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1) Alimentary canal-Mouth, Pharynx,Oesophagus,Stomach,Small intestine, Large

Intestine, Rectum and anal canal
2) Accessory Organs (gland) - Salivary glands, Pancreas, Liver and bile duct.
Stomach- J shaped dilated portion ,1.5 litre1.5 litre,lie in upper part of abdominal
cavity below left half of diaphragm,2 sphincter upper cardiac sphincter and lower
pyloric sphincter,2 borders greater curvature and lesser curvature, divided into 3fundus, body and pylorus, consist of 4 coats- (peritoneal, muscular,
submucous,musuous), mucous membranes contains glands that secrets gastric
juices( contain pepsin,renin,HCl and intrinsic factor).
Salivary glands- 3 pairs, secrete saliva, parotid gland(below ear, parotid duct
opens to second upper molar tooth),submandibular gland(under angle of jaw, open
on floor of mouth each side of frenulum of tongue),sublingual gland(smallest
salivary gland lie under tongue, have several openings within mouth), Salivaalkaline fluid,99% water,1% is mucin,ptyalin,salts of NA,K,Ca, and Mg.
Pancreas- pale grey gland,15cm long,60gm weighs, both exocrine and endocrine
gland, lie on epigastric and left hypochondriac region, 3 parts(head,body,tail), head
lie in curve of duodenum, body behind stomach, tail in front of kidney, exocrine
pancreas consist of large number of lobules which have ducts and each duct unite
to form pancreatic duct, duct open into duodenum, before entering duodenum
pancreatic duct join with common bile duct to form hepatopancreatic ampulla,
produce pancreatic juice that digest carbohydrates, proteins and fats, endocrine
pancreas have group of specialized cells called islets of Langerhans, secrete
hormones insulin and glucagon which concerned with control of blood glucose
Liver- largest gland,2kg,upper part of abdominal cavity,4 lobes(right lobe, left lobe,
caudate lobe and quadrate lobe), lobes are mde up of lobules, lobules formed by
cells called hepatocytes, each lobule has a central vein, between lobules connective
tissues present with branches of portal vein, hepatic vein and bile duct, blood
supply to liver by hepatic artery and portal vein, venous return through hepatic vein
which join to inferior venacava, secretion of liver called bile,500 to 1000ml secreted
per day, bile ducts carried bile from right and left lobes of liver, both ducts unite to
form common hepatic duct, common hepatic duct unite with cystic duct of gall
bladder to form common bile duct, later common bile duct unite with pancreatic
duct to form hepatopancretic ampulla in the duodenum.
Functions-bile secretion, glycogen synthesis and storage, urea formation, plasma
protein formation, convert unsaturated fat to saturated fat, store iron and VITAMIN
ADEK, prothrombin/fibrinogen production, heparin production, heat production,
inactivation of toxics.

Gall bladder- pear shaped storage sac of bile ,lie on inferior surface of right lobe of
liver, consist fundus,body,neck, capacity od gall bladder is 30ml, bile stored in
concentrated state, duct of gall bladder is cystic duct which later join with common
hepatic duct to form common bile duct and last open into duodenum, bile help in
metabolism,digestion,absorption of fats n vitamins.
Bean shaped organ,2 in number, either sides of vertebral column, 11cm long 3 cm
thick and 150gm weighs, lie on posterior abdominal wall from level of last thoracic
vertebrae to 3rd lumbar vertebrae, right lower than left, surrounded by fibrous
covering, outer cortex reddish brown in color, inner medulla contain pyramids,
concave medial border where blood vessels, nerves and ureter enter called hilum,
urine formed in kidney passes through apex of pyramid into a minor calyx, then into
major calyx before passing through renal pelvis into the ureter.
Kidney composed of 1-2 million of functional units called nephrons and smaller
number of collecting duct, collecting ducts transport urine through pyramids to
calyxes to renal pelvis to ureter.
Nephron consist of cup shaped glomerular capsule/bowmans capsule, remainder is
3cm long 3 parts namely proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal
convoluted tubule which leading into collecting ducts.
Formation of urine
a) Glomerular filtration- 100ml/min which means 6 liters/hour
b) Selective reabsorption- 99%, hormones helps ADH,parathyroid hormone,
aldosterone etc.
c) Tubular secretion only 1.5litres/day

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