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Board of Supervisors

Bridgewater Township

County of Rice, State of Minnesota

Meeting Date: April, 14th, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was said by

Roll Call: Glen Castore, Kathleen Doran-Norton, Bruce Morlan, Clerk Janalee Cooper,

Brad Pfahning were present. Dennis Brown to be arriving late.

Agenda: The agenda was amended to move the treasurer’s report to earlier on
the agenda.

Minutes: Minutes from March meeting were approved with changes: Morlan
motioned, Doran Norton, seconded, all approved.

Claims: Claims were approved. Morlan motioned, Castore seconded, all approved.

Approval of TEPP Permits:

• Resolution Number 2010-05 Muelepas/Kilmeyer Construction

**Doran Norton motioned, Castore seconded, all approved.

• Resolution Number 2010-06 OMG Midwest Inc. DBA as Southern Minnesota

Construction Company.

** Doran Norton motioned, Morlan seconded, all approved.

• Resolution Number 2010-07 OMG Midwest Inc. DBA Southern Minnesota

Construction Company.

** Doran Norton motioned, Castore seconded, all approved.

Old Business:

*CRWP Stream Inventory Contract - Approved by Board not to

exceed $5000.

* Dennis Luebbe, Rice County gave a detailed report on the status of Rice County
road projects.

*Ordinance for Township Fees were discussed. Theordinance needed an

amendment: Braun would
provide that at the May meeting.

*Approval of Stream Ordinance consultant **no motion on this issue

*Update on Dundas issues: Castore led the discussion; waiting for Dundas to
forward possible changes to Bridgewater on the Dundas Bridgewater Annexation

New Business:

Dog Ordinance and Nuisance Ordinance combined; to be discussed at May 2010

meeting. Doran Norton motioned, Morlan seconded.

Trail Ordinance: to be discussed at May 2010 meeting. Doran Norton motioned,

Morlan seconded.

The 2010 Road Tour Review was given by Doran Norton. Mapping out the
application of gravel, crushed rock, dust control was put forth.

Gravel Bidding process was discussed at length; changes to be made for the 2011

Dennis Brown gave an add’l report on replacing the road grader.

Administration issues were discussed: Planning and Zoning Report, Morlan had a
brief update on township website with request for information from the Board,
Work Session scheduled for April 21st, 2010 with Mike Cook on Landfill Remediation,
Bank signature draft to be drawn up by Clerk with approval of form to Castore.

Doran Norton led discussion on MotoKazie coming to Forest Township, Hunting Club
and angel buyer discussed, John Schade paper work on nitrate infiltration. Paper
work to be turned in.

Adjornment: @ 10:35 p.m., Morlan motioned for adjornment, Castore seconded.

Submitted by,

Janalee J Cooper

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