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Lincoln Community:

This Utopian world was created by one man he found a flaw in the society and designed a way
to create a world of his vision. He designed a way for the humans of Earth to be created equally.
His design was a structure of a new type of space station. He called it the Lincoln community.
The station had the capacity to carry up to 220 passengers. The passengers were chosen
anonymously. The people who agreed to live in a community so different from now are the ones
they have chosen from.
220 passengers:
50 of those are ages 0-11
60 of those are ages 12-18
60 of those are ages 19-40
50 of those are ages 41-60+

Three majors Toby Miles, Walter Johnson III, Finn Bender were put in charge mainly for stability
in the community. They are not viewed as if they are higher in command.
Toby, Walter, and Finn created the ten laws:
1 Come to agreement.
2. No Violence
3. No Labels
4. No human harms another
5. Respect Identity
6. No harm to animals
7. No harm to the community
8. Listen to others
9. If harm comes about go to law one
10. If Law one doesnt comply resort to the Majors
They enforce laws not by demanding the people of lincoln community to follow them. They
simply teach the people that this is what is expected. If a law is broken the punishment is not so
a punishment but it is to be put in a class to be taught the laws and rules to live on the Space
station as a lincoln community member. The teaching of the laws vary from which law the
member has broken. The reasoning of such a light punishment is because the people of lincoln
community agreed on that policy.

Pre-school, Kindergarten-Room 111
1st-5th-Room 112
6th-8th-Room 113
9th-12th-Room 114
College-Room 115, 116, 117

Friendship, Peace, Equality, Art
Math, English, Art, Science To their ability to understand each lesson will be catered to
everyone's needs.
Math, English, Art, Science To their ability to understand each lesson will be created to
everyones needs.
Math, English, Art, Science To their ability to understand each lesson will be created to
everyone's needs.
The studies varrey to people interest. Being on a Space station, the jobs vary because there's
not much room for everything that is on Earth.
The education is taught to serve the community with a positive effect. The science will be taught
by the guidelines of the stations engineering technique. When the students graduate they can
find a job that is useful. Every subject is based of solutions that could enhance, fix, or just keep
the station updated.
The schools in the Lincoln community are different from the ones on Earth because of the
subjects taught, and the way they are taught. The teachers dont boss the kids. They lead the
kids. The subjects are all taught but are accomplished at the student's pace of working and
there ability to do the problems.

They are neither matriarchal or patriarchal. The family is run by agreement by everyone.
The children in the family are not regulated. Having a law of two kids per family would cause
disagreement, and lead to violent actions. Violent actions can very. If there are more than five
family members there will be a moving process to the upper levels level 7 contains larger
housing options. Families will not be separated into different living quarters.

The neighborhoods are more of a smaller community inside of the Lincoln community.

The housing is more of one story apartment complex. Each room has a gravity setting, and
each of the apartments are designed the same. Its up to the family to decorate it as they want.
That goes for Level 6 and 7. There are three Living spaces each having 18 rooms and a
capacity to hold 100 people. The rooms look alike inside and out but with each different family
living in their own the style varys.

Mechanic: (Thirty-eight mechanics)
The function of the mechanic is to fix anything that needs fixing. The people that mainly are
machanis vary. The youngest you can be is 17. It doesnt matter if you are female or male, the
job only requires the understanding of mechanics. To get the job there are certain small basic
tests on what you know about the station and its structure. Training is a seven day process.
Learning the layout of everything. Adapting to the new work environment. Then to fixing and
building what the station needs.
Teachers: (Seventeen teachers)
The function of teachers are to teach the subjects that will need to be taught. The people that
are mainly found teaching are males and females around their 30s and 40s. The teachers were
chosen by finding the most dependable and knowledged person in the subjects that are taught.
The training system is a 6 month process. The steps of becoming a teacher are testing your
knowledge to your extent, and showing your presentation skills.
Doctors: (Ten doctors)
The function of doctors is to keep a healthy status throughout the community. The people most
commonly found in this job are males, female assistants are there to help. The people shown for
this job have gone through a year training. Throughout that year they have completed over 300
medical tasks that have trained them to become a public doctor.
Banker: (Seven bankers)
The function of bankers are to maintain a steady system between money. The people that are
most fit for this job are males and females in their 40s and 50s. The people are chosen from
their past experience with money, and from how well their training went. Their training time is 8
months. The people are trained on there people skills, accounting, organization and trust.
Store clerks:
The function of store clerks are to collect the money when someone pays for items. The people
that are most commonly found in this job are young people that need a first job. How the people
are hired is be good with money, have fair people skills. Their training for this particular job is
1.5 week. In the training process the young workers learn on stocking shelves and organizing
the cash registers.

The money is the same as it is on Earth but in smaller amounts, and is refers to as units. Units
are easier to count by. With it being the same as earth but in smaller amounts there are no
coins, only dollars. That are printed out in only ones. The money is not made on the space
station. It's shipped to the bank doc every end of the month.

The transportation is quite simple. Since it's a community of 220 people and in a closed off
area. The community members walk and sometimes float to their desired destination. In the
main areas are: the housing, the lobby, cafeteria, and also the shopping area (which is located
in the main lobby) Are the areas of gravity. The only areas without gravity are the small opening
in where they lead to smaller parts of the station such as: park, the college hallway to enter
class, and also the mechanics shop.

Their environment in the lincoln community has an area of planted trees, grass, and fruits and
vegetables. That is all located in the park. There are animals there but not many the total of
animals on the station is 68. Those animals vary to some dogs all the way to small little mouses.
There are no exoctice animals for it is still a space station only has certain capabilities. The
climate in the community is a clean, toxic free environment. (other than the park) There are no
seasons throughout the space station, but in the park there are seasons. The seasons are man
made through technology. The park is a place for when people get a little homesick and miss

The free time everyone has can be spent however they want. Most go to the park, some go
home to be with their families. There are others that hang around the lobby, where there's the
cafeteria, shops and a fancy restaurant. The lobby is filled with everything a small town would
have back on Earth, more peaceful though.


The technology on the station is more advanced than the technology on Earth. The
technology is created for health, and science. The technology is not used for entertainment. The
clothes that the passengers wear from day to day (excusing the time when a uniforms for work
is called in) measure your heart rate, your vital signs and other health related things. The station
itself has the main technology running all throughout it.

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