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SECTION 4.1 4.2
CONTENTS Introduction General in the preparation of cycling capabilities that ca
n be trained physical characteristics of power systems demands of energy systems
in cycling events Conclusions Self-Teaching Tips
4.4 5.4
4.7 6.4 8.4
Manual for the Level 2 Cycling Coach
Cycling 2
Relate the general aspects of the preparation of the rider, the physical and ene
rgy systems in the official test track and road.
Upon completion of this chapter, the coach should be able to: Describe the diffe
rent aspects √ General to take into account in the preparation of the cyclist. √
Identify the physical capabilities that can be trained (flexibility, strength a
nd power). √ distinguish the energy production systems of the body and their rel
ative importance in different cycling events. √ √ Recognize control tests to det
ermine aerobic and anaerobic power. Define the anaerobic threshold as a way to e
xplain the production and metabolism of lactic acid.
√ Recognize the demands of energy systems in each event or cycling test.
The training concept is central in any sport. To compete, the athlete must be pr
epared to devote much of their daily lives to improve their skills and their phy
sical and mental abilities, thus, to achieve excellence, the athlete requires an
efficient training program, well planned and properly executed, focusing on the
particular demands of the test or tests in which expected results. Level two, w
ants the coach to prepare and implement this training program, one of the
Cycling 2
bases to have a broad knowledge of the basics of training and its relation to ma
tters specific to cycling.
In order to improve their skills, the athlete must submit to constant stimuli of
physical work in training sessions, which is why in planning and developing the
rider's preparation work is necessary to consider general issues such as: a) b)
c) d) e) f) g) h) Workload. Intensity. Wavy gradual increase of the load. Frequ
ency of training. Specificity of training. Individuality. Reversibility. Effects
on fitness. a) WORKLOAD volume refers to the total amount of work done, this is
usually expressed in numbers of hours, repetitions or kilometers. The volume pe
r session can be increased by increasing the duration of exercise (eg, running 1
50 minutes instead of 120 minutes). The volume per week can be increased by incr
eases in the frequency or duration (eg, running three sessions of 120 minutes in
stead of two, run 90 minutes four times instead of 3 times 60 minutes), the volu
me usually increases at the beginning of the season.
B) Training Intensity
The absolute level of tax effort to the body is referred to as training intensit
y, is easily understood if we recognize that the same distance can be covered at
different times. The total amount of work will be completely different dependin
g on the time made in the same task. While the concept of volume is easy to unde
rstand, the concept of intensity is much harder to understand. For example, two
riders complete a training of 100 km in 3 hours for one session may have been to
o heavy and the other was only a maintenance session. You have to make a distinc
tion between absolute and relative intensity. The absolute intensity means that
each rider performs the same task (running at 40 km / h), whereas
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relative intensity refers to the level of difficulty that this challenge is for
each individual and depends on the conditions under which the meeting takes plac
e. Running at 35 km / h against a strong wind can be very difficult, while going
at 45 km / h with a tailwind can be very easy. The main challenge for a coach i
s to establish a scale and a method for measuring the intensity of effort in tra
ining. In Chapter 4, revised methods of measuring the intensity of training. c)
progressive increase in the BURDEN As mentioned above,€the athlete should be sub
jected to constant stimuli of work in training sessions to improve their physica
l abilities. The rider's body adapts to physical exertion of training with which
is improving your fitness. However, if the next session is scheduled by allowin
g a long period of time, the effects of previous training adaptation are lost. I
f, however, the next training session is held close to the previous (ie, before
the athlete to recover from exertion), fatigue increases in such a way that does
not allow recovery of the cyclist and not have no benefit in fitness. Similarly
if the training is too hard or too easy, the broker does not get any benefit of
that meeting. The training stimulus should be sufficient to produce an adaptati
on in the body of the cyclist. The overload principle can be described as a func
tion of the intensity and volume of training undertaken by an individual. To mai
ntain a given level of physical abilities such as stamina, strength, power, etc.
, the effort of training in a particular session must be equivalent to that of t
he previous sessions, to improve the level achieved, the effort to schedule the
session following should be higher. Gradually increase the degree of difficulty
from session to session is the essence of training, the principle of progressive
increase of the load, so it can be reached as follows:
• Increasing the amount of work done in the session. • Scheduling the work of th
e athlete with high intensity (eg, keeping • Managing the volume and intensity a
t the same time.
same feed but pedaling faster, increase the advance, pedaling with the same freq
uency, run flat or in rolls and then upload)
Cycling 2
Actually the volume and intensity can not be differentiated in a training progra
m, because both determine the importance of tax incentives in the training corri
dor. d) FREQUENCY OF TRAINING The training often refers to the number of session
s carried out over a period of time. The most common time unit used in training
programs is the week, however, a "microcycle" may be larger (10 days). How often
training should be scheduled in a microcycle?. As a general rule should be two
workouts per week to maintain the level reached and three or four times to incre
ase it. The sessions to develop a certain physical ability must be properly spac
ed, alternate days rather than several consecutive days periods separated by lon
g periods of time. For example, in the competitive stage, a road cyclist can do
work of weights to maintain strength in the upper body on Mondays and Thursdays;
to route on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to improve the resistance to use ra
ce on Sunday for training sprints, Tuesday and Thursday to maintain power. The r
eason for carrying out the above alternating pattern of loud and soft sessions,
is that training at the same time intense and prolonged (90 minutes or more) ten
ds to significantly reduce muscle glycogen stores. When glycogen stores are depl
eted, fatigue occurs normally, and it takes more than 24 hours to replenish thes
e reserves. e) training specific Specificity refers to the nature of the activit
y and the characteristics of the training. It implies that the corridor should f
ocus as much as possible, the following indications:
• Work the major muscles for activity. • properly characterize the duration and
intensity, in order to develop
adequate energy systems and the correct motor patterns in order to implement eff
iciently in the conditions found in the competition.
For example, runners who have taken their training with a 42X15 progress, can no
t get results if used in competition 53X14 progress. Road Runners who train long
distances are not prepared to run criteriums or proof of individual persecution
, nor are prepared
Cycling 2
for a test of 1,000 meters or for a sprint, because they have not worked these e
nergy systems. However, the above should not be misinterpreted. The coach does n
ot need to program for runners kilometer or persecutors, specific training on th
e speed at the start of the season€only to respect this principle. In fact, alth
ough some forms of training are not specific to a particular test should be an i
ntegral part of the training regimen of cycling throughout the season. Such form
s of training contribute to the maintenance of certain capacities that are impor
tant to a good runner, for example, a persecutor will have to continue doing tra
ining or skills route along the season even if these activities are not "highly
specific" for test, which is why the coach should analyze test requirements befo
re developing the training program, consider variables such as time period that
includes the season and the level of athlete, among others, for the purpose of s
etting rates training and the intensities considered in the above program. f) IN
DIVIDUALITY The principle of individuality means that each person is different a
nd needs different intensities, volume and / or frequency of training in all per
iods including the season, according to your level of sport. From a strictly phy
siological point of view, the ability of an individual to adequately perform a t
ask depends on several factors including heredity, age, level of training, the t
echnique developed, etc., the coach must take into account these factors to be s
ure of optimum development of the sport form, and this is why the load in traini
ng should not be the same for all athletes. g) REVERSIBILITY adaptations reaches
our bodies through training are reversible. If the training is adjourned for a
period of time, you lose the fitness gained. Normally the physical form is lost
when training is suspended for a period of approximately two weeks.
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Finally, the coach and athlete should be aware that training adaptations are not
uniform. A rapid increase in the physical form is usually evident in the first
weeks or months of training program, particularly if the initial level of fitnes
s is low, then stabilizes and from this point only be obtained even with relativ
ely small increases suitable training. Despite having reached a certain level in
the physical form, it may tend to present fluctuations, ie the level of fitness
increase, decrease, and have periods of stability. The coach and the runner mus
t be prepared to work at these times without losing confidence in their program.
The physical capacities that can be trained in cycling are: a) b) c) d) Flexibil
ity and mobility. Strength and strength-endurance. Power. Resistance.
With the exception of flexibility, the foundations for the development of streng
th, power and resistance is given by the energy production systems of the human
body, which will be described in greater detail in the following sections of thi
s chapter. a) Mobility is the flexibility or range of motion with the joints of
our body. The physical capacity can be increased through stretching of the tendo
ns that attach muscles to bones in joints, however, that the rider does not make
any movement that involves push the boundaries of the joint mobility, stretchin
g should be part of the heating and relaxation sessions after the training. The
flexibility allows to reach the maximum extension of the muscles and helps incre
ase their ability to adapt to the effort. b) POWER AND FORCE-RESISTANCE Force, i
s the maximum stress that an athlete can perform during a muscle contraction.
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Force-resistance, is the ability to repeat a muscle strain against a relatively
high resistance. The physical capacity is important for the rider because it not
only exerts force on the pedals, but the handle to stabilize the upper body on
the climbs and sprints. Strength training, especially in the upper body, are usu
ally neglected by road corridors. The force is increased by working against a hi
gh level of resistance, the result is an increase in muscle fiber size and its a
bility to produce energy. The strength-endurance can be increased with low-resis
tance work and a greater number of repetitions.€c) POWER Power is the ability to
put into action quickly muscle strength. Can be expressed as a combination of s
peed, strength, sometimes also called "explosive strength." This capability is e
xtremely important in the corridors, especially when done accelerations, as in t
he sprints. d) RESISTANCE Resistance is the ability to perform (or repeat) work
for a long period of time at a certain intensity. The term resistance is usually
associated with prolonged aerobic effort, but can also apply to high-intensity
efforts. It is therefore appropriate to distinguish between aerobic and anaerobi
c endurance. Aerobic endurance Aerobic endurance is perhaps the most obvious phy
sical abilities that require cyclists (except for very short event specialists o
f the track, sprinters), and is often better trained capacity. However, even the
sprinters need to develop this capacity they require to make repetitions of thi
s effort (eg, series of sprints). Aerobic endurance is the ability to do work in
the corridor over a long period of time, usually hours at low intensity. In the
se cases, the broker uses fat as the main fuel, because the intensity of effort
is low enough so that muscle fibers produce energy without resorting to glycogen
, which is the "super fuel" exercised muscle. The word endurance efforts can als
o apply to shorter and more intense, where the energy is supplied by the aerobic
system. For example, the ability of the rider to roll at high speed for several
minutes, as
Cycling 2132
is the test case 20 or 40 kilometers against the clock, is also a demonstration
of aerobic endurance. The resistance training has two major physiological effect
s on the body: 1. Increased muscle glycogen, 2. The muscle fibers increase their
ability to utilize the fat and make oxygen. The word endurance Anaerobic endura
nce can also be applied to situations where the energy is mainly provided by the
anaerobic system, a typical example of this situation occurs in the test of tim
e trial kilometers. Muscular endurance refers to the ability of the muscle or mu
scle groups to do work for a long period of time at a given intensity.
The human body gets energy through chemical reactions of cleavage of organic fue
ls: food. There are three main effects of proper training of energy systems:
• An increase in the range of efficiency of chemical reactions
made in muscle cells. • An improvement in the ability of several systems for tra
nsport to the muscle cell that promote the necessary chemical reactions. • An in
crease in the ability to remove secondary products resulting from chemical react
ions to produce energy. The training develops the energy reserves of the corrido
r and administered on the basis of the various tests. It's like a car running wh
ile you have fuel in your tank. The cyclist can make efforts as we have energy r
eserves contained in three different deposits: A, B and C. The "A" has the small
er capacity and will of unit volume, we attribute value: one.
Cycling 2
The "B", three times as large is the value of: three units. The "C" is the large
st capacity represents 25 times the deposit A and more than eight times the depo
sit B, ie a value of 25 units.
1 Reserve
2500-50000 Cal / kg fat + Sugars + supply possible ATP 100 38-39 Cal / kg 300 Ca
l / kg ATP + PC = Fostágeno muscle glycogen ATP 2-3
Power 800 watts 600 watts 250 watts
Cycling 2
Each of these three deposits contain different fuels that allow the rider to rea
ch speeds varied.
• Maximum speed to high speed with A • B • C sustained speed
In each of these speeds, it is a different usable power:
• Maximum power • Max with A to B to C • Max
800 Watts 600 Watts 250 Watts
There are three systems of energy production in the body which are the anaerobic
-alactic (ATP-CP), anaerobic-lactic acid system and the aerobic system. The anae
robic system produces energy quickly without oxygen;€the aerobic system requires
oxygen to produce energy and is slower than the anaerobic system, but can suppl
y power for a longer time period. These systems have specific characteristics wi
th respect to:
• Its capacity .- The amount of energy they can produce; • Maximum power .- The
maximum amount of energy that can be produced by
unit time. • The inertia .- The delay is necessary before the system reaches max
imum power. • The critical duration .- The time during which its power can be ma
intained. When the exercise starts, the energy systems or work are presented in
the following order: anaerobic-alactic, anaerobic-lactic acid and aerobic. The a
naerobic system-alactic (ATP-CP System) System-alactic anaerobic energy released
rapidly from phosphate compounds stored in muscle cells. These compounds are al
so known as phosphagen (adenosine triphosphate (ATP), creatine phosphate (CP)).
The amount of these compounds that can be stored is quite limited, however this
system is capable of providing energy for the first 10 or 12 seconds at high int
ensity of work. After this period, the anaerobic-lactic acid is responsible for
providing energy if physical activity is maintained.
Cycling 2
The development of anaerobic energy system-alactic is particularly important for
runners who participate in short-duration, high intensity, characterized by out
put stopped. It is essential for competing against the clock kilometer and 500 m
eters. For practical purposes the contribution of ATP-CP system is negligible fo
r tests with a duration of several minutes. The anaerobic-lactic-lactic anaerobi
c system produces energy quickly, but only for a short period of time. The chemi
cal reactions of this system have a by-product lactic acid. If lactic acid accum
ulates during muscle work, can cause it to work at a slower pace or even force t
o stop the exercise being performed. Lactic acid accumulates in the muscle after
intense work and go to the circulation for metabolism, lactic acid has traditio
nally been associated with pain and fatigue on the part of coaches and athletes.
Hard work done at the expense of the anaerobic-lactic acid can be maintained fo
r 45 seconds, this provides the bulk of energy in all situations requiring a hig
h level of intensity when the effort is sustained for more than 10 seconds. In t
rack events, especially the mile and speed the development of this system is cri
tical for optimum performance, this system plays an important role in most track
events, particularly in the team pursuit and points race . During a road race,
the ability to quickly obtain energy from anaerobic-lactic acid is crucial in se
veral situations that have to do with the outcome of the event, some of these si
tuations can be sprints, short steep climbs, making a relay high speed and launc
h an attack. An athlete less than 14 years will not be overly exposed to this sy
stem, because it does not yet have specific enzymes needed to break down large q
uantities of lactic acid. For runners in this category should be given emphasis
in training the aerobic system. Anaerobic threshold Anaerobic threshold theory i
s commonly used by coaches and athletes. The anaerobic threshold is the theoreti
cal point at which lactic acid production by the effects of exercise exceeds the
body's ability to metabolize it. This theoretical point of anaerobic threshold
can be determined by field tests or laboratory. In both cases, a heart rate moni
tor is used, the athlete performs a
Cycling 2136
working with increasing intensity or progressively, until the working capacity d
ecreases and the pulse is maintained or increased. At the end of each level of i
ntensity determines the concentration of lactic acid in the blood. By plotting t
he results in a coordinate system can locate the threshold of 4 mmol / l and det
ermine the appropriate intensity. In laboratory tests, the measure is also used
for ventilation and maximum oxygen consumption to determine this point. The coac
h will look for the point at which the ratio is greater than 1.0 VCO2/VO2. The a
naerobic threshold is like a red, long working on this natural limit becomes ver
y difficult.€Increase the current beyond this level will cause the accumulation
of lactic acid that lead to muscle fatigue and force the athlete to reduce their
work, the breathing becomes agitated and the workload can not be increased for
a given period, if is continuous heart rate will increase rapidly. Finally, the
anaerobic threshold or red zone may appear at different intensities or workloads
depending on the athlete and their level of fitness and fatigue. Once the inten
sity corresponding to the threshold is determined, can guide us to dispense the
training intensity in order to achieve a particular goal. One reason for the dev
elopment of the cardiovascular system by increasing the intensity (heart rate) a
t which an athlete can sustain a given workload, is to avoid the presence of chr
onic muscle fatigue. The aerobic system system gets energy from aerobic metaboli
sm of carbohydrates (glucose and glycogen) and fats through the complex energy p
roduction reactions that take place in the presence of oxygen. Specific elements
within the muscle cell must also be trained to enable an increase in the propor
tion of chemical reactions, to improve energy production in aerobic conditions.
The heart, lungs and vascular system (arteries and veins) should also be trained
to provide more oxygen to the muscles and transport the products of these react
ions more efficiently (carbon dioxide, lactic acid, etc.). The aerobic system is
able to work with moderate levels of intensity for long periods of time. It is
therefore of great importance for the corridor of persecution, the race for poin
ts, the map, the team time trial and those of criteriums. The aerobic system pro
duces most of the energy required in the sustained efforts that have a duration
longer than three minutes. Development of aerobic qualities
Cycling 2
Different intensities (% MAP) and duration of ongoing efforts and their effects
on the development of aerobic qualities.
Intensity% Effort MAP duration (min.) Description Subjective Difficulty Level me
eting on Effects on the Development of Resistance aerobic power Qualities
Negligible Medium No Good No Good No Good No 70 Medium Negligible Negligible Neg
ligible Very Good Excellent Medium 80 Negligible Very Good Good Average Average
Average Average Excellent 90 Good * Good Good / Very Good Good * * can be consid
ered very good for specialists in the events short-term and final phase of prepa
ration (persecution).
a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b)
30-45 60-90 90-120 150 + 45-75 75-90 90-120 150 + 30-45 45-60 75-90 90 + 20-24 2
5 +
More Soft Medium Soft Medium / Soft Medium Strong Very Strong Strong Soft / Medi
um Medium Strong Very Strong Strong Very Strong
Cycling 2
Different intensities and duration of intermittent efforts and their effects on
the development of anaerobic qualities. * Check-out launched
Quality Work Period (min: sec) Number of Number of Average Number type repetitio
ns repetitions Working groups / recovered per session per session per group Half
Power: alactic Anaerobic Capacity: anaerobic alactic Power: anaerobic lactic
0:15 0:10 0:20 0:15 0:20 0:30 0:20 0:10 - 0:12 * (200 m) 0:30 - 0:40 * (500 m)
40-50 40 32-40 40-50 40 32-40 30-35 December 16 to 20 - 15
5 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 3
8 to 10 August 8 - 10 8 - 10 8 8 - October 6-7 4-5 4-5
1:6 - 1:7 8 - 8 1:8 1:4 - 1:4 5 - 1:5 5 - 6 1:6 - 1:6 8 - 8 1:8
Liabilities Liabilities Liabilities Liabilities Liabilities Assets Liabilities A
ssets Liabilities
Capacity: 0:40 - 0:50 * Lactic anaerobic 1:00 to 1:20 * 1:30 to 2:00 *
December 20 to August 6
4 February 4
5 3 to 4 April
1:5 1:4 - 1:4 5
Active Active Active
Activity recovery: Continuous Effort = 50-60% MAP.
Cycling 2
Different intensities and duration of interval training efforts and their effect
s on the development of aerobic qualities (strength and power.
Duration of effort (min: sec)
Duration of activity recovery (min: sec) 1. between two repetitions. between set
s (1) (2) 10 6-8 6-8 8 - October 5 to 8 5 - 2-3 2-3 5-6 3-4 2-3 2-3 1:30 - 2 1 1
- 1:30 0:45 - 1 0:10
Total number of reps and sets (s)
Description Length Effects on the development of qualities subjective level of a
erobic session (min) of the difficulties in meeting
(R) 5-7 December 8 to 10 - 15 June to 10 December - 15 16 - 20 6-8 12-16 50 +
(R) 1-2 1-2 2 2 2 to 3 February February 1 1-2 90-135 90-120 90-150 45-90 60-80
60-90 20-35 25-40 + 25 + Very difficult Difficult Medium Difficult Difficult Dif
ficult Difficult Difficult Very difficult
100 +
a) b) c) a) b) c) a) b)
August 10 to 11 4 to 5 May 3 1:30 - 2 2 to 3 January
Medium Medium Excellent Excellent Very Good Good Fair / Medium MB Excellent Very
Good Fair Very good Excellent Negligible Negligible Negligible Excellent Excell
c) 0:15
Cycling 2
Maximal aerobic power A key concept in the study of the factors that may limit t
he optimum performance of the runners in tests with a duration of several minute
s or more is aerobic power. For most road cyclists, aerobic power is the most im
portant area of fitness. The ability of brokers to maintain a high percentage of
their aerobic power is closely linked to success in the competitions (like a sh
ort individual time trial). Aerobic power is a function of two parameters: maxim
um oxygen consumption and technical efficiency. Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2
Max.) Maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 Max.) Is the amount of oxygen that can be
used by muscle cells to break down food and produce energy aerobically for an in
tense effort by the work of great muscle mass (like legs) and which lasts severa
l minutes, with the largest amount of oxygen that may be available in a period o
f time, the more fuel can be "burned" and will have the greatest amount of energ
y can be produced by the aerobic system. In the expression VO2 Max. , "V" refers
to the volume and oxygen O2 and "Hi." To the maximum. VO2 Max. can be expressed
in liters of O2 consumed per minute (l / min) or milliliters of O2 per kilogram
of body weight per minute (ml / kg / min). It is ultimately the factor that mea
sures the contribution of the energy needed to move the weight of the body and m
akes it possible to determine the aerobic work capacity in persons of different
size. VO2 Max. is determined by several factors, among which include:
• The ability of the pulmonary system to transfer oxygen from inspired air to
blood. • Maximum cardiac output is determined by the maximum heart rate and bloo
d volume ejected, is the amount of blood pumped with each contraction. • The amo
unt of oxygen that can be transported by blood. • The ability of the muscle cell
to extract and use oxygen is transported in the circulatory system to produce e
nergy through various aerobic reactions. The VO2 Max. determined in laboratory t
ests which measure the amount of air exhaled by the athlete in an exhaustive eff
ort. Table 1 shows the VO2
Cycling 2
Max. outstanding cyclists. It is important to mention that women have a lower le
vel of VO2 Max. with an average of 60-70 ml / kg / min. TABLE 1 MEASURES OF VO2
National team cyclists Eddy Merckx, USA, Hans E. Road Oersted National team, Gre
at Britain, National Road team, Canada, and provincial road Level Track Club Nat
ional team riders, Australia, pursuit
1/min VO2 max --- 5.60 4.97 6.50 4.66 + 0.57 5.77 + 0.19
Ml / kg / min 77.0 74.0 + 8.3 85.0 77.4 + 1.7 75.2 + 2.3 64.5 + 5.8 81.1 + 5.2
Evaluator (year) Stromme (1997) Burke (1980) Orheim (1980) White (1982) Banniste
r (1987) Marion (1988) Australian Institute Sport (1989)
TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY The other component of maximum aerobic power is the technic
al efficiency of the athletes, which can be expressed as the range of mechanical
work done and the energy used by the individual to perform such work. Technical
efficiency = work done / energy required to perform the work The amount of oxyg
en consumed will be different for each individual to perform a specified task. T
echnical efficiency can therefore influence the physical form in a meaningful wa
y allowing athletes to be more "efficient" to do more work with the same level o
f oxygen consumption and / or spend less energy at a given workload. Some studie
s even suggest that technical efficiency may be one of the most important factor
s, which make the difference between athletes of "excellence" and "good" athlete
Cycling 2
In cycling the technical efficiency is affected by various factors such as posit
ion on the bike and pedaling technique (frequency and pattern of application of
force on the pedals Issues related to the position on the bike and pedaling tech
nique treated broadly in the Level One manual SICC. cadence cadence associated w
ith the lowest oxygen consumption for a given working power, it is estimated aro
und 90 to 100 revolutions per minute (rpm) for trained cyclists on the road, in
exchange for novice riders is approximately 60 rpm. The specificity in the train
ing appears to influence the optimal cadence in trained cyclists. In situations
of high intensity (eg when a cyclist is hunting group during a competition fligh
t route), appears to be more efficient high cadence pedaling to try to advance a
"breakthrough" heavy at low speeds, but when the group moves at low speed and r
elatively the rider needs to recover, you can use a slightly larger gear for a m
oment and move forward with pedal at low revolutions per minute, and finally, in
training for the skills of individual and team pursuit is necessary a high-spee
d pedaling, where the rider can exceed the usual rate of pedaling (90-100 rpm),
recommended route for competitors. Table 2 shows an estimate of the relative con
tribution of different energy systems for various cycling tests. TABLE 2 CONTRIB
REMENTS PROVIDED BY: EVENT 200 m. 200 m. Output stopped Launched Output stopped
* 1000 m. 3000 m. 4000 m. 4000 m. Individual Equipment 15 km. ITT Anaerobic ATP-
CP AEROBIC SYSTEM LACTIC Sec 55-60 15-18 35-40 <5 25-30 60-65 = 10.5 to 12 Sec 1
0 Sec 65-75 <15 60-65 <20 3:45 4:00 min. <5 30-35 <60-65 4:40 to 5:00 min. <3 =
25 <70 4:15 to 4:30 min. <4 = 30 <65 20 to 23 min. <1 = 10 = 90 DURATION
Cycling 2
40 km. ITT 53-60 min. = 0 <5 <95 100 km. TTT 120-130 min. 0 = 5-10 <90 150 km In
dividual Road. 3 h 45-4 h 00 0 = 5 <95 • A RIDE TO TRACK M. 333.33 =: ABOUT,>: M
AYOR A, <: CHILD, ITT: individual time, TTT: AGAINST team time.
Most of the energy required in efforts lasting longer than five hours, as is the
case of road races, from the aerobic system, but a good route runner usually de
velops a high level of anaerobic power as well as good resistance. Although the
contribution of total energy produced by the anaerobic system during the race, i
t is usually very limited compared to the contribution of the aerobic system, ro
ad specialists will not succeed if only develop the latter, because the powers o
f the route critical moments of the race is so intense that the energy can only
be supplied anaerobically. When runners run away, climb a short slope, rise high
er speeds or when they make a final sprint, the energy normally required exceeds
what can be produced through the aerobic system. In addition to the development
of the physical qualities of strength and endurance, must be improved skills on
the bike, which were discussed in detail in the manual at a SICC. Individual ti
me trial time trial individual competencies can be very short (5 km or less). bu
t also can be performed with much larger distances (40 km or more). The individu
al time trial skills with a duration of five minutes or more demanding of the ri
der the maximum aerobic power. When the effort exceeds 20 minutes or more, the r
esistance is becoming increasingly important. In this case, the "specific resist
ance" of the runners (the ability to sustain high speeds over long distances rat
her than travel long distances for several hours at low intensity) becomes criti
cal. TRACK EVENTS Kilometer time trial
Cycling 2144
The time required to cover this distance (1 minute and 10 seconds to 1 minute an
d 25 seconds to 1 minute and 07 seconds or less for high-performance cycling) in
dicates that most of the energy demand for this event is produced by the anaerob
ic system. However, when analyzing the evidence observed during the first 10-12
seconds the essential energy is produced by the ATP-CP;€in 35-45 seconds after i
t reaches the peak of lactic acid and at the end of the test has a contribution
of the aerobic system, so it is important to work the aerobic capacity to preven
t the fall speed in the last 100-200 meters of the race to test the women's equi
valent is the 500-meter time, where the effort has a duration ranging from 39 to
45 seconds to 35 seconds in high-performance racers. The energy input is mostly
provided by ATP-CP system, the effort is classified as anaerobic.
PHOTO 30. Arnaud Tournant. Recordman PRUIEBA OF MILEAGE FOR THE C / R 1:00.148 M
Team Pursuit (4000 m) While the distance traveled in this test is the same as in
the individual pursuit for the elite, the demands of the team pursuit are diffe
rent. The effect of the corridor that goes to the front "cutting the wind" reduc
es the effort they make the runners followed by a span of 30 seconds or more, de
pending on track size and frequency of changes in the corridor that goes tip. Th
us, the effort in front of the computer requires more anaerobic power that the i
ndividual pursuit. The term "a wheel", has a partial recovery before the next tu
rn, but the broker must maintain the same level of concentration.
Cycling 2
Typically, this event attracts riders who have good aerobic and anaerobic power.
PHOTO 32. Points race
As points race in the team pursuit, points race attracts runners aerobic and ana
erobic power. The distance of a points race, varies from 10-50 miles, depending
on the category and branch, for youth and women ranging from 10 to 24 km, while
for elite male distance is 50 kilometers maximum. Due to the relatively short du
ration of the test (between 15-70 minutes), the average speed is usually very hi
gh, which requires a maximal aerobic power. On the other hand, sprints held ever
y two miles or so (the number of turns, depending on the size of the track) dema
nd a high level of anaerobic power and capacity. ENERGY DEMAND OF EACH TEST
Physical requirements Anaerobic Power Test Speed Resistance Force Resistance ana
erobic anaerobic Anaerobic Power Requirements Requirements Technical Requirement
s strategic tactical handling of the bike Very high Very high pulse Coordination
Standing Start Acceleration Very Low Very Low Pass
Speed Km time trial (1000
Cycling 2
Physical Power Requirements Speed Force Resistance Persecution aerobic anaerobic
aerobic power individual anaerobic power aerobic stamina Speed Power Strength S
peed Chase Anaerobic Endurance Team Final Aerobic Power Endurance Race anaerobic
power points anaerobic Resistance Speed Test meters) Power Aerobic Endurance An
aerobic Power Resistance Anaerobic Endurance Strength Power anaerobic aerobic an
aerobic Power Strength Power Endurance Anaerobic Aerobic Anaerobic Power Power P
ower Endurance aerobic anaerobic anaerobic Speed Resistance
Requirements Requirements Technical Requirements strategic tactical
Step Start Pedaling uniform
Step Relay uniform Start Pedaling
Uniform pedaling bicycle Menejador Spring
Very high
Very high
Single Path
Uniform pedaling bicycle Management
Individual time
Step Relay uniform uniform pedaling pedaling bicycle uniform Spring Step Managem
ent uniform pedaling around the corner
Team time trial
Cycling 2
In order to achieve high results in the development of cycling sports, coaches h
ave to not only master the technique, it is also important to know from planning
and implementing the training, principles and general aspects for the preparati
on, as well as elements applied sciences that will enable the scientific trainin
g that achieves benefits for the health of athletes and obtaining good results w
ith greater economy of effort. This is why coaches need to master the content be
ing discussed in this chapter, with the aim of making good preparations for bike
rs early age.
4.7 TIPS DIDACTIC • For better meet the aim, content will be developed as
conference. The driver support sheets, transparency and other visual media, to e
xpose the general issues to consider in the planning and execution of the prepar
ation of the rider and to build the concepts and how they should be applied in t
he development of preparation. You should also use examples to illustrate more c
learly every aspect, inviting the coaches to participate as moderators or speake
rs and reflect on mastering this content to improve their practice as coaches cy
• The driver will divide the class into groups so that each make a painting
overview of the concepts provided about the capabilities that can be trained, th
e characteristics of power systems and consumer demands in each event. Later in
the meeting setting out the relationship between support for capacity building f
rom a system of energy production in the body as well as consumer demands in eve
ry cycling event. To do so, should the driver from scenarios and personal experi
ence, as well as other coaches, gained in their professional practice. In the en
d they will choose the best summary table which reflect concepts and examples an
d will be photocopied for all coaches.
Cycling 2
Instructions: Match the following columns correctly, noting in parentheses the l
etter of the correct answer
1. Refers to the total work done: 2. It is the absolute level of tax effort to t
he agency: 3. The athlete must undergo constant stimuli of physical work: 4. The
number of sessions within a given period of time: 5. It refers to the nature of
the activity and the characteristics of training: 6. From a physiological stand
point, the ability of an individual to adequately perform a task, Aryan is a fun
ction of factors, including heredity, age and others: 7. If the training is adjo
urned for a certain period of time, you lose the fitness gained: 8. Subsequently
, the physical form is stabilized and from this point will only return relativel
y increases in fitness:
) A) Specificity of training)) b) Volume of work) c) Intensity of training) d) G
radual increase of the load and wavy) e) Frequency of training f))) h) Reversibl
e effects of fitness
g) Adaptability
Instructions: Match the following columns correctly.
9. Is the range of joint motion with our body: 10. Is the maximum stress that an
athlete can perform during muscle contraction: 11. The ability to repeat a musc
le against a resistance effort relatively high: 12. It is the ability to put int
o action quickly muscle strength 13. It is the ability to make or repeat work fo
r a long period of time at a certain intensity:
a) b) c) d) e)
Flexibility Resistance Force Resistance Force-Power
Cycling 2
Instructions: Enter the right parenthesis of the letter that corresponds to the
correct answer. 14. It refers to the ability of the broker to do work for a long
period of time, usually hours at low intensity: () a) Resistance anaerobic b) m
uscular strength c) Endurance 15. The human body gets energy through chemical re
actions of cleavage of organic fuels, classified into the following systems: ()
a) Aerobic, anaerobic and anaerobic-lactic-alactic b) Aerobic and anaerobic c) R
esistance aerobic, anaerobic-lactic anaerobic-alactic
Instructions: Match the following columns correctly.
16. Anaerobic-alactic: 17. -Lactic anaerobic system: 18. The ability to repeat a
muscle against a resistance effort relatively high: 19. It is the ability to pu
t into action quickly muscle strength 20. It is the ability to make or repeat wo
rk for a period of time at a certain intensity:
a) b) c) d) e)
Force Resistance Force against the clock Kilometers-resistance power
Instructions: Match the following columns correctly.
Percentage of energy requirements provided by:
Cycling 2
Anaerobic lactic
Aerobic System
Event a) 1000 m output stopped
21. 15-18 sec. 22. 10.5 to 12 sec. 23. 65-75 sec. 24. 3:45 to 4:00 min 25. 4:40
to 5:00 min 26. 4:15 to 4:30 min. 27. 20-23 min. 28. 53-60 min 29.€120-130 min 3
0. 3:45 to 4:00 pm
55-60 25-30 <15 <5 <3 <4 <1 = 0 0 0
35-40 60-65 60-65 30-35 = 25 = 30 = 10 <5 = 5-10 = 5
<5 = 10 <20 <60-65 <70 <65 = 90 <95 <90 <95
) B) 3 000 m)) c) 200 m output stopped
) D) 4000 m teams) e) 200 m released) f)) g) Single route 150 km)) h) 15 km ITT)
i) j) 40 km 100 km TTT ITT 4000 Single m
Instructions: Enter the right parenthesis of the letter that corresponds to the
correct answer. 31. Aerobic power is a function of two parameters: a) The oxygen
consumption and metabolism of fat b) The oxygen consumption and aerobic system
c) The maximum oxygen consumption and technical efficiency 32. The amount of oxy
gen that can be used by muscle cells to break down food and produce energy aerob
ically for an intense effort: a) The aerobic system b) Maximum oxygen consumptio
n c) anaerobic system 33. Is the range between the mechanical work done and the
energy used by the individual to perform such work:
Cycling 2151
a) The maximum aerobic power b) The technical efficiency c) The anaerobic system
34. It is the theoretical point at which lactic acid production by the effects
of exercise exceeds the body's ability to metabolize: a) alactic b) Aerobic c) A
Answer Sheet
Chapter 5
Cycling 2

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