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Chapter Quiz C (Nadia Luthfi Khairunnisa)

1. Compensatory response, Primary responses to drug, Conditioned reaction

2. A-process, B-Process
3. Needle : Hypodermic Tekanan darah

(NS) US) (UR)

Needle Tekanan darah meningkat

(CS) (CR)

4. US, UR
5. US, UR
6. Tone : Increased heart rate Decrease heart rate

Tone Decreased heart rate


Quick Quiz I (Nadia Luthfi Khairunnisa)

1. Counterconditioning, Reciprocal Inhibition, Incompatible, Inhibits
2. Imaginary Stimuli, Systematic Desensitization, Relaxation
3. - Training in relaxation
- Creation of hierararchy of imaginary scenes that elicit progressively
- Pairing of each item in the hierarchy with relaxation

Study Question

5. Resorcla Wagner Theory

A given us support only so much conditioning and this amount of
conditioning must be distributed among the various CSs that are present.

The rescorla wagner explanation for the overshadowing effect is that there
is only so much associative value available (if you will, only so much spit
available) for conditioning and if the more salient stimulus in the
compound picks up most of the associative value, then there is little
associative value left over for the less salient stimulus.

In the case of blocking, for example the tone is such a good predictor of
food that the light with which it is later paired becomes redundant and the
presence of the light does not affect the subjects expectation about the
food. As a result, no conditioning occurs to the light. In general, then,
conditioning can be viewed as a mater of building the subjects expectation
that one event will follow another.

15. Aversion Theraphy adalah usaha untuk mengurangi daya tarik problem
behavior dengan mengasosiakannya dengan stimulus aversif.
Covert Sensitization is aversion theraphy carried out with the use of
imaginal stimuli rather tahn real stimuli. For example a person addicted to
smoking might imagine experiencing extreme illness and vomitting each
time she tries to smoke.

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