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ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57: 579589.

doi:10.1006/jmsc.2000.0715, available online at on

Ecosystem eects of fishing in kelp forest communities

M. J. Tegner, and P. K. Dayton

Tegner, M. J., and Dayton, P. K. 2000. Ecosystem eects of fishing in kelp forest
communities. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 57: 579589.

Kelp forests, highly diverse cold water communities organized around the primary
productivity and physical structure provided by members of the Laminariales, support
a variety of fisheries, and the kelp itself is harvested for alginates. Worldwide, these
communities generally share susceptibility to destructive overgrazing by sea urchins.
The impact of sea-urchin grazing is governed by the ratio between food availability
and grazing pressure, thus factors aecting the abundance of both urchins and kelps
are central to ecosystem integrity. Some kelp ecosystems share a second generality, the
association of exploitation of various urchin predators with destructive levels of urchin
grazing, leading to cascading implications for other species dependent on the produc-
tivity and habitat provided by the kelps. Competition between abalones and sea
urchins also aects some kelp communities. These ecosystem-structuring processes are
complicated by a variety of bottom-up and top-down factors, including variability in
ocean climate aecting kelp productivity and recruitment of key species, and echinoid
disease. Potential ecosystem eects of fisheries for predators, abalones, sea urchins,
and kelps are reviewed biogeographically. Given the hundreds to thousands of years
that many nearshore marine ecosystems have been exploited, no-take marine reserves
may be the only way to determine the true ecosystem eects of fishing.
 2000 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Key words: abalones, exploitation, kelp harvest, predators, sea otters, sea urchins,
urchin disease.
M. J. Tegner and P. K. Dayton: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0201, USA [tel: +1 858 534 2059; fax:
+1 858 534 6500; e-mail:].

Introduction bearing kelps that form surface canopies are important

along the west coast of North America, Peru, Chile, and
Kelp forests are shallow coastal communities of cold- Argentina. The densest surface canopies and largest
water regions organized around the structure and pro- forests are produced by Macrocystis, the dominant
ductivity provided by members of the Laminariales genus o Northwest and South America. The Northeast
(reviewed by Mann, 1982; Dayton, 1985a). These Pacific has the highest kelp species diversity, and its
large algae are adapted to vigorous water movement forests often consist of three distinct canopy levels.
and turbulent diusion that allows very high levels of While rates vary with species (e.g., Mann, 1982; Tegner
nutrient uptake, photosynthesis, and growth. The pro- and Dayton, 1991), all kelps produce considerable
ductivity of kelp forests rivals that of the most produc- amounts of detritus and dissolved organic matter.
tive terrestrial systems, with up to 3 kg C m 2 yr 1 Kelp forests are highly dynamic, showing consider-
(Velimirov et al., 1977). The high productivity and able temporal variation, yet resilience to small-scale
complex biological structure foster an extraordinary disturbances results in considerable stability on a time
diversity of species and interactions within these com- scale of years. Grazing, storms, and El Nino events are
munities, and there is considerable export of fixed car- important sources of disturbance (Dayton, 1985a). A
bon. They support fisheries for a variety of invertebrates variety of animals eat kelps, but by far the most import-
and finfish, and the kelps themselves are harvested in ant are sea urchins, which are capable of destroying
many parts of the world. nearly all fleshy algae in most communities (reviewed by
Kelp genera vary regionally (reviewed by Mann, Lawrence, 1975; Harrold and Pearse, 1987). Not all
1982). Stipitate species of Laminaria dominate the North urchins have this ability, but most temperate areas have
Atlantic, and the coasts of China and Japan. Kelp at least one species in this category. Lawrence (1975)
forests of South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand are found that most instances of severe reduction in plant
dominated by Ecklonia, another stipitate genus. Float- biomass were associated with increases in echinoid

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580 M. J. Tegner and P. K. Dayton

densities. Potential reasons for increased abundance of munities are characterized by a surface layer of Alaria
urchins included reduced predation, increased recruit- fistulosa, a second canopy layer of four species of
ment, or immigration of adults in grazing fronts. Dis- Laminaria, and a prostate canopy usually composed of
turbances such as major storms or El Nin o events Agarum clathratum (Dayton, 1975). These associations
aecting the ratio of drift kelp supply to urchin abun- support detritus-based food webs of crustaceans and
dance can also trigger the behavioural change to fish. In the absence of otters, dense populations of sea
destructive grazing (Ebeling et al., 1985; Harrold and urchins (Strongylocentrotus polyacanthus), along with
Reed, 1985; Tegner and Dayton, 1987, 1991; Dayton limpets and chitons, virtually exclude fleshy macroalgae;
et al., 1992). Whatever the reason, the transition from fish are much less common and usually associated with
kelp forest to urchin-dominated barren grounds of pelagic food webs. Aboriginal Aleuts arrived in the
crustose coralline algae has dramatic impacts on the Aleutian Islands about 2500 years ago, and midden
food and habitat available to the rest of the community. evidence suggests that by about 2000 years ago they had
Barren grounds have much lower primary productivity shifted the community from kelp domination to urchin
than kelp forests (e.g., Babcock et al., 1999) and may domination by preying on or harrassing the otters
persist for months to years; reforestation begins when (Simenstad et al., 1978).
urchin populations are aected by alternative foods, The role of sea otters in Alaska is clear, because it has
strong surge, or disease (Ebeling et al., 1985; Harrold been possible to compare situations with and without
and Reed, 1985). otters, as well as to observe the transitions that occurred
Thus, factors aecting the abundance of sea urchins as these mammals expanded their range. After nearly a
and the kelps are critical to the integrity of these century of recovery from hunting, sea-otter populations
ecosystems. Despite the almost universal role of urchins in the Aleutian Islands have declined by 90% since 1990.
in kelp communities, there is much variation in the types Estes et al. (1998) attribute the decline to increased
and roles of urchin predators, the existence of urchin mortality caused by killer whale (Orcinus orca) preda-
competitors, and the eects of human harvest. Many tion, apparently due to a shift in food availability.
nearshore communities that are accessible from land or Whether this shift is due to fishing, climate change, or a
with simple boats have been subjected to human fishing combination, the decline in otters led to the reverse
for hundreds to thousands of years (e.g., Simenstad cascade from kelp forest communities to the alternative
et al., 1978; Aronson, 1990; Salls, 1991, 1995; Vadas and state of urchin domination.
Steneck, 1995) and insight into historical changes is As clear as the role of sea otters in Alaska kelp forests
critical for understanding contemporary communities. appears to be, until recently that role was almost cer-
Here we explore potential ecosystem eects of fishing on tainly modified by interactions with Stellers sea cow
kelp community structure worldwide, focusing on fish- (Hydrodamalis gigas). Fossils of this species are known
ing for urchin predators, urchins and their competitors, from central California to Japan, and their disappear-
and kelp harvest as the taxa with the most direct eects ance from most of their range has been attributed to
on community structure. We then examine alternative overkill by aboriginal people. These huge sirenians for-
explanations to human impacts on kelp community aged on the kelp surface canopy around the Commander
structure, including variability in climate, recruitment, Islands, where they were common until shortly after
and urchin disease events. We begin by discussing sea- G. W. Steller first observed them in 1741. Their role in
urchin grazing in dierent regions, and evidence for the kelp community structure must have been substantial
role of predators. (Dayton, 1975; Simenstad et al., 1978; Anderson, 1995).
Estes and Duggins (1995) examined the generality of
the sea otter paradigm by comparing temporal and
North Pacific spatial variability in the Aleutian Islands and southeast
Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) are an unequivocal case of Alaska. Despite regional variation in species compos-
significant ecosystem eects caused by exploiting a sea- ition and the abundance of kelps and urchins that aect
urchin predator. These mammals, once distributed the trajectories of change between kelp-dominated and
across the Pacific Rim from northern Japan to central urchin-dominated domains, they found the role of sea-
Baja California (Mexico), were hunted to near extinction otter predation to be predictable and general in its
in the 18th and 19th centuries (Estes and Duggins, influence on community structure in Alaska. Estes
1995). Remnant colonies survived in isolated locations, (1996) reports that the pattern is broadly similar for
and after protection in 1911 began to recover. Dramati- Vancouver Island (Canada) as well. The situation is
cally dierent community states on adjacent islands in more complicated in California and Baja California,
the Aleutian Archipelago of Alaska with and without however. There are episodes of destructive sea-urchin
sea otters defined these animals as predators capable grazing and otters predictably decimate urchin popu-
of causing cascading eects on community structure lations here as well, but giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
(Simenstad et al., 1978). In their presence, kelp com- forests also show considerable persistence in the absence
Ecosystem eects of fishing in kelp forest communities 581

of otters. Foster and Schiel (1988) reviewed 220 surveys 19th century (Tegner and Levin, 1983; Dayton et al.,
outside the otter range in California, and found urchin- 1998). Salls (1991, 1995), excavating through almost
dominated or deforested habitats to be the exception 10 000 years of a midden on San Clemente Island, the
(<10% of the sites). They found a range of community southernmost Channel Island, found that the early
states between the extremes identified in Alaska, and the inhabitats extensively exploited sheephead. In one level
extremes were uncommon. Storms, interannual varia- the size of sheephead bones decreased as their numbers
bility in ocean climate, other physical factors aecting increased; the overlying layer was composed solely of
recruitment and growth of kelp, as well as other sea- purple sea-urchin (S. purpuratus) remains. Salls argues
urchin predators, and echinoid recruitment events and that prehistoric exploitation of this territorial reef
diseases are also important to community structure in fish led to a sea-urchin barren 1050 years ago, but he
California (e.g., Dayton, 1985a; Ebeling et al., 1985; cannot exclude climatic eects that may have acted in
Harrold and Reed, 1985; Tegner and Dayton, 1987). conjunction with fishing.
Native Californians foraged extensively on kelp forest Sheephead are targeted by spear fishermen, and until
resources and evidence suggests that they also had recently the primary impact of fshing was on large males
substantial eects on community structure. Abalones (Dayton et al., 1998). In 1988, a market was developed
(Haliotis spp.) are favoured by both humans and sea for live fish, which focuses on animals the size of a single
otters, and red (H. rufescens) abalone shells from mid- entre e; because of their size, female sheephead (many of
dens on Santa Rosa Island in Southern California have which may be immature) are heavily exploited. This
been dated at 5370 and 7400 years old (Cox, 1962). fishery has grown exponentially, is essentially unregu-
Middens contained many sea-otter bones as well as large lated, and has the potential for virtual elimination
sea urchins and abalones, prey that would not have been of the sheephead community role. The red sea-urchin
available in the presence of sea otters at their carrying (S. franciscanus) fishery has greatly reduced destructive
capacity (Salls, 1991, 1995). Native American impact on grazing episodes of this species (Tegner and Dayton,
the Channel Islands was virtually eliminated by Spanish 1991), but the pressure on sheephead populations
colonization and sea otters were hunted out of Southern suggests that grazing outbreaks by minimally harvested
California by the middle of the 19th century, leading to purple urchins may become more frequent.
the release of sea urchins and abalones from predation.
A large (>1800 t in 1879 alone) inter-tidal and shallow
sub-tidal abalone fishery began in the 1850s (Cox, 1962). Northwest Atlantic
Sea urchins were not fished until the early 1970s. The green sea urchin (S. droebachiensis) plays a defining
Although we have no early records of their populations, role o eastern Canada and New England where alter-
they probably increased in abundance with abalones nate community states depend on its population density
after the extirpation of sea otters in Southern California. (reviewed by Elner and Vadas, 1990; Vadas and Elner,
We do know that Macrocystis forests in this region 1992). When urchins are rare, communities of kelp
covered extensive areas in the mid-1800s and early (Laminaria spp.) and other fleshy algae flourish; inten-
1900s, were relatively stable until the 1940s, and under- sive grazing maintains barrens of mostly encrusting
went serious declines in the 1950s (Tegner and Dayton, coralline algae. In the early 1970s, a population explo-
1991; see maps in Tegner et al., 1996). Systematic diving sion of green urchins in Nova Scotia and subsequent
investigations began in the 1950s, and the proximal formation of many corralline barrens co-occurred with a
reason for the decline was reported to be intense sea- dramatic decline in commercial landings of American
urchin grazing (e.g., North and Pearse, 1970). Two lobsters (Homarus americanus). This led to the postulate
warm-temperate predators, spiny lobsters (Panulirus that lobsters controlled urchin populations, that release
interruptus) and a labrid fish, the sheephead (Semicossy- from this control by overfishing of lobsters led to the
phus pulcher), are near the northern boundary of their destructive grazing, and to considerable research. While
ranges in Southern California. Gut content studies, much was learned about physical and biological factors
laboratory experiments, field observations of urchin aecting kelpurchin interactions, the lobster model did
behaviour and size-frequency distribution in areas with not survive scrutiny. Predation by one or more species,
and without predators, and a sheephead removal study especially fish, was posed as an alternative hypothesis
(Tegner and Dayton, 1981; Cowen, 1983; Tegner and for the control of green urchins (Elner and Vadas, 1990).
Levin, 1983) oer strong evidence for an important role Historical records show that fishing in the Northwest
for these predators in the control of sea-urchin popu- Atlantic originated onshore and then expanded oshore
lations. Intense fishing has aected the abundance and (Aronson, 1990; Steneck, 1997). Oshore shallow-water
size distribution of spiny lobsters and sheephead on time refuges from trawling have oered insight into changes
scales consistent with the increase in urchin grazing in in nearshore community structure. Witman and Sebens
the 1940s1950s. This provides a more reasonable expla- (1992) compared predation on tethered brittle stars and
nation than the local extinction of sea otters in the early crabs at coastal and oshore (100 km) rocky ledges in
582 M. J. Tegner and P. K. Dayton

the Gulf of Maine. Large predatory fish, primarily cod Australasia

(Gadus morhua), but also wolsh (Anarhichas lupus),
were significantly more abundant at oshore locations, With no apparent sea-otter analogue in the Southern
and time-lapse studies indicated that these fish preyed Hemisphere, it has been suggested that its kelp forests
heavily on the tethered invertebrates. Vadas and Steneck are structured by much simpler two-tiered trophic inter-
(1995) conducted further observations and tethering actions, with insucient predation on sea urchins to
experiments with dierent species over a similar range of control their populations (Estes and Steinberg, 1988;
sites in the Gulf of Maine. Oshore sites had dense Andrew and MacDiarmid, 1991; Steinberg et al., 1995).
stands of kelps and foliose algae, but no large sea Algal abundance in two-tiered systems is thus more
urchins, crabs, or lobsters; these invertebrates were likely to be under bottom-up control with algae and
orders of magnitude more abundant at inshore sites, herbivores having strong selective influence on each
where rates of grazing on kelp were also much greater. other. Steinberg et al. (1995) proposed that relative to
There was an inverse relationship between sea urchins the North Pacific, the intensity of herbivory should be
and both kelp and large predatory fish, and tethering greater in temperate Australasia, resulting in stronger
experiments showed higher predation rates on both selection for seaweeds to produce chemical defences, and
urchins and lobsters at oshore sites. Big cod and in turn that Australasian herbivores be more tolerant to
pollock (Pollachius virens) were both largest and most algal defences. They indeed found that grazing rates
abundant at oshore sites; these fish visited oshore were higher, that kelps and rockweeds (order Fucales)
video recorders more often than intermediate locations had levels of secondary metabolites about five times
and were absent at inshore locations. Wolsh preyed on greater, and that sea urchins and gastropods were con-
the largest urchins tethered oshore, and both cod and siderably less deterred by phlorotannins in their food
wolsh preyed on the largest lobsters tested oshore. than in the North Pacific. Thus, Steinberg et al. (1995)
Inshore prey were all much smaller. To the extent that conclude that North Pacific and Australasian kelp eco-
these oshore historical relics reflect past community systems have evolved on fundamentally dierent tracks,
structure of the nearshore zone, urchin abundance driven by the presence or the absence of intense sea-otter
appears to reflect the eects of overharvest of large fish. predation on sea urchins.
Keats et al. (1986) reported green urchins to be a major Jones and Andrew (1990) review the roles of two
dietary component for wolsh in Newfoundland as echinoids that maintain large areas of reef free of large
well. brown algae, Centrostephanus rodgersii in New South
Witman and Sebens (1992), Vadas and Steneck Wales, Australia, and Evechinus chloroticus in northern
(1995), and Steneck (1997) review archaeological evi- New Zealand. In both cases, intense non-selective graz-
dence dating as far back as 4500 years, and historical ing can maintain barrens patches for years, and Evechi-
information, which suggests that coastal predatory fishes nus removal experiments led to the establishment of
(especially cod) were both larger and more abundant in Ecklonia radiata stands (Andrew, 1988). But the grazing
recent historical times than today. The widespread out- impact of sea urchins in the rest of temperate Australia
break of sea-urchin populations in the last 30 years in and of Evechinus in southern New Zealand is usually
this region is roughly correlated with declines in fish size insucient to create barrens, as these denuded habitats
and stocks. Wolsh were the primary predators of are not common (Jones and Andrew, 1990).
urchins in the experiments, but large cod, pollock, and Both spiny lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) and demersal
American plaice (Hipploglossoides platessoides) also fish (primarily the sparid snapper Pagrus auratus) prey
preyed on them. This suggests that community structure on Evechinus in northern New Zealand (Andrew, 1988;
of the Northwest Atlantic was controlled by a suite of Andrew and MacDiarmid, 1991). From gut content
large predatory fish species. This hypothesis is not studies, laboratory feeding experiments, and obser-
directly testable, but is strongly supported by historical, vations of co-occurrence, Andrew and collaborators
circumstantial, observational, and indirect experimental concluded that the available evidence was insucient to
evidence. The data do not rule out recruitment varia- conclude that predation was regulating urchin popu-
bility as a factor in the observed urchin population lations and thus the frequency of barrens habitat, or that
explosions, but this seems less likely given historical changes in predator abundance would lead to local
abundance of predatory fish. The marked dierences changes in urchin abundance. Like others, Andrew and
between communities dominated by large predatory fish MacDiarmid (1991) found the logistics of long-term
and kelps versus small predatory fish, crustaceans, caging experiments to be infeasible in the nearshore
urchins, and coralline algae suggest that human exploi- zone.
tation has had wide-ranging ecosystem eects in the Nevertheless spiny lobsters and snappers are subject
kelp communities of the Northwest Atlantic (Witman to intense fishing pressure in northern New Zealand
and Sebens, 1992; Vadas and Steneck, 1995; Steneck, (Babcock et al., 1999). These authors recently evaluated
1997). community changes in two kelp forest reserves
Ecosystem eects of fishing in kelp forest communities 583

established in 1975 and 1982. Both predators were Dayton (1985b) confirms Castillas (1985) observation
significantly more abundant and also larger inside the that South America has no predators that control Lex-
reserves compared with nearby unprotected areas, and echinus populations. The only predators observed were
kelp forests occupied a greater proportion of the avail- four Fusitriton magellanicus consuming small urchins
able habitat. Urchin-dominated areas occupied 14% of (Castilla, 1985) and Myenaster gelatinosus, which does
the reef substratum in reserves versus 40% in unpro- prey on Loxechinus but ineciently because of eective
tected areas, and for the reserve with previous data, escape behaviour (Dayton et al., 1977). The question is
urchin numbers had decreased from 4.9 to 1.4 m 2 since open as to whether predation has ever been eective.
1978 in areas formerly dominated by these echinoids. Dayton (1985b) mentioned the possibility that the large
The order of magnitude decrease in barrens habitat lithodid crab (Lithodes antarctica), which was often
between 1976 and 1996 was associated with a 58% observed eating bivalves, asteroids, and urchins, may
increase in primary productivity. Given the importance once have occurred in sucient density to have aected
of kelp to both direct and detrital food webs (Mann, sea-urchin populations before being virtually eliminated
1982), the ramifications of this change could be substan- by fishing (Compodonico, 1981). Darwins (1860)
tial. These data strongly suggest that urchin barrens reports of large kelp forests may have been stimulated
are an indirect consequence of fishing of spiny lobsters by what he saw in the south or perhaps there were
and snappers in northern New Zealand. Cole and predators that controlled urchin populations in the fjord
Keuskamps (1998) observations of higher Evechinus region.
mortality inside reserves support the conclusion that
predation can play a key regulatory role. These results
are not as dramatic as those caused by sea otters in Subantarctic islands
southeast Alaska, but may be analogous to the Aleutian Many of the Subantarctic Islands, including the
Islands (Estes and Duggins, 1995), where high rates of Falklands, Chathams, Gough, Tristan da Cunha,
sea-urchin recruitment appear to reduce the rate and Marion, Kerguelen, Macquarie, and the Auckland
degree of habitat transition from forest to barrens. At Islands, are reported to have large Macrocystis forests
any rate, Babcock et al. (1999) have demonstrated that (reviewed in Dayton, 1985a). The lack of a build-up of
fishing has ecological impacts in northern New Zealand sea urchins can be attributed to the strong Westwind
kelp forest communities far beyond the target species. Drift that sweeps away long-lived urchin larvae and the
The role of lobsters in other parts of this region is not absence of appropriate up-current larval source areas.
South Africa
South America Kelp communities of western South Africa are com-
Kelp forests of South America have many parallels with posed of extensive forests of Ecklonia maxima and
those elsewhere (Santelices and Ojeda, 1984a, b) regard- Laminaria pallida. With strong upwelling, a high kelp
ing potential competitive domination by a surface production to biomass ratio, and an extremely energetic
canopy (Macrocystis pyrifera) and sea urchins (Loxechi- wave environment, most production enters detritus food
nus albus). In contrast with the assertion in Castilla and webs and suspension feeders are the dominant con-
Moreno (1982), Castilla (1985), and Contreras and sumers (Velimirov et al., 1977). The small standing crop
Castilla (1987), urchins do overexploit kelps when of grazers indicates that little kelp production is passed
occurring at densities above 34 m 2 (they may exceed on to debris feeders, although sea urchins (Parechinus
100 m 2). Macrocystis exists in ephemeral patches angulosus) are the most abundant benthic grazers.
along the Atlantic coast of southern Argentina and in Parechinus does not form feeding fronts but does pro-
very large forests along the Beagle Channel and Cape duce isolated barren patches of a few to tens of metres in
Horn Islands as well as Isla de los Estados, where urchin 815 m depths. Because the prevailing swells apparently
densities are unusually low with a size distribution knock urchins o large plants, their impact is limited to
skewed toward large animals, suggesting that their lar- grazing on kelp recruits. Anderson et al. (1997) review
vae are carried away from shore by the Westwind Drift estimates that Parechinus consumes 1420% of the
(Dayton, 1985b). Macrocystis forests occur in the north- annual production of Ecklonia. The most important
ern regions of the Chilean fjords where there was intense predator in the system is the rock lobster (Jasus lalandii),
human fishing pressure on Loxechinus. The natural whose main diet is mussels; it in turn is preyed on by
distribution of Macrocystis extends well north into Peru seals, cormorants, dogfish, and octopus, and is also
(Mann, 1982). Since 1973, Chile has opened the fjord fished by humans (Velimirov et al., 1977).
coast to a large sea-urchin trawl fishery, and we know of Anderson et al. (1997) revisited the role of Parechinus,
no research on the present condition of kelp/urchin suggesting that the energy flow models that dominated
populations in the region. earlier research missed important structuring processes,
584 M. J. Tegner and P. K. Dayton

and that previous focus on the west coast of South state for most of the 1990s. The Southern California
Africa was less relevant in the warmer water east of fishery has greatly reduced the distribution and abun-
Cape Point. East of Cape Point, benthic grazers (mainly dance of red urchins, but potential ecosystem impacts
urchins) are more abundant, Parechinus are common in have been obscured by the grazing of non-exploited
shallow water, and juvenile Ecklonia are found in dis- urchin species, and climatic eects on kelp resources
proportionately high abundance on holdfasts of adults (e.g. Tegner et al., 1996, 1997).
relative to available rock surface. There is also an Severe overfishing of abalones has made field studies
inverse relationship between the cover of understory of competition with sea urchins impossible in Southern
algae and grazer densities. The immediate implications California. The north coast (San Francisco to the
pertain to kelp harvesting, which leads to holdfast death; Oregon border) has been reserved for recreational aba-
kelp recruitment is limited or delayed where benthic lone fishing since 1945. Access restrictions allowing only
grazers are numerous. This indicates a more important free-diving and shore-picking established a de facto
role for grazing, primarily by sea urchins, in this region, depth refuge (Karpov et al., 1998) that maintained high
and suggests that Parechinus could prevent recoloniz- levels of red abalone sport harvest in this region. Prior to
ation of areas cleared of kelp by harvesting or extreme the north coast sea-urchin fishery, red urchins domi-
storm damage (Anderson et al., 1997). The fundamental nated rocky bottoms below 67 m. After urchin fishing
dierences in structuring processes between west and began, there was substantial algal recruitment to depths
south-east coast kelp forests were underscored by recent of about 20 m, expanding abalone habitat and food
increases in Jasus abundance, which coincided with the supply. Red abalone densities have increased signifi-
virtual disappearance of Parechinus at sites on the south- cantly in shallow, high-use areas of the north coast in the
western Cape (Tarr et al., 1996). Anderson et al. (1997), 1990s, suggesting release from competition with red
predicting increases in kelp recruitment and understory urchins (CDFG, 1998).
algal cover, suggest that Jasus is capable of causing a Concern by fishermen that urchin-dominated barren
trophic cascade in the southwestern Cape region. grounds were increasing in New South Wales at the
expense of abalone habitat led Andrew et al. (1998) to
conduct a Centrostephanus removal experiment. Thirty
Fisheries for abalones and sea urchins replicates of at least 1000 m2 were used to compare
Abalones share similar food and habitat preferences dierent patterns of urchin removals. Clearing the echi-
with sea urchins in kelp forests of the North Pacific, noids led to a habitat shift from coralline crusts to a
Australasia, and South Africa. Abalones, however, feed range of foliose algae. Habitat change was accompanied
primarily on drift algae and probably have little eect on by an order-of-magnitude increase in abalones. Given
attached plants (Lowry and Pearse, 1973). In the North that barrens habitat occupies up to 50% of nearshore
Pacific, abalone and urchin abundances sucient to reefs, these results suggest that urchins limit the produc-
support fisheries clearly resulted from elimination of sea tivity of the abalone fishery. An incipient sea-urchin
otters by prehistoric or modern hunters (Estes, 1996). fishery oers the potential of enhancing the more
Fisheries for abalones predate those for urchins in many valuable abalone fishery, and Andrew et al. (1998)
areas; thus, an obvious question is the eect of abalone advocate development of an experimental approach to
fishing on kelp community structure. Salls (1991) found co-management of the two species.
prehistoric evidence for over-exploitation of abalones The relationship between abalones and sea urchins
below younger midden layers dominated by urchin involves more than competition. Juvenile abalones shel-
remains. In Southern California, intensive shallow water ter under the spine canopy of adult urchins in California
abalone fishing by non-native Americans took place (Tegner and Dayton, 1981), Japan (Kojima, 1981), and
from 1850 to 1900 (Cox, 1962). Commercial abalone South Africa (Tarr et al., 1996). The importance of this
fishing with modern gear began in the 1940s, maintained shelter was recently illustrated in South Africa, where
high annual landings until the late 1960s, and then began the apparent invasion of Jasus led to the virtual disap-
a precipitous decline (Dugan and Davis, 1993). The pearance of Parechinus and simultaneous loss of juvenile
apparent sea-urchin population explosion in the 1950s (<30 mm) Haliotis midae in two of four main abalone
and 1960s may have partially resulted from reduced fishing grounds. Day (1998) showed experimentally that
competition with abalones (North and Pearse, 1970). urchin removal resulted in dramatic local declines of
Sea urchins clearly have a detrimental eect on other abalone juveniles and recruits. She found that juveniles
grazers when food is limiting, but when food is abun- benefit from the association through protection from
dant, abalones may out-compete sea urchins for space predators, an enhanced food supply, and reduction in
(Lowry and Pearse, 1973). Fishing for red sea urchins the amount of time they need to spend exposed while
began in the early 1970s in Southern California (Tegner feeding. The Southern California sea-urchin fishery
and Dayton, 1991), expanded to Northern California in may have contributed to abalone recruitment failure
the late 1980s, and has been the largest fishery in the through reduction of juvenile habitat.
Ecosystem eects of fishing in kelp forest communities 585

Fishing in the Gulf of Maine has shifted from preda- oceanographic conditions (Tegner et al., 1996). Lower
tory groundfish such as cod to American lobsters (an latitude kelp forests of both North and South America
intermediate predator) and, starting in the late 1980s, to are greatly aected by El Nin o events (reviewed by
green sea urchins (Steneck, 1997). Whereas the top Tegner and Dayton, 1987; Dayton and Tegner, 1990).
trophic level is now functionally absent from the coastal Strong El Nin os such as the 19821984 event are associ-
zone and lobster landings have remained high or ated with greatly increased temperatures, depressed
increased, fishing has caused significant declines in thermoclines that render upwelling ineective, and
urchin abundance, resulting in increases in kelps and anomalous levels of poleward flow. Temperature
other macroalgae. Expanded kelp forests have led to anomalies of up to 11C caused mass mortality of
increased productivity and macroalgal detritus, and a Macrocystis integrifolia and associated animals o the
shift in lobster sheltering to kelp beds (Steneck, 1997). coasts of Peru and northern Chile. Anomalies of 45C
Thus, the urchin fishery and extended kelp beds may led to canopy loss and considerable mortality of
present a significant expansion of lobster habitat in M. pyrifera o the coasts of Baja California and part
coastal zones. Kelp forests are also nursery grounds for of Southern California; temperatures further north
juveniles of some large predatory fish and, recently, remained within the range of suitability. Extraordinary
pollock were seen for the first time in 20 years at sites storms during the 19821984 and 19971998 events
formerly devoid of kelps. This suggests that reduced further devastated kelp forests along most of the coast.
herbivory and increased macroalgal stands may aect These large-scale, low-frequency events of ocean climate
recruitment potential and resilience of groundfish stocks have many eects on the kelps (Tegner et al., 1997) and
(Steneck, 1997). on component animal populations. Important implica-
tions for community structure include greatly enhanced
recruitment of spiny lobsters and sheephead in Southern
Kelp harvesting California (Tegner and Dayton, 1987; Dayton and
Macrocystis pyrifera has been harvested since the Tegner, 1990).
early part of the 20th century in Southern and Central Factors aecting sea urchins and critical to kelp
California and Baja California. The regulated harvest community structure include strong recruitment, which
cuts only the upper 1.2 m of the surface canopy. This is often associated with anaomalous oceanographic con-
usually has no measurable impact on the plants or on ditions, storm-induced mortality, and disease. Evidence
the benthic community (Dayton et al., 1998). The that very large urchin recruitment events can swamp
canopy, however, is an important initial recruitment other mechanisms regulating their numbers, thus leading
habitat for several fish species (Carr, 1991); direct to deforestation, comes from southwestern Canada
impacts of kelp harvesting on these sensitive stages is (Foreman, 1977), Nova Scotia (Hart and Scheibling,
unknown. Depending on the season, high growth rates 1988), and California (Watanabe and Harrold, 1991).
lead to rapid (days to weeks) reformation of the canopy. Thus, regional dierences in predictability of recruit-
Whether juvenile fish shelter around kelp fronds lower in ment may account for some of the variation in occur-
the water column or face increased vulnerability to rences of urchin barrens (Watanabe and Harrold, 1991).
predation during the interim is an important unresolved Severe storms may cause massive urchin as well as kelp
question regarding the ecosystem eects of kelp mortality (Ebeling et al., 1985). Mass urchin mortalities
harvesting. have been followed by reforestation in California
Kelps are widely harvested, and population impacts (Pearse and Hines, 1979; Dayton et al., 1992), and Nova
are dependent on the frequency, intensity, and percent- Scotia (e.g., Scheibling, 1984). Indeed, Scheibling (1984)
age removal as well as life-history attributes of the target suggests that a sea-urchin pathogen is the critical mech-
species (reviewed by Vasquez (1995)). Harvest is similar anism for the switch from barrens to kelp forest in the
to physical and biological disturbance in that both aect Northwest Atlantic and notes the importance of ocean
the dominant population and modify the distribution temperature in triggering epizootics and the extent of
and abundance of associated plant and animal species. mortality. Similarly, increases in alternative food
Many ecosystem eects relate to details such as the sources, such as diatoms, drift algae from nearby areas,
timing of harvest relative to kelp reproduction, or the or simply intense kelp recruitment may reduce grazing
presence of benthic grazers. Given the high susceptibility pressure enough to allow recovery of kelp populations
of kelp forests to natural disturbances, well-managed (Harrold and Reed, 1985).
kelp harvest appears relatively benign.

Natural processes aecting community structure Discussion

Global kelp distributions mirror those of cold, nutrient- Understanding the ecosystem eects of fishing in kelp
rich waters, and productivity is sensitive to variability in forest communities presents spatial and temporal
586 M. J. Tegner and P. K. Dayton

challenges. First, each region discussed encompasses dierences in large fish and community structure
significant biogeographic variation in the physical and observed in the Gulf of Maine (Witman and Sebens,
biological factors controlling community structure. 1992; Vadas and Steneck, 1995) have not been reported
Examples include regional species dierences in urchin for Nova Scotia (Elner and Vadas, 1990). Whether this
predators in the Northeast Pacific, and the import- represents biogeographical dierences, the absence of
ant role of temperature in urchin disease outbreaks oshore refuges, or a lack of investigations into the role
(Scheibling, 1984), correlating with latitudinal varia- of cod and associates is not known. It is important not
bility in persistence of barrens in the Northwest Atlantic to generalize along biogeographical gradients, but it is
(Keats et al., 1986). Second, as highly accessible habi- equally important to ask the right questions. As with
tats, kelp forests have been fished with intensities suf- disease, it is unequivocal that oceanographic variability
ficient to alter community structure for hundreds of on scales ranging from storms (e.g., Ebeling et al., 1985)
years. Reliance on properly controlled manipulative to El Nin o events aects kelp availability (e.g., Tegner et
field experiments in existing ecosystems without pristine al., 1996), and thus the ratio between food and grazing
controls will almost certainly fail to elucidate the natural pressure (e.g., Harrold and Reed, 1985). Strong urchin
structuring mechanisms as they evolved, yet understand- recruitment events (e.g., Watanbe and Harrold, 1991)
ing of what natural resources could or should be under- can also trigger the shift between kelp forest and
lies all management actions. Unless we use all available barrens.
information to reconstruct pre-harvest states, the expec- In many cases, we may never understand the entire
tations based on a reduced resource will be inappropri- range of eects of fishing on the kelp ecosystem because
ate reference points for evaluating overfishing or important species (such as Stellers sea cow) are extinct
other disturbances, as well as establishing objectives for (Anderson, 1995), or so severely depleted (e.g., giant sea
restoration (Dayton et al., 1998). bass [Stereolepis gigas] o the coast of California
Sea otters are an uncontested example of human [Dayton et al., 1998]) that we can only guess at their
harvest of a single species having dramatic ecosystem community roles. Determination of the role of sea otters
impacts. In other cases, there is strong evidence that was delayed for at least a century because they were
exploitation of multiple predators (spiny lobsters and hunted to near extinction, but as they recovered under-
snappers in northern New Zealand and several demersal standing was facilitated by their discontinuous distri-
fishes in the Gulf of Maine) led to release of urchin butions and changes that have taken place in recent
populations and trophic cascades. It is likely that fish- decades. California kelp forest communities are missing
eries for both predators and competitors aected urchin many animal species, including most of the large fishes
populations in Southern California. Field experiments and several large invertebrates that once were common
of the appropriate scale to show ecosystem eects have (Dayton et al., 1998). Whether or not they had direct
been dicut in most cases and suer from fishery impacts on the kelps, they may have had diverse types of
interactions. The top trophic level is functionally absent indirect impacts on the community that no longer can be
from vast reaches of the Gulf of Maine (Steneck, 1997). studied. There is a challenge to biologists to identify
In other cases, urchin predators are still present, but at these ghosts and their lost biological interactions.
greatly reduced abundance with a shift to smaller sizes, Overfished coastal habitats with altered community
their community roles are dierent and they may be structure are not restricted to kelp forests, and no-take
unable to convert an urchin barren to a forested habitat marine protected areas have been critical for deter-
(e.g., Tegner and Levin, 1983; Dayton et al., 1998; mining natural community-structuring interactions in
Babcock et al., 1999). Similarly, abalones have been other habitats where sea-urchin grazing has caused
overfished almost worldwide, but two areas where they trophic cascades. These include macroalgal areas of the
have been better managed (New South Wales and Mediterranean (Sala et al., 1998) and Kenyan coral reefs
Northern California) support midden evidence for a role (McClanahan and Shafir, 1990). Areas with and without
for competitors in curbing sea-urchin populations predators have been critical to the understanding of
(Andrew et al., 1998; CDFG, 1998). predator roles in kelp forests in Alaska (e.g., Simenstad
That disease has controlled urchin populations in et al., 1978), New Zealand (Babcock et al., 1999), and
Nova Scotia and elsewhere in recent years is unequivo- the Gulf of Maine (Witman and Sebens, 1992; Vadas
cal, but this reality does not eliminate ecosystem eects and Steneck, 1995; Steneck, 1997). The north coast
of fishing. Plagues are generally thought to be catalysed region of California, which is a de facto abalone reserve
by overcrowding (e.g., McNeill, 1976); in nature this is (CDFG, 1998), oers information about the role of
often a result of reduced predation. Northwest Atlantic sea-urchin competitors. Protected areas oer a bench-
cod, especially coastal populations, were heavily fished mark with which to separate anthropogenic from
by Europeans as early as the 16th century, and cod and environmental change, as well as mechanisms for testing
associated species have been overexploited throughout dierent management tools. They also oer an oppor-
the region (Kurlansky, 1997). The onshoreoshore tunity to improve management designed to protect
Ecosystem eects of fishing in kelp forest communities 587

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