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1. Give Me 5 when the teacher is talking.

1. Students will Give Me 5 when the teacher is talking so they dont miss
important lessons or instructions.
2. Students will Give Me 5
1. Eyes on the speaker
2. Mouth is quiet
3. Ears are listening
4. Hands are free
5. Body is still
This rule is important because it eliminates most distractions to further students
2. Hand Signals are used before getting out of your seat.
a. Students will use hand signals to sign to the teacher why they are needing to get
out of their seat.
b. Students will sign
1. 1 for a tissue
2. 2 for a pencil
3. 3 for water
4. 4 for the nurse
5. 5 for a question
6. R for the restroom
c. This rule is important because while the teacher is giving a lesson, the students
can sign and communicate with the teacher non verbally.
3. Keep hand, feet, and all objects to yourself
1. To help keep the classroom safe, students need to be respectful of other peoples
personal space by not touching others with their hands, feet or objects.
2. During centers students may work together respecting the personal space of
others. When walking down the hallway, student will keep their hands behind
their backs.
3. This rule is important because remembering to respect others by keeping hands,
feet and all other objects to oneself reduces/prevents accidents and/or injuries.
4. Use walking feet.
1. To help keep the classroom safe, student need to use walking feet at all times.
2. During transitions, walking the halls and proceeding to recess. Students will use
walking feet
3. This rule is important to reduce/prevent accidents and/or injuries
5. Use an inside voice
1. Students will follow the voice level chart according to the teacher choice.
2. Students we are on a (VOICE LEVEl)

1. 0 Silent voice- no talking

2. 1 Whisper voice- partner talk
3. 2 Normal voice- table talk
4. 3 Loud proud voice- presenter/classroom talk
5. 4 Outside voice- playground talk
3. This rule is important to help manage classroom voice level. Students can use this
system to help gage their voice level
6. All personal electronics are kept in classroom cubbies
1. Students will keep all personal electronics in their classroom cubbies to prevent
distractions and/or misuse. Students are responsible for electronics brought to
2. When entering the classroom students electronic devices will be kept inside their
backpacks in their cubbies. Students may retrieve electronic devices should the
teacher give instruction to use it during an activity/lesson. Electronic devices must
be returned immediately after usage or when asked due to misuse.
3. This rule is important because technology is a part of the classroom environment,
the students need to use it with boundaries and respect.

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