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Strategy Purpose Procedure Application

Line of communication -Check for line up - Word wall

understanding ________A - Sentence frames
- Solidify *before, during, and
understanding ________B after reading
- Productive

Reciprocal teaching -Productive language -Students are put in - Check for meaning
-Comprehensive input groups of four. making
- Accountability - Each students
- Producing language
receives a role
- Collaborative groups
questioner, clarifier, and

Close reading - Integrating language - Read the text - Re-reading text to

areas to all content - Re-read the text focus on different
areas. focusing on different purposes.
- Develop language purposes - This can be done and
- Develop seven in different
understanding and content areas
comprehension of a

Academic Language - Allows the teacher to - Teacher displays - Developing

Corners tap into prior different illustration collaborative/group
knowledge - Using sticky- notes work skills.
- Promotes language students label the - Building writing
development pictures(nouns, schema and
verbs, etc.) understanding.
- Frame vocabulary - Understanding the
using functions and different parts of
structures speech and how to
- Students share their properly use them.
sentence forms

Morning Message -Clear the mind of - When students first - Morning routine
clutter enter the classroom - Build schema
-Promotes creativity they write for 10
- Summative
- Give guidelines or - Helps students to
writing prompts if
necessary. become fluent writers

Writers Notebook -To incubate ideas for - Students spend 10-15 - Develops students
writing minutes writing writing habits and
- Develop writing feelings.

Sprinting - Helps students build - Ten minutes to write - Center time

reading stamina everyday - Warm up
- Students learn to - Teacher gives one - Morning routine
think and write quickly word, students write
about topics about it.
- The teacher calls out
another word, the
students chose to
continue to write
about the first word or
about the new word.
- This continues until
the sprint writing time
is over.

Line-up -Opportunity to talk - Select a topic that - Sentence line-up

- The cement requires students to - Events in a story
understanding of complete a sequential
sequence task
- Students line up in
- Share out
Pictorial Conversations - To build on prior - Cut up illustrations - Learning about
experiences - Distribute pieces timelines
- To help children - Find pieces that go - Sequencing a story
describe an together - Re-telling a story for
- In groups, describe comprehension
illustrations using - Understanding story
sentence forms structure

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