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Gung Ho

Oscar Delgado Flores A01561437

Case Study

1. The basic Japanese values are very straight. The leader is

the most important element in a company. Hierarchy
gives you power and all the people respect their superior.
Not gender equality. CEO is the only one can take
decisions. They are perfectionist.
2. That all the people that is over other people, talking
about hierarchy, take advantage of their position and
dont care people.
That people dont have enough time for their families
because the work is more important.
Boss do not treat good his subordinates.
3. Is very important because for example, here in Mexico,
we have more freedom in our workplace than the japan
workplace and sometimes the way they told you orders
is not polite. We do not like to receive orders. If we do not
understand how the Japanese people behaves in the
work environment, is going to be extremely difficult to be
4. Is different the way they are treat, for example, in
America, people likes to feel that the boss appreciate
their effort and in Japan, effort never going to be enough.
American people is better paid working less. In japan, the
workers are paid less, working more. In America, if you
feel sick you can take a free day to recover and in japan
you must go to work even if you feel very sick.
5. Because is a very different way to work and if you have
worked for a long time by induvial way, the collective one
is going to be difficult. The main differences are that in
the collectivist environment, there are groups and maybe
your personality or you believe of how to work is
customary to work by an individual way. Maybe you
cannot match in groups.
6. Because the communication process is very different. In
America, you can talk to you manager every time you
want and in japan no, because they respect them.
Something fool, but where we can appreciate the high
and low communication is that in America, you can talk
with other in the work and in japan you cannot. Is like the
other face of the coin.
7. Hierarchy is very important, as I mentioned. The people
are in high positions, in japan, are more important than
the other. Also, here the chain communication is
important to whit who are you going to give results and
with who you cannot.
8. In japan, women are less important than the Japanese
one. In America, the women is taking in consideration
when a man is going to take decision and in japan,
decision-making process is just made by men. In japan
women are not respected. On multinational and national
(but bigger) companies there is not women on important
9. Learning the what they are doing wrong and adopting the
good things from the other culture to the yours. It affects
because is an important change and sometimes the
change is not accepted or is a process to know how to
work with. Putting on risk some position in the company.
10. It affects because communication change with
cultures, like for example the language, nonverbal
communication and other things could affect. Learning
other culture communication is very difficult because is
something that is not common to see every day.
Sometimes we dont like how people from other culture
communicates, for example by a cold way or a direct

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