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Design For Learning Redesign

By: Stefanie Crema

Summary of Redesign

In using UDL theory to redesign the Empathy and Ethics Online lesson, I feel
that I have taken a good lesson plan from MediaSmarts and made it a much more
wholesome learning plan for a diverse blended classroom of students. I started by
tailoring it to the BC Curriculum and targeted it towards Grade 6 Health and Career
Education. I made certain that there were multiple means of engagement,
representation, as well as action & expression. Because it was heavily based on
reading and discussion, I focused on providing alternatives to the text as well as
other forms of media to engage and teach the content to the students. I have also
included more explicit instructions and learning objectives for the students through
various avenues. In terms of assessment, I reworked the rubric to become more
student-friendly and detailed so that they are clear in what they are learning and

Overall I think that the lesson meets the standards for UDL and will be a
useful lesson for me moving forward in a blended classroom in the future. Students
of many different learning styles can benefit from the structure that Ive presented
here. Students at varying learning levels are given choice and pathways that will
lead them to success.

Lesson Plan Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy

Instructional Goals
BC PLO: Identify personal safety strategies to avoid abusive situations on the
Learn to identify hot emotional states
Identify differences between online and offline communication
Understand and recognize empathy online and offline
Explore moral dilemmas relating to online communication
Learn skills for managing emotions during online interactions
Create a media product


Using the projector display a slide including visuals of various different
emotional states. Ask students to identify the emotions displayed on the
faces and bodies of the subjects on the screen. (Have this posted on the class
website with a description of the emotion beside each face)
Point out the Anger and Happiness Emotion
Direct students to think to themselves or privately write down two things
that made them happy and two things that made them mad recently. Ask
them to reflect and remember how they felt and how long that feeling lasted.
What action did that feeling make you do or want to do? If students are
comfortable they may anonymously share their story with the group
Pose the following three questions to the class and allow time for discussion.
1. Do we always know when were feeling these hot emotions? What might
be some times when were feeling them without realizing it?
2. How do we feel when were happy or excited? What are the ways our
body shows that were feeling a hot emotion?
3. How does being in a hot emotional state affect how we think and make

Display a slide to students that states the learning objectives for the lesson.
Read them aloud and direct them to the area of the class website where these
objectives are posted

Ask students if they know what the word empathy means. Explain that it
actually has two meanings feeling what other people feel (like when you get
sad because something bad happens to your friend) and recognizing how
other people feel (like when youre able to tell your friend is angry even if she
doesnt say anything). What are the clues that tell us how someone is feeling?
Ask students to remember a time they knew that a friend was mad and think
about how they knew that: the look on their face; the tone of their voice; if
they seem to be preoccupied with something. What are some things that
might happen if we dont realize that we are, or someone were with is, in a
hot emotional state? (We can do things without thinking about them; react
differently to things than we otherwise would; provoke a reaction in
someone that they otherwise wouldnt have.)

Show students the video Empathy Can Change the World

Start a chart on the board with the headings OFFLINE and ONLINE. Ask
students how talking to people online (through things like video games,
social networks, texting and instant messaging) is different from talking to
people face-to-face. Make sure to include the following points: (Post this list
on the classroom website for students to read on their own or refer back to)

We can see them
We can hear their tone of voice
They can see you
They can hear you
Things you say disappear (except in memory) Only people who are there hear you
We can see how people react to what we say


We cant see them

We cant hear them
They cant see you
They cant hear you
Everything you say can be read later People can read what you say

Remind Students of the ways that we can tell if someone else is in a hot
emotional state: which of these do we have when were online, and which
dont we have? How might this affect how we respond to things that make us
feel hot emotions when were online? Take answers from the group and
record on whiteboard.
Distribute the handout Ethics and Empathy Online. Read the scenarios on
Side A. Alternatively students can use the computer or iPad and use the text
to speech feature to listen to the scenarios in Part A. Discuss as a class the
following questions:
- How would you feel in this situation?
- What would you do to resolve this situation?
- Who would be affected by what you do?
Assess based on student answers and input whether more clarification and
discussion is needed before moving forward
Pair students together. Have them read or listen to side B. Consider the
same three questions together. Would any of their responses change now
based on what they have previously read? Circulate and assess students
understanding while they discuss in their small groups. Discuss the students
solutions to the scenarios and which strategies they think would be most
likely to work.
Have students (individually, in their pairs or in a larger group) develop a list
of tips and techniques for managing emotions and preventing/managing
conflict and staying safe when online.
Share teachers list of tips and techniques with the class both on the projector,
orally and on the website.
When the lists are completed and reviewed, have them pick one of the tips
and instruct them to create a media project that explains and illustrates it in
a clear and entertaining way.
Media project can include a blog post, video, comic strip interview, podcast
or other digital creation.
Provide students with suggestions for digital tools to use to create their
presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, YouTube, Pixton, Powtoon etc.)
Provide students with a detailed rubric prior to starting their media project
Provide class time for working on the project

Access to class website using computer or iPad
Ethics and Empathy Online Handout
Slide presentation including hot emotion visual with accompanying
description, ethics and empathy handout, tips and techniques

Assessment and Evaluation

Formative Assessment
Students will be formatively assessed based on their responses during small
group and large group discussion on empathy and online and offline
Students will be formatively assessed based on their list of tips and
techniques that they create as a group.

Summative Assessment
Students will be assessed on their final media project. They will be assessed
on the content and presentation, their understanding displayed of empathy,
emotional regulation and conflict resolution.

Media Project Rubric

Not Yet Meeting Approaching Meeting Exceeding

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations

Content and -Ideas are not clearly -Create and presents -Create and present -Create and present
Presentation presented ideas in one way ideas in 2 different ideas in more than 2
ways ways
-Unable to create digital -Create digital works as -Create original digital -Create original digital
works as a means of a means of personal or works as a means of works as a means of
personal or group group expression personal or group personal or group
expression expression expression
-Does not use own -Attempts to use own -Use own experiences -Uses own
experiences to explore experiences as a basis as a basis for exploring experiences and
or experience for expressing opinions and expressing provides examples as
and learning opinions and learning a basis for exploring
and expressing
opinions and learning
Understanding - Demonstrates little to - Demonstrates some -Clearly demonstrates -Clearly demonstrates
no understanding of understanding of how it how it might feel to be how it might feel to be
how it might feel to be might feel to be bullied bullied online and how bullied online and
bullied online online that might be different how that might be
in person than online different in person
than online with
varying examples
-Clearly demonstrates - Using thorough
- Unable to demonstrate - Demonstrates strategies for dealing examples,
strategies for dealing strategies for dealing with online bullying or demonstrates
with online bullying with online bullying or conflict when it arises strategies for dealing
conflict when it arises with online bullying
-Clearly demonstrates when it arises.
- Demonstrates little to understanding of -Clearly and with
no understanding of - Demonstrates some empathy and why its examples
empathy. Does not understanding of important in online demonstrates the
connect to its empathy. Might connect communication importance of
importance in online to its importance in empathy in online
communication online communication communication
-Unable to demonstrate understanding of what -Using concrete
how to be responsible
-Demonstrates a some it means to be
understanding of what it responsible to and examples, is able to
and respectful of demonstrate
his/her offline and means to be responsible respectful of his/her
to and respectful of understanding of
online communities as a offline and online what it means to be
way to learn how to be a his/her offline and communities as a way
online communities as a to learn how to be a responsible to and
good digital citizen. respectful of his/her
way to learn how to be a good digital citizen
good digital citizen offline and online
communities as a way

to learn how to be a
good digital citizen

- Is unable to -Clearly demonstrates -Clearly demonstrates
consistently identify -Is able to identify a hot understanding of a hot
emotion, but struggles to emotions and how to understanding of hot
hot emotion. Lacks an emotions and how to
understanding of how to demonstrate how to control it in an online
control it in an online control it in an online
control it in an online environment environment.
environment environment
Provides solutions


BC Ministry of Education. (2006). Health and Career Education Grade 6: Integrated
Resource Package 2006. Retrieved from

CAST (2010, Jan 6). UDL At A Glance. Retrieved from

Couser, N. (2014, May 4). Empathy Can Change the World. Retrieved from

Johnson, M. (2014). Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy. Retrieved from
plans/lesson_behaving_ethically_online_ethics_empathy_0.pdf (2015, July 22). Take a Tour: Learn About Universal Design for
Learning. Retrieved from

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