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Regd. Otfice 8-29, EEIE Stage Il, Balanagar, Lokesh Machines Limited .91-40-23079310, 11, 12,13 a ‘¥91-40-23078274 ‘www. :L29219TG1983PLC004319 February 14, 2017 To, To, Bombay Stock Exchange Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Corporate Services Listing Department Floor 25, P.J Towers, Dalal Street, Plot no. C/1, G Block ,Exchange Plaza, Mumbai, Pin: 400001 Bandra Kurla Complex, : ‘Security Code :532740 Bandra (E), Mumbai — 400 051 Fax no. 022 -2272 2039/2037 Company Code: LOKESHMACH Dear Sirs, Sub: Outcome of Board Meeting This is to inform you that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company was held on Tuesday 14, 2017. The outcome of the Board Meeting is as follows: * The Statement of Un-audited Financial Results for the quarter ended December 31, 2016 was approved. A copy of the Results is enclosed along with the Limited Review Report. You are requested to take the same on record. Thanking you, Yours truly, For Lokesh Machines Limited Y (le KES D. RaghavendreRae” 15 Company Secretagrand®mpliance Officer Encl.; as above . Units : Medchal, Bonthapally, Balanagar Plot No. 41 and B - 25 Lokesh Machines Ltd TN-AUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED DECEMBER 91, 2016 Rein Lakhs] SI PARTICULARS ‘QUARTER ENDED NINE MONTHS] YEAR No} ENDED Tsooaie | stazis| Ta1izie| 31.03.16 Wn] wun | Un fn | Un | (audited) Audited) | Audited) | Auctes) | Audited) | Audited) 7 [income From operations: (a) Net Sales/ income from Operations | 2 [Net of excise duty) (6) Other Operating Income z z Total Income from operations (net) Zao | 3aOe aS | DEAR AT | 8008, BET | Sava | DeeMAT | 8008ee| 781s) i2iO7 3S Teisa2| T2107 SS a Gato ale reo Tae TTR | TROVE | ART BOTT] EHTS Db Prchase of so rade ee Changs a treo of onod ads] —(H] GIB] CARB] 07] aaa] — ez rt nrotes ard stockade Employee beet pense od Rd MO ls Depreciation and amorisaton expense | 207.05] 20221| 21168] eoaa2| S707 | T4080 I Other expenses (Any tem exceeding 10%] 109.00] 15568] 126-11] 419.98| 445.97] 760.14 lof the total expenses relating to continuing} operations tobe shown separately) a. Other Manufacturing Expenses BTOT | SITS] 00S] 8826] GOAT) 1.2849 Ih Less Capative Consumption CRATE BOO] GAT IM| (7HS.O0}](SET.SH] (1.73560) 292888 | 2471 43 | 7,660.39 | 6.05665 | 7031025 463.55) 373.04] 4,349.40 | 1,687] 1787a0 Total expenses 3 |Proft from operations before other Income, finance costs & exceptional tems (1 = 2) F Joe income eao] 1026] 4383 | 2707 | __o0aT ‘ae0.08 | seaa2 | Tsea-t2 | 116584] 1867 ST 3 |Profit 7 lose trom ordinary activities lbefore finance costs and exception: litoms (3¢4) A © |Finance costs Fars) _sea7O| azarae | orm] 150587 7 [Profit loss from ordinary activites after] 6:49 7730| 6062 os78] —7aiS| 6210 nance costs but before exceptional toms (548) @ [Exceptional ems : : : 5 = @ [Profit 7 (Loss) from ordinary acliviies] 649] 7730] 6062 ‘os78/ Tata] 362.10 lbefore Tax (7 + 8) . To [Tax Expense TH] ep w0o| saat | sare] 13828 71 [Net Profit /(Loss) from ordinary ‘3ae] 6225) 4062] 70.88] 62.35] 21387 activities after Tax (9 +10) 7 [Exracrdinary Nems (net of tax expense) : 7 : : Ta [Net Profit7 (Lose) for the period (71+ sal seas | wee] vowel sass] FIST 74 [Share of profit (oss) of associates” > 7 : : : 75 [inory interest” : : : : 76 [Net Proft (Loss) afer Taxes, minony cr ed a interest and share of profit/ (loss) of lassociates (13+ 14+ 15)" “7 [Paid up equity share capital (Face value of | 7,7028| 165861] TaoaaT| 17oaze| Ta0aat | TA7TOT IRs.10 eachy TB [Reserves excluding Revaluation Rosonves 7 5 las per balance sheet of previous lEarnings Per Share (EPS) (before] 002} oa1| 028] o42[ O37 Ts lextraordinary items) (OFRs. 10/- each) (not annualised}: Base oo2| ost} 078] oan] 037 1 (@)Dited ode] osi[ ozs] aa] 037 1a [FP ifesrings Per share (EFS) (atier | 002] oat] 028] 042] 037 745 lextraordinary items) (OF Rs. 10- each) (not annualised): (Basic 7 kT ed a5 (© Diuted oaa}osi[ _o73| 04a] 037 145 ‘Segment-wise Revenue, Results and Capital employed under SEB! (LODR) Regulations 2015 Rs. In Lakhs. Particulars ‘QUARTER ENDED. NINE MONTHS ENDED | YEAR Siiate | 300916 | sitaie | 314216 | siizis | ENDED (Un _[(Un Audited) |(Un Audited) | (Un Aucited)| (Un Audited] 31.03.16 (Audited) 7] Seament Revenue la) Machinery Division 1,738.61] 2,350.38] 1,688.53] 5.576.18| 4,882.55] 7,970.32 b) Components Division 1,080.90] 1,058.05] 1,155.84] 3.43270] 2,932.87) 4,137.01 lc) Unallocated - : - - - 7 TOTAL 2,929.51] 3,408.43| 2,844.47] 9,008.88] 7,815.42 | 12,107.33, Less : inter Segment Revenue : a e 5 2 Not Revenue from Operations _|_2,829.51| 3,408.43| 2,844.47] 9,008.88 | _ 7,815.42 12,107.33 2]Sogmont Results: Profit before Interest & Tax Ja) Machinery Division 43548| son70| 356.74] 1,386.36] 1,267.44] 2,072.19 lb) Components Division 65.28 14.7 3314] 209.55| 208.32] 503.08, lc) Unallocated 2 : : : : 2 lroTaL 500.76] 613.87] 49.88] 1,605.91| 1,853.76] 2,575.27 Less: interest 41399] 41275] sza70) tzs793| ts07z1| 1.53587 (Other unallocable Expenses net of Income 815s) 123.82 6.56] 32273] 367.92] 687.30 [TOTAL PROFIT BEFORE TAX BA8 7730, 6062 | 108.79 Tats | 352.10 3]Capital Employed la) Machinery Division 9121.94] 060.66] 7,581.45] 9121.94] 7,681.45] 8023.15 b) Components Division 4055.3] 3937.62) 3.62223] 4055.39] 3622.23] 3477.69 lc) Unallocated [roTAL 43,177.33 |_ 12,998.28 | 11,203.68] 13,177.33 | 11,203.68 | 11,500.84 1. The Financial Results have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors at their Meeting held on February 14, 2017 and the limited review of the unaudited financial results for the quarter ended December 31st, 2016 has bean carried out by the statutory auditors of the Company. 2.Previous period figures have been reclassified / regrouped to conform to the current period figures. For and on behalf of the Board LOKESH MACHINES LTD, Hyderabad M.LOKESWARARAO Nov 14,2017 MANAGING DIRECTOR yea ‘CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS: YCERABAD, VISAKHAPATNAM, GUNTUR, KAKINADA, TANUKU, ALSO AT CHENNAI, BANGALORE AND ADONI Limited Review Report of Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended 31% December, 2016 To, The Board of Directors, Lokesh Machines Limited Hyderabad, We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of LOKESH MACHINES LIMITED (the Company") for the quarter and nine months ended 31 December, 2016, being submitted by the Company pursuant to the requirements. of Regulation 33 of the SEB (Listing Obigations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. This statement is the responsibilly of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors, Our responsibly is to issue a report on these financial statements based on our review. Scope of Review ‘We conducted our review in accordance With the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial information performed by the Independent Audjfor of the Entity’ issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standarg reduires that we plan and perform the review to obtain méderale assurance as to whelhar the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of ‘company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit: We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not ‘express an audit opinion. 4 ‘ Conclusion Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come {0 our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared. in accordance with, applicable’ accounting standards specified under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2073,read with Rule 7 of thé Companies (Accounts) Rules 2014 and other recognized accounting practices and policies has. not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms. of Regulation. 33 ‘of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations..2016 including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that itcontains any material misstatement. eat for BRAHMAYYA & CO, ©) Chartered Accountants | Firm Regn.No.0005 tA ges is LK Shas . ~) teshravany) ange Partner Se Membership No.215798

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