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4 The Vanderbilt Hustler | Friday, March 4, 2005

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution





Make the most of it

By the end of today, the last day of class before spring break,
students should have finished their midterm exams and papers,
and thoughts of snow, home, beaches or just free time should
dance in their heads.
The tradition of spring break is an integral part of the college
experience. Before high school students even begin their college
careers, popular culture indoctrinates them with the notion that
spring break for university students is the ultimate party in the
nation. Whether you watch MTV or see a commercial for “Girls
Gone Wild,” most rising college students have a preconceived
notion that spring break inevitably involves inebriation, intoxi-
cation or some form of nudity.
Although the nefarious activities listed above are not with-
out their charm, we encourage caution and safety throughout
this upcoming vacation. As many seniors will say, your time at
Vanderbilt as an undergraduate passes quickly and four spring
break vacations do not suffice once a student realizes he or she
has none left.
Therefore, make the most of your time off so it truly can be
memorable, instead of having to relive the moments through LETTER TO THE EDITOR
pictures you don’t remember taking.
So whether you are going to a warm-climate vacation hot spot
with your friends or just heading back home to be with your fam-
ily, value the time you spend with them. For as we get closer and Kentucky-fried cruelty In response to ‘Matthews II:
closer to graduation to make that giant step into the “real world,”
the time with close friends in college and family at home most To the Editor: ket heavily to African Americans... Christians may deceive’
likely will dwindle. Being that Rev Al Sharpton will obviously hoping we won’t care
If you have decided to spend your break helping out with be appearing at Vanderbilt’s IM- about what they do to the under- the earth, and his angels
To the Editor:
some type of volunteer project, such as Alternative Spring Break, PACT Symposium on March 21st dog...So, if KFC wants to take our were cast out with him.
I am writing in response
Habitat for Humanity or another service endeavor, we would like at Langford, I wanted to bring to money and use it to pay for sloppy Related verses are Isaiah
to Mike Matthews’ column
to commend you for donating your time and energy to a good light an issue that both he and I practices that hurt animals—I say 14:12-15 and Revelation
in February 28’s Hustler in
cause. Community aid and involvement makes a contribution are passionate about. As some we send them a message that this 12:4. I am not saying this to
which he called himself an
that lasts for much longer than the single week that constitutes may already know, Kentucky Fried is not going to happen. I’m call- nitpick an error in a column.
“… atypical theologian in
spring break. Chicken has been exposed as a ing on people to boycott KFC until Rather, I am saying this as a
that [he] actually read[s] the
Lending your hand to help other people in the world can company that tortures its chickens they adopt animal welfare systems basis for my personal re-
Bible (instead of accepting
prove to be more valuable than a trip to the Bahamas. Further- in “ways that would result in felony recommended by PETA and until quest that Mr. Matthews not
someone else’s misinter-
more, college is the time for such acts of servitude because now cruelty-to-animals charges if cats they stop the worst abuses of the allow truth and fiction to
pretation of non-religious
is when time is more readily available, compared with a few years or dogs were the victims, but KFC birds they raise for their restau- mix in his articles and that
texts as gospel truth)…”
down the road when our occupations or careers will be the pri- refuses to make changes” (source: rants” (source: KentuckyFriedCru- he not make sweeping ac-
He then goes on to say that
mary consumer of our time. Acts cusations, such as asserting
“…one [such misinterpreta-
Moreover, even if you decided to take a rest, don’t fail to reflect such as live scalding, crippling In summary, chickens are intel- that the Church “prospers
tion] I fell into is the fallacy
on your time outside the Vandybubble. Experience can be a far under their own unnatural weight, ligent animals with distinct per- through the ignorance of
of believing that the Bible
greater teacher than textbooks, but usually only if an individual and de-beaking without pain kill- sonalities that rival those of cats its members” or saying that
explicitly mentions Satan’s
takes time to reflect on what he or she has learned. ers are only a few of the repulsive and dogs. They also feel pain; just “…by and large the Church
descension or some divine
Regardless of the spring break path you choose to tread, we cruelties that KFC subjects it’s over like any other living being. I ask (especially the Catholic
battle before time began.
hope it is enjoyable and one that will be looked upon as a fond 750 million chickens to each year. any and all to take a stand against Church) is in the business
Neither of these is in the Bi-
memory in the future. Al Sharpton, who is well- KFC (and any other corporation of misinformation” when he
ble, but instead they come
Have a good break! known for his strong convictions that abuses animals) by visiting himself makes misinform-
from John Milton’s ‘Paradise
and ability to speak out for what or Lost.’” ing claims that directly con-
he believes in, has taken on the for more information. Scripture, however, states tradict scripture.
daunting task of trying to get KFC The only way to make change is to in Revelation 12:7: While I do take issue
to eliminate the nastiest abuses become active. The best thing that 7 And there was war with this and other state-
OPINION POLICY that their chickens suffer (which anyone can do for animals is to go in heaven: Michael and ments in the article, there
have all been ignored since PETA’s vegetarian but everyone can write his angels fought against are some things in it with
The Vanderbilt Hustler opinion edit and condense submissions for length a letter or not supporting com-
original request back in May the dragon; and the drag- which I agree, and I think I
page aims to stimulate discussion in as well as clarity.
the Vanderbilt Community. The Hustler Lengthy letters that focus on an issue 2001). Since KFC has recently an- panies like KFC by not avoiding on fought and his angels, understand your point Mr.
welcomes reader viewpoints and offers affecting students might be considered for nounced its plans to market more them altogether. Do not let this go 8 And prevailed not; nei- Matthews. However, if you
three methods of expression: letters to a guest column at the editor’s discretion. seriously to African American con- on any longer. Take action. Let us ther was their place found truly wish to help the Chris-
the editor, guest columns and feedback on All submissions become the property sumers, Sharpton has called on be the voice for the chickens who any more in heaven. tian Church, please be more
our Web site. of The Vanderbilt Hustler and must con- the African American population cannot cry out for help. 9 And the great dragon was careful with your words in
Letters must be signed and will ap- form to the legal standards of Vanderbilt to stay away from KFC until they cast out, that old serpent, the future.
pear as space permits each issue. Letters Student Communications, of which the improve the welfare of their chick- Cat Opderbeck called the Devil, and Satan, Dan Maxwell
should in response to something already Hustler is a division. Submit a typed Senior, Peabody College
ens. He says, “KFC is not black which deceiveth the whole Junior, School of Engineering
published in the paper, and should be copy of your response to the Hustler
around 300 words. All letters must be office, located in Sarratt 130, or e-mail owned, but it sure knows to mar- world: he was cast out into
typed. The editor reserves the right to


Accuracy is our profession. As the

“Voice of Vanderbilt,” we are committed
to ensuring our work is fair and accurate
Bring corrections to the Hustler
office in Sarratt 130 or send an e-mail to You may
Law-breaking an underage rite of passage

and will correct errors of substance on also fax them to (615) 322-3706 or report
Page 2. them by telephone to (615) 322-2424. Anyone who has been carded at I think that using numbers MTV-sponsored Super Bowl half-
the movie theaters in the year 2005 to gauge the limits of restrictive time show in which Janet Jackson
to ensure that he or she is mature measures put on entertainment, exposed her breast on national
News Editors Sean Seelinger Vibe Editor Kelly Taylor enough to witness violence, graph- driving and alcohol consumption television highlights the overreac- Ultimately, this form
Rachel Stevens Asst. Vibe Editor Clare Scalzi marks an effort to create author- tion of a nation that is determined of law-breaking
Lindsey Windham Frontiers Editor Ximena Levander ity where it does not rightfully ex- to pretend it is still innocent. Per-
Asst. News Editors Meredith Casey Editorial Cartoonist Ayumi Fukuda SICK AND TIRED ist. All of these age limits do almost haps the most interesting part of and immorality is
Megan Ceryanec Art Director John Maynard
Lisa Guo Webmaster Osman Jalloh nothing to stop the moral decline this controversy occurred when a condoned right of
Debra Lewis Designers Brielle Bryan of society nor prevent dangerous CBS considered fining the people
Julio Lupo Becca Carson BROWN behavior. responsible for this incident; I passage that uni-
Features Editors Gabe Morris Eleasa Kim
Mary C. Shamblin Laura Kim ic language and sexual content can If anything, stipulating that peo- wonder what price would have fies the repressed,
Laney Woolfolk Copy Editors Margaret Butzow speak at length about the absur- ple must reach a certain age to earn adequately compensated CBS for underaged commu-
Opinion Editors Aden Johnson Erica Ermann the right do certain “adult things” its pain and suffering caused by
Ilya Gurevic dity of age limits. The entire two
Ashley Mallinson
minutes a movie attendant spent just stirs up rebellion and makes actions that made them look like nity in a country that
Michael Wilt Tim Kustusch
Asst. Opinion Editor Pascha Brown Stephanie Madden looking at my identification to ver- unlawful, underage behavior more actors corrupting the American tells children what
Eric Kacker Production Manager Rosa An ify that I was ready to watch an R exciting. There is an entire counter- people. The price probably would
Ashley Zaleski Gabe Morris cultural movement to aid and abet have been a number as random as they can’t handle in
Sports Editors Joshua Cooper Ad Design Manager Andrea Johnson rated film this past weekend gave
Greg Roberts Ad Designer Lisa Guo me time to reflect, “Why is 17 the the numerous pre-teens and teens the age at which the network exec- public, they can buy
Asst. Sports Editors Geoff Combs John Thompson age at which I can handle viewing who feel compelled to test the ef- utives deem someone old enough
Jordan Mamorsky Sharon Yecies
in private.
‘adult situations’? What makes age ficiency of age restrictions. to see Janet Jackson’s nipple.
Photo Editors Jeff Bowen Ad Staff Emily Lineberger MTV stands as today’s most In addition to MTV, there are
Jonathan Dietz Daniel Ross 16 the right time for me to drive?
Evan Hyde Most importantly, is it really neces- obvious example of a company other companies who play a more
VSC Director Chris Carroll sary for so many people to pretend dedicated to pushing traditional subtle role in prematurely exposing
Asst. VSC Director Jeff Breaux expectations for age groups. The
they are 21 in order to drink?” Please see BROWN, page 5

Your voice doesn’t stop here. President Andrew Maxwell President Austen Heim U.S. Sen. Bill Frist U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander Rep. Jim Cooper Rep. Edith Langster Sen. Douglas Henry, Jr. Councilor Ginger Hausser
The Vanderbilt Hustler encourages Student Government Assoc. Interhall United State Senate United States Senate U.S. House of Rep. Tenn. District 54 Tenn. District 21 Metro District 18
its readers to voice their opinions 1542 Station B austen.m.heim@vanderbilt. Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20515 35 Legislative Plaza 11 Legislative Plaza 521 Chesterfield Avenue
on legislative issues. The following edu (202) 224-3344 (202) 224-4944 (202) 225-4311 Nashville, TN 37243-0154 Nashville, TN 37243-0021 Nashville, TN 37212
students and legislators represent Sarratt 359 Sarratt 357 (615) 352-9411 (615) 736-5129 (615) 736-5295 (615) 741-1997 (615) 741-3291 (615) 783-0106
the Vanderbilt Community. (615) 322-8742 (615) 421-7515
Friday, March 4, 2005 | The Vanderbilt Hustler Opinion 5

Hypocritically AROUND THE LOOP Compiled by Pascha Brown

What are you doing for Spring Break?

hooked on reality TV

I’m hooked. It’s addictive. It sucked me safe detached distance
in and suddenly took over my Tuesday as a couple pouts and
night. Reality television is more than a fad: poses as they parade
it’s an obsession. in front of cameras. Mr. Rogers is an
Somehow, I sense that “I’m going home.” “I’m going skiing.” “I’m doing Alternative “I’m going to Acapulco “I’m going on a cruise
I will get more out of ancient relic. Spring Break.” to meet Mexican men.” with a lot of other
A-BOMBS my interaction with Who needs him? Vandy students.”
ashley my real friends, rather Queer Eye for
than wedding myself
MALLINSON to a long-distance, ex- the Straight Guy
The worst part is that my addiction clusive, famed couple, shows you how Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
makes me quite the hypocrite. I hate real- at least in the long-
run. to model your
ity TV. Quality television has wasted away
with alarming rapidity over the last few As strongly as I op- life now!
years, and its down to its bare bones. Re- pose absorbing oneself COLUMN
ality TV is hardly enough to hold together in the lives of popular
the skeletal remains of what once was
healthy programming, but is now starved
icons and reality TV stars — living vicari-
ously through figures as they flit across Bush’s hypocrisy finds fault with Russia’s democracy
of decent storylines or talented actors. the TV screen — I am guilty of indulging
When MTV launched The Real World in in this pleasure. I like to think of it as my This week, President Bush trav- Ukraine. These practices have not ent a skewed view of his policies
1992, the American public had no idea that version of supporting an athletic team. eled to Eastern Europe to chastise only provoked this week’s chastise- in the news media; it is his goal to
it was witnessing the beginning of a trend Watching The Bachelorette last Tuesday, I Vladimir Putin, the president of ment; if some members of Congress make himself look as good as pos-
that would eventually eclipse their favor- desperately wanted Jen to pick John Paul Russia. Bush spent the week lectur- get their way, Russia may be ex- sible regardless of the First Amend-
ite classic sitcoms as they knew them. We (stats: dark, young, driven and compas- pelled from the G8, the elite group ment. How is this chokehold on our
would have been abhorred had we known sionate) who I have been rooting for all of eight industrialized nations. media any difference from Putin’s
along; however, Kathy adamantly felt that SPEAKING OUT President Bush’s preaching is restriction on Russia’s?
that just over a decade later, Friends and
Seinfeld would no longer be releasing new Jerry (stats: boyishly charming and oh-so- indeed an extremely bold gesture, If similar actions could get Russia
good-looking) is the man for Jen. We girls
episodes and instead shows like Fear Fac- considering the state of his own booted from the G8, how does Bush
tor and The Incredible Mom Swap would form teams, too: every Tuesday night we DEROY country’s affairs. How can he lec- get away with them so easily?
be multiplying exponentially. rally around our favorite contender for ing Putin on the importance of civil ture on checks and balances when Our own democracy is deeply
Sinful as it is even to make the compari- the bachelorette’s rose. The anxiety over liberties and democratic ideals. The the only checks Bush seems to care flawed, and for this reason, we have
son, American Idol is to today’s generation who Jen will choose may not keep me up two met in Slovakia to continue a about are those made out to fake little right to scold others. This is
what Saved By The Bell was for me. I find all night, but it has caused some heated tradition started during the most journalists? And the only balance precisely why we needed a new
it absolutely unacceptable that on any debate, and if my man gets ousted, things frigid days of the cold war. Back in he knows about is the “fair and president. Bush can’t go to Russia
teenager’s wall, clearly a space reserved for might just get catty. those days, however, the United balanced” reporting of Fox News. and lecture Putin on democracy be-
posters of Mark-Paul Gosseler or Tiffany I blame my roommates. Leaving the TV States had a right to lecture. We The Republican Party controls the cause his leadership of this country
Amber-Theissen, I might instead find Clay on — The Bachelorette playing in the back- were a fully-functioning democracy, White House, Senate, House of has been so problematic. Someone
Aiken smiling down at me. These reality ground — was the worst thing they could complete with a system of checks Representatives and the Supreme clearly needs to rein Putin in; he’s
TV stars deserve their titles as they really have done to me. I went from making fun and balances and various civil liber- Court. The Democratic Party, on the crossed a lot of lines and is close to
are America’s idols, the first episode of the of the show to practically making love to ties. other hand, has had to resort to fili- erasing any democratic strides Rus-
show having the highest number of view- it. I was tempted; I picked my contender- This time around, the situation busters and whining protest letters sia has made since he took control
ers of any series this season. bachelor, and got hooked. I may not be is different. Russia is no longer a that never make it to the president’s of the country. By the same token,
American Idol seems harmless in com- found at Sportsman’s begging the bartend- communist state. They have formed desk. How is this a checked or bal- however, someone should rein in
parison to shows such as The Swan where er to change the channel and cheering for their own democracy, and while it anced system? President Bush. Democrats in Con-
we don’t applaud contestants for using team-John-Paul at the top of my lungs, but is true that Putin has recently made Moreover, the white house press gress are powerless to do so; thus,
their natural talents, but for the extent to every Tuesday night I revert to my own rit- some anti-democratic moves, Presi- corps is timid at best. The White the job falls on the shoulders of
which they can pervert their bodies and ual. The seduction of reality TV brings me dent Bush has no right to preach House seems eager to field soft more sensible members of Bush’s
their lives. America looked on, rabidly back to The Grove, to watch avidly while when his own democracy is simi- questions from fake journalists, but party. The job of lecturing Putin
following several ‘ugly ducklings’ as they I consume whatever homemade treat that larly flawed. shuts out real journalists willing to can fall to another member of the
underwent months of grueling workouts, Hillary has magically popped out of the In recent months, President Pu- ask the tough questions. During his G8; unfortunately, America’s leader
diets, lifestyle changes and, worst of all, oven in order to ease my nerves. Tensions tin has concentrated power more tour in Germany, Bush cancelled an does not have the credibility to per-
painful cosmetic plastic surgery and li- are high, as reality TV brings out my com- firmly in his own hands. He also has open town meeting-style event and form this important task.
posuction to emerge ‘swan-like’ from this petitive spirit as we suddenly go girl to girl, restricted the freedoms of the inde- opted for a round table discussion
unnatural process of change. The real fa- bachelor to bachelor, rose to rose. pendent news media and bullied his with previously-selected Germans —Glenna DeRoy is a freshman in
ble here seems to be not the fairy-tale of Reality TV is taking over, and now I’m a neighbors Chechnya, Georgia and and Americans. Bush strives to pres- the College of Arts and Science.
the ugly-duckling, but the myth of such hypocrite. I love my shows but I hate the
a show being anything other than symp- numerous tasteless reality TV shows that

Brown: Attempts to legislate morality purchase immorality

tomatic of a culture with a sick fixation on storm the channels and crowd out what
reality TV. decent sitcoms we have left. Mr. Rogers
Watching Jessica Simpson and Nick is an ancient relic. Who needs him? Queer
Lachey prance around the menial duties Eye For the Straight Guy shows you how to From BROWN, page 4 the law. People only attempt to leg- for the real world. Ultimately, this
of their everyday lives simply holds no model your life now! islate morality, but they succeed in form of law-breaking and immoral-
America’s youth. Manufacturers of
interest for me. Because the couple is fa- Enough is enough! I have had enough purchasing immorality. ity is a condoned right of passage
candy cigarettes and battery-oper-
mous, I am supposed to care about their of The Real World! I want back into the real Most people, when restricted, that unifies the repressed, underage
ated cars that children actually can
relationship as “newlyweds”? If I am cu- world. I want to be rid of reality TV, so I can learn to lie. The easiest way to community in a country that tells
drive tempt children to experience
rious as to newlywed behavior, I would reconnect with my own life, instead of the evade the law as a minor lies in the children what they can’t handle in
a life the law publicly denies them
much rather learn first-hand from my own lives of people I will never meet. So, I am ability to obtain access to money public, they can buy in private.
and teach them how to break the
friends’ new marriages. True, I will actu- strictly boycotting all reality TV…at least or to older people who are willing
rules and satisfy their urges. With
ally have to interact with real people if I until next Tuesday night. to vouch for you, usually under the —Pascha Brown is a junior in the
enough money and parental inat-
want to learn about their lives; I will have tentiveness, an unsupervised child impression that they are toughen- College of Arts and Science.
to sacrifice the ability of watching from a —Ashley Mallinson is a senior in the ing someone up or preparing them
can buy his or her ability to violate
College of Arts and Science.







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