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Code Variables

In this section, I want to add the idea of variables in code.

A "variable" is like a box that holds a value

x = 7;

This stores the value 7 into the variable (i.e. box) x

Later x in the code retrieve the value from the box

x becomes a shorthand for 7 (whatever is in the box)

Using = in this way is called "variable assignment"


How we use variables in CS101:

-Assign a value into a variable once

-Then use that variable many times below

A convenient shorthand in the code

x = 7;
print("lucky", x);
print("x is", x);

Experiments: try assigning (=) these values to x: 8,


Store a value once, use it on several lines, saving


= in algebra is different, two things are equal forever

= in code is simple, just puts a value in a box when


Variables work as a shorthand -- we = assign a value into a variable, and

then use that variable on later lines to retrieve that value. In the simplest
case, this just works to avoid repeating a value: we store the value once,
and then can use it many times. All computer languages have some form
of variable like this -- storing and retrieving values.


Change the code below so it produces the following output. Use a variable
to store the string "Alice" in a variable on the first line like x = "Alice";,
then use the variable x on the later lines. In this way, changing just the
first line to use the value "Bob" or "Zoe" or whatever changes the output
of the whole program.

Alice Alice Alice

I had a crush on Alice

print(1, 2, "hi");

Show Solution
Next: that's code with variables, now you try it.

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