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CK3 - How to replace all spaces with Back-Tab.

Some Background:
"Back-Tab" is a special behavior usually induced by holding down Shift and then
pressing Tab. "Back-Tab" cannot be found in barcode data because there is no ASCII
equivalent character associated with it unlike "Tab" which is ASCII character 0x09.
This process has only been proven on a CK3 with EX25B engine. It will not work on a
CK3 with an EX25A engine. The CK3 needs to be at IVA of and Intermec
settings at minimums for this to work. If you need to upgrade your CK3
please follow these instructions. It also will not work when running an RDP session.
When you download the attached itcvack3wm.c_ab file rename it removing the _
between the c and a so that it becomes Then follow the installation
instructions either set 1 or set 2 as you wish.
1. Install manually
Copy this CAB file to \Temp.
Use the File Explorer to click on the CAB file to install it. The install will only be good
until a clean boot occurs. To make it persist through a clean boot, copy the file into the
\flash file store\SSPB folder.
2. Install automatically
Copy this CAB file to \flash file store\SSPB folder.
Perform a clean boot to install.
The Virtual Wedge does have a (not so well known) feature called Key Macros which
does allow the user to wedge special scenarios like "Back-Tab". These Key Macros are
typically used in the Virtual Wedge Grid but they might also work if they exist in a
barcode. Heres a breakdown of how Key Macros work. The basic format for Key
Macros is {k*x##}. The * can either be nothing, c for ctrl, a for alt, or s for shift. The ##
is the virtual key hex value of the key you want to press. Some examples are {kx08} for
backspace, {kx0D} for carriage return, and {kcx56} for ctrl-v (aka paste).
For the customer, they can have {ksx09} in their barcode. Or they can edit the grid so that
it inserts {ksx09} (for back-tab) in their barcode data. Or they can put a special syntax in
their barcode like <BT> for back-tab and then have the grid replace <BT> with {ksx09}
to perform the back-tab. Whenever the virtual wedge sees {ksx09}, it will perform a
How it is used to replace all space with Back-Tab:
Use EasySet to build a Data Editing scenario for your barcodes. In the action list select
Block Replace. Select Block Replace Begin as the beginning of data. Select Block

Replace End as the end of data. Set the Original Data as a space character. Set the
Replace Data as the string with brackets {kx0D} and add to action list. Save the
Editing scenario and scan into the CK3.
How this can be used to produce a Postamble of Back-Tab.
In the Intermec Settings on the CK3 go to data collection>integrated scanner>symbology
options>postamble and insert the string with brackets {kx0D} and save the settings.
This will cause the unit to append a Back-Tab to any data string scanned in.

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