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Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students




1. What is Geography?
Geography (from Greek , geographia, lit. "Earth description) is a
complex interdisciplinary field of science devoted to understand the Earth and all
its human and natural complexities. Eratosthenes (276 194 BC) was the first
person to use the word "geography".
Geography touches every aspect of our life, influences where we live, affects
our economic prosperity, our local, regional and global relationships with each
other. Geography is concerned with where something is at, why it is there, and
how it relates to things around it.
Geography is all about the world in which we live and on which we depend.
Landscapes, peoples, places and the fragile environment are all interwoven. Its
unique combination of knowledge gives rise to a clear and incisive understanding
of the interconnections of our world including the human impact on our
environment. Learning through geography is a magnificent way of fostering
environmental responsibility, sustainable development and cultural awareness. 1

Make a comment on the following statement:

Everything has to do with geography.

2. Geography - a Spatial Science

Geography is described as a spatial science because it focuses on the
location of different elements and phenomena. Location is defined as the position
in space of something.
Absolute location refers to the latitude and longitude, and relative location
is given in relation to a known location.
Absolute location: Bucharest is located at a latitude and longitude of 4425 57N /
260614E (these are called geographic coordinates)
Relative location: Romania is located in South-eastern Europe, bordering the Black
Sea between Bulgaria and Ukraine. It also borders Hungary, Serbia and Moldova.
The Geographic Grid
The Geographic Grid is a grid system of lines (parallels and meridians) used to
determine the location of points on Earth.

Definition by Royal Geographical Society

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

The prime meridian runs through Greenwich, London (UK) and it is referred to as
0 longitude. The opposite side of the prime meridian is called the International
Date Line2 (IDL) (180 longitude). These are the two major lines of longitude.

Our city, Iasi, is located at a latitude and longitude of:

a. 4425N/266E
b. 4425N/266W
c. 4709N/2735W or
d. 4709N/2735E?
A compass rose is a design element used to display the orientation of the
cardinal directions and their intermediate points. It can be found on compasses,
maps, nautical charts and monuments.
Cardinal directions:
North, East, South, West

Intercardinal directions:
Northeast, Southeast, Southwest,

Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western;
North-eastern, South-eastern, South-
western and North-western

Eastern hemisphere/Western hemisphere

North Pole/South Pole

Which is the Northernmost point of Europe?

Which is the Easternmost county of Romania?
Do not mix up!
Check on the following nouns (singular forms). Which is the plural form for each?

IDL does not follow the meridian of 180 longitude entirely, but has various deviations eastwards
or westwards, generally in order to avoid crossing the nations internally.

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

Compass Compasses

Custom Customs

Major lines of latitude

Besides the two major lines of longitude (prime meridian and International Date
Line), there are five major lines of latitude Equator, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of
Capricorn, Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle.

1. Where are high latitudes located?

2. Where are low latitudes located?
3. Which of the following values correspond to each major line of latitude?
a.66 33 39 N; b.66 33 39" S; c.23 26 21 N; d.0; e.23 26 21 S

Spatial vs. special. Make up sentences using each of these words.

Note the difference in pronunciation as well!

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

In which of the following locations are the coordinates 1,2,3,4 located?

a. Greenland; b. Cape Horn; c. Aral Sea; d. Kalahari Desert
1. 4647'42"N / 6139'13"E
2. 5558'48"S / 6717'21"W
3. 2234'12"S / 175'1"E
4. 7631'52"N / 6842'11"W.

3. The Continuum3 of Geography

Although Geography is divided into two branches, Physical Geography and

Human Geography, which are two separate areas of study, they are actually
seen as merging with one another along a geographic continuum. This gives
Geography the possibility to create a holistic view of Earth systems (diagram

In Geography, the inquiry is made using the following seven steps of the
scientific method:
1. Observation
2. Hypothesis formulation
3. Choose methods of analysis

Behaviour, behavioural, behaviourally (British English); behavior, behavioral, behaviorally
(American English).

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

4. Data collection
5. Analysis hypothesis testing
6. Hypothesis acceptance or rejection
7. Report results.
The Geography students of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai can do
scientific research in the Geography Department or in the Scientific Research
Stations for study trips, in the Raru Mountains or in Tulnici (Vrancea).

Write down the plural forms of the

following nouns:
Steps of the Scientific Method
Singular Plural
Basis Observations..

Lead to Questions.
Questions form
Oasis Hypotheses.

Thesis Hypotheses must

be tested through
Hypothesis experimentation

Parenthesis Analyse5 Data!

Draw Conclusions!

Ellipsis Share Results!

Read the singular and plural forms of the nouns in
the column above paying attention to the
pronunciation of the suffix is and es

4. The Tools of the Geographer

One cannot imagine geography without maps, or a geographer working

without maps.

Maps can illustrate the spatial distribution of almost any kind of phenomena.
Reference maps created to help you navigate over the Earth surface.
Thematic maps communicate geographic concepts.
Large scale maps: show a smaller area in great detail.
Medium scale maps: less detail (these maps are good for agricultural
planning, where no great detail is needed).
Small scale maps: show large areas but have the least detail.

Aerial photographs real world view.

To analyse is used in British English; to analyze in American English.

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

Remote Sensing and Satellite Imagery give a larger view of the Earths
surface features.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) a computer-based technology that
enters, analyses, manipulates, and displays geographic information.

Aerial (noun) = anten

Aerial (adjective) = aerian

Thematic maps can use isolines.

Types of isolines:

Contour lines connect points of equal ...a6.

Isobars connect points of equal ...............b..
Isotherms connect points of equal ..........c.
Isohyets connect points of equal..............d.
Isobaths connect points of equal..............e
Isotach a line of equal ............................f..
Isopleths connect points of equal numeric
value ............g.

Isoline rules:
Two different isolines cannot cross each other.
Points on one side of an isoline will have a higher value than ones on the other.
Isolines cannot branch or fork.
The interval between isolines is a constant value.

There are five main geographic zones, divided by the major circles of latitude.
The difference between them relates to the climate.

1. Torrid Zone (Tropical) (between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn)
2. Two Temperate Zones (between the Tropic of Cancer and the Arctic Circle/
the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle)
3. Two Frigid Zones (Cold) (between the Arctic Circle and North Pole/ the
Antarctic Circle and South Pole)
Fill in the right column of the table below with the appropriate term extracted from
the following list (Arctic, Antarctic, South Pole, North Pole, Subarctic,
Subantarctic, Midlatitude, Subtropical, Tropical, Equatorial), paying attention
to the location in the Northern or Southern hemisphere

Location: Geographic zone

10N - 10S
10N - 25N and 10S - 25S
25N - 35N and 25S - 35S
35N - 55N and 35S - 55S
55N - 60N
55S 60S
60N - 75N
60S 75S

a elevation/altitude; b air pressure; c temperature; d precipitation; e water depth;
f wind speed; g numerical value.

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

75N - 90N
75S - 90S

VOCABULARY Introduction to Physical Geography

aerial photographs = fotografii aeriene latitude = latitudine
Arctic zone = zona arctic (zona rece a low latitudes = latitudini mici
emisferei nordice) longitude = longitudine
Antarctic zone = zona antarctic (zona rece a meridians = meridiane
emisferei sudice) middle latitudes = latitudini medii
Arctic Circle = Cercul Polar de Nord North Pole = polul nord
Antarctic Circle = Cercul Polar de Sud parallels = paralele
Botany = Botanic Pedology = Pedologie
Climatology = Climatologie Physical Geography = Geografie fizic
contour line = curb de nivel Prime meridian = Meridianul de 0
earth axis = axa pmntului reference maps = hri de referin
Ecology = Ecologie Remote Sensing teledetecie
Equator = ecuator South Pole = polul sud
equatorial zone = zona ecuatorial subarctic zone = zona subarctic
frigid zones = zone reci subantarctic zone = zona subantarctic
GIS =SIG subtropical zone = zona subtropical
Geology = Geologie temperate zones = zone temperate
Geomorphology = Geomorfologie thematic maps = hri tematice
Hydrology = Hidrologie torrid zone = zon cald
high latitudes = latitudini mari tropical zone = zona tropical
isobath = izobat Tropic of Cancer = Tropicul Racului
isobar = izobar Tropic of Capricorn = Tropicul
isohyet = izohiet Capricornului
isoline = izolinie
isotherm = izoterm
isopleth = izoplet

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students


Reguli generale de gramatic (General grammar rules)
Pronume (Pronouns)
Verbe: a fi, a face, a avea (Verbs: to be, to do, to have)
Timpuri: Prezentul simplu i continuu
(Tenses: Present simple and continuous)

n limba englez, subiectul nu poate fi omis.

Ro: Mergem la scoala. / Engl: We go to school.
Ro: Ninge./ Engl: It is snowing.
Aadar, pronumele personal este foarte des folosit ca subiect.
Pronume la
Pronume Adjectiv Pronume Pronume
Persoana personal posesiv posesiv
dativ si
I sg I My Mine Me Myself
II sg You Your Yours You Yourself
III sg (masc) He His His Him Himself
III sg (fem) She Her Hers Her Herself
III sg It Its Its It Itself
I pl We Our Ours Us Ourselves
II pl You Your Yours You Yourselves
III pl They Their Theirs Them Themselves

Alte pronume:

Pronume demonstrativ Apropiere Deprtare

(Demonstrative Pronoun) Singular this That
Plural these Those
Pronume nehotrt7 some, somebody, someone, something;
(Indefinite Pronoun) any, anybody, anyone, anything;
no, nobody, no one, none, nothing;
every, everybody, everyone, everything;
each, both, other, either, neither,
one, all, most, few, several,
much, many

Aceste pronume nehotrte pot fi folosite fie ca nlocuitor pentru substantive (someone, nobody,
everyone, etc) fie cu rol adjectival (no, every, etc).

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

TIMPUL PREZENT (Present Tense) (1)

S8 + V + s/es la pers III sg
Interogativ: Do/Does + S + V
Negativ: S + do/does + NOT + V
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I study Do I study? I do not study /dont study
You study Do you study? You do not study /dont study
He/she studies Does he/she study? He/she does not study /doesnt study
We/you/they study Do we/you/they study? We/you/they do not study /dont study
Reguli la adugarea terminaiei s/es:
1. Verbele terminate n s, ch, tch, sh, x, z, o adaug es (watches, goes, teaches)
2. Verbele terminate n y:
a) dup vocal: play plays (y+s);
b) dup consoan: cry cries (y devine i + es)
Timpul prezent simplu descrie o aciune general, obinuit.

TIMPUL PREZENT CONTINUU (Present Continuous) (2)

S + To be (conjugat la prezent) + V + ing
Interogativ: To be (conjugat la prezent) + S + V + ing9
Negativ: S + To be (conjugat la prezent) + NOT + V + ing
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I am studying (now) Am I studying? I am not studying /
You are studying Are you studying? You are not studying /
He/she is studying Is he/she studying? He/she is not studying /
We/you/they are Are we/you/they We/you/they are not studying /
studying studying?
Reguli la adugarea terminaiei -ing:
1. Verbele terminate n -e pierd e-ul i adaug -ing (write writing; come coming);
Excepii: be being; see seeing; agree agreeing
2. Verbele terminate n -y adaug -ing fr s modifice -y final (crying, playing)
3. Verbele terminate in -ie transform aceasta terminatie in -y i adaug -ing
(die dying; lie lying)
4. -l final se dubleaz (BE10) (travel travelling; control-controlling)
5. Consoana final se dubleaz (dac e precedat de vocal scurt i accentuat) (run
running; get-getting; begin-beginning)
Timpul prezent continuu descrie o aciune n desfurare n momentul vorbirii

Sunt verbe n limba englez care NU au aspect continuu.

Verbe de percepie: to feel, to hear, to notice, to see, to smell, to taste
Verbe ce denot aciuni mentale: to agree, to believe, to distrust, to
doubt, to find, to foresee, to guess, to imagine, to know, to mean, to mind, to
remember, to recognize, to recollect, to suppose, to trust, to understand.
Verbe ce exprim dorina: to wish, to want, to desire, to intend.
Verbe ce exprim stri emoionale, sentimente, atitudini: to adore, to
dislike, to detest, to hate, to please, to prefer.
Verbe care arat posesiunea: to belong.

S= subiect; V = verb la infinitiv scurt
V+ing= participiu prezent (present participle)
BE = British English

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students



1. The Earth Part of the Solar System11.

Our Solar System contains the sun and 8 planets12 which revolve around the
sun in elliptical orbits.
Because the planets are at varying distances from the sun, and because they
revolve around the sun, they each take a different time to complete one orbit.
Mercury completes its orbit in 88 days, that is, a year on Mercury lasts 88
days. The Earth completes its orbit in 365 days, which is the length of one year
on earth. The moon, which revolves around the Earth, takes approximately 27
days to do so.

The Solar System (age: 4.568 billion years)

The eight planets of the Solar System (by decreasing size) are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
Earth, Venus and Mercury
The distance from Earth to the Sun is 1 astronomical unit (150,000,000 km),
or AU.

Main source of information:
Eight classical planets are recognized by the International Astronomical Union. In 2008, Pluto was
classified as a dwarf planet. There are five dwarf planets currently recognized by IAU..

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

The Sun (in Greek: Helios; in Latin: Sol) is the star at the centre13 of the Solar
Diameter = 1,392,684 km (Earth x109)
Mass = 1.98910 kg (Earth x 330,000)
Chemical composition: hydrogen (3/4); helium
(almost 1/4); oxygen, carbon, neon, iron
Internal temperature = 15 million degrees
Structure of the Sun
(see diagram on the right)
1. Core
2. Radiative Zone
3. Convective Zone
4. Photosphere
5. Chromosphere
6. Corona
7. Sunspot
8. Granules
9. Prominence

Write down the nouns Solar Wind and Auroras

corresponding to the The solar wind is a continuous flow of
following adjectives (using
two different suffixes):
charged particles (ions and electrons) from
long the Sun.
wide During periods of high solar activity, the
deep solar wind is denser, travels faster, and
high possesses more energy. Reaching the Earths
thick magnetic field it sets off amazing displays of
sharp light by exciting atmospheric gases.
round In the Northern Hemisphere this
weak spectacular light shows are called Aurora
hard Borealis (or Northern lights). In the
Southern Hemisphere they are called Aurora
Australis (or Southern lights)

2. Movements of the Earth

a.The Earth rotates on its axis (Rotation of the Earth)

b.The Earth revolves around the sun (Revolution of the Earth)

Note the difference in meaning between the verbs

to rotate and to revolve.

British English: centre; American English: center.
If you need to check your answers, here they are: length, width, depth, height, strength,
thickness, sharpness, roundness, weakness, hardness, heaviness.

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

Rotation of the Earth Revolution of the Earth

The Earth rotates once in 24 hours and The Earth takes 365 days to revolve once
this results in: round the sun. Every fourth year is given 366
1. Day and night days and this is called a leap year.
2. A difference of 1 hour between two The revolution of the Earth and the inclination
meridians 15 apart of its axis result in:
3. The deflection of winds and ocean 1.Changes in the altitude of the mid-day sun
currents at different times of the year
4. The daily rising and falling of the tides 2.Varying lengths of day and night at different
times of the year
3.The four seasons

Axial Tilt
The Earth currently has an axial tilt
of about 23.4

At present, it is decreasing at a rate

of about 47 per century.

For the next 1 million years the

Earths tilt will vary between 22 13'
44" and 24 20' 50".

Equinoxes and Solstices

Using the information in the table below describe these four events in the
revolution of the Earth (the spring equinox, the winter solstice, the autumn
equinox and the summer solstice), pointing out the main consequences.

Spring equinox Autumn equinox Summer

Winter solstice
(vernal) (autumnal) solstice
Date March 21 December 22 September 23 June 21
0 23 S 0 23 N
Tangent North and South Arctic and Antarctic North and South Poles Arctic and Antarctic
Rays Poles Circles Circles
Day 12 hour day 24 hours of 12 hour day length 24 hours of
length length darkness at North everywhere darkness at South
everywhere Pole; Pole;
24 hours of day 24 hours day light
light at South Pole; at North Pole;
12 hours of day 12 hours day light
light at Equator at Equator

Which is the longest/shortest day of the year?

What is aphelion/perihelion and when does it occur?
What is a tangent ray?

Subsolar point is the place where the suns rays are hitting the Earth exactly perpendicular to its
surface (in zenith).

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

3. Components of the Earth System

The Earth system is a complex
functioning system that includes all the
components of the various spheres
(see the diagram on the left)
the solid Earth .........................
the gaseous envelope surrounding
the Earth....................
the living organisms .......................
the water sphere..........................
the solid water.........................
made or modified by

The Earth System as a whole is a ....................... system.

Where does the Earth take energy from?
a. From the sun (exogenic forces exogenic processes)
b. From inside the Earth (endogenic forces endogenic processes)

Discuss on the endogenic or exogenic forces that created the phenomena below:

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

4. The Internal Structure of the Earth

Lithosphere = Crust + uppermost Mantle

The crust is broken into several individual pieces called tectonic plates.
These rigid plates are slowly but continually moving, generating earthquakes,
volcanic activity, and the deformation of large masses of rock into mountains.
Sea-floor spreading (oceanic lithosphere is being created)
Subduction zones (oceanic lithosphere is being consumed)

Continents and Oceans (Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word).
A continent is usually regarded as a large unbroken land mass completely surrounded by
water. Are there any exceptions?............
The seven continents (defined by physical and cultural conventions) are: ................

The Earth is called the Blue Planet because.............................

Which is the largest/smallest ocean? .........................
One ocean was recognized only in 2000 by the International Hydrographic Organization.
Name it: ..............................

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

TIME UNITS16 more than you probably know!

HOURGLASS The modern calendar has its origin in the Roman calendar,
sandglass, which evolved into the Julian calendar and then the
sand timer, Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar is the most
sand watch, widely used civil calendar in the world, while the Julian
sand clock, calendar is still used by the Berber people in North Africa
egg timer. and on Mount Athos.

The shortest unit of time measurable at present is the attosecond, but there are
shorter time units than that. For example, the Planck time unit is, theoretically, the
smallest time measurement that will ever be possible, as smaller time units have
no use in physics as we understand it today.

List of time units:

Unit Length Unit Length
attosecond 10 s month 28-31 days
femtosecond 1015s season 3 months
picosecond 1012s year 12 months
nanosecond 109s common year 365 days
microsecond 106s leap year 366 days
millisecond 0.001s biennium 2 years
centisecond 0.01s triennium 3 years
decisecond 0.1s lustrum 5 years
second 1s decade 10 years
decasecond 10s gigasecond 1 billion s (31.7years)
minute 60s jubilee 50 years
hectosecond 100s century 100 years
kilosecond 1,000s millennium 1,000 years
hour 60 min terasecond 1 trillion s (31,700 years)
day 24h megaanum 1 million years
megasecond 1 million s (11.6 days) gigaanum 1 billion years
fortnight 14 days exasecond 31.7 billion years17

Do not confuse these: beside18 and besides19

Beside or besides?
1. Your book is beside/besides the computer.
2. Beside/besides John, who else is coming?
3. That is Paul playing beside/besides the piano.
4. Beside/besides I doubt Peter is even his real name.
5. There are four other Romanian families on the cruise beside/besides us.
Main source of information:
This is more than twice the age of the Universe
Beside = next to (lng)
Besides = apart from (n afar de, pe lng), another thing (n plus, i nc ceva)

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

1. I want to live ............... open-minded people.

Between20 or among21? 2. He is unable to differentiate ............... fantasy
and reality.
3. What is the difference .............. hate,
loathing, and disdain?
4. Share these sweets ................. yourselves.
5. The map is ................ the palm tree and the
6. The billionaire divided his estate ............... his
5 children.
7. The employers are blind to the employees
conflict ................ work and life.
8. We must choose ............... two equally
unattractive alternatives.
9. Choose a colour palette from .............. the six
design schemes.
10. He was glad to find a friend ...............

VOCABULARY The Earth System

Universe = univers The Earth:
Milky Way = Calea Lactee Inner core = nucleu intern
Solar System = Sistemul Outer core = nucleu extern
Solar Lower mantle = manta inferioar
Sun = Soare Upper mantle = manta superioar
Moon = lun Crust scoar
Tectonic plates = plci tectonice
Planets = planete Plate Tectonics = tectonica plcilor
Mercury = Mercur Sea-floor spreading = expansiunea fundului oceanic
Venus = Venus Subduction zone = zon de subducie
Earth = Pmnt Lithosphere = litosfer
Mars = Marte Atmosphere = atmosfer
Jupiter = Jupiter Biosphere = biosfer
Saturn = Saturn Hydrosphere = hidrosfer
Uranus = Uranus Cryosphere = criosfer
Neptune = Neptun Anthroposphere = antroposfer
Pluto = Pluto Earths Rotation = micarea de rotaie a pmntului
Earths Revolution = micarea de revoluie a
The Sun: pmntului
Core= nucleu Axial tilt = nclinarea axei terestre
Photosphere = fotosfer Elliptical orbit = orbit eliptic
Chromosphere = cromosfer Spring Equinox = echiniciul de primvar
Corona = coroan Summer Solstice = solstiiul de var
Sunspot = pat solar Autumnal Equinox = echinociul de toamn
Solar prominence = Winter Solstice = solstiiul de iarn
protuberan solar Leap year = an bisect
Solar wind = vnt solar Aphelion = afeliu
Radiative zone = zon Perihelion = periheliu
radiativ Aurora Borealis (northern lights) = auror boreal
Convective zone = zon Aurora Australis (southern lights) = auror austral

Between = ntre (2 lucruri/fiine sau 3 foarte specific)
Among = ntre (mai multe lucruri/fiine mai general)

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students


Timpuri verbale - continuare

TIMPUL TRECUT (Past Tense) (3)

S + V + ed sau V2*
Interogativ: Did + S + V
Negativ: S + did + NOT + V
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I/you studied Did I/you study? I/you did not study /didnt study
He/she studied Did he/she study? He/she did not study /didnt study
We/you/they studied Did we/you/they study? We/you/they did not study /didnt
*V2 verbele neregulate forma a doua
Reguli la adugarea terminaiei -ed:
1. Verbele terminate n -e adaug doar -d. (hoped, moved, arrived)
2. Verbele terminate n -y:
a) dup vocal: play played (y+ed);
b) dup consoan: cry cried (y devine i + ed)
3. Verbele terminate n -l dubleaz l in BE (fulfil fulfilled; compel compelled)
Timpul trecut simplu descrie o aciune trecut, care a avut loc ntr-un interval
trecut clar, care nu mai are legtur cu prezentul.
De multe ori, un alt timp din limba englez prezent perfect se traduce n limba
romn tot cu timpul trecut (vezi tabel 5). A nu se confunda aceste dou timpuri.

List de verbe neregulate:

Infinitiv Participiu
Trecut Participiu trecut
(Infinitive) prezent (Past Tense) (Past Participle)
V (Present Participle)
V2 V3
(to ....) V1
arise (a aprea, a se ivi) arising arose arisen
be (a fi) being was/were been
beat (a bate, a lovi) beating beat beaten
become (a deveni) becoming became become
begin (a ncepe) beginning began begun
bend (a ndoi, a ncovoia) bending bent bent
bite (a muca) biting bit bitten
bleed (a sngera) bleeding bled bled
blow (a sufla) blowing blew blown
break (a sparge) breaking broke broken
bring (a aduce) bringing brought brought
build (a construi) building built built
burn (a arde) burning burnt/burned burnt/burned
burst (a izbucni) bursting burst burst
buy (a cumpra) buying bought bought

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

catch (a prinde) catching caught caught

choose (a alege) choosing chose chosen
come (a veni) coming came come
cost (a costa) costing cost cost
cut (a tia) cutting cut cut
deal (a trata despre ceva) dealing dealt dealt
dig (a spa) digging dug dug
do (a face) doing did done
draw (a trage, a desena) drawing drew drawn
drink (a bea) drinking drank drunk
drive (a conduce) driving drove driven
eat (a mnca) eating ate eaten
fall (a cdea) falling fell fallen
feed (a hrni) feeding fed fed
feel (a simi) feeling felt felt
fight (a lupta) fighting fought fought
find (a gsi) finding found found
fly (a zbura) flying flew flown
forget (a uita) forgetting forgot forgotten
freeze (a nghea) freezing froze frozen
get (a obine) getting got got
give (a da) giving gave given
go (a merge) going went gone
grow (a crete) growing grew grown
hang (a atrna/spnzura) hanging hung hung
have (a avea) having had had
hear (a auzi) hearing heard heard
hide (a ascunde) hiding hid hidden
hit (a lovi) hitting hit hit
hold (a ine) holding held held
hurt (a rni) hurting hurt hurt
keep (a ine/pstra) keeping kept kept
know (a ti) knowing knew known
lay (a pune/aeza) laying laid laid
lead (a conduce) leading led led
leave (a prsi) leaving left left
lend (a mprumuta) lending lent lent
let (a lsa) letting let let
lie (a zcea, a sta ntins) lying lay lain
lose (a pierde) losing lost lost
make (a face) making made made
mean (a nsemna) meaning meant meant
meet (a ntlni) meeting met met
pay (a plti) paying paid paid
put (a pune) putting put put

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

read (a citi) reading read read

ride (a clri) riding rode ridden
ring (a suna) ringing rang rung
rise (a crete, a se ridica) rising rose risen
run (a alerga) running ran run
say (a spune) saying said said
see (a vedea) seeing saw seen
sell (a vinde) selling sold sold
send (a trimite) sending sent sent
set (a pune, a instala) setting set set
shake (a scutura) shaking shook shaken
shine (a strluci) shining shone shown
shrink (a se micora) shrinking shrank shrunk
shut (a nchide) shutting shut shut
sing (a cnta) singing sang sung
sink (a se scufunda) sinking sank sunk
sit (a sta jos) sitting sat sat
sleep (a dormi) sleeping slept slept
speak (a vorbi) speaking spoke spoken
speed (a grbi) speeding sped sped
spend (a petrece) spending spent spent
spin (a nvrti) spinning span spun
spit (a scuipa) spitting spat spat
split (a mpri, a scinda) splitting split split
stand (a sta n picioare) standing stood stood
steal (a fura) stealing stole stolen
swing (a legna) swinging swung swung
swim (a nota) swimming swam swum
take (a lua) taking took taken
teach (a preda, a nva) teaching taught taught
throw (a arunca) throwing threw thrown
tear (to rupe) tearing tore torn
tell (a spune/povesti) telling told told
think (a crede, a gndi) thinking thought thought
understand (a nelege) understanding understood understood
wake (a se trezi) waking woke woken
wear (a purta) wearing wore worn
win (a ctiga) winning won won
wind (a rsuci) winding wound wound
write (a scrie) writing wrote written

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

TIMPUL TRECUT CONTINUU (Past Continuous) (4)

S + To be (conjugat la trecut) V + ing
Interogativ: To be (conjugat la trecut) + S + V + ing
Negativ: S + To be (conjugat la trecut) + NOT + V + ing
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I was studying Was I studying? I was not studying /
You were studying Were you studying? You were not studying /
He/she was studying Was he/she studying? He/she was not studying /
We/you/they were Were we/you/they We/you/they were not studying /
studying studying?
Timpul trecut continuu descrie o aciune n desfurare ntr-un moment trecut.

(The Article)

Articolul hotrt Poziie: n faa substantivului (the boy = biatul)

(Definite Article) Pronunie:
// naintea substantivelor care ncep cu consoan
THE /i/ naintea substantivelor care ncep cu vocal
n limba englez articolul hotrat se folosete i n
anumite situaii deosebite: de exemplu, ntre prepoziie
i substantiv!
Ro: pe mas/ Engl: on the table
Ro: in camera/ Engl: in the room
Articolul nehotrt Poziie: n faa substantivului (a boy = un biat)
(Indefinite Article) Utilizare:
a// naintea substantivelor care ncep cu consoan
A/AN an/n/ naintea substantivelor care ncep cu vocal
n limba englez articolul nehotrt se folosete i n
anumite situaii deosebite: de exemplu, naintea
numelor predicative care desemneaz profesia,
sexul, calitatea cuiva.
R: Sunt student / E: I am a student
R: El este cretin/ E: He is a Christian
R: Ea e actri/ E: She is an actress.

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NU se articuleaz Se articuleaz
Nume de continente
South America
Nume de ri 1.rile care au n denumirea lor prepoziia of
France the United States of America
Germany the United Kingdom (of Great Britain and
Canada Northern Ireland)
2. the Netherlands
Nume de orae, sate the Hague
Los Angeles; London
Nume de insule (individuale) Grupuri de insule:
Greenland the Cyclades; the Bahamas
Nume de muni (individuali): Lanuri muntoase:
Mount Everest the Carpathians; the Himalayas
Nume de lacuri Nume de oceane, mri, fluvii; strmtori; cureni
Lake Vostok oceanici; cascade
the Atlantic Ocean; the Black Sea; the Thames;
the Strait of Gibraltar, the Bosphorus; the Gulf Stream;
the Niagara Falls
Denumirile geografice compuse care conin prepoziia
of :
the Strait of Gibraltar; the Gulf of Mexico, the Cape of
Good Hope

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students



Atmosphere (from Greek (atmos), meaning "vapour", and

(sphaira), meaning "sphere") is a dynamic mixture of gases surrounding the
Earth, which is held near the surface of our planet by its gravity.
What is the importance of the atmosphere for human life and activity?

1. Air Composition is being regulated by the biotic elements,

geological processes, volcanic eruptions and human activity.
The predominant gases in the
atmosphere are nitrogen, oxygen and
argon (see diagram on the left). These
three gases can be considered constant
gases as their concentration has remained
virtually the same for much of recent Earth
Other gases which are present in small
amounts, such as carbon dioxide, methane,
ozone, water vapour, are considered
variable gases, as their concentration is
changing. These gases exert a great control over the environment.

Read the main characteristics of the constant gases in the table below22:
A relatively inert gas produced primarily by the volcanic eruptions; important
component of protein in meat, eggs and the tissues of plants, especially grains
Nitrogen and members of the pea family; it cannot be ingested directly by organisms but
made available to plants, and then to animals, by compounds in the soil. Most
atmospheric N2 enters the soil by nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.
Important for animal and plant respiratory processes; generates chemical
reactions (oxidation) that breakdown rock minerals (chemical weathering); without
Oxygen oxygen things cannot burn either. Free oxygen in the atmosphere is a product of
plant photosynthesis.
A colourless , odourless relatively inert gas; used for electric light bulbs,
Argon fluorescent tubes; used to form inert atmosphere for arc welding; for growing
semiconductor crystals.

CARBON is the fourth most

abundant element in the Universe
(after hydrogen, helium and oxygen)

British English: colour, colourless; odour odourless; American English: color, colorless; odor, odorless.

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

Topics of discussion:

Where is carbon stored?

Is carbon dioxide in the air
constant throughout one year?
Why is carbon dioxide
concentration slightly lower in
summer than in winter?
Explain the evolution of carbon
dioxide concentration from 1960
till 2010 at Mauna Loa
How is carbon dioxide released
back in the air?
What is a carbon sink?

Do not mix up! FOURTH and FORTH

(similar pronunciations, different meaning)

Choose the right word in the sentences below (forth or fourth)

1. Put a cherry on top the first cake, then the second, and so forth / fourth
2. Remember, our mission is to travel forth / fourth into deep space and explore
new galaxies
3. My forth / fourth point relates to the students exams.
4. My son is the forth/fourth tallest in his class.

Greenhouse Gases: CO2 (carbon dioxide); CH4 (methane); N2O (nitrous oxide)

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons)

Did you know?

LAUGHING GAS - Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a

chemical compound with the formula N2O.
At room temperature, it is a colourless, non-flammable gas, with a slightly
sweet odour and taste.
It is used in surgery and dentistry for anaesthetic and analgesic effects.
It is known as "laughing gas" due to the euphoric effects of inhaling it, a
property that has led to its recreational use as a dissociative anaesthetic.
It is also used an oxidiser in the launching of rockets and in motor racing to
increase the power output of the engines.
At elevated temperatures, nitrous oxide is a powerful oxidizer similar to
molecular oxygen24.

2. Atmospheric structure
The diagram below shows the vertical structure of the atmosphere, with its
different layers. The most important layer for human life and activity is the
troposphere. In troposphere air temperature decreases with height.

Atmospheric layers:

Discussion topics:
Describe air temperature
vertical variation.
(Check the vocabulary you can
use when describing the graph
in the table below)

Why is troposphere the

most important atmospheric
layer for human activity?

What is the role of the ozone layer?

Source of the text:

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In the past 60 years or so human activity has contributed

to the deterioration of the ozone layer. The ozone hole is
defined geographically as the area wherein the total
ozone amount is less than 220 Dobson Units (DU). The
ozone hole has steadily grown in size (up to 27 million sq.
km.) and length of existence (from August till November)
over the past two decades. That is why consumption of
ozone depleting substances has largely been reduced in
many countries.

Is ozone always good?

Make a comment using the information in this table..
Type of ozone Where? Why is it good/bad? Trend

GOOD OZONE Stratosphere

Protects life on DECREASE
Earth (UV filter) (ozone hole)
BAD OZONE Troposphere Air pollutant
(photochemical smog)

Rough day at work? Step outside and take a deep breath -- err, maybe not,
depending on what city you're in. If you're in Los Angeles, you'll probably want to step
back inside the office. The sprawling California city is among the worst air pollution
offenders in the United States, according to the American Lung Association. More than
50% of the Americans live in areas with unhealthy levels of particle pollution, tiny solid


Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

and liquid particles floating around the air we breathe, or ozone pollution, harmful gases
that react to sunlight.
"Ozone pollution is a powerful pollutant," Paul Billings, senior vice president of
advocacy at the ALA told CNN. "Breathing it in is like a sunburn of the lungs. It can
cause coughing and wheezing in healthy adults."
Heavy road traffic and a busy trade port are major contributors to Los Angeles' poor
air pollution. The city joins 12 other counties that failed all three air pollution tests by the
ALA. The report analyzed ozone, short-term and year-round particle pollution. That
means about 20 million people are being exposed to potentially damaging air pollution
levels. Several California cities ranked high on the ALA's air pollution offenders list, with
Los Angeles coming in at No. 1 for ozone pollution. Bakersfield ranked at the top for
particle pollution, which can increase risk of cardiovascular and lung issues.
Here are the top five cities in USA with the worst ozone or particle pollution:
1. Los Angeles-Long Beach, California
2. Bakersfield, California
3. Visalia-Porterville-Hanford, California
4. Fresno-Madera, California
5. Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, Arizona

What measures could be taken to reduce the photochemical pollution in

Los Angeles?

VOCABULARY The Atmosphere

argon = argon nitrogen = azot
atmosphere = atmosfer nitrous oxide = oxid de azot
atmospheric composition = compoziia outer space = spaiul cosmic
atmosferei oxygen = oxigen
atmospheric structure = structura atmosferei ozone = ozon
carbon dioxide = dioxid de carbon ozone layer = strat de ozon
carbon sink = loc de absorbie/depozitare a ozone hole = gaur de ozon
carbonului pollution = poluare
CFCs = clorofluorocarburi short term pollution = poluare pe
Dobson Units (DU) = uniti Dobson termen scurt
exosphere = exosfer stratosphere = stratosfer
greenhouse effect = efect de ser stratopause = stratopauz
greenhouse gases= gaze cu efect de ser thermosphere = termosfer
helium = heliu troposphere = troposfer
hydrogen = hidrogen tropopause = tropopauz
ionosphere = ionosfer ultraviolet radiation = radiaie
infrared radiation = radiaie infraroie ultraviolet
layer = strat visible radiation = radiaie vizibil
magnetosphere = magnetosfer year round pollution = poluare pe tot
mesosphere = mezosfer parcursul anului
mesopause = mezopauz
methane = metan

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

Timpuri verbale - continuare
TIMPUL PREZENT PERFECT (Present Perfect) (5)
S + have/has + V3*
Interogativ: Have/has+ S + V3
Negativ: S + have/has + NOT + V3
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I/You have studied Have I/you studied? I/You have not studied/ havent studied
He/She has studied Has he/she studied? He/She has not studied/ hasnt studied
We/You/They have Have we/you/they We/You/They have not studied/havent
studied studied? studied
*V3 participiu trecut (forma a treia a verbelor neregulate; V+ed la verbele regulate)
Utilizare (aciuni care au ceva legtur cu prezentul, fie i doar prin efecte):
Aciune care tocmai s-a ncheiat (cu adverbe ca: just, already, yet, lately, recently, up to
now, till now, so far, the last few days)
Aciune ce a avut loc n trecut i posibil s se repete/aciune cu moment neprecizat (cu
adverbe ca: ever, never, often, sometimes, seldom, always, usually)
Aciune desfurat ntr-o perioad de timp nencheiat (today, this morning, this
afternoon, this evening, this month, this week, this year)
Durata aciunii descris de for (I have studied for three hours)
nceputul perioadei descris de since (I have studied since 2 oclock)


(Present Perfect Continuous)
S + have/has + been + V+ing
Interogativ: Have/has+ S + been + V+ing
Negativ: S + have/has + NOT + been + V+ing
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I/You have been studying Have I/you been I/You have not been
studying? studying /
He/She has been studying Has he/she been He/She has not studying /
We/You/They have been Have we/you/they been We/You/They have not been
studying studying? studying
Aciune nceput n trecut i continuat n prezent
Accentueaz continuitatea unei aciuni pentru o perioad mai lung de timp pn n

TIMPUL VIITOR (Future Tense) (7)

S + will/shall26 + V
Interogativ: Will + S + V
Negativ: S + will + NOT + V
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I will study Will I study? I will not study /
You will study Will you study? You will not study /
He will study Will he study? He will not study /

Shall este folosit rar in ca auxiliar la formarea viitorului la persoana I singular i plural, doar n
engleza oficial, ns n engleza vorbit nu mai este folosit. Utilizarea n propoziii interogative ca
verb modal este ns foarte frecvent.

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

She will study Will she study? She will not study /
We will study Will we study? We will not study /
You will study Will you study? You will not study /
They will study Will they study? They will not study /
Will + not = wont shall + not = shant

TIMPUL VIITOR CONTINUU (Future Continuous) (8)

S + will/shall + be + V+ing
Interogativ: Will + S + be + V+ing
Negativ: S + will + NOT + be + V+ing
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I will be studying Will I be studying? I will not be studying /
You will be studying Will you be studying? You will not be studying /
He will be studying Will he be studying? He will not be studying /
She will be studying Will she be studying? She will not be studying /
We will be studying Will we be studying? We will not be studying /
You will be studying Will you be studying? You will not be studying /
They will be studying Will they be studying? They will not be studying /
Timpul viitor continuu desemneaz o aciune n desfurare ntr-un moment viitor.

Numeral ordinal Numeral cardinal
(Ordinal Numbers) (Cardinal Numbers)
1 one (unu) the first (primul) 1st
2 two (doi) the second (al doilea) 2nd
3 three the third 3rd
4 four the fourth 4th
5 five the fifth 5th
6 six the sixth 6th
7 seven the seventh 7th
8 eight the eighth 8th
9 nine the ninth 9th
10 ten the tenth 10th
11 eleven the eleventh 11th
12 twelve the twelfth 12th
13 thirteen the thirteenth 13th
14 fourteen the fourteenth 14th
15 fifteen the fifteenth 15th
16 sixteen the sixteenth 16th
17 seventeen the seventeenth 17th
18 eighteen the eighteenth 18th
19 nineteen the nineteenth 19th
20 twenty the twentieth 20th
21 twenty-one the twenty-first 21st
30 thirty the thirtieth 30th
32 thirty-two the thirty-second 32nd
40 forty the fortieth 40th
43 forty-three the forty-third 43rd
50 fifty the fiftieth 50th

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

54 fifty-four the fifty-fourth 54th

60 sixty the sixtieth 60th
65 sixty-five the sixty-fifth 65th
70 seventy the seventieth 70th
76 seventy-six the seventy-sixth 76th
80 eighty the eightieth 80th
87 eighty-seven the eighty-seventh 87th
90 ninety the ninetieth 90th
98 ninety-eight the ninety-eighth 98th
100 one hundred the one hundredth 100th

109 one hundred and nine Atenie!!

135 one hundred and thirty-five Hundred, thousand, million
nu se folosesc niciodat la
200 two hundred plural atunci cnd sunt
1,000 one thousand precedate de un numeral sau
1,457 one thousand, four hundred and de several, a few, a couple
fifty-seven of.
3,000 three thousand
10,000 ten thousand
100,000 one hundred thousand
1,000,000 one million
8,000,000 eight million
1,000,000,000 one billion

Correct: There are three thousand students in our Faculty.

Wrong: There are three thousands students in our Faculty.
Wrong: There are three thousands of students in our Faculty.

Long scale Short scale

Continental Europe USA
Number French Canada English Canada
Older British Modern British
100 One One
101 Ten Ten
102 Hundred Hundred
103 Thousand Thousand
106 Million Million
109 Thousand million / Milliard Billion
1012 Billion Trillion
1015 Thousand billion / Billiard Quadrillion
1018 Trillion Quintillion
1021 Thousand trillion / trilliard Sextillion
1024 Quadrillion Septillion

Correct: I need ten million dollars.

Wrong: I need ten millions dollars.

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

Modaliti de scriere a datei: Citirea anilor:

May 30, 1965 1965
May 30th,1965 nineteen sixty-five sau
30 May 1965 nineteen hundred and sixty nine
30th May 1965 (niciodat nu se citete cuvntul
30th of May 1965 thousand)

Ton or tonne?
1 ton = 2,000 pounds = 907 kg (US)
1 ton = 2,240 pounds = 1,016 kg (UK) no longer officially used (since 1985)
1 tonne = 1000 kg (metric ton)

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students



1. Types of vegetation on Earth

2. Coniferous trees vs. Broadleaf trees
3. Tropical Rainforests distribution, characteristics
4. The Amazon Rainforest

1. Types of vegetation on Earth

Geographers divide the worlds vegetation into three main categories types
according to the appearance of the plants:
1. Forest
2. Grassland
3. Desert

Category Type of vegetation Regional names/obs.

Forests Tropical Evergreen Rainforest
Tropical Monsoon Forest
Temperate Evergreen Forest
Mediterranean Maquis, chaparral
Cool Temperate Forest Deciduous/coniferous
Coniferous Forest Taiga
Grassland Tropical Grassland Savanna
Temperate Grassland Steppe
Deserts Tropical Desert
and Semidesert
Semi- Tundra

Deserts can be found not only in the tropical areas but also in the cold
regions of the planet. Annual precipitation in the deserts is less than 200mm (and

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

less than 100mm in extreme deserts). Deserts have large diurnal temperature
The Antarctic Desert, with an area of about 14 million km 2 is the largest
desert in the world. Other large deserts are: Arctic Desert, Sahara Desert,
Arabian Desert, Gobi Desert, Patagonian Desert, Great Victoria Desert, Kalahari
Desert, Great Basin Desert, Syrian Desert.

Locate all these 10 deserts on the world map!

Explain the lack of deserts in Europe.

Note the difference between desert (noun, adjective, verb) and

dessert (noun). Pay attention to the pronunciation!

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word, desert or dessert:

a. The plants and animals possess special features which allow them to
cope with the .. conditions.
b. I am not allowed to eat sugar, so, I will not take any .
c. An ice .. is defined as a polar area that supports little or no
vegetation and that is permanently covered by snow and ice.
d. If disturbed too often, the adult birds will ..the fledglings.
e. If you ., you will be shot when you're caught.
f. As soon as the bell went, the kids the building.
g. Would you like to see the .menu?

2. Coniferous trees vs. Broadleaf trees

1. What is the difference between conifers and evergreens?

Conifers (noun) - refer to the means of reproduction (the cones)
Coniferous (adjective)
Evergreens refer to the leaves (or needles)
2. What is the difference between broadleaf and deciduous?
Broadleaf refer to the leaves (they are NOT needles)
Deciduous - describes a part that falls off

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

Tropical Rainforests distribution, characteristics

All forests receive some precipitation but the so called rainforests27 of the
world are characterized by heavy rain throughout the year or for most of the year.
The tropical rainforest is characterized by its very large number of plants
and animal species, the great volume (biomass) of vegetation per unit area and,
generally, the poor quality of soil on which the forest grows. Some areas of
tropical rainforest are flooded each year, some are located high on the slopes of
the mountains.

Analyze the map below (in which the world distribution of tropical rainforest
is shown), locate the main tropical rainforests, and notice which continent
has the largest tropical rainforest cover. .

Characteristics of the tropical rainforest:

Contains a great variety of plants which are close together (examples of trees:
mahogany, ebony, rosewood, ironwood, greenheart, palm trees, tree ferns).
Consists of several layers28 (see diagram below).
Nearly all trees are broad-leaved evergreens because high temperatures and
evenly distributed rainfall permit growth throughout the year.
Absence of seasonal climatic change results in some plants being in flower,
others in fruit and others in leaf-fall at one and the same time.
The leaves of the trees form an almost continuous canopy which shuts out
most of the light at ground level.
When a part of a tropical rainforest is cleared, either for shifting cultivation or for
lumbering, a less luxuriant forest growth takes over. This is called secondary
forest and it consists of short trees and dense undergrowth

rainforest is also spelled rain forest
Understory can be spelled: understorey, and is synonym with underbrush.

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

.Rainforest Animals

Butterfly Hummingbird Toucan Chameleon

Parrot Kingfisher Macaw Tree frog

Capuchin monkey Cockatoo Spider monkey Squirrel monkey

Capybara Sloth Numbat Armadillo

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

Tapir Anteater
3. The Amazon Rainforest The Worlds Largest Rainforest
The Amazon River Basin is home to the largest rainforest on Earth.
The basin covers 40% of the South American continent and includes parts of
eight South American countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia,
Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname, as well as French Guiana, a department of

Watch the video at the link below and answer the five questions:
If the link is not functional, choose another video on the deforestation in the Amazon

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

1. What are the resources the Amazon forest can provide?
2. When did deforestation start in Amazonia and how did this happen?
3. What are the main reasons why the forest is being cleared?
4. Is Amazonia land appropriate for agricultural use?
5. What are the effects of deforestation?


The Meeting of Waters is the confluence between the Rio Negro, a river with dark
(almost black coloured) water, and the sandy-coloured Amazon River or River Solimes.
For 6 km the two rivers' waters run side by side without mixing. It is one of the main
tourist attractions of Manaus, Brazil. This phenomenon is due to the differences in
temperature, speed and water density of the two rivers. The Rio Negro flows at near 2km
per hour at a temperature of 28C, while the Rio Solimes flows at 4 to 6 km per hour at
a temperature of 22C.
Trees (in Romania)
artar maple
brad fir
carpen hornbeam
castan chestnut
fag beech
frasin ash
mesteacan birch
molid spruce
pin pine
plop poplar
plop aspen
salcie willow
salcam acacia
stejar oak
tei lime tree
ulm elm
tisa yew
zada, larice larch

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

VOCABULARY Vegetation on Earth

broadleaf (broad-leaved) trees = foioase mahogany = mahon
(vezi explicaia text) maquis = maquis
campos = campos (savan sud-american) needle-leaves = frunze aciculare
canopy = coronament palm trees = palmieri
chaparral = chaparral (vegetaie pampas = pampa(s)
mediteranean nord american) prairie = prerie
coniferous trees /conifers = conifere rainforest = pdure umed
dark environment = mediu ntunecat (lipsit (tropical rainforest = pdure tropical
de lumin) umed)
deciduous trees = arbori cu frunze rosewood = palisandru
cztoare (vezi explicaia text) sandalwood = santal
deforestation = despdurire savanna = savan
desert = deert semidesert = semideert
dessert = desert shifting cultivation = agricultur
diurnal temperature range = amplitudine itinerant
termic diurn steppe = step
downs = stepa australian taiga = taiga
ebony = abanos tree fern = ferig arborescent
emergent trees = arbori emergeni tropical monsoon forest = pdure
evergreen trees = arbori venic verzi tropical musonic
forest floor = stratul (vegetal) de pe sol tundra = tundr
grassland = vegetaie ierboas understory = etajul (vegetal) inferior
layer = strat/etaj veldt = veldt (stepa sud-african)
llanos = llanos (savan sud-american)

List of adjectival and demonymic forms for countries and nations


Name of the country/continent Adjective Inhabitant

1 Europe European a European
2 Albania Albanian an Albanian
3 Austria Austrian an Austrian
4 Belarus Belarusian a Belarusian
5 Belgium Belgian a Belgian
6 Bosnia Herzegovina Bosnian a Bosnian
7 Bulgaria Bulgarian a Bulgarian
8 Croatia Croatian a Croatian/Croat
9 Cyprus Cypriot a Cypriot
10 Czech Republic Czech a Czech
11 Denmark Danish a Dane
12 Estonia Estonian an Estonian
13 Finland Finnish a Finn
14 France French a French(man)
Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

15 Germany German a German

16 Greece Greek a Greek
17 Hungary Hungarian a Hungarian
18 Iceland Icelandic an Icelander
19 Ireland Irish an Irish(man)
20 Italy Italian an Italian
21 Kosovo Kosovar/Kosovan a Kosovar
22 Latvia Latvian a Latvian
23 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein a Liechtensteiner
24 Lithuania Lithuanian a Lithuanian
25 Luxembourg Luxembourg a Luxembourger
26 Macedonia Macedonian a Macedonian
27 Malta Maltese a Maltese
28 Moldova Moldovan a Moldovan
29 Montenegro Montenegrin a Montenegrin
30 The Netherlands Dutch a Dutch(man)
31 Norway Norwegian a Norwegian
32 Poland Polish a Pole/Polish
33 Portugal Portuguese a Portuguese
34 Romania Romanian a Romanian
35 Russia Russian a Russian
36 San Marino Sammarinese a Sammarinese
37 Serbia Serbian a Serbian/Serb
38 Slovakia Slovak(ian) a Slovak
39 Slovenia Slovene(ian) a Slovene(ian)
40 Spain Spanish a Spaniard
41 Sweden Swedish a Swede
42 Switzerland Swiss a Swiss
43 Ukraine Ukrainian a Ukrainian
44 Great Britain (UK) British a British/Briton
45 Vatican city state Vatican a Vatican citizen

COUNTRIES OF AMERICA (only South America !!!!!!!!!!!!)

Name of the Adjective Inhabitant

1 America American an American
2 North America North American a North American
3 South America South American a South American
4 Central America Central American a Central American
5 The Caribbean Carribean a Carribean
6 Canada Canadian a Canadian
7 Mexico Mexican a Mexican
8 Unites States of America American an American
9 Argentina Argentine an Argentine/Argentinian
10 Bolivia Bolivan a Bolivan

Daniela Larion - English Language for 1st year Students

11 Brazil Brazilian a Brazilian

12 Chile Chilean a Chilean
13 Colombia Colombian a Colombian
14 Ecuador Ecuadoran an Ecuadoran
15 French Guiana French Guianese a French Guianese
16 Guyana Guyanese a Guyeanese
17 Paraguay Paraguayan a Paraguayan
18 Peru Peruvian a Peruvian
19 Suriname Surinamese a Surinamer
20 Uruguay Uruguayan a Uruguayan
21 Venezuela Venezuelan a Venezuelan
22 Belize Belizean a Belizean
23 Costa Rica Costa Rican a Costa Rican
24 El Salvador Salvadoran a Salvadoran
25 Guatemala Guatemalan a Guatemalan
26 Honduras Honduran a Honduran
27 Nicaragua Nicaraguan a Nicaraguan
28 Panama Panamanian a Panamanian
29 Anguilla Anguillan an Anguillan
30 Antigua and Barbuda Antiguan or an Antiguan or a
Barbudan Barbudan
31 Aruba Aruban an Aruban
32 (The) Bahamas Bahamian a Bahamian
33 Barbados Barbadian a Barbadian
34 Bermuda Bermudian/Bermudan a Bermudian/Bermudan
35 British Virgin Islands Virgin Island a Virgin Islander
36 Cayman Islands Caymanian a Caymanian
37 Cuba Cuban a Cuban
38 Dominica Dominican a Dominican
39 Dominican Republic Dominican a Dominican
40 Grenada Grenadian a Grenadian
41 Guadeloupe Guadeloupe a Guadeloupian
42 Haiti Haitian a Haitian
43 Jamaica Jamaican a Jamaican
44 Martinique Martiniquais/Martinican a Martiniquais
45 Montserrat Montserratian a Montserratian
46 Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles a Netherlands Antillean
47 Puerto Rico Puerto Rican a Puerto Rican
48 Saint Kitts and Nevis Kittitian or Nevisian a Kittitian or a Nevisian
49 Saint Lucia Saint Lucian a Saint Lucian
50 Saint Vincent and the Saint Vincentian/ a Saint Vincentian/
Grenadines Vincentian Vincentian
51 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidadian or a Trinidadian or
Tobagonian Tobagonian
52 US Virgin Islands US Virgin Island a US Virgin Islander


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