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Perception of Food Franchising Business and their Valued Customers

on Producers are always right Philosophy

Producers and consumers share responsibilities for survival in the economic worldwhether disproportionately or equally. Disproportionately- the business firms, embodying
distinct strategies, depend much on making sales and please consumers up to their extent. Even
in return, receives less sales or negative feedbacks. Equally- the producer consider then
consumer purchase the goods and services offered. This yields to debatable business forums and
raises diversity among marketing strategies.
We are all producers and we also consume every raw material from our environment.
Scientifically, our Mother Nature, as the primary producer, has been enormously damaged by our
wrongdoings. Environments and Business are intervening sciences that are interdependent to
each others success and fails.
Business Firms have been operated and progressed through making greater sales- major
responsibility is of valuing and satisfying their consumers. Without them, especially with profitdriven business firm, they will defunct and eventually bankrupt. Considering Micro-Macro and
External-Internal environmental factors to sustain the business operations mostly depends upon
the consumers needs, wants and desires.
Consumers are the greatest assets of the business. They are the only key party that has
vital roles in purchasing goods and services. It greatly results to building long-term or short-term
relationships. Annual business reports rely dependently on consumers loyalty. It is reflected
from the sales and recorded upon financial positions.

The customer is always right philosophy is originally coined by Harry Gordon

Selfridge, founder of Selfridges department store in London in 1909. It is typically used by
businesses encouraging employees to give good customer service and in return consumers will
make services sold.
Philippine Food Franchising Business economy booms for over the past decade, more
precisely, in 1997 when Philippine Franchising Association was created. Until locally-grown
businesses invade and are now fully-established as popular brands of today. Franchising has been
a long run practice of using another firm's successful business model.
'Franchise' is of anglo-French derivation - from franc- meaning free, and is used both as a
noun and as a (transitive) verb. For the franchisors viewpoint, franchise is an alternative to
building 'chain stores' to distribute goods and avoid investment and liability over a chain. The
franchisor's success is the success of the franchisees.
Business chains and franchise are relatively different in the ownership while similar to
using same brand, names, quality and rules. Business stores under Chain are owned by only one
entity or person, on the other hand, Franchise has various owners.
Thus, handling consumers depend on a marketing philosophy that will empower the
business. Empowering customers can take place by providing them with sufficient knowledge or
the nature of business and their products (Balachandran,2007). However every rule has its
exceptions, so does this philosophy.

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