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Spy WELSPUN ENTERPRISES WrLsecr2017 February 4, 2017 The Manager, ——~=~S*S*S*S*S*S*S Th At Vi reside Dept of Corporate Services, Listing Department Bombay Stock Exchange Li, National Stock Exchange of), 11" Floor, Rotunda Bldg Exchange Plaza, C1, Block, Dalal Street, Fort Bandra Kusla Complex, Bandra East), Mumbai = 400 001 Mumbai - 100051 | Serip Code: 532853 [NSE Symbol: WELENT Ref: Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, ‘Sub: Unaudited financial results forthe quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016 and Limited Review Report Dear Sir/Madam, Please find enclosed 1. The unaudited financial statements of Une Company, on standalone bass for the quarter and nine months ended December 31,2016, a reviewed by the Audit Committee and approves by the Board of Directors ofthe Company at del respective mecings held today; and 2. The Limited Review Report ofthe auditors of the company on the un-sudited financial results of the Company, on standalone basis for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2016, You are requested to take the same on your record. ‘Thanking You, ‘Yours Sincerely, For Welspan Enterprises Limited (Former known as Welspun Projects Limited) DIN: oons6819 Enclosed as above ‘eu Emre nid (Formal Anon Wan jet j 7 WELSPUN ENTERPRISES LIMITED | SATE sn Se TES erro oom — sees ele = of oat a re a =} =: OO Rae are Re Ta] | ‘Sssieieees —__[_— a) To mgb&co: Independent Auditor's Reviow Report Wilspun Entorp Tite (Fermery known a5 Welspun Projects Lint) Fe: Limited Review Report for the quarter and nine months ended 31 December 2016 \We nave reviewed the accompanying statement of unausted standalone financial rests of Welspun Enterprises Limited (Formety known as Welspun Projets Lied) (he “Company? forthe quarter and nine mors ended 31 December, 2016 the Stator) ‘boing suomted by the Compary pursuant t the requrement of Reglaton 3 ofthe SEB! (Using. Obgaions and Disosure Requrements) Regulators, 2015 read ith ‘SEBI cxotlar number CRUCFOIFACI72016 dled 5 sy, 2010, Ths Statement the responsibly of he Company's Managoment and has baen approved by the Board of [recor Ou respons lf sue a report onthe Statement based e ou review. \We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance wth he Standard on Review Engagements (GRE) 2410, “Review of Intrm Fieacll Infomation Pertomed by the Independent Autor of te Eni” tsued by the insite of Chaterec Accountants of Inga This Standard requires that we plan and perorm the review to oblan moderate ‘ssurance an to whether the Statsment fee of mater Masatement. A revi limited primay to inquies of Company persone! and analycal pocxdues ape’ fo franca data and thus ponies les aesurance than an aust We nave nt permed an uct and accordingly, we donot express an aust opinion Based on our review conductd as above, thing has come fo our atetion hat causes 1s to beleve that the accompanying Siatement prepared in accordance With the ‘applicable Indian Accouning Standards (int AS) as prescribed unde: secton 138 of Companies ct 20% read wih rues. asved there under and. cher recognises ‘accountng pracioes and prints goneraly accepted in Iai, hs rot dsclesed the information requfed to be datiosed in ters of Regulation 93 of the SEB! (Listing ‘Ovigatons and Disclosure Requirements) Reguatons. 2018 read wih SEBI crear umber CIRICFOIFACI622016 dated 5 Jy 2016, cluding the manne” n which i fo ‘be closed, or that contains any materia mastatement ForM@B & co LLP Chateres Accountants Regstraton Number 10116-10035, Samay KO Partner 7 Mambership Number 048215. Mumbai, 14 February 2017

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