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Vogue is a magazine aimed exclusively at women that focuses on the latest trends and

high-end fashions from the most popular high-end brands, such as Prada, Gucci and Chanel.
Vogue offers a classy, professional and sophisticated vibe for women who are of the higher
socio class, ranging between ages 18-45. The magazine tends to aim at the higher socio
groups A and B, and few in C1. This is because Vogue offers more than any other fashion
magazine, and focuses mainly on the fashion, but also includes celebrities who are looked
up to by the reader, and important issues, such as equality, etc. It is a magazine which aims
to empower women and really make them feel like they are on top, in their own, unique
way. Celebrities such a Rihanna, Kendal Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Rosie Huntington and Kate Moss
have all been featured on the cover or in the magazine, and they are all women who
Vogues audience look up to.
How it addresses the Audience looking at a selection of content: Vogue addresses their
reader by the use of words, images, colours and fonts. Vogue is very specific about who they
are aiming their magazine at. Looking at the
survey I created about the Vogues target
audience, I found that Vogue readers are aimed
at women, mainly between 18-45. It is a very
broad target audience of women, from older
teens to adults. These are preferably people of
a higher socio class, and people who can afford
to buy their issues and have the time to read
them, etc. This is because the magazine is more
expensive compared to other magazines and
for other fashion magazines, Vogue is seen as
Exclusive. There would possibly be more
people between 25-45 that buy more
magazines women who want to escape their
day-to-day lives and want to relax and read
about what they feel matters all from fashion
to world politics. This is also because they are
more likely to afford more of the magazines.
Magazine prices start from 3.99 for each issue,
or 19.99 for 12 (annual) issues.
Words: Words used in Vogue are often very formal and usually quite persuasive and
informing the reader directly. They are directed at fashion, which is obvious by the
headlines, such as Pick your swimsuit style, and Fashion to flatter every figure, etc., and
everyone who knows of Vogue knows it is a fashion magazine.
Images: The magazine has used Rihanna on their front cover, wearing a quite classy yet
sexy, tight dress that shows off her body, and then her red hair, covering half her face. Red
is a very sexy and seductive colour, and because its covering half her face makes it a little
mysterious and sensual. Rihanna is a world known artist and she is someone millions of
people, especially women, look up to. Having her on the cover of the Vogue magazine would
attract a lot more readers, compared to many other celebrities.
Colours: The colours used on this issue of Vogue are quite soft colours in the background,
which looks to be the sea with the sunset behind it (a soft yellow/ nude colour) and then the
sky, a soft blue. You can see a transparent fence that Rihanna is holding onto, so she could
be on a boat by the sea, which suggests a higher-class and it is quite formal. She stands out
quite well from the background, with her expensive dress which is slightly mesh-like with
sequins, and her red hair that stands out the most. On most Vogue covers, the celebrity that
is on the cover usually stands out more than the background. You can see more examples

On all of these covers, the celebrities stand out from the background, and you can see that
the background are either a plain colour or if they have a certain background, then it has
been extremely blurred out to make the celebrity stand out and make the background less
Fonts: The fonts used on the front cover are very organised, clear and bold fonts that stand
out. The magazine has their name, VOGUE, in capital, at the same placement of every
issue, making it easy for the buyer/reader to find the magazine. It also makes it look more
professional by using the same font for the VOGUE. Other fonts are used for the headlines
on the cover of the magazine. However, these fonts are all clear and sophisticated fonts that
make the magazine look professional and classy, relating more to their target audience.
Whereas if they used fonts like Comin Sans MS, it may attract the wrong type of audience,
such as middle or lower class, as it would suggest that it isnt a serious and classy magazine.
They have certain headlines in bold, and/or bigger text, which makes that headline stand
out more this could be headlines that Vogue feel would help attract the audience to want
to buy and read the magazine.
The construction of content relates to the audience: Vogue modifies their magazine
particularly for a female audience. They use female celebrities to feature on the cover of
each issue, and these celebrities are positioned in a way which make them look classy yet
sexy, and confident in their own skin, as well as a great sense of style.
Narratives: Different narratives (or headlines) included in the magazine, are mainly fashion
related such as Fashion to flatter every figure. There are also stories that relate to
celebrities and world issues. Vogue is the kind of magazine that has a quite specific aim to
create an image for women and how they should look. They include narratives that advice
the audience to live better and eat healthier. You can see this from the headlines on the
cover, Push your fitness limits. Give up sugar. Cut back alcohol. Whilst this is all suggesting
tips for healthier living, it is also creating an image in the audiences head of how they
should look, along with other headlines such as Worlds most Beautiful Bodies
Layout: Vogues layout is very organised and sophisticated, making it clear for the audience,
everything is neatly presented and not thrown about the page and messy with snappy
words such as Wow put on the magazine randomly. The simpler and more well-presented
the magazine, the easier it will be for Vogue to appeal their magazine to their older
audiences. If you compare it to Vogues other magazine collection, Teen Vogue, this
magazine has an audience of younger teens, from ages 14-18. This is clear from the front
cover, which has a lot more colour, and bolder texts, and the layout is overall not as neat or
sophisticated as the original Vogue magazines. It is also clear that Teen Vogue is more
aimed at younger teens, due to the title and also because the celebrities used on the front
cover are celebrities that younger audiences look up to, such as 1 Direction, Selena Gomez,
Ariana Grande, etc. These are all celebrities whos target audience are the same ages as
Teen Vogue Magazine, because they are celebrities all from bands such as 1 Direction, to
Selena Gomez and Ariana Grande, who have been on Disney Channel in their younger years.
Whereas the Vogue magazine use celebrities which would relate to an older audience and
who the older age groups look up to or follow on social medias, etc.
more, such as Kate Moss and Rihanna.
Captions: Captions are very important in magazines as they are the
first thing the audience sees to draw them in to the rest of the
article. Captions need to be interesting to catch the eye of the
reader, and they need to be preferable short and to the point, so by
using techniques such as direct-address and alliteration help with
this. Vogue use captions for their headlines, that are all very much
related in the same area: Fashion and women, for example, Pick
you swimsuit style. Vogue is a magazine which tends to aim at the
perfection in women, and how women can have/ get the perfect
look, therefore captions such as Secrets behind the Worlds most beautiful bodies and
Fashion to flatter every figure are captions which give suggestions of how you should look,
etc. and with the Beautiful bodies caption, they have made half the caption stand out
more, so this way, women who dont feel like they have a perfect body will be attracted by
the caption Worlds most beautiful bodies and get the idea that that is how they should
look, rather than looking at the whole caption.
Anchorage is the way an image is portrayed by the accompanied text or sound, so that it is
interpreted the way it was intended. In this article
of Vogue, How Green is Green, it makes the reader
instantly think that it is about being eco-friendly,
which is exactly what the article I about. This is what
makes the Vogue magazines more relatable
and attractive towards the older audiences,
because they include narratives and articles on
important things in that happen in the world, rather
than just talking about fashion, the latest trends
and how to lose weight in 30 days, etc. The
magazine is thinking about being more eco-
friendly and what people need to do to achieve this,
etc. They also include articles that involve
celebrities talking about important world issues, for
example Emma Watson talking about the
importance of equality and feminism. This also shines a light on females and empowering
women, which is what Vogue is about making women feel stronger and more
independent. Vogue also include articles that
focus just on a certain celebrity, for example
this article of Rita Ora, which include a 4-
question interview and a small amount of
information on her. Using celebrities such as
Rita Ora, and having a double spread of them
would not only attract the current target
audience but fans of Rita Ora would also be
attracted into buying that issue of Vogue, and
the same with other celebrities who have
similar double-spreads in other Vogue issues.
Besides these articles, about 80% of the magazine is about Fashion and advertisement of
different fashion trends and designer fashion brands, such as Gucci and Prada.
Finally look at codes and conventions and how they cater for the audience: As with all media
texts, the codes and conventions are important to follow and can allow the audience to
have a certain expectation on what they are reading. It also allows producers to understand
what their audience want.
Linguistic: Everyone knows that Vogue is a fashion magazine and people who get the Vogue
Issues regularly know what theyre going to get and expect to get just that. Because of this it
would be hard for Vogue to change anything, or include less fashion and more of something
else, therefore Vogue has to follow the needs and wants of
their reader and so therefore they follow certain linguistic
patterns in order for them to get their audience intrigued.
For example, in this cover of Vogue, with Kate Moss on the
cover, the have certain headlines bigger and bolder than
others, this is because these are headlines which are more
likely to attract the audience into picking up the magazine,
such as Sensational Summer and Kate Moss Kate Moss is
a Fashion legend, so women who are buying the Issues for
the fashion side, would be intrigued by not only Kate Moss
on the cover, but also her name being in a large font,
highlights to the reader that there will be a narrative on her
inside the magazine. Sensational Summer would be of
interest to women when nearing the summer months.
Seeing as this issue was published in June, it would be more suitable for the reader and
would engage them to read more, as it not only applies to the interest but also makes the
audience more intrigued to see whats inside.
Visual: The typical codes and conventions of the visual style of magazines are, the
masthead/ name of the magazine would be placed at the top of the cover, with one
enlarged image in the middle of the cover, with smaller headlines and article titles, etc. that
give the audience an insight and idea of what is inside the issue. Vogue does the very
precise, by using the same font, shape, and size of their masthead, at the same position of
every issue. This way, it looks professional and makes the
magazine more recognisable. The font is in enlarged and capital
letters, and it is important that the celebrity on the cover stand
out from the background, to make them the centre of attention.
This is a technique used in many other magazines, such as ELLE,
where the model stands out from the plain background, making
this celebrity the main topic of the issue. If a very famous person
or well-looked up-to/ role model of some sort, is used on the
cover, fans of that celebrity will also be likely to buy that issue so
they can read about the celebrity. The celebrity whos on the
cover of any magazine usually tends to have a story/ double
spread on something involving that celebrity inside that issue.
Symbolism: Codes and Conventions in Symbolism often relate to
colour, setting and body language. The generic codes and conventions for Vogue is that they
have a very sophisticated and classy look from the layout of their magazine, with fonts and
text style and size etc. to which celebrity they use and how they want their celebrities
positioned. They always have an extremely blurred out background or a plain one, but the
celebrity is made the main focus of the issue and they need to stand out from everything
else, for example the text cant stand out more than the celebrity. The idea of Vogue using
different celebrities that women look up to, is to attract the right type of target market as
well as a wider audience. They always use a female celebrity, which shows that Vogues
main focus is women. The female celebrities used on the cover of Vogue issues are usually
very confident, strong and beautiful women which is also the type of audience Vogue hopes
to attract. It is also important for a magazine to portray the same message through the
image, than in words.
Mode of address is the way in which the producer communicates to its audience. In Vogue,
they try to use a high-class tone and style in order for them to attract the right type of
audience. As Vogue is a well-known Fashion magazine, they tend to have the headlines on
the front cover being Fashion related, and by almost selling the magazine by including
headlines about the celebrity on the front cover, from example on this Issue, Emma Stone is
on the cover and there is a headline about her high up on the cover, in line with her face
that reads The new Hollywood heroine Emma Stone. Her name has been enlarged and in
bold, making it stand out. Certain texts have been made larger than others; most likely the
ones that the producer believes would attract the audience more. On this cover with Emma
stone, the text is in Pink and very female-dominated, as pink is seen as a girly colour. This
gives the impression that it is aimed towards females. Vogue does not use many slang words
or lexis, as this would go against the concept of it being a sophisticated and classy magazine
and aimed at the high-class audience.

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