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The Three Types of Factor Models: A

Comparison of Their Explanatory Power

Gregory Connor
Multifactor models of security market returns can be divided into three types: macroeconomic,
fundamental, and statistical factor models. Macroeconomic factor models use observable
economic time series, such as inflation and interest rates, as measures of the pervasive shocks
to security returns. Fundamental factor models use the returns to portfolios associated with
observed security attributes such as dividend yield, the book-to-market ratio, and industry
identifiers. Statistical factor models derive their pervasive factors from factor analysis of the
panel data set of security returns. This paper compares the explanatory power of these three
approaches for U.S. equity returns.

ith some blurring at the boundaries, multi- percentage change in industrial production, the
W factor models of asset returns can be divided
into three types: macroeconomic, statistical, and
excess return to long-term government bonds, and
the realized return premium of low-grade corpo-
fundamental. Our empirical findings confirm the rate bonds relative to high-grade bonds. The ran-
conventional wisdom that statistical factor models dom return of each security is assumed to respond
and fundamental factor models outperform mac- linearly to the macroeconomic shocks. As in all
roeconomic factor models in terms of explanatory factor models, each security also has an asset-
power. The findings also indicate that the funda- specific return unrelated to the factors. A security's
mental factor model slightly outperforms the sta- linear sensitivities to the factors are called the factor
tistical factor model. This result is at first surpris- betas of the security. A drawback to macroeco-
ing, because statistical factor models are estimated nomic factor models is that they require identifica-
by maximizing explanatory power. So, h o w can an tion and measurement of all the pervasive shocks
alternative outperform them by this criterion? The affecting security returns. A small number of per-
explanation lies in the much larger number of vasive sources of risk may exist, but without
external data sources used in fundamental factor knowing exactly what they are, or lacking data to
models, particularly the large set of industry dum- measure them, they are of little use in explaining
mies. Another empirical finding is that the mar- returns.
ginal explanatory power of a macroeconomic factor Statistical factor models use various maximum-
model is zero w h e n it is added to the fundamental likelihood and principal-components-based factor
factor model. This result may indicate that the analysis procedures on cross-sectional/time-series
fundamental factors (in some u n k n o w n combina- samples of security returns to identify the perva-
tion) capture the same risk characteristics as the sive factors in returns.
macroeconomic factors. Macroeconomic and statistical factor models
both estimate a firm's factor beta by time-series
TYPES OF FACTOR MODELS regression. Given the nature of security returns
Macroeconomic factor models are the simplest and data, this limitation is substantial. Time-series re-
most intuitive type. They use observable economic gression requires a long and stable history of
time series as measures of the pervasive factors in returns for a security to estimate the factor betas
security returns.1 Some of the macroeconomic vari- accurately.
ables typically used as factors are inflation, the Fundamental factor models do not require time-
series regression. They rely on the empirical find-
Gregory Connor is director of research, Europe, for BARRA Interna- ing that company attributes such as firm size,
tional. dividend yield, book-to-market ratio, and industry

42 Financial Analysts Journal / May-June 1995

1995, AIMR
classification explain a substantial proportion of produces an alternative set of statistical factors,
common return. A fundamental factor model uses equally valid, or a rotation of the original set.
observed company attributes as factor betas. The Suppose that both factor models are true--that is,
factors in a fundamental factor model are the the macroeconomic factors capture all the perva-
realized returns to a set of mimicking portfolios sive movements in security returns and the statis-
designed to capture the marginal returns associ- tical factors and the macroeconomic factors both
ated with a unit of exposure to each attribute. For are measured without error. In this case, the two
example, the dividend yield factor is the realized factor representations will differ only by a rotation
return per extra unit of dividend yield, holding and the statistical factors can be linearly recombined
other attributes constant. In the case of a funda- to be made identical to the macroeconomic factors.
mental factor model, the factor betas are exoge- A fundamental factor model and the other two
nously determined, firm-specific attributes rather types are not theoretically inconsistent. Suppose
than estimated sensitivities to random factors, and that a fundamental factor model correctly captures
the factor returns are empirically determined ran- the individual assets' sensitivities to the pervasive
dom returns associated with these various at- risks in the economy, and suppose that a macro-
tributes. 2 economic model also correctly captures the perva-
The relationship among the three types of sive sources of risk. Then, the firm-specific at-
models, outlined in Table 1, can be described in tributes used in a fundamental factor model could
terms of inputs, estimation technique, and out- be combined to produce the factor betas from the
puts. In all cases, factor model estimation involves macroeconomic factor model. For example, a typ-
time-series regression or cross-sectional regression ical macroeconomic factor is term structure risk
or both. Some statistical factor models rely on (often measured by the realized monthly return on
nonlinear maximum-likelihood theory for their a long-term government bond portfolio minus the
derivation, but the implementation of the nonlinear short-term government bond return). The sensitiv-
maximum-likelihood procedure is usually done ity of a security's return to this factor is the
through a recursive series of repeated cross-sec- security's term structure beta. Two typical funda-
tional/time-series regressions. 3 mental risk attributes are firm leverage and divi-
The three types of factor models are not nec- dend yield. So, for example, perhaps each secu-
essarily inconsistent. In the absence of estimation rity's dividend yield and firm leverage attributes
error and with no limits on data availability, the could be linearly recombined to equal its term
three models are simply restatements or (to use a structure beta. This again is a type of rotation,
technical term from factor modeling) rotations of because the attributes in the fundamental factor
one another. In this eclectic view of the world, the model can be linearly recombined to equal the
three factor models are not in conflict and all can factor betas in the macroeconomic factor model.
hold simultaneously.
In a macroeconomic factor model, the factors EXPLANATORY POWER AS A DESCRIPTIVE!
are defined by economic theory and observed STATIS'nC
externally to the security returns data. In a statis- The theoretical consistency among the three types
tical factor model, the factors are estimated from of models requires more emphasis on empirical
the sample returns data by maximizing the fit of work to choose among them. In a recent paper,
the model. Statistical factors, because they are Connor and Korajczyk proposed a test for deter-
essentially unlabeled statistical artifacts, can be mining the number of statistical factors in security
recombined linearly without altering the model. returns. 4 The intuition for the test is straightfor-
Recombining a set of statistical factors linearly ward. Suppose that one wishes to test whether

Table 1. An Overview of the Empidcal Procedures For the Three Types of Factor Models
Factor Model Type Inputs Estimation Technique Outputs
Macroeconomic Security returns and macroeconomic Time-seriesregression Security factorbetas
Statistical Security returns Iterated time-series/cross- Statistical factors and security
sectional regression factor betas
Fundamental Security returns and s e c u r i t y Cross-sectional Fundamental factors
characteristics regression

Financial Analysts Journal / May-June 1995 43

five factors are sufficient to explain all the perva- Table 2. Explanatory Power of Fwe Statistical
sive m o v e m e n t s in security returns. C o n n o r and Factors
Korajczyk suggested estimating both a five-factor Increase in Explanatory
m o d e l and a six-factor m o d e l on the same data set. Factor Power from Adding Each Factor
Their test relies on the difference in the cross-
1 29.0%
sectional average of asset-specific variances be- 2 3.5
t w e e n the two models. If five factors are e n o u g h , 3 3.1
t h e n this difference should be near zero because 4 1.8
the sixth factor s h o u l d have negligible explanatory 5 1.7
p o w e r . The reason is that u n d e r the h y p o t h e s i s of All factors 39.0
five factors, the sixth factor is a " p s e u d o f a c t o r . " It
can explain some of the asset-specific variance for
a few securities, but its average explanatory p o w e r other than statistical factor models. The m e t h o d o l -
across all the securities m u s t be close to zero. If six ogy can be u s e d to test w h e t h e r a p r o p o s e d mac-
factors are necessary, t h e n the difference in the roeconomic factor or f u n d a m e n t a l factor has a
average asset-specific variance s h o u l d be strictly pervasive influence (and so is a true factor) or has
positive because the sixth factor is a true factor and only limited explanatory p o w e r (and so is a pseu-
therefore has pervasive influence in the cross- dofactor).
section of assets. The increase in explanatory Table 3 shows the same statistic applied to a
p o w e r from a d d i n g a factor is the basis for the test macroeconomic factor m o d e l with five c h o s e n fac-
of w h e t h e r the additional factor is n e e d e d . tors (inflation, term structure, industrial produc-
Let o"i d e n o t e the total r e t u r n variance of tion, j u n k - b o n d p r e m i u m , a n d u n e m p l o y m e n t )
security i a n d cry/denote the asset-specific r e t u r n estimated on the same sample. 7 In the first col-
variance (the part of i's total variance that is not u m n , as in Table 2, the explanatory p o w e r statistic
explained b y the factors). Let o- and o-~ d e n o t e the is applied with each m a c r o e c o n o m i c factor in turn
averages of o"i a n d era, respectively, across all the u s e d as the fifth factor. Note that b o t h the low-
securities. Define the explanatory p o w e r of a factor grade b o n d p r e m i u m and the term structure pre-
m o d e l as 1 m i n u s the average asset-specific vari- m i u m m u s t be included to get a reasonable fit in
ance divided b y the average total variance (explan- the model. If either of those two variables is
atory p o w e r = 1 - o'~/o'). The explanatory p o w e r of d r o p p e d , the fit of the m o d e l falls dramatically.
each individual factor in the factor m o d e l is the N o n e of the other variables contributes m u c h to
change in the explanatory p o w e r of the m o d e l the explanatory p o w e r of the model.
w h e n the factor is a d d e d to it. Because m a c r o e c o n o m i c factors are not or-
Table 2 s h o w s the results from applying this dered, each can be treated as the first factor, a n d
test to a statistical factor m o d e l estimated on U.S. its explanatory p o w e r w h e n u s e d alone can also be
returns data over the 108-month period from Jan- m e a s u r e d , as in the right-hand c o l u m n of Table 3.
u a r y 1985 t h r o u g h D e c e m b e r 1993 for 779 high- Inflation, which has almost no marginal explana-
capitalization U.S. equities. 5 This table r e p r o d u c e s tory p o w e r , given the other four variables, does
one of the results of C o n n o r a n d Korajczyk using a have some explanatory p o w e r w h e n u s e d alone, s
s o m e w h a t different sample. 6 C o n n o r a n d Korajc- Table 4 applies the test to a f u n d a m e n t a l factor
zyk m e n t i o n e d that their m e a s u r e for explanatory m o d e l using a set of BARRA f u n d a m e n t a l factors
p o w e r is applicable to the types of factor models consisting of 55 i n d u s t r y d u m m i e s plus 12 risk

Table 3. The Explanatory Power of the Macroeconomic Factors

Increase in Explanatory
Explanatory Power from Using Power from Adding Each
Factor Each Factor Alone Factor to All the Others
Inflation 1.3% 0.0%
Term structure 1.1 7.7
Industrial production 0.5 0.3
Default premium 2.4 8.1
Unemployment -0.3 0.1
All five factors 10.9

44 Financial Analysts Journal / May-June 1995

Table 4. The Explanatory Power of the Fundamental Factors
Increase in Explanatory
Explanatory Power from Using Power from Adding Each
Factor Each Factor Alone Factor to All the Others
Industries 16.3% 18.0%
Variability in markets 4.3 0.9
Success 2.8 0.8
Size 1.4 0.6
Trade activity 1.4 0.5
Growth 3.0 0.4
Earnings to price 2.2 0.6
Book to price 1.5 0.6
Earnings variability 2.5 0.4
Financial leverage 0.9 0.5
Foreign investment 0.7 0.4
Labor intensity 2.2 0.5
Dividend yield 2.9 0.4
All factors 42.6

indexes. 9 The industry d u m m i e s are a d d e d to the drawing u p o n Tables 2 t h r o u g h 4, shows the

m o d e l together as a single set of factors rather than explanatory p o w e r of each factor m o d e l consid-
one at a time. Otherwise, the table has the same ered separately. The next three rows s h o w the
form as Table 3. N o t e the high explanatory p o w e r additional explanatory p o w e r attained by combin-
of the industry d u m m i e s . 1 ing any two types of factor models. The c o l u m n
The statistic from C o n n o r and Korajczyk also headings are the first models estimated, and the
has a natural application to comparisons across the row headings are the second. This table contains
three types of factor models. For example, the test m u c h of interest, but I will note only two findings.
can be u s e d to d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r a five-factor First, the f u n d a m e n t a l factor m o d e l slightly out-
statistical factor m o d e l explains all of the pervasiye performs the statistical factor model. H o w can this
c o m o v e m e n t s in returns against the alternative h a p p e n w h e n the statistical factor model is esti-
that a set of macroeconomic factors has pervasive mated by maximizing explanatory p o w e r ? The
explanatory p o w e r not captured b y the statistical a n s w e r lies in the m u c h larger n u m b e r of explan-
factors. All of the macroeconomic factors are atory variables that can be u s e d in a f u n d a m e n t a l
a d d e d simultaneously as a set of pseudofactors. factor m o d e l (especially the industry dummies). Of
The difference in cross-sectional average asset- course, using more explanatory variables requires
specific variance before and after the set of macro- a large a m o u n t of external data, whereas the
economic factors is a d d e d to the statistical factor statistical factor m o d e l only requires returns data.
m o d e l gives the test statistic. The m u c h larger data set used by the f u n d a m e n t a l
This same p r o c e d u r e can be applied symmet- factor model c o m p e n s a t e s for the fact that the
rically to each of the models c o m p a r e d with any statistical factor m o d e l is estimated by maximizing
other one. C o m p a r i n g three models, one of each explanatory power.
type, with one a n o t h e r requires six t e s t s - - e a c h of A n o t h e r interesting finding is that the macro-
the three models tested against the other two. The economic factor model has no marginal explana-
matrix in Table 5 shows the results. The first row, tory p o w e r w h e n a d d e d to the f u n d a m e n t a l factor

Table 5. The Marginal Explanatory Power of Each Type of Factor Model

First Model
Second Model Macroeconomic Statistical Fundamental
Total explanatory power 10.9% 39.0% 42.6%
Macroeconomic -- 38.2 42.4
Statistical 31.0 -- 44.8
Fundamental 43.0 45.6 --

Financial Analysts Journal/May-June 1995 45

m o d e l . T h i s r e s u l t i m p l i e s t h a t t h e r i s k a t t r i b u t e s in security market returns. A particular specification
t h e f u n d a m e n t a l f a c t o r m o d e l c a p t u r e all t h e r i s k o f e a c h of t h e t h r e e t y p e s of m o d e l s w a s e s t i m a t e d ,
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s c a p t u r e d b y t h e m a c r o e c o n o m i c fac- a n d t h e t o t a l a n d m a r g i n a l e x p l a n a t o r y p o w e r of
t o r b e t a s . It is n o t c l e a r ( a n d is left a s a p r o b l e m for each was examined. The statistical and fundamen-
f u t u r e r e s e a r c h ) h o w to r o t a t e t h e f u n d a m e n t a l tal f a c t o r m o d e l s s u b s t a n t i a l l y o u t p e r f o r m t h e m a c -
r i s k a t t r i b u t e s to e q u a t e s o m e c o m b i n a t i o n of t h e m roeconomic factor model. The fundamental factor
to t h e m a c r o e c o n o m i c f a c t o r b e t a s . 11 T h i s f u t u r e model slightly outperforms the statistical factor
research might provide insight on how corporate
characteristics or industry categories are related
T h e c o m p a r i s o n o f e x p l a n a t o r y p o w e r is o n l y
to r e t u r n s e n s i t i v i t y to v a r i o u s m a c r o e c o n o m i c
o n e c r i t e r i o n b y w h i c h to e v a l u a t e t h e r e l a t i v e
shocks. The statistical factor model also eliminates
w o r t h of t h e t h r e e a p p r o a c h e s to f a c t o r m o d e l i n g .
all of t h e e x p l a n a t o r y p o w e r of t h e m a c r o e c o n o r n i c
By o t h e r i m p o r t a n t c r i t e r i a s u c h a s t h e o r e t i c a l
f a c t o r m o d e l , b u t t h i s r e s u l t is l e s s u s e f u l t h a n t h a t
for t h e f u n d a m e n t a l f a c t o r s b e c a u s e t h e s t a t i s t i c a l consistency and intuitive appeal, using a macro-
factors have no theoretical content. e c o n o m i c f a c t o r m o d e l is p r o b a b l y t h e strongest
(rather than the weakest) of the three approaches.
CONCLUSION Thus, our results, although interesting and useful,
W e h a v e c o m p a r e d t h e e x p l a n a t o r y p o w e r of t h e a r e n o t t h e final w o r d i n c h o o s i n g a m o n g t h e t h r e e
t h r e e t y p e s o f f a c t o r m o d e l s t y p i c a l l y a p p l i e d to a p p r o a c h e s . 12


1. The seminal reference for macroeconomic factor models is had complete histories of monthly returns over the sample
N.F. Chen, R. Roll, and S.A. Ross, "Economic Forces and time period.
the Stock Market," The Journal of Business, vol. 59, no. 3 6. See Connor and Korajczyk, "A Test for the Number of
(July 1986):383-404. The Chen, Roll, and Ross model has Factors," Table I, p. 1277.
been extended and refined by, among others, M.A. Berry, 7. The inflation factor is the change in the natural log of the
E. Burmeister, and M.B. McElroy, "Sorting Out Risks consumer price index, the term structure factor is the
Using Known APT Factors," FinancialAnalysts Journal, vol. difference between the return on a long-term government
44, no. 2 (March/April 1988):29-42; and K.C. Chan, N.F. bond index and the one-month Treasury bill return, the
Chen, and D. Hsieh, "'An Exploratory Investigation of the industrial production factor is the change in the natural log
Firm Size Effect," Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 14, no. of the industrial production index, the default premium
3 (September 1985):451-71. factor (the junk-bond premium) is the difference between
2. Examples of this type of factor model include B.A. Rosen- the return on a high-yield bond index and a long-term
berg, "Extra-Market Components of Covariance in Se- government bond index, and the unemployment factor is
curity Returns," Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analy- the change in the unemployment rate.
sis, vol. 9, no. 2 (March 1974):263-73; S. Beckers, R. Gri- 8. All variance estimates are corrected for regression degrees
of freedom, so the marginal contribution of a variable can
nold, A. Rudd, and D. Stefek, "The Relative Importance of
be zero or negative.
Common Factors across the European Equity Markets,"
9. For detailed descriptions of the industry categories and risk
Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 16, no. 1 (March 1992):
indexes, see The United States Equity Model Handbook (Berke-
75-96; and R. Grinold and R.N. Kahn, "Multiple-Factor
ley, Ca.: BARRA Inc., 1994).
Models of Portfolio Risk," in A Practitioners Guide to
10. J.K. Kale, N.H. Hakansson, and W.G. Platt, in "Industry
Factor Models (Charlottesville, Va.: The Research Founda- Factors versus Other Factors in Risk Prediction," working
tion of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts, 1994): paper, University of California, Berkeley, 1991, also found
59-78. that the industry attributes are the most powerful compo-
3. See B. Lehman and D.A. Modest, "The Empirical Founda- nent of a fundamental factor model.
tions of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory," Journal of Financial 11. A recent paper by E.F. Fama and K.R. French, "Common
Economics, vol. 21, no. 2 (September 1988):213-54. Risk Factors in the Returns of Stocks and Bonds," Journal of
4. G. Connor and R.A. Korajczyk, "A Test for the Number of Financial Economics, vol. 33, no. 1 (February 1993):3-56, uses
Factors in an Approximate Factor Model," The Journal of a mixed approach that combines elements of macroeco-
Finance, vol. 48, no. 4 (September 1993):1263-92. nomic and fundamental factor models.
5. The cross-sectional sample consists of all securities in the 12. I would like to thank Ian Buckley and Marielle DeJong for
BARRA high-capitalization universe of U.S. equities that research assistance.

Financial Analysts Journal / May-June 1995

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