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HP Client Automation Agent Readme

Pre-Loaded Management Agent for

HP Client Automation Starter Edition
HP Client Automation Standard Edition
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition
Hewlett-Packard provides pre-loaded with this computer the agent software for HP Client
Automation. This agent enables this computer to become a managed node in established
environments for these solutions.
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition provides extensive management capabilities

Collect hardware and software inventory across multiple platforms

Prepare an application package and conduct impact analysis prior to distribution
Target individual desktops, workgroups or entire populations of desktops for
deployment and maintenance of software and content according to policies
Provision and manage operating systems, applications and content on distributed
desktop computers from any location
Integrate with HP Software Service Center and other help desk and system
management tools
Leverage a common infrastructure for management of software and content on
virtually any device, any platform and any network for all enterprise users

HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition is highly scalable, policy-based change and

configuration management software that enables administrators to efficiently and reliably
inventory, deploy and maintain software and content across heterogeneous desktop
platforms from a web-based console.
HP Client Automation Standard Edition provides the following configuration
management capabilities for Windows PCs:

Collect hardware and software inventory

Deploy packaged software to groups of devices

Manage Microsoft Operating System security patches

Deploy or update operating system images to groups of devices

The agent is pre-loaded and is ready to be installed onto this computer. By pre-loading
the agent software the amount of time and resources required to add this computer into an
HP Management environment is reduced. Once installed, it can be easily configured to
communicate with the management server to provide the management capabilities listed
above. Before installation, you will need to obtain information from the administrators of
the HP Management infrastructure, including:
Name or address of the HP Management Portal or HP Client Automation Standard
Edition server

The appropriate TCP/IP port numbers to communicate with these servers

Any firewall changes for your computer to allow communication to the server

Ports 3466 and 3463 must be open at the client and all firewalls between the client
and the server.
The HPCA-RMA.msi will install and regsiter the rma. Installing with the full UI will allow the user to
configure the Host name and Port.
To install the msi silently, the standard /qb or /qn command paramters for the msiexec can be used as
msiexec /i HPCA-RMA.msi /qb HOST_IP=<hostname> HOST_PORT=<host port>
The HOST_IP and HOST_PORT are optional in the command line and default to hpcaserver and 3466
The install requires elevated priveleges - for Vista, Win2008 and Win7, the install has to be launched
with elevated privileges to avoid the UAc prompt.

Leggimi HP Client Automation Agent

Management Agent precaricato per
HP Client Automation Starter Edition
HP Client Automation Standard Edition
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition
Hewlett-Packard ha precaricato nel computer lagente per HP Client Automation. Si
tratta di un agente che consente al computer di diventare un nodo gestito in ambienti
previsti per questo tipo di soluzioni.
Lambiente HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition consente diverse funzioni di
gestione, tra cui:

Acquisizione di dati dinventario hardware e software su piattaforme multiple

Predisposizione di un pacchetto applicativo e conduzione di analisi dimpatto
prima della distribuzione
Individuazione di singoli desktop, workgroup o intere popolazioni di desktop per
linstallazione e la manutenzione del software e del contenuto in base alle
Fornitura e gestione di sistemi operativi, applicazioni e contenuto su computer
desktop distribuiti da qualsiasi postazione
Integrazione di HP Software Service Center e altri strumenti di gestione per help
desk e sistemi

Utilizzo di uninfrastruttura comune per la gestione del software e del contenuto

praticamente con qualsiasi dispositivo, piattaforma o rete per tutti gli utenti

HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition un software di gestione dei cambiamenti e

delle configurazioni altamente modulare, basato sulle politiche, che consente agli
amministratori di effettuare in modo rapido ed efficace linventario, linstallazione e la
manutenzione del software e del contenuto su piattaforme desktop eterogenee da una
console collegata ad Internet.
HP Client Automation Standard Edition prevede le seguenti funzioni di gestione della
configurazione per PC Windows:

Acquisizione di dati dinventario hardware e software

Installazione di software package a gruppi di periferiche

Gestione dei patch di sicurezza per sistemi operativi Microsoft

Installazione o aggiornamento di immagini del sistema operativo a gruppi di


Lagente precaricato e pronto per essere installato nel computer. Il precaricamento del
software riduce il tempo e le risorse necessari per inserire il computer in un ambiente di
gestione HP. Una volta installato, il software pu essere facilmente configurato per
comunicare con il server di gestione e consentire le funzioni di gestione sopra indicate.
Prima dellinstallazione si devono ottenere alcune informazioni dagli amministratori
dellinfrastruttura HP Management, tra cui:
Nome o indirizzo dei server HP Management Portal o HP Client Automation
Standard Edition
Numeri corretti delle porte TCP/IP per comunicare con i server
Eventuali modifiche firewall per il computer per consentire la comunicazione con
il server
importante ricordare che le porte 3466 e 3463 devono essere aperte a livello client e in
tutti i firewall tra il client e il server.
HP Client Automation Agent Readme
Pre-Loaded Management Agent for
HP Client Automation Starter Edition
HP Client Automation Standard Edition
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition
Hewlett-Packard provides pre-loaded with this computer the agent software for HP Client
Automation. This agent enables this computer to become a managed node in established
environments for these solutions.
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition provides extensive management capabilities

Collect hardware and software inventory across multiple platforms

Prepare an application package and conduct impact analysis prior to distribution
Target individual desktops, workgroups or entire populations of desktops for
deployment and maintenance of software and content according to policies
Provision and manage operating systems, applications and content on distributed
desktop computers from any location
Integrate with HP Software Service Center and other help desk and system
management tools
Leverage a common infrastructure for management of software and content on
virtually any device, any platform and any network for all enterprise users

HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition is highly scalable, policy-based change and

configuration management software that enables administrators to efficiently and reliably
inventory, deploy and maintain software and content across heterogeneous desktop
platforms from a web-based console.
HP Client Automation Standard Edition provides the following configuration
management capabilities for Windows PCs:

Collect hardware and software inventory

Deploy packaged software to groups of devices

Manage Microsoft Operating System security patches

Deploy or update operating system images to groups of devices

The agent is pre-loaded and is ready to be installed onto this computer. By pre-loading
the agent software the amount of time and resources required to add this computer into an
HP Management environment is reduced. Once installed, it can be easily configured to
communicate with the management server to provide the management capabilities listed
above. Before installation, you will need to obtain information from the administrators of
the HP Management infrastructure, including:
Name or address of the HP Management Portal or HP Client Automation Standard
Edition server
The appropriate TCP/IP port numbers to communicate with these servers
Any firewall changes for your computer to allow communication to the server
Ports 3466 and 3463 must be open at the client and all firewalls between the client
and the server.
HP Client Automation Agent Readme

HP Client Automation Starter Edition

HP Client Automation Standard Edition
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition

[HP Client Automation]

[HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition]

[HP Software Service Center]

[HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition]Web

[HP Client Automation Standard Edition]Windows PC


[HP Management]

[HP Management Portal][HP Client Automation Standard Edition]


3466 3463

Agent de la solution HP Client Automation Lisez-moi

Agent de gestion prcharg pour

HP Client Automation Starter Edition

HP Client Automation Standard Edition
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition
Hewlett-Packard a prcharg sur cet ordinateur un logiciel dagent pour la solution HP
Client Automation. Grce cet agent, lordinateur devient un nud supervis dans les
environnements o ces solutions sont mises en uvre.
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition fournit des fonctions de supervision
exhaustives, notamment :

Collecte des donnes dinventaire du parc matriel et logiciel sur des platesformes htrognes
Prparation dun package dapplications et analyse dimpact avant la distribution.
Dploiement et maintenance des logiciels et du contenu en ciblant les ordinateurs
individuels, les groupes de travail ou lensemble des ordinateurs en fonction de
Mise disposition et supervision des systmes dexploitation, des applications et
du contenu des ordinateurs distants partir de nimporte quel endroit
Intgration dans lassistance HP Software Service Center ainsi que dans dautres
systmes et outils d'assistance et de gestion
Exploitation dune infrastructure commune pour la gestion des logiciels et du
contenu sur pratiquement tout type de priphrique, plate-forme et rseau, et ce
pour tous les utilisateurs de lentreprise.

HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition est un logiciel parfaitement volutif pour la

supervision des configurations et des changements sur la base de stratgies. A partir dune
console Web, il permet aux administrateurs dinventorier, de dployer et de maintenir
avec efficacit et fiabilit les logiciels et le contenu des ordinateurs utilisant des platesformes htrognes.
HP Client Automation Standard Edition offre les fonctionnalits de configuration
suivantes pour les ordinateurs utilisant Windows :

Collecte des donnes dinventaire du parc matriel et logiciel

Dploiement de package logiciel sur des groupes de priphriques

Gestion des correctifs de scurit des systmes d'exploitation Microsoft

Dploiement ou mise jour des images de systme dexploitation sur un groupe

de priphriques

Lagent est prcharg et prt linstallation sur cet ordinateur. Cela permet de rduire le
temps et les ressources ncessaires pour ajouter cet ordinateur dans un environnement de
supervision HP. Une fois install, lagent peut tre facilement configur de manire
communiquer avec le serveur de supervision et fournir les fonctionnalits de supervision
indiques plus haut. Avant installation, vous devrez demander des informations aux
administrateurs de linfrastructure de supervision HP, notamment :

Le nom ou ladresse du portail de supervision HP ou du serveur HP Client

Automation Standard Edition
Les numros de port TCP/IP appropris permettant de communiquer avec ces
Toutes les modifications de pare-feu de votre ordinateur pour permettre la
communication avec le serveur.

Prenez note que les ports 3466 et 3463 doivent tre ouverts au niveau de lordinateur
client et de tous les pare-feu entre lordinateur client et le serveur.
Fichero Readme (Lame) de HP Client Automation Agent
Management Agent ya cargado para
HP Client Automation Starter Edition
HP Client Automation Standard Edition
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition
Hewlett-Packard le ofrece ya cargado en este equipo el software de agente para HP Client
Automation. Este agente permite que su equipo se convierta en un nodo gestionado en
entornos establecidos para dichas soluciones.
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition ofrece amplias capacidades de gestin, entre las
que se incluyen:

Recopilacin de inventario de hardware y software a travs de mltiples

Preparacin de un paquete de aplicacin y realizacin de un anlisis de impacto
previo a la distribucin
Supervisin de escritorios individuales, grupos de trabajo o grupos completos de
escritorios para la instalacin y el mantenimiento de software y contenido de
conformidad con las polticas
Provisin y gestin de sistemas operativos, aplicaciones y contenido en escritorios
distribuidos desde cualquier ubicacin
Integracin con HP Software Service Center y otras herramientas de sistema y de
centro de asistencia
Aprovechamiento de una infraestructura comn para la gestin de software y
contenido en prcticamente cualquier dispositivo, plataforma o red para todos los
usuarios de la empresa.

HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition es un software de gestin de la configuracin

altamente escalable, basado en polticas y que permite a los administradores la
realizacin del inventario de un modo eficaz y fiable, as como la instalacin y el
mantenimiento de software y contenido a travs de plataformas de escritorio
heterogneas desde una consola basada en Web.

HP Client Automation Standard Edition ofrece las capacidades de gestin de la

configuracin siguientes para los PC de Windows:

Recopilacin de inventario de hardware y software

Instalacin de paquetes de software en grupos de dispositivos

Gestin de parches de seguridad del sistema operativo de Microsoft

Instalacin o actualizacin de imgenes del sistema operativo en grupos de


El agente ya est cargado y listo para ser instalado en este equipo. Al cargar previamente
el software de agente, el tiempo y los recursos necesarios para agregar este equipo a un
entorno de HP Management son reducidos. Una vez instalado, puede configurarse
fcilmente para comunicarse con el servidor de gestin y de este modo proporcionar las
capacidades de gestin enumeradas anteriormente. Antes de la instalacin, deber
obtener informacin de los administradores de la infraestructura de gestin de HP,
incluida la siguiente:
Nombre o direccin del portal de gestin de HP o del servidor de HP Client
Automation Standard Edition
Los nmeros de puerto TCP/IP adecuados para comunicarse con dichos servidores
Cualquier cambio de firewall para permitir que su equipo se comunique con el
HP Client Automation Agent puede ser instalado por el usuario a nivel local en el equipo,
o bien ser instalado de forma remota por parte del administrador de TI, a travs de un
comando de inicio de sesin. En ambos casos, la lnea de comandos para la instalacin
del agente es
Tenga en cuenta que los puertos 3466 y 3463 debern estar abiertos en el cliente y en
todos los firewall entre el cliente y el servidor.
Readme zum HP Client Automation Agent
Vorinstallierter Management Agent fr
HP Client Automation Starter Edition
HP Client Automation Standard Edition
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition
Auf diesem Computer ist die Agent-Software fr HP Client Automation bereits von
Hewlett-Packard vorinstalliert. Die Agent-Software ermglicht in fr diese Lsungen
eingerichteten Umgebungen die Verwaltung des Computers.
HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition stellt umfangreiche Management-Funktionen
zur Verfgung. Dazu zhlen:

Plattformbergreifendes berwachen des Hardware- und Softwarebestands

Vorbereiten eines Anwendungspakets und Durchfhren von Auswirkungsanalysen

vor der Verteilung
Auswhlen einzelner Desktops, Workgroups oder des ganzen Desktop-Bestands
fr die richtlinienbasierte Bereitstellung und Pflege von Software und Inhalten
Bereitstellen und Verwalten von Betriebssystemen, Anwendungen und Inhalten
auf verteilten Desktop-Computern an einem beliebigen Standort
Integration mit HP Software Service Center und anderen Helpdesk- und SystemManagement-Tools
Wirksames Einsetzen einer gemeinsamen Infrastruktur fr die Verwaltung von
Software und Inhalten auf praktisch jedem Gert, jeder Plattform und in jedem
Netzwerk sowie fr alle Benutzer des Unternehmens

HP Client Automation Enterprise Edition ist eine uerst skalierbare, auf Richtlinien
basierende Change-Management- und Configuration-Management-Software, mit der
Administratoren Software und Inhalte auf heterogenen Desktop-Plattformen mithilfe
einer webbasierten Konsole effizient und zuverlssig bestandsmig erfassen,
bereitstellen und verwalten knnen.
HP Client Automation Standard Edition stellt die folgenden Configuration-ManagementFunktionen fr Windows PCs bereit:

berwachen des Hardware- und Softwarebestands

Bereitstellen von Softwarepaketen fr Gruppen von Gerten

Verwalten von Sicherheits-Patches fr das Microsoft Betriebssystem

Bereitstellen oder Aktualisieren von Betriebssystemimages fr Gruppen von


Der Agent ist bereits vorinstalliert und kann jederzeit auf diesem Computer installiert
werden. Dadurch verringert sich der Zeit- und Ressourcenaufwand, der fr das
Hinzufgen dieses Computers zu einer HP Management-Umgebung bentigt wird. Der
Agent ist nach der Installation leicht zu konfigurieren, sodass er mit dem ManagementServer kommunizieren und die oben aufgefhrten Management-Funktionen bereitstellen
kann. Vor der Installation bentigen Sie jedoch von den Administratoren Informationen
zur HP Management-Infrastruktur, wie beispielsweise:
Name oder Adresse des HP Management-Portals oder des HP Client Automation
Standard Edition Servers
Die entsprechenden TCP/IP-Port-Nummern fr die Kommunikation mit diesen
nderungen an der Firewall, damit der Computer eine Kommunikation mit dem
Server herstellen kann
Beachten Sie, dass die Ports 3466 und 3463 auf dem Client und auf allen Firewalls
zwischen Client und Server offen sein mssen.

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