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Neoplazie (neoplasm): o noua crestere de tesut, fara a se

preciza daca este benigna / maligna; termen generic pt toate

tipurile de tumora.
Definitie (R. Willis): crestere autonoma a celulelor care, persista
si dupa oprirea stimulului care a determinat-o, fara
raspuns la mecanismul de control normal care controleaza
proliferarea si cresterea celulelor;
Diferentiere cu proliferarea normala,fiziologica, labila(toata viata) sau
stabila(limitata) a tes.normale,care sunt controlate de feedback fiziologic.controlul e

Therefore, satisfactory definition of a neoplasm or tumour

is a mass of tissue formed as a result of abnormal, excessive,
uncoordinated, autonomous and purposeless proliferation of cells
even after cessation of stimulus for growth which caused it
Neoplasia means new growth, and a new growth is called a neoplasm. Tumor
applied to the swelling caused by inflammation, but the non-neoplastic usage of
tumor has
almost vanished; thus, the term is now equated with neoplasm. Oncology (Greek
oncos =
tumor) is the study of tumors or neoplasms.
Although all physicians know what they mean when they use the term neoplasm, it
has been
surprisingly difficult to develop an accurate definition.
The eminent British oncologist Willis has come closest: A neoplasm is an abnormal
mass of tissue, the growth of which exceeds and
is uncoordinated
with that of the normal tissues and persists in the same
excessive manner
after cessation of the stimuli which evoked the change.

A tumor is said to be benign when its microscopic and gross characteristics are
relatively innocent, implying that it will remain localized, it cannot spread to other sites, and it is
generally amenable to local surgical removal; the patient generally survives.

.They usually have the oma suffix attached to them. But

Although, this broad generalisation regarding
nomenclature of tumours usually holds true in majority of
instances, some examples contrary to this concept are:
melanoma for carcinoma of the melanocytes,
hepatoma for
carcinoma of the hepatocytes, lymphoma for malignant

tumour of the lymphoid tissue, and seminoma for

tumour of the testis. Leukaemia is the term used for
cancer ofblood forming cells.
Nearly all benign tumors grow as cohesive expansile masses that remain localized
to their site
of origin and do not have the capacity to infiltrate, invade, or metastasize to distant
sites, as do
malignant tumors. Because they grow and expand slowly, they usually develop a
rim of
compressed connective tissue, sometimes called a fibrous capsule, which
separates them from the host tissue. This capsule is derived largely from
the extracellular matrix of the native tissuedue to atrophy of normal
parenchymal cells under the pressure of an expanding tumor. Such
encapsulation does not prevent tumor growth, but it keeps the benign neoplasm as
a discrete,
readily palpable, and easily movable mass that can be surgically enucleated ( Figs.
7-12 and 713 ). Although a well-defined cleavage plane exists around most benign tumors, in
some it is
lacking. For example, hemangiomas (neoplasms composed of tangled blood
vessels) are often
unencapsulated and may appear to permeate the site in which they arise
(commonly the dermis
of the skin).

Malignant tumors are collectively referred to as cancers, derived from the Latin word
for crab, because they adhere or stick to any part that they seize on in an
obstinate,stubborn manner, similar to a crab.

Componentele unei tumori, fie ca e maligna/benigna : sunt 2 :

(1) clonal neoplastic cells that constitute their parenchyma and
(2) reactive stroma made up of connective tissue, blood
vessels, and variable numbers of macrophages and lymphocytes.
The neoplastic cells(parenchyma) largely determine a tumor's behavior and pathologic
consequences, BUT KEEP IN MIND that their growth and evolution
is critically dependent on their stroma. An adequate stromal blood supply is requisite for the
tumor cells to live and divide, and the stromal connective tissue provides the structural
framework essential for the growing cells.
In addition, there is cross-talk between tumor cells
and stromal cells that directly influences the growth of tumors. In some tumors, the stromal
support is scant and so the neoplasm is soft and fleshy. In other cases the parenchymal cells

stimulate the formation of an abundant collagenous stroma, referred to as desmoplasia. Some

demoplastic tumorsfor example, some cancers of the female breastare stony hard or
scirrhous. The nomenclature of tumors and their biologic behavior are based primarily on the
parenchymal component.

Nomenclatura e mai complexa la tumorile epiteliale

Adenoma is applied to a benign epithelial neoplasm derived from glands, although
they may or
may not form glandular structures. Adenom: tumora benigna epiteliala ce
formeaza modele glandulare / deriva din glande fara sa fie necesar neaparat sa fie
glande propriu-zise,adevarate.Deci doar dispunerea glandulara e esentiala in

Benign epithelial neoplasms producing microscopically or macroscopically

finger-like or warty projections from epithelial surfaces are referred to as
Those that
form large cystic masses, as in the ovary, are referred to as cystadenomas.
Some tumors
produce papillary patterns that protrude into cystic spaces and are called
When a neoplasm, benign or malignant, produces a macroscopically visible
projection above a mucosal surface and projects, for example, into the
gastric or colonic lumen, it is termed a polyp

Hamartoma. Hamartoma is benign tumour which is made

of mature but disorganised cells of tissues indigenous to the
particular organ e.g. hamartoma of the lung consists of
mature cartilage, mature smooth muscle and epithelium.
Thus, all mature differentiated tissue elements which
comprise the bronchus are present in it but are jumbled up
as a mass.

They are classified

sometimes on the basis of their microscopic pattern

and sometimes on the basis of their macroscopic pattern.
Others are classified by their cells of origin.
For instance, the term adenoma is generally applied:
1. To benign epithelial neoplasms ,not derived fromglands but
producing gland patterns
2. To neoplasms derived from glands but not necessarily
exhibiting glandular patterns.
Example: A benign epithelial neoplasm
arising from renal tubule cells and growing in
glandlike patterns is termed an adenoma, as is a mass of
benign epithelial cells that produces no glandular patterns
but has its origin in the adrenal cortex.
Papillomas are
benign epithelial neoplasms, growing on any surface, that
produce microscopic or macroscopic finger-like fronds.
A polyp is a mass that projects above a mucosal surface, as
the gut, to form a macroscopically visible structure (Fig.
Although this term commonly is used for benign
tumors, some malignant tumors also may grow as polyps,
whereas other polyps (such as nasal polyps) are not neoplastic
but inflammatory in origin. (pentru polipul malign denumirea
adecvata este de cancer polipoid).

Cystadenomas are hollow

cystic masses that typically arise in the ovary .

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