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J Neurochem. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 April 1.
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J Neurochem. 2010 April ; 113(2): 287302. doi:10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.06604.x.


Emma Perez-Costas, Miguel Melendez-Ferro, and Rosalinda C. Roberts*
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sparks Center (SC 865) 1720 7th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35294

Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that affects 1% of the world population. The disease
usually manifests itself in early adulthood with hallucinations, delusions, cognitive and emotional
disturbances and disorganized thought and behavior. Dopamine was the first neurotransmitter to
be implicated in the disease, and though no longer the only suspect in schizophrenia
pathophysiology, it obviously plays an important role. The basal ganglia are the site of most of the
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dopamine neurons in the brain and the target of antipsychotic drugs. In this review we will start
with an overview of basal ganglia anatomy emphasizing dopamine circuitry. Then, we will review
the major deficits in dopamine function in schizophrenia, emphasizing the role of excessive
dopamine in the basal ganglia and the link to psychosis.

Schizophrenia is a devastating mental illness that affects 1% of the world population (APA,
1994). The disease usually manifests itself in early adulthood with hallucinations, delusions
and disorganized thought and behavior. In addition, most patients suffer from cognitive
impairments and a subset of patients with schizophrenia also present enduring negative
symptoms (for example poverty of thought and speech, loss of motivation and affect)
(Andreasen and Olsen, 1982; Liddle, 1987; Carpenter et al., 1988; Goldman-Rakic, 1999;
Kirkpatrick et al., 2001; Arango et al., 2004). There is evidence that negative symptoms
develop prior to positive symptoms, thus children who eventually develop schizophrenia
show disturbances in attention and social behavior before overt psychosis (Carpenter et al.,
1988; Davies et al., 1998; Walker et al., 1999). Several risk factors including genetic
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vulnerability (Pulver, 2000; Pulver et al., 2000; DeLisi et al., 2002), environmental
influences and developmental issues (Fatemi and Folsom, 2009) have been identified for this
heterogeneous disease. Population studies, including twin and family studies indicate that
schizophrenia is highly heritable and probably due to a synergistic interaction of multiple
genes and environmental factors (Harrison and Weinberger, 2005). Neuropathological
studies have shown anomalies (often subtle) in many different brain areas including cerebral
cortex, thalamus, basal ganglia, limbic regions and the cerebellum (Harrison, 1999; Powers,
1999; Selemon and Goldman-Rakic, 1999; Lewis, 2000; Harrison and Weinberger, 2005;
Lewis and Sweet, 2009). Finally, several neurotransmitter systems are likely to be affected
in schizophrenia including dopamine (Carlsson and Lindqvist, 1963; Carlsson, 1988; Howes
and Kapur, 2009), glutamate (Kim et al., 1980; Coyle, 2006), GABA (Lewis, 2000; Lewis et
al., 2008) and serotonin (Meltzer, 1989; Remington, 2008).

Corresponding author: Rosalinda C. Roberts, PhD University of Alabama at Birmingham Sparks Center (SC 865) 1720 7th Avenue

South Birmingham, AL 35294 Phone: 2059969373 Fax: 2059969377

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The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia was put forth in the mid 20th century following
the discovery of antipsychotic drugs (Delay et al., 1952), the observation that antipsychotic
drugs affected dopamine metabolism (Carlsson and Lindqvist, 1963), and that the efficacy
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of antipsychotic drugs was directly linked to their ability to block the dopamine D2 receptor
(Creese et al., 1976; Seeman et al., 1976). Since then, the dopamine hypothesis has
continued to evolve from unidirectional-- too much dopamine in the basal ganglia linked to
psychosis (Seeman and Kapur, 2000)-- to now include too little dopamine in the prefrontal
cortex that is linked to cognitive deficits (Carlsson, 1988; Davis et al., 1991; Howes and
Kapur, 2009). The dopaminergic system of the basal ganglia manifests several anomalies in
schizophrenia and is also the primary site of action of typical antipsychotic drugs (Creese et
al., 1976; Seeman et al., 1976; Holcomb et al., 1996). In spite of the important role of
dopamine in this disease and that the majority of dopaminergic neurons and terminals are
housed in the basal ganglia, there are relatively few neuropathological studies published
concerning the basal ganglia (and especially the substantia nigra) and its involvement in the
neuropathology of schizophrenia. In the present review we will focus on neuroanatomical
evidence for anomalies in the basal ganglia dopamine system, and its implications for the
functioning of other brain regions. An overview of the basal ganglia anatomy and
connectivity with special emphasis in the dopaminergic system is provided for a better
conceptualization of the different anomalies observed.

Basal ganglia anatomy

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The basal ganglia consist of several functionally related nuclei involved in cortical-
subcortical circuits that modulate motor, cognitive and emotional behavior. The organization
of connections to, from, and within the basal ganglia, is topographically and functionally
organized (Alexander et al., 1986, 1990; Haber et al., 2000; Haber, 2003). The basal ganglia
include the following nuclei: caudate nucleus, putamen, nucleus accumbens, globus pallidus
(GP), subthalamic nucleus (STN), and the mesencephalic nuclei of the substantia nigra (SN)
and ventral tegmental area (VTA). While there are many neuroanatomical similarities
among species, the primate basal ganglia have specific features and therefore will be the
focus of this review.

The striatum
The mammalian striatum processes functionally different circuitry in specific regions (Smith
and Parent, 1986; Alexander et al., 1990; Parent and Hazrati, 1995; Haber et al., 2000;
McFarland and Haber, 2002; Tepper et al., 2007). The dorsal striatum includes most of the
caudate and putamen, while the ventral striatum includes the most ventral part of the caudate
and putamen, the nucleus accumbens and parts of the olfactory tubercle (Haber and
McFarland, 1999). The striatum is a major gate for the entrance of glutamatergic cortical
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and thalamic inputs to the basal ganglia (Alexander et al., 1986, 1990) as well as
dopaminergic inputs from the SN and VTA (Bjorklund and Dunnett, 2007) and serotonin
innervation (Lavoie and Parent, 1990). The striatum contains various neurochemically
distinct cell types, the most prevalent being the medium spiny projection neurons. In
humans, medium spiny neurons account for 75% of striatal cells, while in rodents the
percentage is higher (95%) (Graveland and DiFiglia, 1985). These neurons contain GABA
and either substance P or enkephalin in relatively equal proportions, and project largely and
almost exclusively to the SNr/GPi and GPe, respectively (Parent and Hazrati, 1995; Haber,
2003; Wilson, 2004). The remaining neurons are several types of aspiny interneurons,
including populations that are cholinergic, GABAergic, or contain NADPH diaphorase and
neuropeptide Y (Tepper and Bolam, 2004).

The caudate nucleus and putamen present a further level of heterogeneity: a

compartmentalization that has been demonstrated by the use of immunohistochemical

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markers (Graybiel and Ragsdale, 1978). Graybiel and Ragsdale (1978) defined these
anatomically distinct compartments as striosomes (patches) and extrastriosomal matrix
(matrix), though the presence of these compartments is less clear in ventral striatal areas in
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primates (Holt et al., 1997; Prensa et al., 1999a,b). These compartments differ from each
other in several ways including the content of neurotransmitters, peptides and receptors
(Graybiel and Ragsdale, 1978; Holt et al., 1997; Joel and Weiner, 2000), neuronal
organization (Penny et al., 1988; Walker et al., 1993), connectivity (Gerfen 1984, 1989),
developmental schedule (Graybiel and Hickey, 1982; van der Kooy and Fishell, 1987), and
behavioral function (White and Hiroi, 1998). Moreover, the patches and matrix themselves
are each inhomogeneous, with the patches having a belt and core (Holt et al., 1997; Prensa et
al., 1999a), and the matrix containing matrisomes, which are areas of focal afferents and
efferents (Graybiel et al., 1991). Most medium spiny neurons have their local axon
arborizations and dendritic trees located in the matrix or the striosomes, following strictly
compartmental boundaries (Penny et al., 1988). However, at least in primates, there are also
medium spiny neurons that do not respect these boundaries and have dendrites crossing from
one compartment to the other (Walker et al., 1993; Yung et al., 1996), allowing cross-talk
between compartments. Finally, ultrastructural analysis has shown that in the human
striatum the matrix and striosomes have marked differences in the frequency of various
types of synapses (Roberts and Knickman, 2002).

The nucleus accumbens and ventral striatum

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The ventral striatum includes the nucleus accumbens, the ventral parts of the caudate
nucleus and putamen, and parts of the olfactory tubercle (Heimer, 1978; Haber and
McFarland, 1999). The nucleus accumbens is divided into a peripherally located shell
surrounding a central core, each having different cell types, connections, synaptic
organization and receptor distribution (Groenewegen et al., 1999; Brauer et al., 2000). The
core of the nucleus accumbens is similar to the caudate nucleus and putamen, while the shell
displays a more diverse neurochemical content as well as a wider variety of connections
(Brauer et al., 2000; Meredith et al., 2008). In primates and rodents, the shell and core can
be distinguished by several markers (Haber and McFarland, 1999; Brauer et al., 2000). For
example, calbindin and dopamine localization are dense in the core and sparse in the shell,
while calretinin localization is the opposite (Haber and McFarland, 1999; Brauer et al.,
2000). Cytologically, the core and the lateral shell contain medium sized spiny neurons,
which are smaller and somewhat less spiny than those found in the dorsal striatum, while the
medial shell contains small sparsely spiny neurons (Meredith et al., 2008). Like the dorsal
striatum, the nucleus accumbens receives the vast majority of synapses from the cortex
(Haber and McFarland, 1999; Groenewegen et al., 1999). Dopaminergic innervation to the
nucleus accumbens terminates heterogeneously with the densest representation in the medial
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shell (Meredith et al., 2008).

The globus pallidus

The globus pallidus (GP) is composed of the external (GPe) and internal (GPi) segments as
well as a somewhat less defined rostral territory known as the ventral pallidum that lays
below the anterior commissure (Haber and McFarland, 1999). The GPe is involved in
internal communication among nuclei of the basal ganglia (Sato et al., 2000a; Kita, 2007),
while the GPi is one of the major inhibitory output areas of the basal ganglia (Nambu,
2007). The projection neurons in both segments of the GP are GABAergic, aspiny, and
comprise about 99% of pallidal neurons. In primates GPe projection neurons colocalize with
enkephalin (and project back to the striatum), or parvalbumin (and project to the GPi, SNr
and STN) (Kita, 2007). GABAergic neurons in the GPi project to several thalamic nuclei,
brainstem and spinal cord (Nambu, 2007).

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The subthalamic nucleus

The human subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a topographically organized (Benarroch, 2008),
homogeneous nucleus composed of glutamatergic projection neurons (Parent and Parent,
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2007) and a small percentage (7%) of GABAergic interneurons (Levesque and Parent,
2005). This nucleus is directly interconnected with most of all the other components of the
basal ganglia except the striatum (Haber and McFarland, 1999; Benarroch, 2008). It receives
excitatory inputs from the thalamus, pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN) and in primates, as
opposed to other species, only a sparse cortical connection (Frankle et al., 2006). The STN
also receives cholinergic and GABAergic projections from the PPN (Charara et al., 1996;
Benarroch, 2008) and dopamine inputs (Marani et al., 2008). In primates, the STN projects
to the SN compacta, SN reticulata, PPN, and both segments of the GP (Parent and Smith,
1987; Shink et al., 1996; Sato et al., 2000b; Benarroch, 2008).

The substantia nigra (compacta and reticulata) and ventral tegmental area
The substantia nigra can be divided into the pars compacta (SNc) and pars reticulata (SNr)
(Bjorklund and Dunnett, 2007). The SNc and the VTA contain predominantly, if not
exclusively, dopamine neurons. The SNc can be subdivided into a dorsal tier and a ventral
tier following cytoarchitectonic and chemoarchitectonic criteria (Halliday, 2004). The dorsal
tier includes the sparsely distributed cells of the most dorsal part of the SNc, the nucleus
parabrachialis pigmentosus and the VTA. The aspiny neurons are oriented with the long axis
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of the cell and dendrites extending parallel to the nucleus. The ventral tier contains neurons
that have one or more dendrites extending into the SNr along with columns of dopaminergic
cells that extend in a finger-like fashion into the SNr (Carpenter and Peter, 1972; Halliday,
2004; Nieuwenhuys et al., 2008). The dopamine cells of the dorsal tier contain calbindin,
while those of the ventral tier are devoid of calbindin (Cote et al., 1991; Parent et al., 1996).
Other classical nomenclature (Dahlstrom and Fuxe, 1964) following chemoarchitectonic
criteria divides the mesencephalic dopaminergic populations in three groups (A8, A9 and
A10) which roughly corresponds to the nucleus parabrachialis pigmentosus, the SNc, and
the VTA, respectively (Bjorklund and Dunnett, 2007; Nieuwenhuys et al., 2008).

The activity of dopaminergic cells has a complex modulation. The majority of the synapses
on dopamine neurons are GABAergic (inhibitory), and originate from neurons in the
striatum and GP (Tepper and Lee, 2007). Excitatory glutamatergic and/or cholinergic
afferents originate from neurons in the PPN, STN, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and
sparsely from prefrontal cortex (in primates) (Lavoie and Parent, 1990, 1994; Charara et al.,
1996; Frankle et al., 2006). Various experimental manipulations have shown a role of the
GP and STN in regulating somatodendritic dopamine release in the SN under normal and
experimental conditions (Cobb and Abercrombie, 2003).
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The SNr is the other major inhibitory output area of the basal ganglia (Deniau et al., 2007;
Marani et al., 2008) and is comprised of aspiny GABAergic projection neurons, many of
which are colocalized with parvalbumin (Cote et al., 1991). The structure of the SNr is
perforated by dopamine cell columns and descending dendrites from neurons of the ventral
tier of the SNc. Axon collaterals from SNr neurons synapse with dopaminergic neurons in
the SNr (Tepper and Lee, 2007). The SNr is the source of the so-called ultra-short
pathway, in which dopamine released from dendrites in the SNr enhances the firing rate of
GABAergic projection neurons (Zhou et al., 2009). The excitatory action of dopamine on
the GABAergic neurons is mediated by a D1,5 receptor mechanism (Zhou et al., 2009).

Basal ganglia pathways

In the striatum, two main types of medium spiny neurons have been identified that
participate in two classically described pathways in the basal ganglia, the direct pathway

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and the indirect pathway (Alexander et al., 1986, 1990; Hedreen and DeLong, 1991;
Smith et al., 1998; Tepper et al., 2007). It is important to note that they are not completely
independent and are interconnected at several levels (Yung et al., 1996; Parent et al., 2000;
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Sato et al, 2000a,b).

The direct pathway involves the GABAergic medium spiny neurons that express
substance P and dopamine D1 receptors (Gerfen, 1992; Parent and Hazrati, 1995). These
neurons send projections to the GPi and the SNr and synapse on GABAergic projection
neurons in both output nuclei. Thus, in a rather simplistic scheme they inhibit the
GABAergic output of the basal ganglia and as a consequence of this, disinhibit the activity
of the thalamus (Deniau and Chevalier, 1985; Smith et al., 1998; Wilson, 2004).

The indirect pathway involves GABAergic medium spiny neurons that express enkephalin
and have dopamine D2 receptors (Gerfen, 1992; Parent and Hazrati, 1995). These neurons
contact GABAergic cells of the GPe, which project to the STN (Carpenter et al., 1981).
Glutamatergic neurons in the STN project to the GPi and the SN (Nauta and Cole, 1978;
Carpenter et al., 1981; Smith et al., 1990; Shink et al., 1996). When the medium spiny
striatal neurons are activated by glutamatergic inputs they inhibit the GPe, thus disinhibiting
the glutamatergic neurons of the STN. The enhanced excitatory signal to the GABAergic
neurons in the GPi and SNr produces inhibition of the thalamus (Alexander et al., 1986,
1990; Smith et al., 1998).
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More recently a third basal ganglia pathway has been described called the hyperdirect
pathway (Nambu et al., 2002; Nambu, 2004). This pathway avoids the striatum altogether
and consists of a series of connections between motor cortex, STN, and the GPi (Aron and
Poldrack, 2006). The purpose of this pathway is to inhibit actions that have already been
initiated (Aron and Poldrack, 2006). Lesion studies in animals and imaging studies in people
suggest that disturbance of this pathway plays a role in impulsive behaviors (Aron and
Poldrack, 2006).

Dopamine in the basal ganglia

Dopamine neurons have been studied for over fifty years (Iversen and Iversen, 2007) and the
dopamine cell groups are organized by name (nigrostriatal, mesolimbic, and mesocortical)
or number (A8 to A16) (Dahlstrom and Fuxe, 1964; Bjorklund and Dunnett, 2007; Smith
and Kieval, 2000). The SNc and the VTA constitute the two major sources of dopamine
neurons in the basal ganglia. They are involved in the modulation of the neurotransmission
within the basal ganglia through their projection to the striatum (nigro-striatal pathway) and
to a lesser extent to the GP and the STN (Prensa et al., 2000). These dopaminergic cell
masses are also a main output of the basal ganglia reaching different brain areas, including
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several cortical areas, the thalamus and the amygdala (Bjorklund and Dunnett, 2007). In
addition, dopamine modulation is not limited to the synapse but can diffuse to bind to
different dopaminergic receptors outside the synaptic cleft, thus modifying the activity of the
cells that possess these receptors (Garris et al., 1994; Yung et al., 1995). As well, dendritic
dopamine release occurs from dendrites that are interdigitated within the SNr and provide
excitation to the nearby GABAergic neurons (Zhou et al., 2009).

Although most of the dopaminergic neurons in the basal ganglia are located in the SN and
VTA, another source of dopamine has been identified in the striatum where dopaminergic
neurons are present in non human primates (Betarbet et al., 1997; Huot and Parent, 2007)
and human (Prensa et al., 2000; Cossette et al., 2005). These dopaminergic striatal neurons
express the dopamine transporter and most colocalize markers of GABA (Huot and Parent,
2007). The number of dopamine neurons increases upon experimental manipulation (Bedard
et al., 2006). There is evidence that these neurons can be generated de novo in the adult

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brain (Bedard et al., 2006) or the dopamine phenotype may be expressed in existing neurons
(Huot and Parent, 2007). Either way, the increase in number of neurons expressing
dopamine may act as a compensatory source of dopamine when the nigrostriatal
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dopaminergic system is compromised in illnesses such as Parkinson's disease (Porritt et al.,


There is a topographical organization for dopaminergic connections in which projections

from the most dorsal areas of the caudate nucleus and putamen contact the ventral cell
elements of the mesencephalic dopaminergic groups and vice versa, while the medial lateral
topography is not reversed (Lynd-Balta and Haber, 1994; Parent and Hazrati, 1995; Haber et
al., 2000). Neurons in the different tiers of the SNc have particular targets. The dorsal tier
and the medial part of the ventral tier project to the ventromedial striatum, which includes
the nucleus accumbens, parts of the olfactory tubercle and the ventral parts of the caudate
nucleus and putamen (Haber et al., 2000). The remainder of the ventral tier projects to
central associative areas of the striatum, while the dopaminergic cell columns that extend
into the SNr project to the dorsolateral sensorimotor striatal zone (Lynd-Balta and Haber,
1994; Haber et al., 2000). Even with this topographical organization, there is no complete
segregation of these fibers, and in fact, Francois et al. (1999) have shown that each
mesencephalic dopaminergic cell group contributes to the innervation of all parts of the
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Dopaminergic innervation to the striatum is heterogeneous with different cell groups

projecting to either the patches or the matrix (Gerfen et al., 1987; Langer and Graybiel,
1989). Ventral tier neurons and dopamine cell columns that invade the SNr reach
preferentially the striosomal compartments of the dorsal striatum (Gerfen et al., 1987, Lynd-
Balta and Haber, 1994; Prensa and Parent, 2001; Bentivoglio and Morelli, 2005). The dorsal
tier innervates the matrix compartment of the dorsal striatum (Gerfen et al., 1987; Lynd-
Balta and Haber, 1994; Prensa and Parent, 2001; Bentivoglio and Morelli, 2005), but in
primates does not innervate the post-commissural putamen (Haber et al., 2000). Dopamine
neurons in the VTA mainly target the ventromedial region of the nucleus accumbens shell
and core with the densest dopaminergic innervation being in the medial shell (Meredith et
al., 2008). Dopamine neurons in the dorsal tier and in the retrorubral fields project to the
patches in the nucleus accumbens (Gerfen et al. 1987). Interestingly, the pattern of
dopamine innervation to the patches and matrix varies during development (Graybiel, 1984)
with evidence for lower levels in the striosomes compared to the matrix in the adult
(Graybiel et al., 1987).

Mesencephalic dopamine neurons send projections to other areas of the basal ganglia
including the GP, particularly the GPi, and the STN (Parent and Smith, 1987; Hedreen,
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1999) where synaptic contacts are made (Smith and Kieval, 2000). Two types of projections
exist, dopamine neurons that project mainly to the GP and STN with few collaterals to the
striatum, and the opposite pattern (Hedreen, 1999). Dopaminergic terminals in both the GP
and STN form symmetric axodendritic synapses (Smith and Kieval, 2000). Recently,
dopamine pathways to the thalamus have been demonstrated in human and non human
primates (Sanchez-Gonzalez et al., 2005; Melchitzky et al., 2006; Garcia-Cabezas et al.,
2007). Using immunohistochemistry, Garcia-Cabeza et al. (2007) reported dopaminergic
axons in almost all human thalamic nuclei, but the densest distribution was observed in the
midline, medial dorsal, lateral posterior, ventral anterior and ventral lateral nuclei. Using
tract tracing in monkeys, the dopamine innervation was shown to arise from several sources,
namely the hypothalamus, mesencephalon, lateral parabrachial nucleus and A11 region
(Sanchez-Gonzalez et al., 2005).

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Dopaminergic synapses
Dopaminergic axons form predominantly symmetric synapses (Smith and Kieval, 2000). In
the striatum, dopamine inputs target mainly medium spiny projection neurons, but also form
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synapses with various aspiny interneuron populations (Smith et al., 1994, 2004). In human
striatum, as in other species, symmetric axospinous and axodendritic synapses are made by
boutons labeled with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate limiting enzyme for the synthesis
of dopamine (Kung et al., 1998) (Figure 1). Inputs from the SN and glutamatergic afferents
from either cortex or thalamus converge on the same spines of medium spiny neurons
(Smith et al., 1994). Most thalamic inputs also end on dendritic spines and therefore could
also be modulated by dopaminergic afferents (Sadikot et al., 1992; Smith et al., 2004; Raju
et al., 2006). This suggests that a major function of dopaminergic inputs to the striatum is
the regulation of the glutamatergic pathways. However, the relationship among striatal
dopaminergic terminals, transporters and receptors suggests additional anatomical substrates
for the control of glutamate release by dopamine, or the reciprocal (Descarries et al., 1996).
For example, many direct, non-synaptic appositions occur between TH-labeled and non-
labeled boutons forming asymmetric synapses (Figure 1). The dopamine transporter is found
at both synaptic and non-synaptic sites, consistent with the possibility of dopamine release
from sites other than typical synapses (Descarries et al., 1996; Nirenberg et al., 1996). In the
other basal ganglia regions where dopaminergic axons terminate (the GP and STN),
synapses are symmetric and end on dendrites (Smith and Kieval, 2000).
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Dopamine receptors
Two major types of dopamine receptors have been identified: D1-like receptors which
include D1 and D5, and D2-like receptors which include D2 [with further subtypes D2
short, D2 long and D2 longer], D3 and D4 receptors (Iversen and Iversen, 2007).
Dopaminergic receptors are present in several brain areas coinciding with the projection
areas for dopaminergic inputs. The distribution of these dopaminergic receptors is
heterogeneous in the density and type of receptor expressed (Palacios et al., 1988; Civelli et
al., 1991; Lahti et al., 1995) which is important for the modulatory action of dopamine in the
cells that possess those receptors. There is also heterogeneity in the location of these
receptors; D2 and D3 dopamine receptors are located not only postsynaptically but also
presynaptically acting as autoreceptors, while D1, D4 and D5 are only present
postsynaptically (Sesack et al., 1994). In the striatum all types of dopaminergic receptors
have been identified but a certain regionalization of the expression of some of these
receptors has been found [i.e., D2 and D4 are predominantly present in the caudate nucleus
and putamen, while D3 is present exclusively in the ventral striatum (Lahti et al., 1995)]. In
addition, the dopaminergic cells in the SN express D2 receptors that act as autoreceptors.
Other brain areas with a major presence of dopaminergic receptors include the cerebral
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cortex, thalamus, hypothalamus and cerebellum (Lahti et al., 1995; De Keyser et al., 1998).
In the cerebral cortex all types of dopamine receptors have been identified, with D1-like
receptors being more abundant in the prefrontal cortex, however D2-like receptors are also
present (de Almeida et al., 2008).

Dopamine activity
Dopamine affects its targets in a very heterogeneous manner depending on the receptor
subtype activated (Smith and Villalba, 2008). Activation of the D1 receptor facilitates
depolarization and enhances the activity of striatal neurons in the direct pathway, while
activation of the D2 receptor inhibits the activity of indirect pathway neurons (Gerfen et al.,
1991; Gerfen, 2000). Dopamine inhibits striatal GABAergic interneurons, but has mixed
actions on cholinergic interneurons. Activation of the D2 receptor decreases acetylcholine
release while activation of the D1 receptor has the opposite action (Abercrombie and
DeBoer, 1997). Dopamine depolarizes STN neurons, increases their activity and modulates

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the effect of GABAergic afferents (Cragg et al., 2004). In the GPe, dopamine is also
stimulatory (Smith and Villalba, 2008).
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Reward and the dopamine system

The dopaminergic system in the basal ganglia plays a key role in arousal, emotion-driven
behavior and motivation (Dreher et al., 2009). In addition, the dopamine system plays a
major role in the recognition and prediction of reward, in selecting guiding behaviors to
obtain rewards (planning), as well as in reward-base reinforcement learning (Wichmann and
DeLong, 1996; Wilson, 2004; Hong and Hikosaka, 2008). Tract tracing in non-human
primates has revealed that a large region of the striatum receives inputs from reward related
cortical regions (Haber et al., 2006). Electrophysiological recordings of the activity of
midbrain dopamine neurons in non-human primates have shown that presentation of a
reward elicits a phasic increase in dopamine cell activity (Schultz, 1998, 2002). With
learning, the midbrain dopamine system becomes active in anticipation of a forthcoming
reward, rather than upon delivery of the reward itself, and becomes quiescent upon the
failure to receive an expected reward. Thus, there is a relationship between the firing
characteristics of midbrain dopamine neurons and the ability to predict rewards in advance
and whether predictions are verified or not. Functional MRI studies in humans also
implicate the dopamine system in reward (Knutson and Cooper, 2005; Rolls et al., 2009).
For example, using a probabilistic decision task, Rolls et al. (2009) found that prediction
error activated the ventral striatum and midbrain. Moreover, different processes involved in
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reward activate specific basal ganglia components (Knutson et al., 2001). Specifically,
activation of the VTA reflects a positive reward prediction error, whereas the ventral
striatum encodes both positive and negative reward prediction errors (D'Ardenne et al.,

Basal ganglia pathology in schizophrenia

Schizophrenia pathology is not restricted to a specific brain region and in fact anomalies
have been reported across the rostro-caudal extent of the brain (Harrison, 1999; Powers,
1999; Selemon and Goldman-Rakic, 1999; Lewis, 2000; Harrison and Weinberger, 2005;
Lewis and Sweet, 2009). However, the study of anomalies in the basal ganglia is especially
important due to the fact that these brain nuclei are one of the major targets for the
antipsychotic drugs currently available and routinely administered to schizophrenia patients.
Unfortunately, there are many confounds which plague schizophrenia research including
heterogeneity of symptoms, side effects of medications, substance abuse, response to
treatment, suicide and the fact that there are no complete animal models for the disease.
Unlike many neurodegenerative diseases, there is no diagnostic pathology for schizophrenia
or other neuropsychiatric disorders. Finally, similar abnormal findings to the ones present in
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schizophrenia are often found in a number of other diseases as well, especially bipolar

Striatal pathology
Different pathological anomalies have been identified in the striatum in schizophrenia both
in patients treated with antipsychotic drugs and in drug-nave individuals. Grossly, the
striatum of neuroleptic nave schizophrenia subjects is smaller than normal, but upon
antipsychotic treatment with several but not all drugs, the striatum enlarges (Brandt and
Bonelli, 2008). Surface deformation mapping results have shown localized volume
decreases in both the caudate nucleus and putamen in neuroleptic free patients; such changes
were most pronounced in the associative striatum and affective flattening was correlated
with abnormalities in the anterior putamen (Mamah et al., 2007; Ballmaier et al., 2008).
Interestingly, such alterations in shape have also been found in bipolar disorder (Hwang et

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al., 2006). Moreover, the siblings of schizophrenia patients showed intermediate changes
between that of controls and their ill siblings (Mamah et al., 2008). Offspring of
schizophrenia patients also have smaller caudate nuclei (Rajarethinam, et al., 2007). Taken
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together, these data suggest that gross morphological changes in the caudate nucleus and/or
putamen may be a core feature of the illness or confer a risk factor.

At the cellular level, deficits in number of cells and anomalies in the expression of different
cellular markers have also been identified. For example, recent stereological analysis has
shown approximately a 10% decrease in cell number in the caudate nucleus and putamen
(Kreczmanski et al., 2007). Also the expression of many different receptors,
neurotransmitters and transporters seems to be altered (Kleinman et al., 1985; Korpi et al.,
1986; Simpson et al., 1992; Lahti et al., 1998; Holt et al., 1999; Nudmamud-Thanoi et al.,
2007). Cellular metabolism is compromised in schizophrenia including antipsychotic nave
patients, and metabolic rate, as measured by regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), improves
in patients who respond to treatment (Buchsbaum et al., 1992; Buchsbaum and Hazlett,
1998). Consistent with metabolic abnormalities are studies showing mitochondrial defects in
subjects with schizophrenia (Kung and Roberts, 1999; Prince et al., 1999; Ben-Shachar,
2002; Ben-Shachar and Laifenfeld, 2004), including genetic, metabolic, structural, and
enzymatic alterations, many of which occur in the basal ganglia (Ben-Shachar, 2002).
However, the implications of mitochondrial pathology are broad and have been noted in a
number of diseases including neurodegenerative diseases and other psychiatric disorders
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(Fattal et al., 2006; Pieczenik and Neustadt, 2007).

At the ultrastructural level most of the studies performed by our group and others have
concentrated on anomalies found at the synaptic level, with some studies also reporting
abnormalities in glial cells (Roberts et al., 1996, 2005a,b, 2008; Uranova et al.,1996, 2001,
2007). Our work has concentrated on synaptic organization, and anatomical indicators of
synaptic function. In summary, initially we found that the size of striatal dendritic spines
was smaller in schizophrenia (Roberts et al., 1996), a change that appeared to be unrelated to
medication (Kelley et al., 1997), and one that could impact on synaptic efficacy. Later we
found more synapses in the caudate nucleus in a mixed cohort of schizophrenia patients
(Roberts et al., 2005a). When examining the patch and matrix compartments, these synaptic
changes were specific to the caudate matrix and revealed in the putamen patches (Roberts et
al., 2005b). Specifically, the types of synapses that were increased in density were
morphologically similar to glutamatergic inputs from the cortex or the thalamus (Smith et
al., 1994). Our subsequent study investigated whether these changes were present in two
different subgroups of patients based on DSM-IV subtypes (Roberts et al., 2008). The
synaptic density of synapses characteristic of glutamatergic inputs was elevated equivalently
in striatal patches in chronic paranoid and chronic undifferentiated subjects versus controls.
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The chronic undifferentiated subjects also had an increased density of glutamatergic-type

synapses in the striatal matrix compared to controls (Roberts et al., 2008). Moreover,
synapses characteristic of intrinsic inhibitory inputs and dopaminergic afferents, showed
differences in synaptic density between the two subgroups in the caudate matrix. These data
show discrete differences in synaptic organization between subtypes of schizophrenia, and
support an anatomical distinction between these subtypes of schizophrenia, perhaps based
on differing symptoms. The results suggest that abnormal corticostriatal and/or
corticothalamic inputs to striatal patches may be related to limbic dysfunction, which is
perturbed in both subtypes of schizophrenia subjects. The selective increase in
glutamatergic-type synapses in the matrix of the chronic undifferentiated subgroup
compared to that of the paranoid group may be related to the more severe cognitive
problems that undifferentiated patients typically suffer compared to paranoid patients. A
recent imaging study has revealed increased glutamate levels in the caudate nucleus of drug-
free and treated schizophrenia subjects, which supports our findings of increased

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glutamatergic synapses in various subtypes of subjects with schizophrenia (de la Fuente-

Sandoval et al., 2009).
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Substantia nigra pathology

Postmortem and imaging studies of the human SN in schizophrenia subjects indicate the
existence of pathology in the dopaminergic system (Averback, 1981; Bogerts et al., 1983;
Owen et al., 1984; Toru et al., 1988; Kolomeets and Uranova, 1999; Mueller et al., 2004;
Kessler et al., 2009). The few neuropathological studies of the SN in schizophrenia
performed to date have been in small sample sets, and anomalies were regionally specific.
Some studies have reported that neurons in the SN have a pale appearance (Nagaska, 1925),
show signs of degeneration (Averback, 1981), have reduced volume (Bogerts et al., 1983),
and show altered patterns of neurophysin labeling (Mai et al., 1993). At the electron
microscopic level, smaller axon terminals, hyperplasia of mitochondria, and abnormal
lamellar structures have been reported (Uranova and Levite, 1987; Kolomeets and Uranova,
1997, 1999) which could indicate possible anomalies in neurotransmission and metabolism
in the SN.

Dopamine anomalies in the basal ganglia and connected structures in

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Dysregulation of the dopamine system plays a critical role in psychosis, diminished

cognition, abnormal reward function, and movement disorders, all of which are manifested
in schizophrenia. However, defects in dopamine transmission are also implicated in other
psychiatric illnesses including major depression (Dunop and Nemeroff, 2007), bipolar
disorder (Cousins et al., 2009), and addiction (Wanat et al., 2009).

In the striatum, anomalies of dopamine synthesis, storage and release have been reported in
antipsychotic nave patients with most of these studies pointing towards an overactive
striatal dopaminergic system. The striatum of schizophrenia patients displays augmentation
of presynaptic dopamine function, indicating an increase in dopamine synthesis capacity
and/or an increase in presynaptic dopamine stores (Hietala et al., 1995, 1999; Breier et al.,
1997; Abi-Dargham et al., 1998). Neuroleptic nave schizophrenia subjects show increases
in striatal presynaptic dopamine synthesis (Hietala et al., 1995, 1999), and elevations in
striatal D2 receptors (Wong et al., 1986, 1990). Enhanced striatal dopamine levels, synthesis
and release are also present in drug nave or drug free schizophrenia subjects (Abi-Dargham
et al., 2009; Lyon et al., 2009; Nozaki et al., 2009). In first degree relatives of schizophrenia
subjects, striatal dopamine synthesis is higher (Huttunen et al., 2007) and abnormalities in
D2 receptors are present (Lee et al., 2008). Moreover, elevated striatal dopamine function is
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

correlated with prodromal psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia (Howes et al., 2009). Taken
together, increases in striatal dopamine appear to be a core feature of the illness, predate the
psychotic break, and may be a risk factor for the disease.

In the substantia nigra high variability of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) levels, as well as
increases on homovanillic acid, and glutamate receptor subunits have been reported (Owen
et al., 1984; Toru et al., 1988; Mueller et al., 2004). Toru et al (1988) have reported overall
increases in TH in the striatum and in the substantia nigra in schizophrenia compared to
controls, with some subjects showing normal levels while a small subset showed much
higher levels (shown only for the striatum in this report). Other recent reports also have
shown a higher variability of TH protein expression in the substantia nigra of schizophrenia
compared to controls (Perez-Costas et al, 2007; Perez-Costas et al, 2009). The dysregulation
in TH synthesis and dopamine release, as well as increased D2 receptors in the substantia
nigra, which are mainly inhibitory autoreceptors, point to anomalies in the dopaminergic

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neurotransmission in schizophrenia (Kessler et al., 2009) and also correlate with the
presence of anomalies of dopaminergic transmission in the striatum that were previously
addressed in this review.
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Other areas of the brain that receive dopamine innervation are also affected in schizophrenia
including the thalamus and the cortex (Joyce and Meador-Woodruff, 1997; Cohen et al.,
1998; Winterer and Weinberger, 2004; Takahashi et al., 2006).

In the thalamus the reported anomalies include a full array of pathologies affecting the
availability of dopamine, recycling of dopamine through the dopamine transporter and levels
of dopamine receptors (Clinton and Meador-Woodruff, 2004; Byne et al., 2009). Subjects
with schizophrenia present increased dopamine concentrations (Oke and Adams, 1987) as
well as increases in binding of the dopamine transporter (Arakawa et al., 2009). The D2 and
D2/3 receptor levels and availability are decreased in drug nave patients (Buchsbaum et al.,
2006; Takahashi et al., 2006; Kessler et al., 2009), indicating that these changes are not
related to medication. Dopamine abnormalities are also present at the level of intracellular
integration of dopamine signaling with other neurotransmitter systems (Clinton et al., 2005).

In the cortex postmortem studies have shown that the proportion of the different subtypes of
D2 receptors is similar between patients and controls but the expression is altered in several
regions (Wong et al., 1986; Seeman and Kapur, 2000; Abi-Dargham et al., 2000; Tallerico et
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

al., 2001; Roberts et al., 1994). There are reports of decreased D2 receptor levels in the
anterior cingulate and temporal cortex of drug-nave patients (Suhara et al., 2002;
Tuppurainen et al., 2003), increased levels in the orbital and temporal gyri and in the
prefrontal cortex (Roberts et al., 1994; Tallerico et al., 2001), and alterations in the laminar
distribution (Goldsmith et al., 1997). Quantitative analysis of TH labeling in postmortem
schizophrenia brain has revealed anomalies that are also cortical region and layer specific
(Akil et al., 1999, 2000). These anatomical changes include decreases in the density of TH
and in the length of dopaminergic axons, observations that appear to be disease specific and
independent of medication (Akil et al., 1999, 2000). PET studies comparing healthy pairs of
twins (mono and dizygotic) with pairs of twins discordant for schizophrenia have shown that
in all cases both the twins suffering from schizophrenia and their healthy co-twins presented
higher levels of D1 receptors in the prefrontal cortex (Hirvonen et al., 2006). This points out
that the anomaly observed is not an exclusive feature of the disease but it is related with a
higher risk of suffering schizophrenia. In their PET study, Hirvonen et al. (2006) also
showed that chronic treatment with antipsychotics produces a widespread downregulation of
D1 receptor expression not only in the cortex. Decreased dopamine function in prefrontal
cortex has been hypothesized to be related to the cognitive dysfunctions observed in
schizophrenia (Goldman-Rakic, 1999).
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Dopamine levels and treatment response/resistance

Not all patients respond to treatment and in those who do, only psychotic symptoms are
usually improved (Kane et al., 1988). Treatment response is defined along a gradient with
only 5%-10% of patients experiencing a full recovery. Approximately 60% of patients
experience a partial response to treatment but the remainder patients are treatment resistant,
despite several antipsychotic trials of adequate dose and length (Laruelle et al., 1999; Conley
and Kelly, 2000, 2001; Kane et al., 1988).

Numerous neuroimaging studies have shown a relationship between pathophysiology and

the degree of treatment response in schizophrenia (Stern et al., 1993; Bilder et al., 1994;
Beerpoot et al., 1996; Sheitman and Lieberman, 1998; Staal et al., 2001; Arango et al., 2003;
Altamura et al., 2005; Mitelman et al., 2005). Lower pretreatment metabolic rate in the
striatum is predictive of good treatment outcome, and good responders showed greater

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striatal response compared to poor responders (Buchsbaum et al., 1992). Enhanced

dopamine release upon amphetamine stimulation has been reported in treatment responsive
subjects versus controls and treatment resistant subjects (Abi-Dargham et al., 2000). In other
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words, schizophrenia subjects with high striatal dopamine release are far more responsive to
antipsychotic drugs than those patients who have dopamine levels lower than or comparable
to that of normal controls (Abi-Dargham et al., 2000). There could be several explanations
for these data, including but not limited to: differential affinity for dopamine receptors,
different postsynaptic mechanisms, and/or different amounts of dopamine. Differential
blockade of D2 receptors does not appear to be responsible since treatment resistant patients
have 95% D2 receptor occupancy (Coppens et al., 1991). We examined dopamine
innervation in the caudate nucleus in an ultrastructural study of schizophrenia subjects
divided by treatment response (Roberts et al., 2009). The density of all dopaminergic
synapses in treatment responders was significantly greater than in controls and in treatment
resistant cases. The larger number of dopaminergic synapses in treatment responsive
subjects (Roberts et al., 2009) is consistent with in vivo studies that have measured
dopamine content in live patients and suggest that one anatomical underpinning of good
treatment response may be more striatal terminals synthesizing dopamine.

Dopamine and reward

Abnormal activation of the reward system may play a role in various psychiatric disorders
including schizophrenia. Allelic variation in dopamine genes is linked to response in reward
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tasks (Dreher et al., 2009). Murray et al. (2008) showed that psychotic patients have
abnormal responses associated with reward prediction errors in the midbrain, striatum and
limbic system. Unmedicated patients show reduced ventral striatal activation during the
presentation of reward-predicting cues and treatment with atypical antipsychotics tends to
normalize this response (Juckel et al., 2006). Compared to controls, patients fail to recruit
parts of the reward-related circuit (Paradiso et al., 2003; Taylor et al., 2002, 2005) and show
inappropriately strong activation in the ventral striatum in response to a neutral stimulus
(Jensen et al., 2008). In contrast to controls, medicated subjects show attenuated neuronal
responses to positive prediction errors, while responses to negative prediction errors are
largely intact (Waltz et al., 2009). In response to the omission of expected reward, patients
show exaggerated medial prefrontal cortex response and reduced ventral striatum activation
in response to the successful avoidance of monetary loss (Schlagenhauf et al., 2009).

Summary comments
Despite the obvious importance of dopamine in schizophrenia and that the majority of
dopaminergic neurons are housed in the basal ganglia, pathology studies in these nuclei in
schizophrenia have been infrequent and several findings anecdotal. Nevertheless, the
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cumulative evidence suggests multiple problems in the basal ganglia in schizophrenia,

including anomalies at several anatomical levels including synaptic changes implicating an
excess amount of inputs from cortex and thalamus. Dopamine has differential effects on
various neuronal populations depending on which receptor subtype is activated and can also
act via extra synaptic mechanisms. Dopamine is involved in many of the functions that are
abnormal in schizophrenia, including psychosis, cognitive decline, and reward mechanisms.
Most recent studies indicate that dopamine dysregulation in the basal ganglia: 1) is intrinsic
to the pathology of schizophrenia rather than being a medication side effect, 2) predates
psychosis, and 3) is a risk factor for the illness. Future studies should attempt to parse out
the pathologies that are specific to schizophrenia, as well as investigating the link between
dopamine pathology, symptoms, genetics and other features which may be a continuum with
other neuropsychiatric disorders that share some features with schizophrenia such as bipolar
disorder and/or major depression.

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Supported by NIMH grants RO1 MH66123 and RO1 MH60744 to RCR.
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The authors declare not having conflicts of interest.

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Figure 1.
Electron micrographs of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunocytochemistry in postmortem
human caudate nucleus. Several synaptic arrangements are shown. Note that the synapses
formed by the TH-labeled synapses are short in length and non-perforated. A) TH-labeled
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axons (straight black arrows outlined in black) are adjacent to unlabeled axon terminals (at)
that are forming asymmetric synapses (black arrows). A TH-labeled terminal makes a
symmetric synapse (curved white arrow outlined in black). B) Boxed area in panel A is
enlarged to show the symmetric synapse. C) Three TH-labeled boutons (black arrow with
white outline) are adjacent to a spine which receives a symmetric TH-labeled synapse
(curved white arrow outlined in black) and an asymmetric synapse (black arrow) from an
unlabeled terminal (at). D) TH-labeled axon makes a symmetric synapse (arrow) en passant
with a dendrite (den). Sp, spines. Scale bars in A-D: 0.5m. Figures A, B and D are
modifications of our previously published figure 1 from Roberts et al., (2009), while Figure
C is a modification of our previously published figure 4 from Kung et al., (1998).

J Neurochem. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 April 1.

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