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The Eye of Revelation PETER KELDER ISBN: 0-945685-04-7 Ccmyrigte 1500 by PETE KELDER. THE EYE OF REVELATION ap PETER KELDER @ PART ONE One afteroon | dropped into the Travelers Club to escape a sudden shower, and while seated in an cay chai waiting fori 0 lear up 1 fell into a conversation with s most Interesting whl ientleman;one who, although di aot know it then, was destined fo change the whole course of my life, Heal him an old. rman For tht Is exaclly what he was. In hs Iie sites, he looked every year his age, He was thin 30d stooped, and when he walked lari heavily on his ane. developed thathe was a retired Brith army officer, who tad likewise seen service inthe diplomatic corp of the Crown, Thete ‘were few acessble places onthe globe to whieh Colonel Bradford, 51 hall call him, although that w2s not his true name, had not, ‘sometime or other in hs lie, pad avs and warmingunder my attention he related incidents in his travels which wete highly ‘entering. Needless to say I spent an interesting andproitable flemoon listening to him This was some years ago. We met ofte aller that and got along famously. Many evenings, either at his quarlers or at mine, we discussed and discoursed until long past ‘midnight, It was on one ofthese occasions | became possessed ofa feeling ‘hit Colonel Bradford wanted to tell me something of importance. Something close to his heart which was dificult for him to ta about. By using all the tact and diplomacy at my command 1 Succeeded in making him understand that I should be happy to help him in any way possible, and that iT he cared to tell me what WAL on his mind I would keep it in strict confidence, Slowly at fist and then with incresced trust he began to talk Wile stationed in india some years ago, Colonel Bradford, from time to time, came in contact with wandering natives from the — ‘emote fasnesses of the country. He heard many fterestn tales ofthe life and customs of the country, One story: which him strangely, he heard quite a number of times, and always {rom natives who inhabited a particular district. Those from the other districts seemed never to have hesed It, concesned a group of Lamas or Tibetan priests who, apparent Jy, had discovered "The Fountain of Youth," The nates told of old men who had mysteriously regained health and stiength vigor and vislty shortly after entering a certain Lamasery; bat where ‘his particule place was none seemed exaely to know. Like 20 many other men, Colonel Bradford had become eldat 40, and had not been geting any younger asthe yeas rolled te ‘Now the more he heard this tale of “The Fountain of Youth” the ‘more te became convinced that such pace and such men actly existed. He began to gather information on direction, character ef the country, climate, and various othe might help him locate the spot: for from then om there dwelt in the back of his, ‘ind 3 desire to find this “Fountain of Youth, ‘This desire, he told me, had now grown so powerful that he had deternined to return to India and startin earnest aquest forthe feteat of these youngold men; and he wanted me to Bo with hing Frankly, by the time he had finshed telling me this fantasti tory | too, was convinced ofits truth, and washalf-temptedtojoin Nir, ‘but finally decided against it Soon hc departed, and 1 consoled myself for not going with the {ought that perhaps one shouldbe satisfied to grow old gracefully; that perhaps the Colonel was wrong in trying to get more cut of life than was vouchsafed to other men, And yet-a Fountain of Youthi!! What a thrling idea it was! For his own sake | hoped thatthe Colonel might find it. Months pasted. In the press ofevery-y afsis Colonel Bradford and his “ShangriLa” had grown dim in my memory, when one evening on retuming to my apartment, thee was a letter in the Colonel's own handwriting He wa tl ale! The letter seemed to have been written in joyous desperation, In ithe sad that in spite ‘of maddening delays and setbacks he actually was on the verge of finding the “Fountain.” He gave no address. "was more months before I heard trom him again, Thistime 4 a god nes Ha oe te “Fons of Yost" ot Say a he ab kf the St i, and Srldarvewthint rete montis: Peay or yea od “pe sin ha fen hel man Wl he ve heed tert woneet ewe of come bt phap ale a Ihab soop mit av cade Then he string enceto meat tr Ronsn a Yuh ih ely haves him bala myrtle tae ne fey thant ha nce ap cr ne ee decid oa a ome by my and eh up cnvmy rng. ye wie sorters Ia js seed doen ‘Scam deg ws te one te "A Colonel Bradford to see you, si" sid the letk. “Send him up," I shouted and easing the book aside I hastened to the door. For a moment stared, and then with dismay 1 saw that this was not Colonel Bradford but a much younger person. Noting my surprise the man std, "Weren't you expecting me?” “'No," I confessed.“ thought it would bean old fiend of mine, Colonel Bradt “Teame tosee you about Colonel Bradford, the man you were expecting" he answered. “Come in." Lwvte. “Allow me to introduce mysel sane is Bradford “Ob, youare Colonel Bradfot'sson/"1 extn.“ have often heard him speak of yu. You resemble hin somewhat” “No, 1am not my son,*heretumed. "I amone other than your i fend, Colonel Brador, the old man who went aay tothe Himalayas” 1 stood in incredulous amazement at his statement, then slow ly dawnedupon me tat this realy was the Colonel Bradford whom Thad know but what change had taken place ins appearence. Inslesd ofthe stooped, limping, alow off gealeman wih cane, he was a tall, straight, rudycomplerioned man in the prime of te, Eren his air, which had grown back, beld no ace of gay. os said the stranger, entering. “My My enthosiatm and curity knew no bounds, Soon Iwas plying ‘hia with questions in rapid-fire onder until he threw up his hands, “Wait, wait" he protested, laughingly. sinning and tel you all that has happen todo. shall start atthe be: ‘And thishe proceeded Upon arsving in tndia the Colonel started directly forthe ditiet, in which ved the natives who had told of “The Fountain of Youth." Fortunately, he knew quite a bit of their linguage. He spent several months there, making friends with the people and picking up al the information he could about the Lamatery he sought. IC was a long, slow process, but his shrewdness and per sistence finally brought him to the coveted place he had heard about 20 often but only haltbelived existed, Colonel Bradford's account of what transpired after being ad- mitted to the Lamasery sounded like a fairy tale only wish that time and space permitted me to set down here all ohisexperiences, the interesting practices ofthe Lamas thee culture, and their utter indifference to the worka-day world. There were no real old men there. To his surprise the Lamas considered Colonel Bradford ‘quite novel sigh, for it had beem a long time since they Bad seen anyone who ookedas old ashe. The Lamas good-naturedly referred to the Colone! as “The Ancient One." “For the first two weeks after I arive,” sad the Colonel, “I was like fish out of water marveled at everything saw, and at times could hardly believe what my eyes beheld. I soon felt much better, was sleeping like a top everynight, and only used my cane ‘when hiking in the mountains. A month after 1 atived I received the biggest suprise of my life In fact, 1 was quite startled, 1t was the day 1 entered forthe frst time, a large, wellordered room which was used asa kind of| library for ancient manuscripts, At one end ofthe oom was full length mirror. Ihad been over two years since I had lst seen my reflection so with great euieity I stepped in front of the alas. “1 stared in amazement, so changed was my appearance. It seem fed that I had dropped 15 years from my age. It was my first ine ‘imation that 1 was growing younger; but from then on I changed sorapidly that it was apparent to all who knew me. oon the honor- sty tlle Of "The Ancient One" was heard no mare.” ‘Aknock at the door interrupted the Colonel. 1 opened it to admit a couple of fiends from out of town who had picked this, vost inauspicious time to spend a sociable evening with me. hid ‘my disappointment and chagrin as best | could and introduced them fo Colonel Bradford. We all chatted together for a while and then the Colonel sad rising: “Lam sorry that I must leave so early, but Ihave an appoint- iment with an old fiend who is leaving the city tonight, I hope 1 shal see you all again shortly." the door he tured to me and suid softly, "Could you have lunch with me tomorow! I promise, can do 10 you shall hea all about "The Fountain of Youth” We agreed as (othe tine and place to meet and the Colonel de- parted. As I retured to the living room, one of my frends re- marked. “That i certainly a most intersting man, but he looks awfully young tobe retired from the a How ald do you suppose bi Wel, he doesn't look forty," answered my friend, “but from the experiences he has had [suppose he must be that old." “Yes, he's all ofthat,” [sid evasively, and. deftly turned the ‘conversation inte another ekannel I thought i best t0 arouse no wonderment regarding the Colonel until 1 knew what his plans ‘The next day, after having lunch fogether, we repaired to the Colonels room in a nearby hotel, and there at last he told m= about “The Fountain of Youth.” “The fist important thing Iwas taught after entering the Lamatery,” he bepan, "was this, The body has seven centeswhieb, in English, could be called Vortexes. These ae kind of magnetic centers. They revolve at great speed in the healthy body, but when slowed down~ wel thats jest another mame for old age, ilthealth, and senlty. There are twa of these Vertexes inthe brain; one the bate ofthe throat; anather inthe sgh side ofthe body in the region ofthe liver one in the sexual center; and one in each knee “These spinning centers of activity extend beyond the flesh in the healthy Individual, but in the old, weak, senile perton they hardly reach the surface, except in the knees, The quickest way 10 regain health, youth, and vitality is to star these magnetic centers spinning again, There are but five practices that wil do this. Ary ‘one of them wall be helpful, but all fieare required to get plowing

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