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Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 272278

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Froth zone characterization of an industrial otation column in rougher circuit

M. Massinaei a,*, M. Kolahdoozan b, M. Noaparast b, M. Oliazadeh b, J. Yianatos c,
R. Shamsadini d, M. Yarahmadi d

Department of Mining Engineering, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran

Department of Mining Engineering, University of Tehran, P.O. Box 14395-515, Tehran, Iran
Chemical Engineering Department, Santa Mara University, P.O. 110-V, Valparaso, Chile
National Iranian Copper Industries Company (N.I.C.I.Co.), Kerman, Iran

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 17 June 2008
Accepted 13 August 2008
Available online 23 September 2008
Froth otation
Flotation kinetics
Flotation bubbles
Flotation machines

a b s t r a c t
In this investigation the froth zone of an industrial column (4 m diameter  12 m height) in rougher
circuit was characterized. Experiments were carried out at Miduk copper concentrator, Iran. Miduk is a
unique copper processing plant which utilizes columns in rougher circuit. Cleaning and selectivity actions
in the rougher froth were illustrated using solids and grade proles along with RTD data. The impact of
froth depth (FD) on overall rate constant (k) and kSb relationship was evaluated. Dependency of overall
otation kinetics on froth depth and gas velocity (Jg) was modeled by k = 4.97(FD)0.87(Jg)0.80. Froth
recovery (Rf) was estimated and modeled in terms of froth residence time of slurry (FRTSlurry) as
Rf = Rf,maxexp(k  FRTSlurry). Finally, the correlation between k, Sb (indicative of the collection zone
performance) and FRTSlurry (indicative of the froth zone performance) was modeled by k = 0.02
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Flotation is a process which is widely used for beneciation of
both metallic and non-metallic ores. Nowadays otation columns
are widely utilized not only as cleaner but also as rougher and
scavenger. A key feature of the otation columns is the cleaning
or froth zone. Wash water is normally added on top of the columns
which not only stabilizes the froth zone by increasing the froth liquid hold-up and preventing bubble coalescence but also eliminates the entrained hydrophilic particles to be recovered into the
The role of the froth zone in otation performance of both
mechanical and column cells has been widely investigated by various authors from different aspects. Froth zone studies can be summarized as (1) characterizing the froth structure and transfer
mechanisms (Moys, 1978; Yianatos et al., 1986b; Ross and Van
Deventer, 1988), (2) sub-processes in the froth (i.e. drainage, coalescence, detachment, re-attachment) (Ross, 1991a,b; Ralston
et al., 1999; Ata et al., 2002, 2004; Honaker et al., 2006), (3) modeling based on mathematical and physical principles (Neethling
and Cilliers, 2003), (4) entrainment in the froths (Yianatos et al.,
1987; Tuteja et al., 1995; Savassi et al., 1998; Zheng et al., 2005,
2006), (5) role of the froth zone in otation kinetics (Laplante
et al., 1989; Feteris et al., 1987; Gorain et al., 1998a) and (6) froth
recovery estimation using different approaches such as utilizing
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +98 561 2227044.
E-mail address: (M. Massinaei).
0892-6875/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

modied otation columns (Falutsu and Dobby, 1989; Rubio,

1996; Ata et al., 2002; Honaker and Ozsever, 2003), tting the
grade proles along the froth to a plug ow model (Yianatos et
al., 1988, 1998), mass transfer mechanisms at the interface (Van
Deventer et al., 2004a,b), changing the froth depth and extrapolation to zero froth depth (Feteris et al., 1987; Vera et al., 1999,
2002; Schwarz and Grano, 2005; Tsatouhas et al., 2006) and direct
measurement of bubble loading at the interface (Falutsu and Dobby, 1992; Seaman et al., 2004; Yianatos et al., 2008).
Different operating conditions of rougher circuit (i.e. solids content of slurry, particle size, accompanied gangue minerals, pH, reagents, etc.) cause a signicant difference between froth
characteristics of the rougher and cleaner columns. Owing to limited industrial application of columns in rougher circuit, studies
made on froth zone of these vessels particularly at industrial scale
are scarce.
2. Experimental procedure
2.1. Industrial rougher columns
Industrial experiments were performed on the rougher columns
at Miduk copper concentrator in south-east of Iran. Over 18,000
tpd crushed ore with copper grade around 1% (mainly chalcocite)
is processed to produce a concentrate with copper content over
30%. Miduk is a unique copper processing plant which utilizes ve
parallel Metso Minerals CISA Microcel columns (4 m in diameter
and 12 m in height) in rougher circuit. Concentrate of the rougher


M. Massinaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 272278

Table 1
Operating variables of the rougher columns during the froth zone experiments
Feed velocity

Gas velocity

Wash water
velocity (cm/s)

Froth depth



0.9, 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 1.8, 2


25, 40, 60 5


PH = 11.511.7; Frother (Aerofroth65) = 13 ppm; Collector (X231) = 24 g/t.

columns with copper content more than 30% constitutes the main
portion of the nal product.
One of the rougher columns (column #2) was chosen for the
industrial experiments. All the operating variables including gas
velocity (Jg), froth depth (FD), slurry density (solids%), pH and reagents dosage, were monitored and controlled from the control
room and only wash water rate (Jw) was manipulated manually.
Operating conditions of the rougher columns at the time of the
tests are listed in Table 1. It should be mentioned that pulp/froth
interface of the columns was controlled using two pressure transmitter located (below the interface) at 1.4 and 2.4 m distances
from the cell lip which operated in a close loop with tailing discharge valve. Wash water distributor was a set of ve perforated
concentric PVC pipes (orices, 1 cm) supported at 10 cm above
the froth surface (Massinaei et al., 2007a).
2.2. Solids percentage and grade axial proles
To depict grade and solids percentage proles along the collection and froth zone of the rougher column, samples were taken at
different levels from top to bottom. The collection zone was sampled at intervals of 1.5 m (10.5, 9, 7.5, 6, 4.5, 3 and 1.5 m from
the lip of the column) using a centrifugal pump. Around the interface and in the froth zone, sampling was done at intervals of 10 cm
(60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 cm from the lip of the column and also
overow) using a variable speed peristaltic pump. The solids percentage of the samples was determined and X-ray uorescence
analysis was performed for copper and silicon. Considering chalcocite was the main copper sulde mineral, copper assays were converted to chalcocite (Cu2S). Silica (SiO2) was assumed to be the
main host mineral of silicon.
2.3. Residence time distribution analysis
Feed water penetration into the froth is an indicative of ne
particle entrainment. The main objective of measuring the concentrate RTD was to quantify the feed water entrainment. A liquid
radioactive tracer (Br-82) was employed to trace liquid reported
to tailing and concentrate. External scintillation detectors were
placed on the tailing and concentrate discharge pipes to record
radiation intensity. More details of the experiments have already
been reported elsewhere (Massinaei et al., 2007b).
2.4. Kinetic and hydrodynamic parameters determination
RTD studies (with radioactive tracer) in the rougher columns
had already conrmed that in spite of the presence of bafes, the
mixing condition was closed to well mixed and could be characterized by large and small tank-in-series model (Massinaei et al.,
2007b). Even though lumping together the collection and froth
zones and ignoring their interaction is not rational particularly
for columns however in the present study this is performed just
to represent the inuence of froth depth on overall otation kinetics. Overall otation rate constant (k) was calculated from the general kinetic model of continuous processes assuming large and
small tank-in-series model for RTD function and a constant value
for k as described by Massinaei et al. (in press):



12 2

sk s


9k 12


Mean residence time (s) was determined through effective volume of the column and volumetric feed ow rate. Effective volume
is total volume minus the gas and froth volume. Based on the laboratory tests, innite recovery was found to be R1 = 90% (Massinaei et al., in press).
Bubble surface area ux (Sb) was calculated from (Finch and
Dobby, 1990):


6J g

where Sb = bubble surface area ux (cm2/s/cm2); Jg = gas velocity

(cm/s) and db = mean bubble size (cm). The gas velocity was expressed as the ratio between the volumetric ow of gas (Qg) and
the cross-sectional area of the column (Ac), i.e. Jg = Qg/Ac. In the absence of direct bubble size measurement, bubble size was estimated
using drift ux analysis (Wallis, 1962; Dobby et al., 1988; Yianatos
et al., 1986a; Xu and Finch, 1990; Banisi and Finch, 1994; Li et al.,
2004). Gas hold-up (eg ), slurry velocity (Jsl) and slurry density
(qsl) are required for the bubble size estimation procedure. Gas
hold-up was determined from pressure difference method as follows (Finch and Dobby, 1990):

eg 1 


qsl g DL

where DP is the pressure difference (kPa), qsl is slurry density (g/

cm3), g is gravity acceleration (m/s2) and DL is the distance between
two pressure taps (m).
To predict gas hold-up two pressure gauges were installed in
the collection zone of the column. The distance between the pressure taps was 2 m. Slurry density was determined through sampling valves installed on the wall of the column using a Marcy
scale. Tailing slurry ow rate was monitored by an ultrasonic
ow-meter mounted on the discharge pipe. After setting the operating variables and stability of the process, values of pressure and
tailing ow rate were recorded, slurry density was measured and
samples were taken from feed, concentrate and tailing. Stabilizing
the pressure values was an indicator of process stability. Data reading and sampling were conducted at 15 min intervals for 2 h in
each run. Samples were analyzed for copper and recovery was calculated for each test.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Cleaning and selectivity in the rougher column froth
3.1.1. Solids percentage and grade axial proles
As mentioned earlier, samples from the collection zone were taken at 1.5 m intervals and from the froth zone at 10 cm intervals
from the base to top of the column. The samples were collected
from a single location in the cell which was assumed to represent
average conditions at that level. Fig. 1 shows the experimental solids percentage proles along the collection and froth zones of the
rougher column.
The solids in the collection zone are reasonably well mixed,
showing a relatively at prole, at about 24% solids, whereas a continuous increase of solids content in the froth zone (above 60 cm)
can be seen. A sharp increase in solids hold-up was occurred up to
30 cm above the interface and little further change is observed
close to the froth surface. It means liquid drainage mainly takes
place in a position near to the interface. In the froth zone, gradual
liquid drainage due to bubble coalescence increases the solids content up to 47% at the overow (concentrate).

M. Massinaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 272278


b -10

Distance below the lip (cm)

Distance below the lip (cm)


Feed Input
Collection Zone


Aeration Input







Froth Zone




Wash Water Input

Collection Zone


Solid percentage (%)





Solid percentage (%)

Fig. 1. Proles of solids percentage along the (a) collection and (b) froth zones of the rougher column.


3.1.2. Residence time distribution analysis

Fig. 3 shows liquid RTD data obtained for the tailing and concentrate streams of the rougher column at different gas velocities.
The operating conditions and measured RTD parameters are listed
in Table 2.
The results conrm that at the operating condition employed, a
considerable portion of feed water is reported into the concentrate
stream particularly at higher gas velocities. From the areas under
the tailing and concentrate RTDs, the portion of the tracer (added
to the feed) reporting to the concentrate can be calculated. The ratio between the areas under the concentrate to tailing RTDs curves
is proportional to water ratio reported into these two streams.
As a result, even though the entrainment can be negligible for
cleaner columns with deep froths (around 1 m) (Yianatos et al.,
1987) it appears that in the rougher columns due to different operating conditions, entrainment was observed. These results conrm
that the rougher columns are a compromise between grade and
3.2. Effect of froth zone on otation kinetics
3.2.1. Effect of froth zone on overall rate constant (k)
Industrial experiments were performed at three froth depths,
i.e. 25 cm (shallow), 40 cm (intermediate) and 60 cm (deep), with



Distance below the lip (cm)

Distance below the lip (cm)

Proles of chalcocite and silica grade along the collection and

froth zones of the rougher column are plotted in Fig. 2. Upgrading
in the froth zone can be related to rejection of hydrophilic particles
transported to the froth by mechanical or hydraulic entrainment
(froth cleaning) and selective detachment of weakly hydrophobic
particles (froth selectivity). Similar to the solids content prole,
the grades below the interface are relatively constant illustrating
the collection zone is well mixed. Upgrading through the froth
zone was occurred mostly up to 30 cm above the interface for silica
and chalcocite, respectively. Further moving up the froth zone the
changes in grades are not considerable.
These results are in agreement with ndings of Moys (1978)
and later (Yianatos et al., 1987). It appears that the main rejection
of entrained particles in the froth zone takes place just above the
interface where the major loss of bubble surface was observed.
In fact, bubble collisions against the interface generate a shock
pressure wave which promotes additional collisions above the
interface. Froth depth, froth solids content, particle size and hydrophobicity are the main parameters which affect selective detachment of particles and thereby froth recovery (Contini et al., 1988;
Honaker et al., 2006). Detached particles could be selectively re-attached in the froth, depending on particle hydrophobicity and size
as well as bubble surface availability. Froth drop back in industrial
columns is claimed to be around 50% (Finch and Dobby, 1990).

Chalcocite (%)
Silica (%)


Collection Zone


Aeration Input

Wash Water Input






Grade (%)



Froth Zone




Chalcocite (%)
Silica (%)


Collection Zone




Grade (%)

Fig. 2. Proles of copper/silica grade along the (a) collection and (b) froth zones of the rougher column.




M. Massinaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 272278














Intensity (kCi)

Intensity (kCi)
















Time (min)

Time (min)

Fig. 3. Liquid RTD of tailing and concentrate streams. (a) Jg = 1.3 cm/s; (b) Jg = 1.8 cm/s.

Table 2
Operating conditions and measured RTD data
Test #

Jg (cm/s)





s (min)


s (min)






Jsl = 0.94 cm/s; Jw = 0.04 cm/s; FD = 60 cm; Solids% = 28%.

different gas velocities, i.e. Jg = 0.92 cm/s. Variation of overall rate

constant with froth depth at different gas velocities is presented in
Fig. 4.
Based on the results, by increasing the froth depth the overall
rate constant is reduced exponentially and this effect is more evident at higher gas velocities. In other words, by increasing the gas
velocities the inuence of froth depth on otation kinetics increases. Maximum otation rate was observed at high gas velocities and low froth depths. The otation rate constant at zero
froth depth can be an estimation of the collection rate constant
(kc). Thus, extrapolation of kFD curves for each data set (at a xed
gas velocity) to zero froth depth yields their corresponding kc. This
is depicted for the minimum (Jg = 0.9 cm/s) and maximum
(Jg = 2 cm/s) gas velocities in Fig. 4. In accordance with the results,
estimated kc values increased from 0.33 min1 at Jg = 0.9 cm/s to
0.93 min1 at Jg = 2 cm/s.

Overall rate constant, k (1/min)


k c=0.93 min -1 (Jg=2 cm/s)



Jg=0.9 cm/s
Jg=1.1 cm/s
Jg=1.3 cm/s
Jg=1.6 cm/s
Jg=1.8 cm/s
Jg=2 cm/s

3.2.2. Effect of froth depth on kSb relationship

The kSb correlation could have important implications in otation modeling and scale-up (Gorain et al., 1998a). Fig. 5 shows the
effect of froth depth on otation kinetics, presented as kSb plots.
The overall rate constant reduces as froth depth increases in all
conditions. This reduction is more pronounced when the froth
depth is switched from 25 to 40 cm. Depending on the froth depth
utilized, k values obtained are in the range 0.120.51 min1. Thus,
it can be concluded that froth depth has a signicant inuence on
the overall otation kinetics in the rougher columns. The overall
rate constant increases with Sb and this dependency is linear for
shallow and intermediate froth depths (k = PSb1) whereas at deep
froth depths (FD > 40 cm), this correlation deviates from linearity
(k = PSbRf2), as shown in Fig. 5. Similar conclusions were reported
by Gorain et al. (1998b) for mechanical cells. This suggests that k
Sb relationship depends strongly on the froth residence time. In other
words, at shallow froth depths the mass transfer from the collection
zone to the froth zone is rate limiting, but at deep froths the transfer
from the froth over the cell lip is rate limiting. As the froth depth increases transfer rate of particles in the froth zone decreases and drop
back rate increases.
3.2.3. Modeling of kFDJg relationship
Gas velocity and froth depth are key variables affecting the rate
of production in otation plants. These variables can be used for
stabilizing control (i.e. to regulate the mass ow rate of concentrate) or optimizing control (i.e. to move the operation of the circuit along the grade-recovery curve at the desired point). To
quantify the relationship between overall rate constant, froth
depth and gas velocity, different non-linear regression models
were examined using STATISTICA software (Version 6). For each
model residual analysis was performed by plotting predicted versus observed values. Finally, the model with the highest correlation
coefcient between observed and predicted values was chosen as
the target model as follows:


k aFDb J g c


The R2 value and tted parameters values for Eq. (4) are listed in
Table 3. Based on the model obtained, for the current data, the effect of gas velocity and froth depth on overall otation rate is fairly

k c=0.33 min -1 (Jg=0.9 cm/s)










Froth depth (cm)

Fig. 4. Overall rate constant (k) versus froth depth (FD) and gas velocity (Jg).

P = oatability factor which encompasses the contribution of particle size and
Rf = froth recovery (%).


M. Massinaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 272278

recovery in both mechanical and column otation cells. In the

present study a similar approach used by Schwarz and Grano
(2005) namely froth depth changing, measuring the concentrate
mass ow rate at each depth and extrapolation to zero froth depth
was utilized to estimate the froth recovery in the industrial rougher column. Froth recovery was estimated from the concentrate
ow rate via the following expression:

Overall rate constant, k (1/min)

FD=25 cm
FD=40 cm
FD=60 cm


Froth recovery %


concentrate mass flow rate at FD x

concentrate mass flow rate at FD 0

Fig. 6 shows the three-dimensional dependency of k on FD and

Jg over the range of operating conditions employed in the present
study. Based on the results, maximum otation rate constant was
observed at maximum gas velocities and minimum froth depths
or vice versa. Additionally, the inuence of gas rate on otation
kinetics increase as froth depth decreases. A sharp drop in overall
kinetics at high froth depths (FD = 60 cm) and gas rates
(Jg = 2 cm/s) is a result of turbulence (ooding) occurred in the collection and froth zones which enhance particlebubble detachment rate and therefore deteriorate overall kinetics.

where the concentrate mass ow rate at FD = 0 was determined by

extrapolation of the overow rate versus froth depth plot to zero
froth thickness.
In this approach it is assumed that by varying the froth height,
the ow of particles and water reaching the pulpfroth interface
(at FD = 0), do not change signicantly. While the magnitude of this
effect is not presently known it appears that this approach yields a
reasonably good estimation of froth recovery in industrial otation
Fig. 7 shows variations of concentrate mass ow rate as a function of froth depth (25, 40 and 60 cm) at different gas velocities
(0.92 cm/s). According to the results, both froth depth and gas
velocity has a signicant effect on concentrate mass ow rate.
Overow mass ow rate reduce exponentially with increasing
the froth depth. The only exception is in the case of deep froths
(FD = 60 cm) at maximum gas velocities (Jg = 2 cm/s) where a considerable drop in overow rate is observed. Extrapolation of each
exponential regression line to zero froth depth will yield its corresponding concentrate mass ow rate at zero froth depth, as shown
for Jg = 0.9 cm/s in Fig. 7.
From the data shown in Fig. 7 and Eq. (5), froth recovery for different froth depths at various gas velocities was calculated. Froth
recovery as a function of residence time of air (FRTAir) and slurry
(FRTSlurry) is presented in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. Froth residence
time for air and slurry was calculated from the following expressions, respectively:

3.3. Froth recovery estimation and modeling


Froth recovery has a signicant inuence on overall performance of the rougher columns. As previously mentioned, a number
of techniques have been utilized to date to estimate the froth








Bubble surface area flux, S b (m 2/m 2.s)

Fig. 5. Effect of froth depth on kSb relationship in industrial rougher columns.

Table 3
Fitted parameters values for Eq. (4)






1  eg
Q conc

where FRT = froth residence time (min); FD = froth depth (m);

Jg = gas velocity (m/min); Vf = volume of froth (m3); Qconc = volumetric ow rate of concentrate (m3/min) and eg = average gas

Concentrate mass flow rate (t/h)

Jg=0.9 cm/s
Jg=1.1 cm/s
Jg=1.3 cm/s
Jg=1.6 cm/s
Jg=1.8 cm/s
Jg=2 cm/s

FD=0 [Jg =0.9 cm/s]











Froth depth (cm)

Fig. 6. Overall rate constant (k) versus froth depth (FD) and gas velocity (Jg).

Fig. 7. Concentrate mass ow rate as a function of froth depth at different gas



M. Massinaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 272278

Table 4
Fitted parameters values for Eq. (9)

R f = 84.1009*exp(-0.5807*FRT)
R 2 =0.71

Froth recovery (%)



















Froth residence time of air (min)

Fig. 8. Froth recovery versus froth residence time of air in the rougher column.

R f = 85.4422*exp(-0.0615*FRT)

Froth recovery (%)


Fig. 10. Overall rate constant (k) versus bubble surface area ux (Sb) and froth
residence time (FRT).



performance), and FRTSlurry (indicative of the froth zone performance) was modeled. Different non-linear regression models were
tted to data and their statistical signicance was evaluated. The
best non-linear model was:


k aFRTSlurry b Sb c






Froth residence time of slurry (min)

Fig. 9. Froth recovery versus froth residence time of slurry in the rougher column.

hold-up along the froth. Average gas hold-up along the froth zone at
various gas velocities and froth depths was estimated, based on
ndings of Yianatos et al. (1986b).
Froth residence time of slurry is very useful for modeling the
froth zone in otation systems. Figs. 8 and 9 shows that froth
recovery decreases exponentially with increasing the froth residence time as

Rf Rf; max expk  FRTSlurry

where Rf,max = maximum froth recovery; k is a parameter which depends on physical (e.g. froth depth, froth loading, bubble surface
area ux, particle size and hydrophobicity, etc.) and chemical (e.g.
frother type and dosage) factors that control froth stability. According to the results, froth recoveries are in the range 4680% while
maximum achievable froth recovery is estimated to be around
85% for the present rougher columns. These relationships conrm
that small differences in froth depth can have a large impact on
the froth recovery and thereby production rate.
3.4. Modeling of kFRTSb relationship
Finally, based on on-site data obtained in the rougher column,
the relationship between k, Sb (indicative of the collection zone

Table 4 shows the above model parameters tted to the industrial data. Based on the results, it appears that the inuence of bubble surface area ux (collection zone) on overall otation rate is
slightly greater than froth residence time (froth zone).
Fig. 10 depicts the three-dimensional correlation between k, Sb
and FRTSlurry over the range of operating conditions employed. Flotation kinetics reduces as froth depth (froth residence time) increases and enhances as Sb increases. Maximum otation rate
constant is occurred at maximum Sb and minimum froth residence
time or vice versa. The results also conrm the signicant impact
of froth zone on otation rate particularly at high Sb values. The effect of Sb on overall rate constant is signicantly increases by
decreasing the froth residence time. Consequently, overall kinetics
of the industrial rougher columns is strongly a function of both collection and froth recovery.
4. Conclusions
As a result of the present study the following ndings were
achieved for the industrial columns in rougher otation:
1. Solids and grade proles along the froth zone indicated that
most upgrading took place just above the interface where
the major loss of bubble surface occurred.
2. Liquid RTD analysis conrmed that a considerable portion of
feed water was reported into the concentrate particularly at
higher gas velocities. In other words, the rougher columns
are a compromise between grade and recovery.


M. Massinaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 272278

3. Overall rate constant increased with Sb and this dependency

was nearly linear for shallow and intermediate froth depths
(FD = 25, 40 cm). However, as the froth depth was further
increased (FD > 40 cm), k values were reduced and kSb relationship was deviated from linearity. In other words, at shallow froth depths the mass transfer from the collection to the
froth zone is rate limiting but at deep froths transfer from
the froth over the cell lip is rate limiting.
4. Non-linear relationship between overall rate constant (k),
froth depth (FD) and gas velocity (Jg) was modeled by

k 4:97FD0:87 J g 0:80
5. Froth recovery was estimated and modeled in terms of froth
residence time as

Rf Rf; max expk  FRTSlurry

Froth recoveries obtained were in the range 4680% for the
present rougher columns.
6. Non-linear dependency of k on Sb (representative of the collection zone) and FRTSlurry (representative of the froth zone)
was modeled by

k 0:02FRTSlurry 0:62 Sb 0:82

Authors would like to thank National Iranian Copper Industries
Company (N.I.C.I.Co.) for supporting this research. Special appreciation is extended to the operating, maintenance and metallurgy
personnel of Miduk Copper Concentrator and R&D of Sarcheshmeh
Copper Complex.
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