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The autobiographical outbreak of the 1980s and 1990s

While all documentary films retain an interest in some portion
of th world out there- recording, and less frequently
interrogation, at times with the intent to persuade and with
varying degrees of attention to formal issues the essayists
gaze is drawn inward with equal intensity- That inward gase
accounts for the digressive and fragmentary character of the
essayistic, as Andre Tournons assessment of Montaigne essais
ssuggest: Thought can abandon its theme at any time to
examine its own workings, questions is acquiered knowledge
or exploit its incidental potentialiets. Pg.85 .. 31
a quality shared by a all film essays is the inscription of a
blant, self-searching authorial presence.

The essay film constructs such an espectatorial position by adopting

a certain rethorical structure: rather than answering all the
questions that it raises, and delivering a complete, closed
argument, the essays rhethoric is such that it opens up problems,
and interrogates the spectator;
Plantinga - voz retorica con la no ficcin (Retorica y representacin
el cine de no ficcin)
El diario como gnero del margen (identidades y discursos)
Cruzar generos y fronteras para unirse a otras formas.
(travelogue, notebook, chornical)
Huberman: Designa precisamente la potencia soberana de lo que
no aparece de maenra visible. El acontecimiento de la virtus, lo que
es en potencia, lo que es en potencia, no da nunca una direccin a
seguir por el ojo, ni un sentido unvoco de lectura. Esto no quiere
decir que est desnudo de sentido. Al contrario saca de su especie
de negativadad la fuera de un despliegue mltiple, hace posible no
uno o dos significados unvocos, sino constelaciones enteras de
sentido que estn ah como redes de la s que tendremos que
aceptar el no conocer nunca la totalidad ni la clausura, obligados
como estamos a recorrer sencillamente de maner incompleta el
laberinto virtual, pg.30
Diario: open-ended, limitless and interminable. the diarys only
necessary conclusion is the deat of its author. The diary is a record
of death. It records death of others, the diarists own progress
towards death and, even when it seems to braoch other subjects,
death always remains the diarys ture centre, its sole concern,

because what it is founde on as a literary gener is the inscription

of meaning.
APUNTES: Any notebook film will always be an act of montage and
reordering, no matter how minimal, on the actual magma of
audiovisual notetaking (149)
Carelessness of the quality of the shootin testifies to the occasional,
ephemeral nature of the notebook style. Pg.161
artists ould use the self-portrait as a menas o drawing attention to
the medium and the process of production of the work, to show off
their skill, or to experiment eith technique or stlye)
EINSESTEIN - NOTAS PARA rodar el capital. hechos
Rithcer Ideas nociones mentales retratar un concepto
Belleza inteligencia (Bazin) - ANTISISTEMATICO
Pienso que la atraccin intelectual no excluye en modo alguno la

Ayer, pens mucho en ElCapital.En su estructura, que nacer

del lenguaje cinematogrfico, en la imagen, en la etapa abierta
desde ahora (con los dioses).
Tomar el desarrollo banal y progresivo de una accin cualquiera.
Por ejemplo, la jornada de una persona. Contarla
minuciosamente,pero como un esbozo, de modo que permite
comprender que se trata de una digresin.
Desarrollar una situacin en concepto

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