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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Lun Sian Cing

Date: 10.02.2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What
could be improved? How? What will I do
differently? How does this connect to the
theory I have read from class?)
- My students noticed that I was really - It was the last day for the practicum and
tired. my energies were draining day by day. I
drank two cups of coffee before the
classes start. However, my students
noticed that I was really tired by just
looking at me. One of them even asked
me if I want to sleep. It was a blessing to
feel the students love for me. They were
kind to me the whole day through by
paying attention to me and hugging me to
give me strength.

- My lesson finished earlier than I planned. - Those kind of moments really made me
overwhelmed because I have nothing
planned after my lesson. It was difficult
for me to come up with an activity they
can all follow through because I am not
familiar with their activities yet. I did not
study what the teacher used to do if they
have more time. And that day, my
classroom teacher had to help me figure
out what I should do with the times left.
From that, I have learned that it can
never go wrong to plan more than we

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