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Stress Management Professional An International Journal

Vol.2, No.2, JULY - DECEMBER 2014


effect of cognitive -behavioral therapy in reducing

dysfunctional behaviors are often cognitively

anxiety and improving cardiac performance (Mehrabi,

mediated and, hence, improvement can be produced

Ghazavi, Nasiri, Sheikh-al-Salam, 2004).

by modifying dysfunctional thinking and beliefs

(Dobson &Dozois, 2001).

The comparison of change in depressive symptoms

found in CBT groups indicates a significant positive

Based on present findings, it can be concluded that

change in the experimental group. The improvement

CBT is an appropriate intervention for reducing

can be attributed to the skills learn in CBT. One can

psychological risk factors in cardiac patients.

learns to deal with moods more effectively when one

master method that help one pinpoint and eliminate

Efficacy of MBSR:

the mental distortions which cause one to feel upset.

Present study also revealed that MBSR is able to

As one begins to think more objectively, one begins to

reduce perceived stress. It can be understand in the

feel better (Burns, 1980). This is achieved by

light of Kabat-Zinn (1990) statement that automatic

formulating an understanding of the interaction

reactions, triggered out of unawareness, usually

between thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Further,

compound and exacerbate stress, making what might

CBT can helps to make sense of overwhelming

have remained basically simple problems into worse

problems by breaking them down into smaller parts.

ones. They prevent one from seeing clearly, from

This makes it easier to see how they are connected and

solving problems creatively, from expressing

how they affect one. So, the improvement in the

emotions effectively when one needs to

depressive symptoms in present study credited to the

communicate with other people, and ultimately they

cognitive restructuring as well as behavioral

prevent from attaining peace of mind (Kabat-Zinn,

techniques that were learned by all the patients in the

1990). Whereas, MBSR focuses on the progressive

experimental group. These finding are in line with the

acquisition of mindful awareness, this approach is

other study reported earlier by Milani, Laxie& Cassidy

based on the principle that greater awareness will

(1996), wherein psychological intervention was

increase perception and insight, improve self efficacy

effective in reducing depression among CHD patients.

and control, reduce negative affect and provide a

more differentiated picture of wellness in which stress

There is a consistent literature showing that the

and ailments play natural roles while still allowing for

various components of TABP can be modified. A

an improved quality of life. By having individuals focus

package of stress management involving relaxation

their awareness on emotional symptoms in a

training and the identification of TABP and situations

n o n j u d gm e nt a l m a n n e r ( K a b at- Z i n n , 1 9 9 0 ) ,

was reported to be effective in modifying both TABP

mindfulness can help to prevent avoidance or escape.

and its components by Johnston (1993). Present study

When individuals fully experience their feared

also shows the positive effect of CBT on Type A sub

emotional symptoms, they can properly observe the

scale. These results thus support the findings of

consequences of their emotional symptoms and

Bennett &Carroll (1994), Kelly & Stone (1987) and

formulate more effective coping strategies. In

Thurman (1985)regarding the efficacy of cognitive

addition, the slow and deep breathing involved in

behavioural intervention in the modification of TABP.

mindfulness meditation may alleviate bodily

The reduction in the Type A scores can be attributed to

symptoms of distress by balancing sympathetic and

the defining feature of CBT that symptoms and

parasympathetic responses (Kabat-Zinn, 2003).

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