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Grade 2 Math (December 9, 2016)

Length of lesson: 10:45-12:15

General Learning
Outcomes (P.O.S.)

-Develop number sense

Specific Leaning
Outcomes (P.O.S.)

-Say the number sequence 0 to 100 by: 2s, 5s, and 10s both forwards and backwards using
starting points that are multiples of 2, 5, and 10 respectively.
-Demonstrate if a number (up to 100) is even or odd.
-Describe order or relative position, using ordinal numbers (up to 10th)
-Represent and describe numbers to 100, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.
-Compare and order numbers up to 100.
-Estimate quantitates up to 100, using referents (i.e: handful of buttons).
-Illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of palce value for numerals to 100.
-Demonstrate and explain the effect of adding zero to, or subtracting zero from, any number.
-Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction limited to 1 and 2 digit numbers.
-Apply mental mathematics strategies for basic addition facts and related subtraction facts to 18.
Students will
1. Demonstrate a developing sense of place value
-Via class review, base ten demonstration, and class game.
-Bucket and ball
-Base ten blocks
-pre-labelled place value sheets
-Place value video:
Assessment Methods
Students come in from recess at 10:45 bell:
1. Students hang up jackets and go to their seats quietly.


Introduction (5

Body of Lesson
(80 minutes)

Review (5-10 minutes)

1. Place value
-Review ones, tens, and hundreds place. Write number
examples on the board and explain the place value of each digit. Break
down what various numbers mean in relation to their places. Show
how this applies to any number. Emphasis on the numbers 0-9.

-Formative: I can
assess the classs
general comfort level
with place value from
this review.

Carpet activities (30-45 minutes)

1. Place value base ten blocks demonstration
-Place tens and ones paper on the ground. Write a 2 digit number
on a mini whiteboard and have it in a visible place for the class.
Demonstrate how to correctly use the base ten blocks in the different
place values to show the number. Change the number and have a
student volunteer try. Go to the hundreds place if the class seems

-Formative: I can
assess each students
understanding of place
value from how they
answer when its their

2. Math-ket-ball
-Split class into teams of 3. Each team gets a whiteboard and
glove. Have each team sit around the carpet in pods with a shooting
lane open down the middle. Each team comes up with a team name
that they write on the top of their whiteboards (not too large). I write
down each team on my whiteboard.
-Game rules: I write a number on my board and circle one of
the digits. One person from each team writes down what they think the
value of that number is on their whiteboards (no talking during the
answering phase) and places the whiteboard face down in front of
them. When everyone is done I will ask one team at a time to show me
their answer. If correct, your team gets 1 point and you get to shoot the
ball into the bucket. If you complete the shot you get 1 extra point.
Next round: new team member answers the question. Repeat until one

team hits 10 points. Do tiebreaker rounds in case of a draw. Have a

second round if the game is received well.
3. Return to desks

Closure (5 minutes)

Sponge Activity

Christmas bag work period

1. Lay out Christmas bags on the back table and have students collect
2. Students draw/colour bags until 12:10
-Christmas music
Cleanup/Get ready for lunch (5 minutes):
1. 12:10 collect bags and get ready for lunch
Place value video

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