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What the five principles for effective assessment are as identified by Nitko and Brookhart

and provide examples of each.

Nitko and Brookhart (2011) identified five principles for effective assessment. Certain
teachings examined while choosing on the assessment approach and its implementation
in lecture, online course or clinical environment.

1. Identify the learning targets (outcomes, objectives, or competencies) to be assessed

(Nitko and Brookhart (2011).
Skills Assessement Survey will provide prior knowledge before attending the
clinical setting.
2. Match the assessment technique to the learning target (Nitko and Brookhart (2011).
Simulation and audio- visual demonstrations of skills competencies.
3. Meet the students needs (Nitko and Brookhart (2011).
Observing skills/ activity the instructtor will observe the stkudent practice
indiviually or in groups depending on skill/ task.
4. Use multiple assessment techniques (Nitko and Brookhart (2011).
Role play, games, disscussion.
5. Keep in mind the limitations of assessment when interpreting the results (Nitko and
Brookhart (2011).
Multiple choice exam on skills learned and praticum skills obsevation exam.

Bilings, D., & Halsted, J. (2011). Teaching in Nursing: A Guide fro Faculty (4th ed.).
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