group relativism argues that a decision is considered legitimate
if it is common practice, regardless of other considerations (everyones doing it).

_____________________ Based on the belief that morality is relative to a particular culture, society,or

_____________________ This level is characterized by a concern for self.

_____________________ This level is characterized by considerations of societys laws and norms
_____________________ This level is characterized by a persons adherence to an internal
moral code.

_____________________ specifies how an organization expects its employees to behave while on the job.
_____________________ in contrast, is the precepts of personal behavior based on religious
or philosophical grounds.

_____________________ refers to formal codes that permit or forbid certain behaviors and may or may not
enforce ethics or morality
_____________________ is defined as the consensually accepted standards of behavior for an occupation, a
or a profession.

Carrolls Four Responsibilities of Business (ELED)

four types of moral relativism (NRSC)


Kohlbergs Levels of Moral Development


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