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Submitted As Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for Getting Strata one (S1) Degree
In English Teaching Specialization

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NIM. 13100077421237




A Background of Problem
Writing skill is one of important skill in learning English. Because, It will be help
the student easy to understand how to understand to write the text. Writing is one of the
productive skill besides speaking that enable someone to communicate the idea in written
from. It makes the students can improve their ability and comprehension in writing.
Therefore, the student must be creative to make variation strategies in writing, and
become favorite activities in the classroom.
Writing is being subject an important in educational English in college (STKIP
Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh) Writing is very important and should be study in English
department. The researcher find that student get difficulties in learning English especially
in writing. There were some problems in students at STKIP Abdi Pendidikan
Payakumbuh is : First, the student lack vocabulary, second the student difficult to find
their idea in make a paragraph.
Based on the phenomena above, The student get difficulties. Therefore, The
student should be creative, especially in make summarize when writing. Because, it can
help students to understand text and can to recognize when the meaning is unclear. But,
Apprently also is one of difficulties factor in writing. Because of explain above, the
researcher is Intersted in conducting a research on The Analyze of Students summarize

in writing skill in second year at STKIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh 2014/2015

academic year.
B Identification of Problem.
Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher found research in
second year English department students at STKIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh to get
some problem in reading section, the result : the students have difficulties in writing a
summary text.
C Focus of Research.
Bas on the identifications of the problem above, focus of the research is analyze
of students difficulties in summarize in writing skill in second year at ST-KIP Abdi
Pendidikan Payakumbuh in 2014/2015 academic year.
D Formulation of Problem
The formulation of the problem was as follow what are the students difficulties
of summarize in writing skill in second year at ST-KIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh in
2014/2015 academic year ?
E Purpose of Research
This research the purpose to know the students difficulties of summarize in
writing skill in second year at ST-KIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh in 2014/2015
academic year.

F Significant of Research

This research was very important to do to know the students difficulties of

difficulties summarize in writing skill . The researcher expect the lecturer gave many
exercises for the students to improve writing ability the students. And the researcher can
get information and experience in conducting the scientific research. Further research,
this research is also expected to be useful for those who are interested in conducting
further research on the subject.
G Definition of Operasional Key Term
Some key term used in this research are defined as follows :

Writing skill is a activity help the student easy to understand how to understand to

write the text.

Summarize is a strategies help students to understand text and can to recognize when

the meaning is unclear

Difficulties are something difficult or hard for the students to understanding how to
do something.


A. Review of Related Theories

1. Nature of Writing Skill
Writing is a one of the most important skill in learning English language beside
the others skill. There are many definition of reading that given by any experts. First,
Nunan (2003 : 88) defines writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about
how express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraph that will be clear
to reader. It mean that in writing the student not only giving their ideas but also can to
express their idea in make statement into a good paragraph can easy to understand to the
Second, Patel (2008 :125) states writing a skill which must be taught and
practiced. Writing is essential features learning a language because it provides a very
good means of foxing the vocabulary, spelling,and sentence pattern. It means that
writing skill must be taught for to improve spelling, vocabulary and sentence pattern.
Furthermore, Rahman (2002 ; 24) states that writing is usefully described as a
process, something with shows continuous change in time like growth in organic nature.
Different thing happen at different stages in process of putting thought into the words into
paper. Its means that writing a process of putting from the words into papers.
From the expert definition above, it can be conclude that writing is a process to
deliver ideas into a good written form. In process writing, the writer not only must be
taught for to improve spelling vocabulary and sentence pattern but also have a process of
putting the words into the papers cause can easy to understanding by the reader.
2. A Brief of Summary strategies

Summary is one of strategies in writing. Because, it can help students to

understand text and can to recognize when the meaning is unclear.
According to Here and Borchardt (1984) noted that teacher when teaching
summary writing task must ensure that students are able to take charge their own writing
task. It means that teaching summary student must understand above their writing task
that will give their teacher.
According to (Turk & Kirkman. 1998) giving statement about summary is
condensed version of he essence of a text. The goal of summarizing material is to pass
along ideas belonging to another. This statement describe that summarizing must related
between essence of a text for to find ideas of the text.
In addition, (Kirkland and Saunders, 1991) said The initial stage of summary
writing is planning, which includes goal setting, strategy selection, and core idea
formulation. It meas, that summary writing the students should be focus in planning and
include setting, notice to core idea formulation, and strategy selection.
Based on the explain above, it can be conclude that summarize writing a process
in make it. The first the student must understand about the writing task and their must
related between essence of text for to find ideas of the text and the last the student be
focus at summarize in order to make improve their understand about the text.

Difficulties of Summarize writing

a. Factors of Summarize writing
According, Grabe & Stoller(1997) that student are faced with an unfamiliar text in

the foreign language; the first challenge seems to be it vocabulary. It means, All students

have difficulties on writing summary of english text are not only by language aspect but
also problem in vocabulary and garammar. Therefore make severals student makes them
difficult to understand the content of source text.
According, Tomitch (2000) that procedural knowledge is knowing how to or
being able to extract the main ideas in the text and write a coherent summary. It means,
The students lack of knowledge about the steps in summarizing not also that, they did not
understand the step on writing summary.
According, Edge (1983) state that timing will naturally vary, but time limits
should be kept tight. It means, Time for summarizing the text is one of factor that causes
the difficulties for all students.
Based on the explation above, can the writers conclude, That the student have
difficulties in summarizing. Because, first the lack vocabulary and not understanding
using Grammar. Second, Lack understanding in step on summary writing. The last, The
student not have belong time at written summary.
b. Kind of difiiculties
According, Edge (1983) that the procedures give the student practice in the
recognitions, productions, and evaluations of paragraph summarize in note form. It
means, that all student have difficulties on summary writing procedure , like as
comprehending the text, determine main idea, using own words, making sentence,
determine key supporting detail, and omitting unimportant words on information in the
source text.
B. Review of the Related Finding

Based on literature that the researcher has read, there were some evidences about
this research. There are: first, was observed by Analisa (2010), An analysis of the Second
Grade students Ability in writing an Introductory Paragraph of Argumentative Essay at
STKIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh in 2009/2010 Academic Year. In her research, she
found that the result of her research at the second grade students ability in writing an
introductory paragraph argumentative essay was poor (46.79)
Second, Dominggus (2008) conducted a research about Students Ability in
Writing Invitation Letter at class VIII Islamic Junior High School Raudhatul Jannah in
2008/2009 Academic Year was good. There were 23 student (65.71%)got good and
12 students (34.29%)got fair.
Next, Observed by Hermanyah (2008), An analysis of students Writing Ability at
developing Procedural Paragraph on the second Year Students of STKIP Abdi Pendidikan
Payakumbuh in 2007/2008 Academic Year. In this research, Hermansyah found that the
result of this research at the second year students ability at developing procedural
paragraph was poor (2.3%), the students was fair (29.5%), the students was good
(59.1%), and the students was excellent (9.1%).
Based on the related finding above, the writer interest to do a research about An
analysis of students difficulties of summarize in writing skill in second year at STKIP
Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh in 2015/2016 Academic Year.
C.Conseptual Framework

Writing Skill





Figure 1 : Conceptual Framework
In this research, the writer want to know Summarizing in writing . Type of
writing is summarize, writing skill and Difficulties of summarizing writing. The
writer using Writing Test to get the data Summarize writing. The writer analyzed
the data and find a result.
Title : An Analysis of Students Difficulties of summarize in writing skill in

second year at STKIP Abdi Pendidikan Payakumbuh in 2015/2016 Academic

1. Writing Skill
a Introduction of Writing Skill
b Definition of Writing skill
2. Problem of Stkip About difficulties
3. Conclusion
A. Review of Related Teories
1. Nature of writing skill
2. A brief of summary Strategies
3. Difficulties of Summarize writing
a. Factors of Summarize writing
b. Kind of Difficulties

B. Review of the Related Finding

C. Conceptual Framework

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