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ASTO, Norie Rose M.

Sigmund Freud
1. Oral Stage (Birth to 18
months) -the child if
focused on oral
pleasures (sucking)


Erik Erikson

2. Anal Stage (18 months

to three years) -The
childs focus of pleasure
in this stage is on
eliminating and retaining

1. Trust vs. Mistrust (Birth to

12 months)
a. A warm, loving relationship
with the mother and the
others during infancy might
lead to a sense of basic trust
in people and the world.
b. A cold, ungratifying
relationship with the mother
and others might generate a
general sense of mistrust.

3. Phallic Stage (ages

three to six) -The
pleasure zone switches
to the genitals (Oedipus
and Electra Complex)

2. Autonomy vs.
Shame/Doubt (1 to 3 yrs.
Old)- they learn that they can
control their actions and act
on their environment to get

4. Latency Stage (age six

to puberty) -sexual urges
remain repressed and
children interact and play
mostly with same sex
5. Genital Stage (puberty
on) -adolescents direct
their sexual urges onto
opposite sex peers

3. Initiative vs. Guilt (3 to 6 yrs.

old)- they are capable of
initiating activities and
asserting control over their
world through social
interactions and play.
4. Industry vs. Inferiority (6 to
12 yrs. Old)- Children begin
to compare themselves with

Lev Vygotsky
Sociocultural theory
focuses on the ways in
which childrens cognitive
development is influenced
by the cultures in which
they are reared and the
people who teach them.

Jean Piaget
1. Sensorimotor Stagedominated be learning
to coordinate perception
of the self and of the
environment with motor
activity (object

Lawrence Kohlberg
Kohlberg argues that the
stages of moral reasoning
follow a specific sequence.
He was not interested in the
eventual yes or no as he
was in how a person
reasoned to arrive at yes or

The Zone of
2. Preoperational StageProximal Development
characterized by the
1. Preconventional Level
(ZPD) refers to a range of
use of words and
(about 9.)- Children at this
tasks that a child can carry
symbols to represent
level base their moral
out with the help of
objects and
judgements on the
someone who is more
relationships among
consequences of
skilled. The zone refers to
them. (animism,
the relationship between
artificialism, objective
a. Stage 1- oriented
the childs abilities and what
toward obedience and
he or she can do with help
from others.
b. Stage 2- good
3. Concrete Operational
behavior allows
A scaffold is a
Stage (about 7-12)
people to satisfy their
temporary skeletal structure
children show the
needs and those of
that enables workers to
beginning of the
fabricate a building, bridge,
capacity for adult logic.
or other, permanent
However, their logical
2. Conventional Level- right
thoughts involve
and wrong are judged by
tangible objects rather
conformity to conventional
than abstract ideas.
standards of right and
Scaffolding refers to the
temporary support provided
subjective, reversibility)
a. Stage 3- good boy

ASTO, Norie Rose M.


their peers to see how they
measure up.
5. Identity vs. Role Confusion
(12 to 18 yrs. old)adolescents main task is
developing a sense of self.
6. Intimacy vs. Isolation (20 to
early 40s)- they are ready to
share a life with others.
7. Generativity vs. Sensation
(40s to mid 60s)- middleaged adults begin
contributing to the next
generation, often through
childbirth and caring for
others; they also engage in
meaningful and productive
work which contributes
positively to society.
8. Integrity vs. Despair (mid
60s to end of life)- people in
late adulthood reflect on their
lives and feel either a sense
of satisfaction or a sense of

by a parent or teacher to a
child who is learning to
perform a task.

orientation. Moral
behavior is what is
normal- what the
majority does.
b. Stage 4- Moral
judgements are
based on rules that
maintain the social
3. Postconventional Levelmoral reasoning is more
complex and focuses on
dilemmas in which
individual needs are pitied
against the need to
maintain the social order
and on personal

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