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September 6th, 2010 17

Ethanolamine Production Expanded Rapidly

By Peter Zon g it ed now has an annual capacit y of 100 cal Comp any Limit ed p rod uces
Ethanolamine family has t hree members 00 0 t on s , in cl udi ng 50 00 0 t on s of di et h an ola min e a nd t r iet han ol ami ne
- m onoet hano lamin e, di et ha nolam ine diet hanolamine t hat mainly feed t he 20 w it h a cap acit y of 5 000 t /a. Sinop ec
an d t r i - et h an o l amin e. 000 t /a ID A -t echnique glyp hos at e pro- Shanghai G aoqiao Pet rochemical Corpo-
M onoe t hanolam ine is m ainly us ed in duct ion unit of t he parent comp any. The ration has a unit able t o p roduce 3 000
abs orbing acid gas es , making ant ibiot - exp ansion from 10 000 t/a t o 100 000 t / t ons mono-, di- and tri-et hanolamine per
ics and p roducing sy nt het ic dy es t uffs , a was comp let ed in 2008. y ea r. N one of t hes e fou r co mp an ies
ethy lene amine, s urfact ant s , air refresh- CN G C Liaoning N ort h H uafeng Sp e- p lans t o exp and it s capacity .
ing agent and ant i-freez ing agent s et c. cialt y Chemical G roup Comp any Limited BA SF -YPC Co Lt d s tart ed t o cons truct
D iet hanolamine can be us ed as raw ma- has a cap acit y of 30 000 t /a in its F us hun a new amines complex for the p roduct ion
t erial in making buffers in the p harma- s it e, Liaoning p rovince and w ill complet e of et hanolamines , et hy leneamines and
ceu t ica ls in dus t ry , o r as a cr os s l ink a 50 000 t / a et han olamine p rojec t in dimet hy let hanolamine s ince Sep t ember
agent i n m aki ng p o ly u re t ha ne fo am 2010. It s 200 000 t /a EO /EG p lant came 28t h, 2009, which is a p art of the s econd
mat erials . It is an import ant raw mat e- on s t ream on A p ril 25t h, 2010, and w ill round of exp ans ion for the joint vent ure
rial for maki ng gly p ho s at e w it h ID A s up p ort t he new ethanolamine unit . in N anjing, J iangs u province (CCR2009
t echnology. T riethanolamine has ap pli- Fushun Jiahua Polyuret hane Comp any No.29, No.20). T he exp ans ion is s ched-
cat ions in cut ting met als, as a neut ral- Limit ed has a 20 000 t /a t ri-et hanolamine uled t o be comp let ed in 2011.
i z i n g a ge n t o r em u ls i on age nt fo r unit in F us hun, Liaoning p rovince. It s H ubei X ianlin Chemic al Com p any
cosmet ics , as a cement addit ive, et c. s ubsidiary Shanghai F ujia F ine Chemi- Limit ed st art ed to cons truct a 40 000 t/a
A t p resent , et hanolamine is p roduced cal Company Limited op erates a 50 000 ethanolamine p roject in Xiant ao of Hubei
by a reaction of ethylene oxide (EO) and t /a t riet hanolamine unit in Shanghai. province in July 2008 and comp leted con-
ammonia in liquid p hase. In t he 1970s , M aoming Pet ro-Chemical Shihua Co s t ruct ion in D ecember 2009. T his unit
s ome of the w orld's t op chemical com- Lt d (SZ : 000637), wit h a cap acit y of 6 came on st ream on M ay 18t h, 2010.
p anies develop ed a new t echnology in 000 t /a, announced on A ugust 2009 t o As of Augus t 2010, China's t ot al ca-
w hich liquid ammonia w it h a content of exp and it s ethanolamine cap acit y by 40 p a ci t y of e t h an ola mi ne fa mi ly w as
90% is react ed w it h et hylene oxide in a 000 t /a w it h an inves tment of RM B193 around 330 000 t /a, according to CCR's
high p res s ure react or. This t echnology million. The comp any had comp let ed the s tat is t ics .
cut cost s significant ly and made a large feas ibilit y s t udy and p ri mary de s ign A s ource of CN P C J ilin P et rochemi-
s cale unit pos s ible. T he older t echnol- w ork and s igned cont ract s for purchas - cal Comp any disclos ed t hat China's et ha-
ogy t hat u s es et hy lene oxide t o react ing technology and equipment as of J une nolamine cons ump t ion mix in 2009 was
w it h 20%-30% ammonia s olut ion w as 30t h, 2009. H ow ever, t he p roject w as 31% for s urfactants , 26% for p es t icides
p hased out, but t oday t his old p roces s delay ed due t o t he financial cris is and and medicines , 12% for p olyuret hane,
is s t ill us ed by mos t Chines e et hanola- t h e u nce rt a int ies in an ant idu mp i ng 7% for gas purificat ion, 5% for rubber
mine p roducers. Et hanolamines made by case, according t o t he comp any 's fis cal additives , 5% in t he textile indus t ry , 4%
old t echnology are p oor in qualit y and report on M arch 26t h, 2010. N ow , t he for met al cleaning and 10% for ot hers .
cost more. T herefore t hey cannot com- M inis t ry of Commerce is conduct ing a D riven by it s us e in t he exp anded
p et e w it h the imp ort ed p roduct s , even final review inves tigat ion on imp ort ed gly phos ate p roduction, diet hanolamine's
w i t h t he a id o f an t idu mp in g t a riff s . et hanolamine, which will be comp let ed s hare of t he overall market for t he three
(China s t art ed t o levy ant idump ing t ar- before N ovember 14t h, 2010. N o com- et hanolamines exceeds 50% (by t onnage).
iffs on imp ort ed ethanolamine in 2004.) ment about t he new p roject has come
T he rap id devel op ment of EO (raw from M aoming P et ro-Chemical Shihua Chi na's import and export of
mat erial) and glyp hosat e (demand) p ro- Co Ltd. ethanol amine (t ho usand t on s)
duct ion in China drove domes t ic et ha- J ilin Z hongxin Chemic al Com p any Year Import Export
nolamine p roducers t o exp and their ca- Limit ed is cap able of p roducing 10 000 2005 86.8 0.28
p acity in recent years . t /a mono-, di- and t ri-ethanolamine p er 2006 93.8 0.24
J iangsu Yiny an Sp ecialt y Chemicals y e ar. We nz ho u Q i ngmi ng C he mi ca l 2007 114.3 0.22
Comp any Limit ed is China's biggest p ro- Comp any Limit ed is capable of p roduc- 2008 125.7 0.37
ducer of e t hanolamine. It s s ubs idiary ing 5 000 t ons of tri-et hanolamine p er 2009 152.1 0.91
J iaxing J iny an Chemical Comp any Lim- y ear. J ilin J ihua N ort h Lianteng Chemi- Source: CNCIC n

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