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Name: Class:

1. Complete the sentences. (5 marks)

Although my country is the richest in the world
I really enjoyed this film. However,
My best friends wedding is, in my opinion,
On the one hand,
On the other hand,

2. Complete the following chart. (10 marks)

American English British English Translation

3. What do you think of your own town? (10 marks)




4. Write a short story using present simple and continuous and include the following
vocabulary: film, imaginary, characters, gorgeous, director, pathetic. (10 marks)

5. Write questions for these answers. (5 marks)

I went to France.
We arrived at about half past six.

Because the missed the bus.

6. How long has it been since you last did these things? Write sentences with FOR or
SINCE. (5 marks)

Kiss a boy/girl
Watch a cartoon on TV
Fail an exam

7. USED TO. Write. (5 marks)

o Two things you used to do when you were at primary school.

o .
o .
o Two things your parents used to do when they were younger.
o .
o .

8. Write an e-mail to a friend telling him/her about your summer holidays. (10 marks)

Subject: My summer holidays

9. Use relative clauses to define the people and the things below. (5 marks)
A school
My girlfriend/boyfriend
A shampoo

10. A) Use the prefixes in the box to form the opposite of the adjectives. (5 marks)
Il - im - in - ir - un - dis -

honest reliable
..rational sincere
legal mature
interesting friendly
patient responsable

11. B) Complete the dialogue with negative adjectives from 9A). (5 marks)
I cant stand Kevin. Hes so I lent him my new CD the other
day and now he says he never borrowed it. And hes really.,
too. Hes 17 and he still watches cartoons.
He can be really .. as well. Sometimes he completely ignores you.
And hes sexist. He thinks it should be .. for women to drive.
And he rides his motorbike without a helmet, and he goes far too fast. I mean,
thats just .

12. Complete the sentences. SECOND CONDITIONAL. (5 marks)

If I were English,
If you paid attention in class,
If we dindnt go to the cinema,

13. Complete the description. (10 marks)

14. Transform these sentences from active to passive. (5 marks)

They have invented a new machine that allows you to learn English in your sleep.
Her grandfather left her a lot of money.
They will never find a cure for the common cold.

15. Complete the sentences in reported speech. (5 marks)

Jim will be late this evening. She told me
Where do you usually go with your friends? He asked her ...
Dont touch this! They advised me

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