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Arabic to English translation

I meant scholars in various schools of thought the subject of singing, machinery and a statement
of its provisions, sometimes in the "sales" when talking about the sale of amusement machines which we are dealing with - and sometimes in "marriage" when talking about the Declaration and
beating him daffs and so on, and sometimes in the book "certificates "The conditions of
acceptance of his testimony, and whether to accept a certificate singer and listener to him or not?,
was looking for when it comes to change the evil hand, and conditions of this change, it is the
singing of evil or not? Also classified on the subject of singing, machinery (music) and the words
senior "hearing" clause and plenty of letters and books, of varying sizes and different provisions
of the mustahabb to legalization to hatred to be prohibited with all or with the restriction, and
argued each team to his doctrine of what is available from the evidence

We have seen an overview of the differences scientists around the percussion instruments and
stringed, wind, singing, and now, here is the evidence that the two teams in question [1], which
are as follows: First group: the disadvantaged and their evidence
Went the first team of scientists to the prohibition of singing and instruments - except the duff
at the wedding and the feast - including the owner, Abu Hanifa [2] and some Shafi'i also told the
judge Abu Tayeb [3] from al [4] and Sufian revolutionary and a group of scientists and a say
Shafi'i and Ahmad, a view I'm Jawzi and Rafii, nuclear and I'm nuts and contemporary values of
the senior Saudi scholars, and Albanians, and Muhammad Abu Faris Abd al-Qadir, Abdul Fattah
Idris, and many others is not enough room to mention their names [5].
Inhibitors quoted or deprived great deal of evidence and the most important and words are: A) God said: ((and the people who purchases idle talk to mislead from the Path of Allah without
knowledge, and takes it takes them a humiliating punishment)) [Luqman: 6] and the words of
God: ((And when they hear idle talk they turn away from him and said to us our deeds and you
your works peace you do not we want the ignorant)) [Stories: 55]; The evidence: It may true that
Ibn Abbas, Ibn Masud, Ibn Omar may Allah be pleased with them that "idle talk" in the verse is
singing, and I swear I'm Massoud, as he said, "is - God - singing [6], and said that more Waahidi
commentators that what is meant Blho talk: singing .. This is the view of Mujahid, Ikrima. [7]
The "idle" in the second verse shows and singing voice Amoaszew as a whole except the duff
with the exception of the street.
Discussion of this evidence:
this is not the only explanation of the verse, has explained that some of them want to "idle talk"
or "idle": news and stories of the Persians and their kings and the kings of the Romans. As others
that want to "idle talk" is all wrong my God for the good and the myths that have no basis "[8]

The interpretation of the Companion is not raised in the rule; but what was the cause of the
descent and the like, even if all of the conflict brought no difference. Or, as Ibn Hazm said, "It's
not an argument for one without the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him." [9]
If we assume the explanation is brought actually, the context of the verse does not suggest Bzm
just one who works for singing, or talking to them, but vilify and threaten punishment
humiliating to buy astray from the Path of Allah be exalted. This recipe did it was a disbeliever
no difference of opinion as Val Ibn Hazm. This is where we are. Ghazali said in this regard, "The
acquisition of (idle talk) to religion, by the replacement astray from the Path of Allah is haram,
he is blameworthy, not the conflict, and not all singing, rather than by the buyer and Mdila from
the path of God .." [10]
Al-Tabari said: "The right thing to say to that is: meant by all that was modern Mlhea from the
path of God, which God forbade the listening or His Messenger; because God Almighty," And
((idle talk)), no allocate another without some , it is understood in general terms, so that indicates
a bug relation to it "[11]; hence be inferred verse on the prohibition of singing just for promotion
out on the subject, but apply the verse really who took singing and entertainment in general to
block the people from the Koran, and distracts from duties of Islam.
B) The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: ((to be people of my nation will regard adultery,
[12], silk, alcohol and musical instruments)) [13]; and "musical instruments" are musical
instruments, and the transfer of al-Qurtubi from essential to musical instruments, singing and
musical instruments; The Golden it name for each musical instruments played by Alni, Kalmes
and mandolins, clarinet and Alsnouh "; also make Asthlal modern musical instruments like
Asthlal alcohol and wearing silk. [14] stating that he must be forbidden.
C) Imran ibn Husayn that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said ((will be eclipsed in
this nation and the monster and cast)) said a man from the Muslims: "O Messenger of Allah, and
when it? He said: ((If you see Alqian and musical instruments, drinking alcohol)) [15].
D) for my father in front of him, the Prophet, peace be upon him said ((God sent me to the mercy
and guidance for the worlds, and told me to Omhak Psalms and Akabarat - I mean, Albrabott
[16] Almalzf and idols which were worshiped in ignorance)) [17] [18], and building on these
conversations was the famous saying of the four schools is forbidden, to use and played, and
every machine that delights Kalmnbur and musical instruments and flutes, psaltery, and others
such as Hearts and hit the tendons and Alnayat. [19]
E) The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ((two sounds are cursed in this world and the
Hereafter: Oboe when grace, and resonance at times of calamity)) [20]; clearly states that the
voice of flutes cursed in this world and the Hereafter, it must be the prohibition of musical
instruments, and entertainment.
Discussion of this evidence:
He Alambihon: The support the first conversation and the board did not salute the disorder as

well as that modern suspension [21], have worked hard Hafiz Ibn Hajar to the conversation, and
a link is already nine ways, but they all revolve on the Rao spoke a number of imams critics,
Hesham Ben Ammar peaceful [22]. As for the newborn ((if appeared Alqian and musical
instruments) (f) (if God sent me)), they are weak does not invoke them. As for the newborn ((two
sounds ..)), said al-Qaradawi in the "selection" that in the narrators Shipp ibn Bishr, soft Abu
Hatem, and Othagh'm Hibbaan, and I'm certain, but said: He makes mistakes a lot, is not invoked
on the subject of controversial large, Kmodoua singing psalms, "and that it be construed as if it
comes out the limits of permissible Palmes, as Balrnp out the limits of patience with the scourge.
Mghom and also that his speech is permissible to require the two voices is in these, otherwise
invalidated the benefit of customization [23].
The significance of this evidence of the prohibition is explicit; word "musical instruments" in
all the talk, did not agree on its meaning precisely, it was said: theme parks, and this word, and
the Messenger and said: musical instruments. And Ovrdhana that meaning: musical instruments,
known musical instruments, the modern commentator in Al-Bukhari is explicit in the testimony
of the sanctity of "musical instruments" because the words "regard as permissible," as Ibn alArabi al-Maliki has two meanings: one: they think that old, and second: to be a metaphor for
Allistrsal those things [24]; if Balasthlal if it was intended: the true meaning, it would be in
disbelief, the Asthlal harvested by the no man's land - such as alcohol and adultery - Kafr
The various musical instruments in the birth, said some of them: are musical instruments, and
others have said: to sing or play, said: Amusement Sound, for this was the word potential because
of the machine and the machine someone else, not fit to be inference. [25]
The other possibility is that all of the talk is narrated by Hisham bin Ammar, make warnings
about drinking alcohol, and musical instruments but complement dependent, and Bhama does not
fit in with the inference by the prohibition on musical instruments and singing on launch [26].
It may be that musical instruments are forbidden to set associated with drinking alcohol. As you
may likely, you utilized the total prohibition of the above mentioned, silk, alcohol and musical
instruments, or on each individual unit? , The talk in fact mourns the morality of a group of
people to indulge in luxury and corruption, and night a red, and drinking liquor understanding
between the wine, women and fun and singing, free and silk, as was narrated by Ibn Majah from
Abu Maalik al-Ash'ari ((a Icherin people of my wine calling it by another name plays on their
heads musical instruments, singers, God swallow their land and turn them into monkeys and
pigs)) [27].
Moreover, say the sanctity of Hearts The evidence is that in beating hearts imitation bisexual if you do not get used to hit and a passion for them but they are - non-Muslims to be forbidden in
all the time and place; it should be to understand the modern view in built on the causes of a
private or a link defect specific, provided or derived from it or understood the reality in which
they were driven from the talk [28]. This is what al-Zubaidi says "To say that Hearts logo
bisexual non-Muslim, and if this in some regions pertains to him, and he is not that everything he
does Bisexuals may be haraam, even if it were to be forbidden to men washing clothes craft,
because the bisexual Atadoh and most Gsalon , but not allowed to imitate them in specific acts to

them that the peace, otherwise it is not "[29]. Answer these discussions:
have documented the modern - which was narrated by Bukhari and said to be suspended - not a
few of the imams also said this comment: "The mostly on conversations outstanding that it cut
off between them and the Malgahaolha many pictures are known, this is not them, because
Hichem Ben Ammar of the elders of Bukhari who protested their in the correct ... It is intended
that the talk is not cut off between Bukhari and Sheikh Hisham as some have claimed .. "[30]
The transfer of Albanian for Ibn al-Qayyim said that in assigning it to talk properly connected
also said more than ten to maintain the health of the modern and the power attributed. [ 31]
as a "musical instruments" denotes the prohibition on the use of what was ratified by the name,
and the apparent fact that in all of the meanings set forth from the people of the language, and
not as common, because the word was established for each one separately, but the development
of all [32].
As for the talk ((voices)) Vjawab saying, "The concept of discourse requires the legalization of
others" is that such wording is not a concept most of the scholars, the allocation in such a number
is not required by the rule [33].
chaperones Ahmed said, "This is what Al-Qaradawi is saying that he does not understand the
Arabic language, if F of the absolute collection and participate Almattov Almattov it does not
complement it" [34].
The Who said "Do you learn from this hadeeth Total prohibition of the above mentioned, silk,
alcohol and musical instruments, or on each individual separately"? Exposure to Abdul-Malik
Saadi, Rose said, "This is heresy if the intention is that the prohibition only its status, because he
may be individually adultery and drinking wine on the private sale and free in private .." [35]
Group II: Alambihon restrictions and evidence [36]
Shawkaani said in "Awtaar": "went the people of the city [37] It is of vision of the scholars of
the surface, and the Order of Sufism, to the license in the singing, even with the lute and Firefly.
And told Mr. Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi Shafei [38] the author of the" hearing ": that Abdullah bin
Jafar was not see singing anything wrong "and told The teacher was also represented by the
judge Crsh, and Said ibn al-Musayyib, and Ata ibn Abi Rabah [39], syphilis, and popular [40]
[41] and went more contemporary - as seems to me - including Rashid Reda Abu Zahra, Mustafa
al-Zarqa and Mohammad Al-Ghazali and Mahmoud Shaltout and the former and Mr alQaradawi, and given him the satisfaction and Abu Zahra, Mustafa al-Zarqa and Mohammad AlGhazali and Mahmoud Shaltout and the former and Mr al-Qaradawi, and given him Zoheily [42]
Mohammed Saeed Ramadan Al Bouti [43] Rawas Qalaji [44] and many others do not have room
primarily to remind them.
The evidence for this group are many and varied, the most important are as follows: Guide I: quoted saying the Almighty: ((If they saw a trade or fun Trkk shake them and say what
existed when God is better than pastime and than merchandise, and Allah's Cause).) [Friday: 11].

Trade-century play, not only in terms of Ivmanma fill their companions - on the occasion of the
arrival of the convoy and hit the tambourine pleased with it - for a sermon of the Prophet - peace
be upon him - and left in place. If it's fun - here singing, tambourines, and the like - is haraam,
what sympathy Attvt on trade or commerce in the context of a single, legitimate trade, or what
Attvt it be that it is like, the same action takes Almattov sentenced him. As also stated in another
verse ((Say what God of the amusement and Trade)), does not imply the prohibition area, but
demonstrates the trade-off between Alojerin, and the preference first to the second, the
prohibition of the second. [45]
Discussion of this directory: Any Friday and received in the course of slander and reproach to
those who have left the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him preaching and went to the
caravan trade and the entertainment is, therefore, which indicates the legalization of casinos. [46]
Guide II: Aisha said: Abu Bakr came in and I have a current endeavors of neighborhood
supporters singing about what Tquaolt supporters on Avat, she said: are not Bmagnitin Abu Bakr
said: Omzimir Satan in the house of the Messenger of Allah, on Holiday, said the Prophet (("O
Abu Bakr, every people holiday) [47]; in the novel: the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
lying with his garment, Vantharhama Abu Bakr, but angered the Messenger of Allah peace be
upon him and his face and said, (("Leave them, O Abu Bakr, they are the days Holiday)); The
evidence: they were and set an duff is one of his machines may beating otherwise of these
machines, including Elsafaqtin and drums and others. This hadeeth indicates that it is permissible
to use musical instruments on the totality of what was not in sin or mixed it. note that has
increased in the novel syphilis "Tdvinan" and a Muslim in the novel Hisham "Ngninan PDF
"which shows the use of these machines [48].
Discussion of this directory:
Ibn Hajar al-in reply, "is sufficiently refuted by that statement Aisha in the hadeeth in the door
after him, saying ((And they were not Bmagnitin)) whether it is accompanied by the meaning in
the wording of .. not called does a singer, but called so active Pettmotait and cracking and
irritation and suspense, including exposing Balfoahac or permit, "said al-Qurtubi, saying
((Bmagnitin are not any who are not known singing .. and this is making them for singing at the
usual Almsthreinn tags" [49]
The heeds peace be upon him whilst turning away from it is subject to the fact that the place
requires that rises from listening to it .. and hiking on the original play and play is limited to what
is listed as the text and the time and how to minimize the violation of the original.
the reason given in ((, each nation has its Eid and this is our festival)) on the one hand, refers to
the adoption of Abu Bakr to denounce the Psalms and declares the other hand, the adoption of
the two neighbors on Gnaihma daff pointing out that he is excluded from the parent. Left and
denial of General Bakr granted [50]; for approval peace be upon him him, but excluded him
singing at the feast, it is permissible specifications contained in the Hadith. The two neighbors is
Mkfattin singing singing Arabs, who said in the war on Avat of courage and war. [51]

does not necessarily permissible to beat the daff at weddings and the like legalization of other
stringed instruments and the like, therefore, that does not include the other [52].

Guide III: command of the Prophet peace be upon him singing and music at the wedding when a
woman as a bride to a man from the Ansar, "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ((O
Aisha The lemon you is? Majaah)) [53]; If we look at This hadeeth is not discerned that it is not
only to make fun logo for the fuck I'm just - as some scholars have said - but abused to other
purposes such as stated in the hadeeth "means the fans like the entertainment," Do not you see
that the character "ta" is one of the characters gesture that indicates the reasoning and purpose
together. Talk shows and also to take care of customs of various tribes, and Atjahm not judged to
be one moody bantered is in the lives of all people.
Discussion of this directory: that the word "fun" is not only in the Psalms and amusement rides,
there are innocent men Kmlaabp horse and Chloe Abyssinia, dancing in the mosque, even if a
musical instrument will not only holds a drum or tambourine. [54]
Guide IV: for spring girl bin Afra said came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and his
on the morning of the children of me and sat on my bed Kcilsk me they made Joeriaat beaten
Tambourine them and Indbn killed from my parents the day of Badr that said one of them and us,
the Prophet knows what is in tomorrow, he said ((called this and say that you were saying)) [55].
Clear from the Hadith, the Prophet did not deny these slaves to beat the duff for spring ball in the
day to day wedding, did not deny them to hear faint.

Guide V: Rules established jurisprudence and reasonable: It is as follows: First: the origin of things and the benefits are permissible;
If this is not the text has not straightened measurement provided hero to say that it is
haraam and stayed really can not nothing wrong with it like any other permissible, and does not
indicate that it is forbidden to sing the text does not measure. [56] Nothing in the singing - the
limitations, of course - except that of the good things the minimum Tstlzha selves, find
distasteful and minds, Tsthassanha mushrooms, and he likes ears, it is the thrill of the ear, .. Is it
any good things in Islam Almstlmat haraam or halaal?
Secondly - a rule: "If the Fed is expanded" base "hardship brings facilitation."
There is no doubt that the general scourge thing often arises from the need to, if not exceeded
those for large-scale, and the need for her mind, especially if swept and spread, and they said:
What campus is permitted for an excuse to fill a need. The issue of where you may sing them
with the scourge can not be bridged easily and AFL difficult, so must be provided with ease,
taking into account the controls and the legal rules of the singing and musical instruments.

Discussion of these manuals:

If this rule is not what is forbidden, it was mentioned previously as evidence that he said the
Does this rule apply as it narrowed Mounkrat? This principle would you say also revealed the
shortcomings of women is widespread it must be said is permissible? [57]
Third: reasonable
A - ills-Ghazali, the sanctity of those machines that it invites to drink alcohol, and it is in
the right of a recent drink alcohol, remember alcohol boards of mankind to drink, and when it
became the meeting by the custom of the people of immorality, the prevention of imitating them,
after which he said "Only in this meaning the campus oboe Iraqi and tendons all Kalaud
manufacture and psaltery and Albrait and others, and otherwise it is not in its meaning Khahin
shepherds and pilgrims and Shaheen drum and every machine is extracted from voice Msttab
weighted only what get used to people drinking, because all this is not about wine, does not
mention her and do not Ihawk boiled nor requires imitating Borbabha was not in meaning
remained out of the permissible, by analogy to the sounds of birds and other Rather, I say hear
the strings of those who beat her on the non-weight disproportionate Mstlz also haraam, and that
Witten was no reason for outlawing mere pleasure, good, but measurement analysis of good
things all .. These sounds do not deny that it sounds balanced and deprive the Viewer and the last
B - The one who had wanted to hear singing in the ages past been obliged to go to the
singing or the musical, as evidenced by what they are, and were rarely without the councils of
taboos and evil, of wine and profligacy and shamelessness and laceration, and disarmament in
the presence of this type Council forbidden in Islam, and in our times is no longer a listener
singing in need of something, it can be listened to songs from a cassette tape, or from a radio or
television, we must put this difference into account in the advisory. [59]

Third: The correct rule in the singing and the use of musical instruments and listen to it [60]
Before getting in the weight of the issue say: after the agreement on the prohibition of singing
Magic and the temptation is mostly what it is now singing on the radio and other mostly Ghazali.
Otherwise, if it be urged that the courage and dignity, praise the country and urged parents and
friends on other goods and is subject to dispute among the scholars, which was previously
introduced, and the penalties in this area.
After considering the evidence for each team and discussed the opinion that it is inclined as
follows: 1) is permissible to use these instruments in situations of happiness and joy, war and so on - that
there shall be legitimately - compared to the legalization of the duff in the marriage and feast,

with caring for the purposes of such use, restrictions and controls are established by the scholars;
in view of the many possibilities Almttrqp to significant conversations in the door as well as to
speak in its backer, said in explaining the Fath al-Qadeer: "Issues of cases, if addressed by the
possibility, hung dress Overall, the hero of the inference" [61], and said Alvakeani: I did not
know God in the book, nor in the year, newly true explicit the prohibition on theme parks, It is a
phenomena and Amomat domesticated by no categorical evidence "[62]. Ibn al-'Arabi in his
book" The provisions of the Koran "by saying" not valid in the forbidden thing, "and also said alGhazali and Ibn grammar in the mayor and I'm clean [63].
2) the need to care regulations prescribed by the Alambhristin - listed on the page otherwise it is
not permissible to use these machines do not sing.

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