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Singular nouns

Singular Plural
1st person az enym a mienk/a mink
(informal) a tied/a tid a tietek/a titek
(formal) a mag a maguk
(official) az n az nk
3rd person az v az vk
Plural nouns

Singular Plural
1st person az enyim a mieink
(informal) a tieid a tieitek
(formal) a magi a maguki
(official) az ni az nki
3rd person az vi az vik


Singular nouns

Singular Plural

-om/-am/-em/-m/-m -unk/-nk/-nk
1st person a(z n) hzam a (mi) hzunk
my house our house

-od/(-ad)/-ed/-d/-d -otok/(-atok)/-etek/-tk/-tok/-tek/-tk
2nd person (informal) a (te) hzad a (ti) hzatok
your (singular) house your (plural) house

-a/-e/-ja/-je -uk/-k/-juk/-jk
3rd person a(z ) hza a(z ) hzuk
and his/her/its house their house
2nd person (formal or official) a(z n) hza a hzuk / az nk hza (!)
your (formal) house your (fml, pl) house.

*w/o J when ending with c cs dzs sz z s zs j ny ty gy h *

Plural nouns

Singular Plural

-aim/-eim/-im -aink/-eink/-ink
1st person az (n) hzaim a (mi) hzaink
my houses our houses

-aid/-eid/-id -aitok/-eitek/-itok/-itek
2nd person (informal) a (te) hzaid a (ti) hzaitok
your (singular) houses your (plural) houses

-ai/-ei/-i -aik/-eik/-ik
3rd person a(z ) hzai a(z ) hzaik
and his/her/its houses their houses
2nd person (formal or official) a(z n) hzai a hzaik / az nk hzai (!)
your (formal) houses your (fml, pl) houses

Nincs autm. I have no car./ Nincsenek bartaim I have no friends.

Van bartnm. I have a girlfriend.
Bartnm van. I have a girlfriend. (It is a girlfriend that I have)
Nincs bartnm. I have no girlfriend.
Bartnm nincs. As for a girlfriend, I dont have any.


Group 1: The vowels A, E becomes , when at the very end of a word (like
nouns: apa apk)

apa (father) apm (my father)

anya (mother) anyd (your mother)
epe (bile) epje (his/her bile)
kemence (furnace) kemencjk (their furnace)
Group 2: words in consonant take the possessive endings with a link
vowel. Now Ill give you one word from the rest of those groups you know as

HIGH-VOWEL WORD: szk (chair); gymlcs (fruit)

szkem, szked, szke, szknk, szketek, szkk (with e link vowel because:
gymlcsm, gymlcsd, gymlcse, gymlcsnk, gymlcstk,
gymlcsk (with link vowel because: gymlcs-gymlcsk-gymlcst-

DEEP-VOWEL WORD: llat (animal); hz (house)

llatom, llatod, llata, llatunk, llatotok, llatuk (with o link vowel because:
hzam, hzad, hza, hzunk, hzatok, hzuk (with a link vowel because: hz-

LAST VOWEL SHORTENED: kz (hand), nyr (summer)

kezem, kezed, keze, keznk, kezetek, kezk ( becomes E because: kz-kezek-
nyaram, nyarad, nyara, nyarunk, nyaratok, nyaruk (A becomes because: nyr-

DROP-VOWEL WORD: vdr (bucket)

vdrm, vdrd, vdre, vdrnk, vdrtk, vdrk (because: vdr-vdrk-

V-WORD: k (stone)
kvem, kved, kve, kvnk, kvetek, kvk (because: k-kvek-kvet-kvem)

Group 4: Some words changing long to E and long to A in the possessive

case. This rule is only valid for 3rd PS and 3rd PP.

id (time): idm, idd, ideje, idnk, idtk, idejk

mez (field): mezm, mezd, mezeje, meznk, meztk, mezejk

tet (roof): tetm, tetd, teteje, tetnk, tettk, tetejk

ajt (door): ajtm, ajtd, ajtaja, ajtnk, ajttok, ajtajuk

er (force): erm, erd, ereje, ernk, ertk, erejk

erd (forest): erdm, erdd, erdeje, erdnk, erdtk, erdejk

vel (marrow of a bone): velm, veld, veleje, velnk, veltk, velejk

anya (mother): anyja, anyjuk

apa (father): apja, apjuk

fi (boy, son): has two possessive endings

fija, fijuk means her boyfriend, their boyfriend
fia, fiuk means his/her son, their son

Group 5: Some words have two possibilities: using A or -JA / -UK or -JUK and
-E or -JE / -K or -JK. This rule is only for 3rd PS and 3rd PP. (referring
back to Group 3)

fotel fotele / fotelje (his armchair)

jsg jsga / jsgja (his newspaper)
virg virga / virgja (his flower)
pillr pillre / pillrje (its pier)

Sometimes there is a change in meaning: kar kara (his faculty) BUT kar
karja (his arm)

How to use definite articles with the possessive case?

Simple. The definite articles (a, az) are ALWAYS used with possessive
case except one occasion when it is optional. It is optional when the sentence begins
with a noun in the possessive case. Then you can choose if you use it or not.

A bartnmet szeretem. I love my girlfriend.

Bartnmet szeretem. I love my girlfriend.

So the Hungarian definite article must or can be used with the

possessive case. Unlike English!!!



And where is that i inserted? Take a look at this:

laks (flat, appartment):

SINGULAR: laksom (my flat), laksod (your flat), laksa (his/her flat),
laksunk (our flat), laksotok (your flat), laksuk (their flat)

PLURAL: laksaim (my flats), laksaid (your flats), laksai (his/her flats),
laksaink (our flats), laksaitok (your flats), laksaik (their flats)

fzet (notebook):
SINGULAR: fzetem (my notebook), fzeted (your notebook),
fzete (his/her notebook), fzetnk (our notebook), fzetetek (your notebook),
fzetk (their notebook)

PLURAL: fzeteim (my notebooks), fzeteid (your notebooks),

fzetei (his/her notebooks), fzeteink (our notebooks),
fzeteitek (your notebooks), fzeteik (their

Possessive construction with 2 nouns

There are 2 possible forms for a possessive construction with 2 nouns. In both of them the
noun which is possessed takes the 3rd person possessive suffix.

1. The possessor is an unsuffixed noun, e.g. Istvn laksa ("Istvn's flat/apartment")

2. The possessor is a noun suffixed with -nak/-nek and the possessed noun is preceded
by a/az, e.g. Istvnnak a laksa ("Istvn's flat/apartment")

The first form is used as default and the second is used to emphasize the possessor or for
clarity. It also enables the possessor to be moved within the sentence, e.g. Ennek a laksnak
sehogy se tallom a kulcst ("I can't possibly find the key of this flat/apartment"). Note the
sehogy se tallom ("I can't possibly find") wedged in between the parts of the possessive
Positional suffixes
Interior Surface Adjacency

-ban/-ben -on/-en/-n/-n -nl/-nl

in on by, at
Static position
laksban lakson laksnl
in the flat/apartment on the flat/apartment by/at the flat/apartment

-ba/-be -ra/-re -hoz/-hez/-hz

into onto to
Movement towards
laksba laksra lakshoz
into the flat/apartment onto the flat/apartment to the flat/apartment

-bl/-bl -rl/-rl -tl/-tl

out of off from
Movement away
laksbl laksrl lakstl
out of the flat/apartment off the flat/apartment from the flat/apartment

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